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I need some relationship advice?!?!?
My fiance// baby daddy of a year and a half has been in jail since the end of August, he doesn't get out until July. I've stuck with him and stayed faithful, we have two beautiful children together and he means the world to me. He decided to tell me yeterday that after he gets out of jail he wants to move 8 hours away BY HIM SELF and go to college. Because i'm getting my 10 months of freedom he wants 18 months. He thinks that it would save us money if he does it this way instead of moving the whole family down there. He plans to come home every weekend, saving money my ***! I don't know how to explain it to him why this is hurting me so much I cried all night because I feel like he doesnt want to have a real family and spend time with his fiance (who at the time would be his wife) and his kids. I feel like he isnt ready to get married and settle down because he is jealous that I have this "party" time in my life but he had his time while I was pregnant. I just don't know what to do or how to explain things to him
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoPuking and pregnancy. fertilization?
Lets say, a week after your period you had unprotected sex,
then a week after the unprotected sex you start puking out of no where, and thats how you spend your night,
then a week after that your constantly tired, nauscious, and feel pregnant.
can the ppuking the first time be from the fertilized egg planting itself into the uterus?
curiuos. ive never had morning sickness with my other two.
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agoCooling fan on a 1997 Cadillac Deville?
The fan on our 1997 Deville isnt kicking over. there is a wire that isnt connected to a power source but is connected to the fan, where does it connect to the power source? Really dont want to spend a whole bunch of money on a mechanic so any help would be greatly appreciated!
The car over heats after about 7 miles, we havnt driven it for a couple days, replaced the water pump and thermostat and some blown fuses. It was leaking coolant before but we fixed that problem
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoCute picture prop ideas?
I am going to get my kids pictures taken in June my daughter will be 2 months old and my son will be 17 months old.
I need picture prop ideas for
and them together.
(: thank you!
2 AnswersPhotography9 years agoAm i going into labor?
Im 38 weeks, due april 12th
This is my second, but i was induced with my son he was late
Ive been having mild contractions since thursday at 1 am, at my doctors apointment later that afternoon i was 80% effaced but not dialated
Yesterday afternoon i had to lie down after not being able to see to the right side of me. I was going to go to the hospital but after i took it easy the feeling went away.
Starting about 20 mins ago i am getting a extreme pain (not all the way to a 10 but like 7) it feels like the baby is balling up then releasing but its constant with only about a 1 min break between. It feels like i need to use the restroom but i dont.
It just doesnt feel like contractions?
Any tips or advice or anything???
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoProducing breastmilk while still pregnant?
Im due april 12th and tonight i started producing colustrum,
#1 what does this mean???!!!
#2 should i start pumping ?
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoIs this going to greatly impact my daughter?
I have a 14 month old son, and i am 33 weeks pregnant.
Me and my sons dad broke up when i was 6 months pregnant, and i met my daughters dad when my son was 2 weeks old. Things didnt work between me and my daughters dad, and now me and my sons dad are talking again and he wants me and the kids to move in with him to see if things could work.
I know my son would love having his dad around a lot more. My daughter's father has zero intentions of being around for her at all... Of course i plan on eventually telling my daughter who her real father is and alowing her to do what she wishes with that information. (once i feel she is old enough)
My questions are:
Is it a bad idea to allow my daughter to grow up calling my sons father dad?
When my daughter is old enough to learn who her real dad is, is it going to make her feel weird that she was the in between child. Even tho he loves her like his own?
4 AnswersParenting9 years agoKeeping a baby secret from its 'father'?
I live in california, my baby daddy lives in nebraska..
I was jw if its like against the law for me to keep the baby secret from him.. Like he knows im pregnant but do i have to inform him when she is born? He's a really horrible influence and i dont want him to try something psyco...
Yes i know i had sex with him knowing the type of person he is, but he was different while i was w/ him. Well he's mostly just a damn good actor.
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoHow do you get the strength to let go of someone you love?
I have 1 kid, one on the way with this guy, and we've been seperated for almost 7months now..
It's been going off and on for the first month and now this past month. from september to start of jan he had been seeing other girls.. one even got pregnant :///
i'm due to have our daughter in April and our son is 13 months old.
the other chick caused herself to have a miscarriage and i'm not really worried about her anymore. but as april gets closer, he gets more and more bipolar. He doesnt know what he wants, and i'm really sick of waiting for him to decide! i'm over giving him chances, he's burned me to many times. I just want to move on.! But the thing is, my heart still wants him...
Not my head.
Idk what to do. I am so lost.!
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoIf your a mommy,or mommy2b answer this,,, for fun (:?
Whats was/is your biggest fear about labor?
Any strange pregnancy cravings/ additctions??
Like mine:
I was super scared with my son, i thought labor would hurt really bad. Most painful part for me was them putting the IV in my hand.
Now with my daughter my fear is pooping while pushing (even tho its common, that'd be super embarasing and my baby daddy would never let me forget!!)
When i was pregnant with my son i never really had cravings, but with my daughter I always want to drink iced tea and i have an addiction to chewing on ice BOWL after BOWL!
4 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoHaving a toddler and a newborn? Help with scheduling...?
I have a 13 month old son, and will be having a daughter in April
Wondering how other moms in simular situations have gone about sticking to a schedule?
My son generally takes 2 naps a day, so I know his sister is going to sleep a lot more than he does, but for the most part i want them on the same schedule.
(i understand how newborns are and that they change from day to day! Thats not my point here!)
When do you have time to do the mother/housewife duties???
*if anyones got any ideas that'd be great
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agogetting a toddler off the bottle.?
What is a reasonably age to get a toddler off the bottle?
My son is 13 months old,
he has a little sister due in April and i know they say that when the second one comes the first begins to act more babyish.
He only takes the bottle at night (about 2 bottles of milk) but once he falls asleep I take it from him and he doesn't get anymore during the night. He goes to a daycare the fully believes the child needs to be off the bottle by the time they turn one. But I slipped and when i switched from formula to milk i put it in a bottle when i guess i should have only put water in the bottle? ((My bad))
I've tried letting him cry himself to sleep, he will literally cry all night.
I've tried rocking him to sleep, he just thinks its time to play.
For a while I was able to read to him and he'd fall asleep, but he is over that now.
*I don't know if this helps, but he sleeps in a toddler bed (he can get out of a crib)
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoSuper stressed young mom, just need a little advice.?
I'm around 30 weeks pregnant, due April 12th.
This is child number 2, and she is from a different guy.
i'm pretty young, but dont need to be criticized for it!
My sons dad left me when i was 6 months pregnant, i stayed solo for a while until my son was 2 weeks old I met this really amazing guy. i fell in love with him instantly. but we didnt get together until my son was 4 months old. my sons always called him daddy even since before we made things official. my sons loves him like crazy and he loves my son as if he was his own. when my son turned 7 months i found out i was pregnant again. i was only visiting the place my boy friend lived and it was time to return home. we figured when time passed a little, he would just move with me and the kids and we would be a happy family.
When I was 2 months pregnant, we started really having problems. It was constant fighting and all that, so we "took a break" he met some nasty chick 2 days later and he slept with her! I was so mad and I told him I wanted him packing his bags and getting out for good! he left for a while but then he "realied his mistake" and he tried to make up for it. But i couldnt forgive him for that, with the distance between us i didnt trust him. and now 5 months since that happened, i feel like i have given him a million chances and each time it just is a slap in the face. he constantly says how me and the kids mean everything to him, but his actions speak a whole lot louder! he's with different girls everytime i talk to him and he hasnt helped with baby stuff even once. i figured i would just wait until the baby is born before i make any rash decisions. but the other day i told him i wanted to find someone else who could actually show he cared about me and my kids.... Last night I texted him
"Only like 10 more weeks left!" - me
"ya, ur point?" - him
"Sorry, im excited I getta hold my daughter for the first time?" - me
((Like what crawled up his *** and died?!))
"K. i'm not" - him
"wtf? why not?" - me
"Because i dont want to see you" - him
the only thing i had to say in return was
"this is not about me and you having our problems this is about her and for her!"
I guess, im just so lost now and idk what I should even do. do i keep giving him more chances?
Do i block his number and facebook and say screw you and not let him know about her anymore?
Do i ignore him until the baby is born?!
This is so hard. I love him a lot but I know he isn't whats best for me anymore.. And now i find myself wondering if he is what is best for the kids or not.
Someone please help, thanks!
4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years agoGot her first name, now need her middle name.!?
My daughter is due in April.
I want to name her Brooklynn.
But I want a longish middle name that goes with it.
*if all else fails i'll just name her Brooklynn Marie.
We've looked at Brooklynn Kailyn, but thats a lot of lyn
17 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoDouble stroller brands?
im in need of a double stroller, were shopping around but i feel like im forgetting a few brands. if you could help out with that a bit , thanks!!
Graco, peg pergo, kolecraft, jeep..
4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years agoNebraska being a hire and fire at will state, can they fire a pregnant person for being pregnant?!?
My friend just got fired from her job, (they didnt even tell her until she went into work) she is pregant and this is the reason they fired her.
While nebraska is a hire and fire at will state, Isnt this discrimination?!
which is still AGAINST THE LAW even in at will states.
Does anyone know any info on this?
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoPutting my 12 month old to bed... tips?
I have a 12 month old son, he got a toddler bed for christmas.
We've been using it for 8 days now, and he is so hard to get to sleep in it!
At night, I rock him to sleep and once I get him to sleep, he will stay asleep in his bed.
But during nap time, i put him in there and he just gets up and refuses to sleep. He's never taken good naps, but its making things so much more difficult.
Anyone have any tips?
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoBored and into writing, anyone have any ideas?
I want to write a story/book, but i have no ideas on what to write about.
I was going to do something like Romeo and Juliet, but two lovers could not be together because they had different blood types. (sounds weird i know)
Anyone have any other ideas.
If I publish, you will be mentioned
4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoMath problem, has to do with getting a raise?
Desiree works 28 hours a week, she has a monthly income of $120 from investments
her band plays once a week and she earns $200 each performance. Her total annual income is 49,696. She wants to ask her boss for a raise, assuming all the other incomes stay the same how much a raise will she need to earn 51,880 annually.
the answer is from one of these
2 AnswersMathematics9 years agoNeed help on a consumer math problem ?
a new employee is offered an annual salary of $37,000. Hourly employees
get paid $14 hour, but get $21 for each hour over 40 hours
should the new employee choose the salaried or the hourly pay?
This is the hours they work :
Sunday: 0
Monday: 8.5
Tues: 9.5
Weds: 7.5
Explain your reasoning.
2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago