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Lv 758,399 points

Ivy has Twin Boys!

Favorite Answers39%

My twin boys were born March 15th, 2010. They are now walking, talking toddlers! We breastfed for 12 months and did a modified Babywise method (2 hour cycles to start, I fed one while the other slept on a cycle). This had them sleeping for 8 hours straight by 9 weeks of age. I am a fan of eat-play-sleep cycles, and not using sleep crutches. I am not a fan of the phrase "Attachment Parenting" although what this means can vary from person to person. Breastfeeding? Great. Cosleeping? Fine. Insulting everyone on Y/A who does let their child CIO or who is not an AP? Not Good. We use time-outs for my twins and it works very well at getting them to stop unwanted behaviors and to calm down. I am not anti-spanking, but choose to avoid spanking and yelling as much as possible. This last month we have been using the Leapfrog Letter Factory and the Preschool Prep Co. DVD's and my 25 month old twin boys now know their shapes and colors, and most of the letter names & phonics.

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