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Purple Milanoo

Favorite Answers13%
  • Only got piwerball number no other numbers?

    Hi, well we got the piwerball number on our ticket but no other numbers , can we still get something for just having the powerball?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • I won powerball (only 1 number)?

    Hi , the powerball number was 19 and we have 19 but no other numbers, can we get a couple of dollars for just having the powerball itself?

    1 AnswerGambling6 years ago
  • My dog can't walk (Help)?

    Hello okay so I'm worried because my black lab today started limping and then it came across that he can't walk it's his back legs that won't let him walk. I don't know what's wrong. We can't afford to bring him to the vet right now. He's 4 and he is overweight to be honest. I don't think the weight made him not walk because he's always been a little chubby and now his leg is sticking

    Up and he can't walk. It's making me sad. Will he be okay?

    1 AnswerDogs6 years ago
  • Back pain cures?

    Any good back pain remedies? Arthritis in the back? What are good help?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Sick for eight days?

    Good morning, all. I've been sick since after Halloween. It was snowing that day and I was out in the cold. I've had A come and go bad sore throat since then. Other flu like symptoms as well. I missed some school but I also went some of the week. Every morning I wake up with a horrible sore throat but once I get to school I feel okay but then it comes back. I'm being well cared for. A lot of helpful medicine that works temporarily. A lot of fluids and got tea medicine and rest. I have a party tonight and how long will this last? I don't want to go to the doctor because I know what wrong with me. Any advice please ?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Poll: survey questions?

    Hello. How are you? Taking a poll. Please no ignorance or trolling.

    1.)How are you today?

    2.)Favorite colors?

    3.)Favorite month?

    4.)Least favorite month?

    5.)Singing or Acting?

    6.)Writing or Reading?

    7.)Cats or dogs?

    8.) Favorite movie?

    9.)Favorite sport?

    10.)Do you like Nicki Minaj?

    11.)What are great revenge ideas for a cheating man (clever pranks/sabotage for a comedy movie)

    12.)Coffee or tea?

    13.) Give me an example of someone framing somebody?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Who's your favorite Famous Person?

    Hello. how are you? Who is your favorite Famous Person? Mine is Nicki Minaj ! Whos yours?

    BONUS QUESTION (10 points) What are great revenge ideas for a cheating man ? (it's for a comedy movie) (no keying cars or physical contact because it's anonymous) Thank you lol

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Poll: quick survey?

    1.) how are you?

    2.) favorite number?

    3.) singing or acting?

    4.)Cats or dogs?

    5.) good storylines for a song or movie?

    Bonus question: Hi. How are you? I'm writing a short film it's about a fashion designer getting cheated on by her screenplay\ actor fiancée and rally up with her friends and gets multiple acts of revenge on him. At the end it's all a misunderstanding and he wasn't having an affair he was kissing another girl for his movie he's in at rehearsal. But I want revenge ideas to get on him when she thinks he's cheating. Mine are too childish and not too serious. Please help me but nothing damaging expensive objects.

    Celebrities7 years ago
  • Pill: Quick Survey Questions?

    Hey I'm taking a quick poll! Please answer with kindness and please answer my bonus question for 10 points !!!!!

    1.)How are you?

    2.) Favorite hobbies?

    3.)Do you like singing or acting better ?

    4.)Cats or dogs or Both?

    5.)Favorite colors?

    Bonus Question -

    Hi. How are you? I'm writing a short film it's about a fashion designer getting cheated on by her screenplay\ actor fiancée and rally up with her friends and gets multiple acts of revenge on him. At the end it's all a misunderstanding and he wasn't having an affair he was kissing another girl for his movie he's in at rehearsal. But I want revenge ideas to get on him when she thinks he's cheating. Mine are too childish and not too serious. Please help me but nothing damaging expensive objects

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Help...getting cheated on?

    Hi. How are you? I'm writing a short film it's about a fashion designer getting cheated on by her screenplay\ actor fiancée and rally up with her friends and gets multiple acts of revenge on him. At the end it's all a misunderstanding and he wasn't having an affair he was kissing another girl for his movie he's in at rehearsal. But I want revenge ideas to get on him when she thinks he's cheating. Mine are too childish and not too serious. Please help me but nothing damaging expensive objects

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Getting cheated on?

    Hi. How are you? I'm writing a short film it's about a fashion designer getting cheated on by her screenplay\ actor fiancée and rally up with her friends and gets multiple acts of revenge on him. At the end it's all a misunderstanding and he wasn't having an affair he was kissing another girl for his movie he's in at rehearsal. But I want revenge ideas to get on him when she thinks he's cheating. Mine are too childish and not too serious. Please help me but nothing damaging expensive objects

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to get mynacting career officially started to go somewhere?

    Hey,hello,how are you?

    I've always been in love with acting. I got called back to an acting school when I was 12. It turned out to be a scam. In 2013, I went to my first acting class session...In Chicago. This spring,I returned to my acting class which taught me a lot. I've been in many plays and I'm the lead right now in one. My 16th bay is approaching andmI really want my acting career to go somewhere...Somewhere wheremI can get discovered, maybe get my big break.....I'm aware it's not easy. Where can I find a talent agent? What do they do? What do I have to know about agents? When and Where can I look for one and get started? Please help me ! Thanks

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting7 years ago
  • House party suggestions help?

    My friends having a

    Kickback slash party and I want to help her make it good. Were teens and were going to have it at her apartment. I bought some glow sticks and stuff but what else can I buy like

    Little party things ? Like dollar store- cheap cool stuff. ? What shld be at a teen kickback?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Homework help. (Cartoons)?

    Hey. My teacher in info media wants me to come up with ideas for a cartoon invoking the recent news in someway and I have no idea at all. For example he had a football player apologizing to his wife but it was a guy that had a shirt saying sponsors since football players been violent to there spouses so any ideas ?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • How do people get hacked on Facebook?

    People seem to get hacked a lot on Facebook and not by their friends who has your passwords by strangers and how in general do you get hacked on any social media account? It's the weirdest thing I deleted my fb app today then I came back then when a few hours passed I came back and saw a share like a random share like it said I shared something and I didn't and it said 54 minutes ago and I know I didn't share that so I deactivated my account


    2 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • Homecoming question Please help?

    Hi. Have to make a homcoming hallway art project and it's Disney themed basically encouraging our school to win and trash talking the other school.... Out original idea was a dragon spitting out fire to the Competing school. Any ideas ?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Homecoming project ...need help on ideas?

    Hey☺️😁😚 How are you? I'm helping my class with homecoming hallway artwork and this years theme is Disney....basically we need a slogan. We had a dragon from a

    Movie blowing out fire at the OPPOSITE SCHOOL TEAM WERE PLAYING AGAINST but I'm not crazy on the idea... Can you help me come up with ideas that include the school having victory or making fun of the other school

    EX: frozen movie with character freezing the other school,but we won't use that idea

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Quick survey poll 👌😍😘🍁🍂?

    Also,at the end can you please help me out with my bonus question ? Thank you so much! Let's get started!

    1.) Favorite Month

    2.)How do you make new friends?

    3.) what do you like about fall

    4.) Favorite Sport?

    5.)Do you like Writing?

    6.)Starbucks or Dunkin?

    7.)Do you like Cats?

    8.)Oatmeal or Pudding?

    9.)What gives you Good Vibes?

    10.)Are you a good singer?

    11.)Are you a Nicki Minaj fan?

    12.)Favorite color?

    BONUS away 10 points for this please I need some suggestions! ...

    I am writing a film for my library. It's a comedy. I take my work really seriously. This is my first time writing a serious film,directing,and filming a movie. It's for my library and im a teen who works in the teen theater department. I just have some questions for a first timer looking for only answers that's wise and real,advice,suggestions,etc.My first concern how can I build a set.I have no budget,no stage crew yet, ,I'm filming the majority of the film in this large meeting room with no windows..

    How can I find actors and members and such in a small town where people aren't all into theater and acting,etc.?How can u edit with a small camera...For example, can I film let's say the "last scene" and make it first on screen? Also, it's a revenge movie that's funny,any funny revenge ideas that doesn't involve huge ...and then latley,just any overall advice for me and my film? Will I get in trouble for using logos and then posting the vid on the internet ?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Calling all my masterminds (revenge suggestions)?

    Calling all my masterminds... I'm writing a comedy film about a cheating man and the fiancée does everything she can to make his life a living hell but he doesn't know she knows he's cheating but at the end of the film he was never cheating I won't say anymore details hhahaahh but any suggestions for revenge that's funny that isn't too complicated to do on camera,it's a small production so no keying cars hahhaha

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Fall activities ideas? do you have any fall activity ideas for me that I can do this fall? Pumpkin patches,Apple picking,haunted houses,etc....anymore suggestion

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago