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I am a mother of three and am training to be a birth and post-partum doula My Interests are: Natural Health Alternatives, Homoeopathy, Aromatherapy, Massage, Alternative Medicine, Spirituality, Growing your own food, Organizing, Organics, Midwifery, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Helping People, Decorating, Cooking, Favourite Quotes: "If you are told that some experience is going to hurt, it will hurt. Most pain is in the mind, and when a woman absorbs the idea the act of giving birth is excruciatingly painful-when she gets this information from her mother, her sisters, her married friends, and her physician-that woman has been mentally prepared to feel great agony"- Stephen King "If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite"- William Blake "Don't let yesterday use up too much of today"-Will Rogers

  • Will 50mg of codeine get me high?

    I'm taking something called Panafen which with each tab is 200mg of Ibuprofen + 13mg Codeine....if I took 4 (equaling to 50mg of codeine) would that have any effect on me?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • ps3 not working with hdmi cables?

    when i turn the playstation on it gets no signal on the hdtv. i'm using hdmi cables and i know they work fine because they work with the xbox (which was also being weird this morning as well but i managed to get it back too normal, instead of hd output like it normally was it was asking my to change the resolution, and something about vga? i dunno...anyway this all started because last night i turned the power off because there was a storm.

    and i do have the tv set too HDMI settings so yeah...please help

    now i can get picture on the playstation with the red white and yellow cables that came with it. but when i try using the hdmi i get no signal as well as no sound. now i have tried the "hold the button down for five seconds" thing and i've been changing the settings on the ps3 but nothing seems to, any ideas? and i have it set too HDMI settings on the tv. and everything was working fine last night up untill i turned off the power at the wall.

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Personal experiences of medical abortion please?

    Hello Everyone, I al not here to start a debate about aborting or not. Frankly I think either way you think about it you should keep it to yourself and not put other people down. Anyway i was just curious of other peoples experiences of a medical abortion, which is the pill and NOT surgical where they get suctioned out. Also how far along where you? Anything else you can add as well.

    Thank you in advance for all the straight forward answers (not the rambling ones about how abortion is is bad and so on)

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Contacting other people on YA?

    Hello everyone, Ive seen some people who won't let you on their profiles contact them and the only way is to add them to YOUR contacts but i was wondering once they become your contact how do you chat/get in contact with them without replying to an answer they've posted.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • Birth Poem~for the pregnant ladies =)?

    Here are two poems I have found and kept with me, I hope it inspires and helps a few of these Lovely pregnant ladies on here...enjoy!


    Birth is the strongest force a woman normally experiences.

    If there is harmony with this force, your body and mind will enter into a different state,

    One that surrenders totally to natural forces.

    Labour and birth are a matter of believing, trusting, and listening to your instincts-

    A matter of getting close enough to yourself

    And to the information you are receiving from your body.

    You must rely on yourself.

    You cannot rely on anyone else, a partner, a support, a coach, they cannot do it for you.

    Their support and love are invaluable,

    Making it possible for more than just yourself to share in this most beautiful act of love,

    The joyful bringing forth of life.

    Tune into your labour, unfold your inherent birth knowledge.

    Use your own rhythm,

    Get behind it and don't have your mind in any time of the future.

    Accept each contraction one at a time,

    Just as you expect the sun rising each morning, without question, one day at a time.

    A factor in labour is the intense sensation.

    It is beyond the expectations of anyone who has never given birth.

    This intense sensation is simply part of the whole, and when there is no fear, it simply is.

    It is nothing more,

    Nothing to be afraid of,

    Nothing to waste your time and energy fighting against.


    Childbirth is an experience

    In a woman’s life

    That holds the power

    To transform her


    Passing through

    These powerful gates

    ~ Each in her own way ~


    All the generations of mothers

    Who walk with her

    She is alone ~

    Yet not alone.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago