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Lv 31,261 points

dusty d

Favorite Answers25%
  • Why did the Obamaswamie have a Canadian company build the Obamacare website?

    He could at least pissed away American taxpayer money that we don't have here in our country and helped provide jobs for Americans. It's not like they could have FAILED any worse. Does the fact that Canadians did it make it terrorism?

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • When did minimum wage jobs become career choices?

    It is a starting point in a career path. No one should expect to bag groceries or flip burgers and be able to afford a standard lifestyle.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Why is the median household income falling but the welfare benfits keep going up?

    Does that seem "FAIR", the people who pay taxes are working for less and those who get a handout from the government, get more and more.

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why do liberals think I should have a "need" for a firearm of my choosing....?

    but feel that a woman wanting an abortion shouldn't be questioned about what she does with her life or the life of her unborn child. Does it make since that I have to explain my right/desire to be able to protect my life with whatever type of firearm/weapon I want?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • In court can a family member be the judge of the case?

    NO..... Conflict of interest. Why then can someone who provides zero financial responsibility for themselves vote in elections. If the government gives them a check of course they will vote for the party who will give them more. Seems like a very real conflict of interest. Let's hear some opinions.

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Gun control supporters?

    Why do we need to limit magazine capacity? If someone starts shooting at you in the mall and has to stop every 10 rounds instead of 30 are you planning on rushing him and saving the day? What if 3 people break into my home and they all have guns, I can probably get 2 of them, what about the 3rd one. Will the cops make it in time? Is a gun with 10 rounds safer than a gun with 30 if you are unarmed and defenseless? When is the last time a criminal followed a law? When is the last time the cops showed up before the crime was committed? No name calling, just state your views in relation to my questions.

    7 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Liberals, should we now ban abortion?

    Dr. Kermit Gosnell is on trial for delivering late term babies and then cutting their spines with scissors to kill them after birth and discarding their bodies in the trash. By liberal logic should we now ban all abortions? A group of people have done something very evil so now we need to take rights from law abiding citizens, RIGHT? Even if only one baby is saved we have to try, RIGHT?

    For the record I am pro-life.

    18 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is this "FAIR" ?

    Start by emptying all the prisons and relocating the prisoners to work farms. They can live in canvas tents like out soldiers. Contain the area with razor wire and a 50ft kill zone surrounded with gun towers and have them work a real farm and make daily 12 hour visits by bus to surrounding communities to do the "grunt" work we now pay county employees way too much to do. Prisoners will be fed 3 hearty meals a day to keep up their energy they will need to work 6 days a week. If they stay out of trouble they will be able to visit Church services on Sunday held onsite with their families.

    Take all the empty prisons and then require any able bodied person who does not provide any of their own upkeep to report(overweight, too many kids, my back hurts, my feet hurt don't count as disabled). You will be given a room number with a key so you can lock the door to your room, you will be fed 3 good meals a day prepared from the prison work farms and fresh fruits and vegetables will be provided for snacking. Everyone will be allotted $25.00 per week into an account that can never be touched until you leave to support yourself, if you never leave you don't get a dime, if you break the law you forfeit all funds, anyone required to pay child support will forfeit all funds as well. No one will ever be forced to leave as long as they follow the rules. Women(married or not) will be given a monthly birth control shot, unwed couples cannot live together, children under 18 "will" attend local schools. Adults will be given opportunities to work 40 hour per week unpaid internships to learn job skills, those wanting to get a GED will have classes at night on premises and during this time their "allowance" will be paid to the teachers. You will be allowed to freely come and go daily with a 7:00 pm curfew, with no cash being handed over you will have to secure a ride from an outsider. Extended trips will have to be OK'd on a cases by case basis, no vacation, you don't work. Travel for family emergencies will be provided free of cost for immediate family. You will be subject to drug testing, your person and belongings will be checked when entering from a trip and random checks can be made by the local police in your personal area. There will be zero tolerance for drugs, violence, weapons, prostitution, tobacco, alcohol, etc, and if caught doing these things you will be sent to the work farms for your sentence. The premises will be covered with closed circuit cameras. Healthcare will be provided free of charge as it is now.

    Basically you will be provided every need free of charge in a safe area with plenty of opportunity to better yourself and will have your personal allowance building value during this time and if the life suits you then you are free to stay. The only catch is once you leave your done, you will no longer be eligible for any benefits in the future.

    Criminals will work to pay their debt to society as it should be and will therefore gain a respect for their freedom when their sentence is done. They will also be ready and able to take on a real job and will have the habits needed to hold that job and become a productive member of the community.

    For those who just need some help, the first step will be visiting a financial planner and downsizing to a sustainable level. If your to good to downgrade your life style then you don't deserve any help. After that any benefits you receive will be temporary and tightly monitored to cut down on "cheats".

    Would this be "FAIR"?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Would this be "FAIR"? Liberals and Conservatives?

    Start by emptying all the prisons and relocating the prisoners to work farms. They can live in canvas tents like out soldiers. Contain the area with razor wire and a 50ft kill zone surrounded with gun towers and have them work a real farm and make daily 12 hour visits by bus to surrounding communities to do the "grunt" work we now pay county employees way too much to do. Prisoners will be fed 3 hearty meals a day to keep up their energy they will need to work 6 days a week. If they stay out of trouble they will be able to visit Church services on Sunday held onsite with their families.

    Take all the empty prisons and then require any able bodied person who does not provide any of their own upkeep to report(overweight, too many kids, my back hurts, my feet hurt don't count as disabled). You will be given a room number with a key so you can lock the door to your room, you will be fed 3 good meals a day prepared from the prison work farms and fresh fruits and vegetables will be provided for snacking. Everyone will be allotted $25.00 per week into an account that can never be touched until you leave to support yourself, if you never leave you don't get a dime, if you break the law you forfeit all funds, anyone required to pay child support will forfeit all funds as well. No one will ever be forced to leave as long as they follow the rules. Women(married or not) will be given a monthly birth control shot, unwed couples cannot live together, children under 18 "will" attend local schools. Adults will be given opportunities to work 40 hour per week unpaid internships to learn job skills, those wanting to get a GED will have classes at night on premises and during this time their "allowance" will be paid to the teachers. You will be allowed to freely come and go daily with a 7:00 pm curfew, with no cash being handed over you will have to secure a ride from an outsider. Extended trips will have to be OK'd on a cases by case basis, no vacation, you don't work. Travel for family emergencies will be provided free of cost for immediate family. You will be subject to drug testing, your person and belongings will be checked when entering from a trip and random checks can be made by the local police in your personal area. There will be zero tolerance for drugs, violence, weapons, prostitution, tobacco, alcohol, etc, and if caught doing these things you will be sent to the work farms for your sentence. The premises will be covered with closed circuit cameras. Healthcare will be provided free of charge as it is now.

    Basically you will be provided every need free of charge in a safe area with plenty of opportunity to better yourself and will have your personal allowance building value during this time and if the life suits you then you are free to stay. The only catch is once you leave your done, you will no longer be eligible for any benefits in the future.

    Criminals will work to pay their debt to society as it should be and will therefore gain a respect for their freedom when their sentence is done. They will also be ready and able to take on a real job and will have the habits needed to hold that job and become a productive member of the community.

    For those who just need some help, the first step will be visiting a financial planner and downsizing to a sustainable level. If your to good to downgrade your life style then you don't deserve any help. After that any benefits you receive will be temporary and tightly monitored to cut down on "cheats".

    Would this be "FAIR"?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Why did Bernie Madoff get put in prison?

    He ran a Ponzi scheme, it requires perpetual new investors to cover the false dividends of other investors and is basically setup just like social security. If the government can force every citizen to take part in one why can't Bernie Madoff trick some of us into one as well. Does the federal government not like competition?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • For supporters of gun control?

    If limiting the ammo capacity of all gun magazines and banning certain guns will curb gun violence then would limiting cases of beer to 6 packs and banning beers that have cool names or cans that change colors when cold lower the deadly drunk driving deaths?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Can your employer legally tell you that you can't take your vacation during certain months of the year?

    With 2 weeks of paid vacation time, can you be told that you can't take any of those days during June or July & that they should be taken during August or September. But, you can't take your kids out of school in order to take them on summer vacation. There is also no one else taking off the days that are needed for your vacation (as stated in the company handbook). Any legal backups greatly appreciated.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago