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Real angry at my wife today.?
Long story short, my wife is always telling me to give her all the documents I want kept safe, our banking records, insurance policy, family investments etc. and she will keep them in a safe place. In the past I've had a history of not exactly keeping my home office particularly well organized and so finding critical stuff has occasionally been difficult.
So, did as my wife asked and have been consistently been giving her our more important things to keep safe. Last week I changed jobs, well, in a manner of speaking. I am going from being a contractor with the fund I work for to being an employee. Part of that is making some minor financial movements. So, last night I asked her for our HSA (health care savings account) statement and debit cards, I gave them both to her about a month ago.
Well, she can't find them. She also can't find a few other things that we need. That pisses me off because, frankly, the amount of crap she has given me in the past about not being organized has been pretty significant.
We had a fight last night with her accusing me of not giving her the cards. That is total and complete BS. I give her all that stuff. We need to talk about this again but every time I start to bring it up I can tell she is going to blow up again.
Not sure how to approach this, but its important to get this stuff handled by tomorrow and I don't have too much time to smooth over her feelings.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Advice would be helpful.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoMy mother in law lies constantly.?
We had dinner tonight with my mom in law, sis in law and mom in laws new boyfriend.
It is currently 3:16 am and I am sleeping in the guest room after pissing off my wife because I refused to cover for my mom in laws lies.
This woman lies about everything, to the point where I don't even know whats true or not. She lies about where she works, she lies about who she is seeing, she once asked *before my wife and I met, that my wife introduce her as her sister because she didn't want people to think she was as old as she is.
I happen to like the guy she is dating and don't want to be party to her continued lying. I told my wife that before dinner, and so when we went out and she started he usual garbage, I didn't call her on it, but I refused to back her up. According to my wife I made her entire family look like a bunch of lyres. I told her there is an easy way not to be caught lying and that is not to back up her moms stories.
My wife got mad saying that now what is her granddaughter going to think of "nana" etc.
Not sure what my question is aside from, what in hell do I do? Ive put up with this woman for years, and I am not going to lie for her. I have a 4 year old daughter and I know the role model I want for her is not one that makes up every aspect of her life.
But my wife is very Asian and the concept of family solidarity runs very deep with her. I don't know how to handle this situation at this point. I know its vague, but any ideas would be welcome.
1 AnswerFamily8 years agoWhat's with all this Vampire garbage?
I see it on here all the time.
"Help me find a name for my Vampire play"
"Whats the name of that Vampire story"
etc. etc. etc.
What's the draw? I tried to watch the first Twilight movie and couldn't make it past the first 20 minutes. Maybe it's just because I'm old?
1 AnswerMythology & Folklore8 years agoWhy do people believe anything political parties say?
I read lots of questions on here from both Republicans and Democrats raking each other across the coals about political beliefs, or professing the superiority of one vs. the other. I have a hard time understanding how anyone these days can get excited about either party.
I spent about half my life as a Republican and half as a Democrat and all I can tell is that both lie, mislead, misrepresent and then lie some more. Both have worked, very hard in my opinion, to brutalize this country.
Just can’t see it. How is anyone excited about these fools?
1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago