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  • Name of craft selling site that starts with a P?

    I had someone tell me the other day about an art and craft selling site but can not remember the name. I know it starts with a P and would remember if I heard it,

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities10 years ago
  • is there a site to sell hand made items that i do not need PayPal?

    I want to sell my stuff on line but do not like dealing with PayPal. Any ideas on where else to go?

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • How do I build up paint on my canvas?

    I have gesso but it is thin and I think it is just for a primer. Iam needing to build up sections for thicker texture. What can i use?

    3 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • need help with an Italian cuss word?

    I work for italians and they keep using this one word and we know it is a bad word, but are not really exactly sure what it means. It sounds like 'cheapshot" or 'sheepshot' We think it might be like MF here, but I was wondering if anyone can give me a little more info.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Obama wants to charge Vets for health care. What do you think?

    Last night on the world news, they had a story saying that Obama wants to do away with free health care for verterans and start charging family is livid (especially my dad who was in the Navy). What are your thoughts on this?

    38 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do the TV court shows pay the judgement cost?

    When people go on shows like Judge Judy, and she rules in favor of one or the other, does the show pay the judgment? And if so, what is to make the other side fight to win?

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Tax gas up to $4 A gallon...How does that make you feel?

    I heard Tom Brockaw asking if they should just tax gas back up to $4 or 5 a gallon again to prevent people from useing gas in excess since it is cheaper. I believe he was talking to Obama but will not swear to it.

    How would you feel about that if it were to happen?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • why is there already an Obama day? ?

    A county in Alabama has issued an Obama day the second Tuesday of November. The government employees get the day off. What if they don't want the day off?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think that Wipeout is pretty much just a live action Mario Brothers...

    I think they should add the theme music from Mario..that would be cool!

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Who Do you want to win on Greatest American Dog? Who do you want to see leave?

    My 5 year old got hooked on GAD before it even cam out and now I am watching it too...

    I was sad the Tilman got booted, but really want Star to win. If not Star then Presley.

    I can do with out Beacon and Bella Star (mainly because of their owners).

    Who are your picks? :D

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it just me or is Tinker Bell not a very nice person?

    We were watching Peter pan the other night and I just could not help be feel that tinker bell was really being a little B word most of the time.

    Then, they are coming out with a movie of just her and she seems to be all nice and happy and fal-la-la fairy.

    Any one else have mixed feelings on Tink?

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do kids today "get" the Breakfast Club JC Penny's commercial?

    I have been seeing the new Penny's commercial copying the Breakfast Club and watching made me relize that the kids it is aimed towards probably do not even get the refernce. So essential it is aimed at the parents.

    Do you think kids "get" the ad?

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Should I judge someone with a swastika tattoo?

    A while back I was at the lake and a nice family came in next to us. Mom and dad and a couple little girls...they let us play with their floaty while they were on the lake...They had a nice truck and boat...didn't come off as red neck or anything like that.

    But I noticed that he had a large swastika tattoo. It struck me as strange...being from the south I am used to conferate flags all around and find myself thinking those that take pride in them are showing their ignorance. But I find swastikas more scary then just ignorant.

    I would not judge him just on that really, but it did make me feel would you feel?

    13 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Where can I advertise for booth vendors cheap?

    I am opening up a vintage and craft mall and need to advertise for vendors, but do not have $400 to put into the newspaper ad. Anyone know where I can advertise on the cheap?

    2 AnswersDallas1 decade ago
  • Reflexology Question?

    I have been having some discomfort and cramping in my abdomn area for the past couple months and over the last month or so I niticed my feet have been hurting when I stand. I looked up the reflexology chart and according to it, it is my small intestine.

    I question is, would massaging that area of the foot help or hinder? Or does it really matter?

    9 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Acrylic paint for windows?

    I need to paint some advertising on windows for a business, and have always used just regular acrylics for my own, but was wondering if there was a special wondow paint that may work better to insure it will not come off too easily.

    1 AnswerPainting1 decade ago
  • Dog Custody?

    I have a friend that is breaking up with her boyfriend and he will be moving out very soon. A few years ago she gave hom a dog as a gift, but she has been the one to raise him and he is bonded to her a lot more then to him.

    She believes he will be moving half way across the country and is afaid that he will take the dog just out of spite. He likes the dog and all, but is not as involved as she is.

    I know this may sound like a silly question, but is is really weighing on her.

    I think that she said that her name was on the papers and they had his added to it (so both of their names are one them).

    Can anyone give me some advice to give her about what she can do to keep the dog legally?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • how can I better advertise my art?

    I have noticed several other mural artists advertising on one of the main sites I advertise on. And since they seem to have more experience and are better artistcally (though my rates are quite a bit lower), how can I draw more attention to my ads?

    I always include examples of my work in the ad (I have noticed several that do not include pictures).

    would a longer ad be better? or shuld i keep it simple and to the point?

    any help would be appreciated!

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • Should I include my price rates in my mural art advertising?

    When I place an ad (mainly online ads), should I include what I charge for mural art in the ad, or should I just tell them to email me for rates?

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago