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  • Can I take cross stitch items on a flight?

    I mean fabric, threads and the needle. The needles for cross stitch aren't even sharp. Going on a long flight soon and need something to do!

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation9 years ago
  • Cross stitch and embroidery?

    Also aswel, what's the difference between 28 count evenweave and 14 count aida and if a pattern calls for 28 count to be used how would I convert it to be done on 14 count?

    Thanks again in advance

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Space and exploding stars?

    Just read an artical about scientist seeing a delayed glimpse of a star that explosed more than 150 years ago. If it happened that long ago how can they see it today?

    Space and time intrests yet baffles me at the same time.

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Liver and onions from morrisons cafe (morrisons supermarket) ?

    Had liver and onions at morrisons cafe last Saturday. Twas very very nice and now I have a craving for it.

    This is for anyone who works in the cafe at morrisons super market --- how do you make the liver and onions you serve there? I want to recreate the flavour and texture as it was sooo Devine!

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • How long does cold turkey take from heroin?

    Im writing a book and need info. My main character gets locked in her bedroom by her father so she can come off heroin and I'm wondering exactly what will she go through and would this method be safe for her?

    Also how long would it take her to get over this and would she eat or drink during the process?

    I've watched train spotting and read things online but I need a bit extra in depth info if poss please


    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • My partner won't go to family parties?

    We have been together for 5 years and lived together for 3.5 years but the whole time my partner will not attend my family get togethers.

    He is from a small family, very small it's just his parents and an aunt he sees about 3 times a year. My family is huge and very welcoming.

    I have tried to get to the bottom of it and it's not his confidence Or anything. A few years back my parents let me down over something that now seems pretty damn trivial, all was forgiven and we moved on. In fact the let down made me grow up so did me a favour in the long run. Now I believe that my partner has drawn from this experience and still holds it against them.

    I'm going to be a great aunt very soon and I'm excited, he on the other hand turns his nose up at the idea.

    It's my mums 65th birthday soon and a huge party is planned but he won't attend and seems to get Annoyed when I talk about it.

    Tried to confront him over it but it turns into a massive argument and I end up in tears over it.

    I love him so much but my family will always come first any day

    Is or has anyone ever found themselves in this situation and how did u deal with it?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How many pounds to drop a dress size?

    I have lost 11lbs since 4/4/11 from diet and exercise but my clothes don't feel different. How much do I need to lose before I drop a dress size?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • How can I reduce water retention?

    I'm trying to slim down and have found I retain a lot of water in the area below my belly button. Sticks out like a sore thumb and I have been told to drink shed loads of water everyday, I'm doing this and don't look or feel different. My mum suggests water tablets to ease this,

    I am 25, female and I have pcos if that helps answering this question.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • A good morning workout?

    I wake up feeling pretty hungry so I have 2 weetabix with semi skimmed milk, approx 194 calories. I then do a half hour work out on EA Sports Active, a mixture of cardio and upper body work and today it said i burnt 200.8 calories (woop woop!)

    This leaves me feeling very hungry again, no way I could last until lunch like that, so today I had another 2 weetabix and a 500ml bottle of water. Now my partner has just said I wasted my time doing the work out by eating a 2nd breakfast as it 'cancelled' out my calorie loss. Baring in mind I ate low fat meals all day and ate fruit as snacks.

    The morning is the only time I can do it due to my work hours. And it leaves ms feeling good all day.

    Is he right? Did I waste my time?

    And should I exercise on an empty stomach? Or eat first?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Lost 3pound but clothes still feel the same?

    I've lost 3 pound in weight and 2 inch off my waist but my clothes don't feel loose and I don't look any different. Been dieting since 4/4/11.

    I'm not on a fad diet just changed what I eat and exercise every other day for 1 hour.

    When will see a real difference and when will I drop a dress size?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Toilet breaks at work?

    I drink 2 litres of water a day so I use the toilet often. My team leader pulled me up on this and said i used it too much. I explained I'm dieting and need to drink 2 litres of water per day to keep healthy. She wouldn't have it and said I need to tone down my drinking!

    I explained using the bathroom is a basic human right and if I need to go i will go.

    She's now threatened me with a warning if my stats don't improve. I work in a call center so our movements are tracked.

    I just want to know are employers allowed to limit your toilet breaks? My boyfriend said to get a note from our doctor to exain why I pee alot but why should I?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • To be an air hostess ?

    I'm thinking of a career change to an air hostess. But do they have to be certain height and weight? I am 5ft 2inch and weigh 167pounds. I am currently dieting to get to 140.

    When I went on holiday last year one of them was pretty short (she wore heels to make her tall) and she looked the same build as me.

    Also do you need to speak a different language at all?

    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Alternative to a colonic?

    I want to be 'flushed' out but I'm far too embarrassed to have a colonic. Would laxatives be ok to use at home and if so what uk brands are most effective?

    Ps yes I already have a good diet.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Fat free and calorie free?

    How can anything claiming to be fat and sugar free still have 69 calories in it? Shape yogurts I'm talking to you!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Very weird disturbing dream?

    No joke. Last night I dreamt I was sharing my flat with my boyfriend and another guy. The other guy was one of those faceless characters where you don't know what they look like.

    I was alone in the flat with him and found out he was a terrorist with links to al queda, so I grabbed my iPhone and left my flat. My flat door beeps when opened so this guy knew I had left. I ran down the corridor and instead of running to the lift I hid down the hall near the fire exit and listened as this terrorist used the life to leave the block to try and find me.

    I then find myself at my mums house wearing only my pink dressing gown worrying my iPhone didn't have a charger and my boyfriend will worry where I am.

    Then a police officer arrives and it was someone from work wanting to question me about the terrorist.

    I woke up very suddenly, my heart was beating fast and I felt emotional.

    Also is it true you dream about things you worry about? I once dreamt my dad died after having another stroke and that left me very emotional for a whole day.

    Any help as to what this means?

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Underactive thyroid symptoms?

    Are these symptoms .....

    I lack energy even a couple hours after getting up in the morning im ready for a sleep

    I have gained 2 stone within 12 months even though my diet us relatively healthy

    I find it hard to lose even 1 pound even with regular work outs

    My skin is dull and my finger nails don't grow right

    My great aunt had this and displayed most of the above symptoms.

    I'm seeing my GP with this list as soon as I can this week but I would like to know if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Who did Imogen Thomas sleep with?

    Was it really Giggs?

    8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why can't I lose weight?

    Been dieting and exercising since 19/3/11. I exercise 6 times per week (cardo/step aerobics) and haven't eaten a single scrap of junk food. Plenty of fruit and veg and 2litres of water a day.

    I an yet to lose my first pound. My clothes still fit the same and I still look fat. Should I see my GP.

    Any help/suggestions?

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • American Meatloaf recipe ?

    I love watching cookery shows especially ones from the states (I am from the uk) but I am yet to find a meat loaf recipe that doesn't dry out or come out oozing with fat and grease. Any recipes would be great and also what to searve it with. Even though im from the UK I find cups/quarts any US measurements easier to work with.

    Thanks peeps!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to lose 28lb by end of oct 2011?

    For when I go on holiday. I do aerobics 4 times per week and estimate I burn around 1000 calories per week. Combined with balanced meals and no junk food I guess I'm doing well buuuttt........I get home from work at 9:15 and I am hungry with hunger pains. I usually just have a cup of tea and a bag of snack a jacks but go to bed feeling slightly hungry ....... Is this ok? Should I go to bed hungry or eat to keep my metabolism going?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago