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Hello, you remember me... I remember you being excelent at dream interpretation and I was wondering if you would be able to help me with this one...

  • is it normal to have a new obsession every week?

    for example, being in love with a new actress, or falling in love with indian culture, or asian food, or a style of music, or a hobby

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • who actually controls their portions?

    I am an average woman, and I never EVER portion control... I always have about 4 recommended serves of anything before I actually feel full... example, it would take me probably 3 sandwiches to be full, maybe 3 packets of noodles, 250 grams of dry pasta, if I had serial in the morning I would need like 3 cups at least... 4 pieces of toast is a SNACK...

    seriously ladies, how many of you actually stick to portions?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How would you react if you saw a girl doing this....?

    A girl (age 21-22+) riding a push scooter (made out of plastic, bright green, designed for kids).

    Would you care?

    Would you think it's normal?

    Would you think she is childish?

    Would you laugh at her in your head?

    Would you think she's cool?

    Would you think she's stupid?

    Would you go out with her?

    Would it be a huge turn off?

    Would you admire her?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do men like Kinky girls? (Adults only)?

    I am a virgin who has never been in a relationship before... but when I do find the one, I think I would be all for all kinds of things:

    Costumes, Lingere, blindfolds, toys, stillettos, SnM, porn, instructional books, ect...

    BUT, only with one specific guy of course (whom I will probably like to marry).

    anyway, do guys look down on girls who are into that kind of thing?

    do guys even like that kind of thing?

    And by the way, I just want to say that, yes, I am well behaved normally. So I am not some crazy girl.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is my friend worth keeping?

    I have a bit of a dilemma...

    I have been friends with this girl for 10 years. She is the oldest friend I have that I still talk to. We have a lot of memories... really good ones.

    she has always made me feel "at home" and I always feel 'off balance' when we aren't talking. You could say that I trust her and possibly even love her more than my own sister. I know I could rely on her these days for certain things, like, I know she would take me in if i was homeless, no questions asked...

    anyway... despite our great friendship we have had a few issues...

    For one, a couple of years ago... she went through a slutty, party girl phase in high school where she would:

    1. Frequently stand me up on our plans because she got drunk, or high the night before.

    2. Flirt with guys who were picking on me at school.

    3. Hooking up with a guy i liked.

    4. Complaining about her abusive boyfriend, and then getting angry when i told her to leave him.

    5. Being bitchy and rude towards me at times because she was angry that I lacked confidence despite her efforts to help "raise me up"

    we went through a stage where we didn't talk for 6 months over those issues. and at the end of those 6 months she apologised to me for how she acted.

    not long after this, she decided to become a muslim (which I am assuming is because she felt extremely guilty about her past)...

    She then came up with a range of things that she couldn't do anymore because of her religion... and a lot of these things were things I was REALLY excited about doing with her.

    1. Shopping for dresses (she must wear hijab now)

    2. Going to clubs (against her religion)

    3. Going to bars (against her religion)

    4. Going to any multi-genered late night event such as concerts (against her religion)

    5. Drinking alcohol. (against her religion)

    6. Smoking weed (against her religion)

    7. Celebrating birthdays. (against her religion)

    8. Attending other peoples birthdays (against her religion)

    9. Watching tv (against her religion)

    10. Missing prayer times (against her religion)

    11. Being late for prayer times (against her religion)

    12. Farting before prayer time (against her religion)

    13. Getting her hair cut in a multi gendered salon (against her religion)

    14. Going to the pools with both genders (against her religion)

    15. Can't get KFC (because it's not halal)

    16. Talking about sex or hooking up (against her religion)

    17. Going to parties (against her religion)


    the list goes on and on.

    She even skipped my birthday because it was against her religion...

    I found this VERY frustrating... but I decided to accept it.

    but this is where I got very upset...

    We were talking, and I suggested that she listened to a song I was into...

    and she said "no it is against my religion, music is forbidden"

    and (being the music obsessed, creative person that I am...) I was absolutely GOBSMACKED...

    I was almost speechless... but then I said..... okay fair enough.

    but then I asked her.

    if I spent 4 hours a day, every day, for an entire year, creating a magnificent song... imagine I put long hours, lose sleep, put my heart and soul, sweat and blood, all of my efforts, energy, and passion into creating this song, imagine I stay up late and get a sore neck while working on this song, in attempt to make it, the perfect masterpiece that it is... imagine, over 1000 hours of HARD WORK later... i have finally finished this song... and imagine I wrote it all for you, JUST for you! would you make an exception, and listen to it once?

    and she replied with : No.

    (yet, i am aware that she has smoked weed and had sex unmarried at times in the past, after her conversion to islam - because it was convenient for HER at the time)

    I am just starting to think, the reason we were fighting in the past was because she put hooking up with guys before me, and now I feel like she is putting her religion before me.

    I don't know if it is completely justified, but I am really offended by what she said and I am not sure if I want to talk to or be friends with her anymore...

    I know i could just get over it, and things would be fine, but i feel like I am always the one who has to adjust... why can't she adjust for me, for once, and listen to my hypothetical song?

    I am also suspicious that she is only wanting to hang out with me more lately because nobody else will deal with her strict faith...

    would you stay friends with this girl, or is it a deal breaker?

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why do I feel like crying when I have a full stomach?

    I don't know why... but whenever any of these things happen.

    * I have eaten a meal and am feeling FULL

    * I have eaten junk food (particularly dairy/ ice cream, chocolate, act)

    I feel completely normal while i'm eating, and then out of nowhere i get this WAVE of emotion, a deep sadness that makes me really feel like crying.

    this happens almost every time my stomach gets full, not just satisfied, but when it is FULL...

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • how many shades would I have to bleach my hair? (pics)?

    Just wondering...

    My natural hair colour is almost exactly this shade:


    If I wanted to get it to about this colour (imagine without the blonde ends), just the plain light brown...

    So a dark auburn to a light brown dark blonde...

    Would that require a lot of bleaching and a lot of damage

    how many shades of bleaching would I have to go down?

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Is my friend clingy, or am I oddly distant?

    Before I explain the situation, I am just going to give you some background information on me. I grew up an outcast throughout primary and secondary school. I didn't always have friends, but when I did it was usually only one at a time. I was picked on, there were many days where I had to sit alone, I was also never in relationships and I kept to myself a lot.

    But with all of that... I became independent, I hardly ever feel lonely because I enjoy time alone A LOT. I used to ask friends to spend time with me hanging out when I was a teenager, but since then I have developed a strong sense of security where I don't feel the need to "hang out" in order to enjoy myself.

    but lately (the last 2-3 years), everybody has been making efforts to spend time with me... it's like I suddenly became popular after high school. This is probably due to the fact that I was a late bloomer in terms of my looks, my confidence and what have you...

    but anyway I have this friend who I was never close with in high school but hung out with once or twice at school...but anyway, about 2 years after high school she randomly started messaging me on Facebook asking me to hang out with her... I decided to spend time with her which was all cool

    then she started texting me every day, asking me to come out with her at least twice a week, and at one point she asked me if we could have "a specific day every week to spend time together" which really creeped me out..and since I had my own **** to deal with I told her nicely that I need some space and explained to her why in very personal detail so that she wouldn't think I was ditching her. She ignored what I said and continued to ask me to come out every week, I told her on two other occasions... and by that stage she finally left me alone for a few weeks...

    then, she inboxes me saying that she feels neglected. This really frustrated me a lot. I can see that she wants to be BFFs, and that is not something I am interested in. I explained to her once again that she needs to relax and she told me that she is "scared of losing me"

    I then told her that she needs to address some self esteem issues and her need to seek validation because I never gave her a reason to think that I would want to end the friendship...

    she seemed to be offended by that and denied that she had a problem.

    I just decided to end the conversation politely so that we were "okay" because I DO want to be her friend... but now I feel this massive pressure... like if I don't speak to her within (x) days she will complain. That is abnormal to me because some of my closest friends in the world and I can go months without talking and be totally fine.

    Even though I want to remain friends, this pressure is making me NOT want to spend time with her because I know she will just invite me to see her a few days later and every week thereafter and I am not down with that.

    What should I do? I am tempted to block her on Facebook if she complains again or pressures me to spend time with her. and I am scared that any conversations we have will lead to that...

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Violent thoughts towards animals...?

    I live with my mum and my mum is OCD about keeping the house clean. 2 days ago I spent 7 hours cleaning my room... my room was spotless, but as usual a few days later some mess built up. Mum walked into my room today (without knocking) while I was half naked in my underwear doing stretches. I felt violated because I was half naked and she kept talking to me like it was nothing. Then she saw the mess on my floor (2 days worth of mess) that I was YET to clean later... she yelled and screamed at me, intimidated me, called me a 2 year old, a disgrace, disgusting, that she was going to throw up, that I was lazy, horrible, then told me I had to clean with the door open... meanwhile still yelling about my room being a mess from OUTSIDE my room.

    Then she said (still angrily) she was going to back the cars out and she wanted me to watch the dogs and keep them inside because she didn't want them to get hit by a car.

    I blocked out what she was saying but I just nodded because I was too focused on saying whatever i had to say to make her go away... then the dogs wanted to go out and I let them out as I hadn't listened to what she was saying before.

    She then saw the dogs outside and got even more mad at me, started calling me names, calling me a 2 year old, saying I can't follow simple instructions, yelling really aggressively, not letting me explain myself.

    I am normally a really caring, calm, kind person... but when mum left i had thoughts of hurting the dog. He is just a puppy... I love him. But I was so frustrated... I would never actually do it but the feeling of wanting to hurt SOMETHING was there... why is this happening? Am I mentally unwell?

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How do I deal with my jealous sister?

    My sister hates me, she holds different standards for me that she does for everyone else. One person can eat her chocolate and she doesn't mind, but if I do she will lecture me for half an hour, make me buy her a new packet, and then bring it up EVERY time we have a fight as though she's keeping a scorecard. Things like this all the time. I am really over it.

    I know why she is jealous of me...

    1. She is jealous because I am the only one in the family with green eyes

    2. She is jealous because I have high cheek bones and she has chubby cheeks

    3. She is jealous because i have "a nose job nose' and she has an average nose

    4. She is jealous because I have natural C/D boobs and she spent 12K on implants

    5. She is jealous because no matter what I eat I will never get fat as quickly as her

    6. She is jealous because she was on a diet for a year, went on a 2 week holiday and came back bigger than me even though i have been eating heaps of junk food for years.

    7. She is jealous because I have a full on hour glass figure and she is straight up and down

    8. She is jealous because she has thin hair and my hair is really really thick

    9. She is jealous because people say "I look like a model"

    10. She is jealous because unlike her, i don't look outside of myself for self esteem and I don't go around chasing every new craze, popularity, or hooking up with guys to feel good about myself

    11. She is jealous because she spends SO much time and money on fitting in, and her looks and I only spend 5-10 minutes a day and a hair colour every 4 months

    12. She is jealous because my dad and grandma have always liked me more since I am much less hot tempered and more humble.

    13. She is jealous because she seems to think I have had an "easier life" even though i was bullied all throughout high school and never had many friends

    14. She is jealous because I don't care what people think as much and I am more free in my mind set.

    15. She might be jealous because I am the second child and I might have "stolen her thunder"

    16. She might be jealous because i used to get praised a lot for my artistic talent, music ability, and creativity more than she did (even though she was creative too)

    i understand all this - she has a lot to be jealous about... but none of this is my fault. I am tired of being treated like I am unwelcome over things I can't control. I am me... what am I supposed to do. I tried eating more to put on weight so she would be less threatened, and it worked for a while, but sooner or later she started doing it again...

    How do I end this once and for all?

    9 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What would you do? I am feeling smothered by this girl?

    I want you to know that right now I am going through a stage in my life where I don't feel comfortable going out socially very often...I get anxieties about a lot of things - I only like going out with really close friends and even then only once a week or once every 2 weeks. I think this is just a phase though but it has been a consistent phase.

    However I have a friend who keeps asking me to go out about 2-3 times a week. She is the type of girl who doesn't really take no for an answer as she is very persistent. This was bothering me so one day I sat her down and explained that I just don't want to go out very much... maybe once every few weeks or two at most, and i even explained why... I went into details of what I am so anxious about.

    she was like, oh I understand.

    But now, she continues to ask me to come out with her every other day, dinners, drives, lunches, movies, shopping, .... and I honestly say no like 3/4 of the time - but I feel like a ***** because when I say no I feel like I am letting her down...

    she even said to me "I feel like there;s a wall between us"....

    I don't know what else I am supposed to do... i find it annoying rejecting her requests to go out all the time, I have explained everything to her, but i don't want to ignore her and lose her as a friend completely...

    also she bought me a really nice birthday present, and gave me a bag of her old clothes, and she drives me everywhere... i feel bad.

    what would you do

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do you need AE Cs4 to get CS5 or Cs6?

    Are cs5, and 6 updates,

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Where can you buy after effects CS4 for mac?

    I have a few questions...

    can you buy it, not the education version but the actual software version...?

    Where can you buy it?

    Is Adobe after effects CS5 and CS6 an update therefore...

    Do you NEED cs4 before u can get CS5 or 6?

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • How should I go about buying a dildo?

    I am 21 years old and a virgin. I think maybe in 2-4 years I will probably want to get a boyfriend. This being in mind, I will be 23-25 by the time I decide to have sex, assuming I am dating someone older than me my partner will be around 25-27. Assuming he is a regular male he will probably have about 10 years of experience in bed by then.

    The issue that I want to address is the fact that my vagina is still very tight, and i know that if I remain this way, losing my virginity will be horribly painful, awkward, and unpleasant, maybe even impossible at the first attempt - also by the time I choose to have sex my partner will be older and expect a lot more in terms of experience. This may cause frustration and resentment in the relationship that doesn't need to be there. I want my first time to bring us closer not cause problems

    So my friend suggested that I get a dildo to stretch myself out over time so that when i have sex i won't be SO tight that it can't go in. The only problem is - I can't order online cause my mum will go into the packages. But I am too shy to go and buy it in person alone, and most of my friends are too sexually judgemental to "agree" with the idea of me getting one...

    I only thought of three people i trusted enough to ask to come with me to buy it. My first friend told me it was a bad idea and refused to come with me. the second friend was the one who gave me the idea by telling me he used them, I asked him twice, the first time he said, yeah no problem well go (to the sex shop), the second time he said yeah we'll go, but i have a feeling he's avoiding it because he finds it weird, and it was hard enough asking twice, I can;t ask him again. I asked one other friend and she agreed to go with me but I am scared she will tell my other friend who seems to have a problem with porn therefore might judge me if she finds out.

    I don't know what to do.

    Ordering online is a bad idea.

    I cannot go alone I am too shy.

    My friends think its taboo or bad.


    but i know that getting one will help me a lot in my future relationships cause I won't be ridiculously tight or inexperienced.

    any ideas

  • what do I do (miscommunication)?

    My mother and father just had a divorce,

    I am perfectly okay with it, but I am finding it very hard to deal with my mother. Yesterday my mother told me that my father has to call her before he comes over. The same day, my dad came over without calling my mother. when I mentioned my dad coming over, my mum became very angry, this affected her mood for the night, which lead us into arguments over small things like mother noticing a light reflection on the wall, thinking it was a damage to the paint, and accusing me of throwing things at the wall...

    Today, my dad comes over again. My mum comes home and asks about my day... I of course don't mention my dad coming over...

    then my mum find out about it because my dad leaves a message on her phone, and I get lectured for not telling her...

    I said "If I felt safe telling you the truth I would have"

    she immediately said "You're blowing things out of proportion, you're not five, are YOU okay?, blah blah blah"

    I am feeling totally invalidated.

    On top of that, yesterday she was making fun of something that meant so much to me....

    I feel really confused about what to do. I can't afford to move out, i don't drive, I can't resolve the issue because it falls on deaf ears... and I can't move in with dad either because he is financially irresponsible and lives too far away from my school.

    I was thinking my only option would be to scare my mother into listening to me... by not eating for 3 months or something...

    it seems she only responds to desperate situations.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Do stretch marks bother guys?

    I used to be slim/ish and healthy at between 50-55kgs most of the time...

    then I went though a rough emotional period and i gained 10-15 kgs in the span of about 3 months.

    I have every intention of losing the weight...

    but, i went from a 32A, to a 32C(possibly bigger), and my bum grew from 37/38inches, to 41 inches, my highs from 20/21 inches to 23inches..

    and i got stretch marks on my boobs, hips, and under my bum, between my legs going all the way down to my knees.

    I believe I have what is considered to be an "hourglass' with a waist/hip ratio of .69 and when I am fit/toned my body looks pretty awesome overall... but since stretch marks are a permanent scar, do you think they would bother any guys since the skin will never be completely flawless again...

    from your own personal experience with women how would you feel about it?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    I am 20, going on 21. I don't have a full time job yet, neither do I have a clear idea of what I want to do for the rest of my life. I figured I always wanted to be a teacher, so I started a childcare course in june, and since I have been doing this course I have felt more sick, tired, and off balance than ever. I know it is only cert 3 but when I get home, all I want to do is sleep, eat, watch dvd's, and pretend that this isn't my life... I have seen things on work placement, that have been really off-putting, and it is just making me question if this is what I want to do. I am 3 months from graduating, I paid 3 grand for this course and am paying it off as a loan, however I am starting to feel like another 3 months of being sick, tired, and depressed is going to make me go crazy. I am failing anyway, and it's really hard for me.

    There is a voice in my head, that is telling me to quit school, and start soul searching, and looking after my happiness and health for a few months, and if i still want to do the couse, start again next year. I know it sounds like a waste of money, but the thought of going to school one more day kills me inside. I feel like i just need to recuperate and turn my life around from a spiritual perspective... what do you think?

    6 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • HELP! What to do about this? E.D.?

    I have been suffering from eating disorders since I was 10 years old... although the severity varies I am now 21 and heavier than ever...

    Although i'm only 5kgs overweight, i know I have done heaps of damage to my body through constatly switching between binge eating and extremely healthy (vegan) eating...and I really REALLY want to change my ways as I am more on the heavier side now...

    the only thing is, every time I try to change I am so scared of what people will say to me. I have tried many times to live a healthy lifestyle but I always get comments about "

    ohh you're eating too much fruit" " Why are you eating healthy?" "Oh you're losing too much weight" "You're skinny" "Why don't you eat what WE eat?" " Look at your body" "you're wasting away" " Oh are you on a health kick again?" "Don't you want to have fries with us?"... blah blah blah

    I am so ******* sick and terrorfied of peoples constant judgements and criticisms because I get them even when I am doing amasingly well... It is so much more within my comfort zone to continue abusing my body and not have to worry about people saying anything than it is to look after myself and deal with their ****...

    I feel llike the only way I can emotionally be healthy is if I am in an environment away from people who judge and comment on me 24/7... but at the same time I can't afford to move out!!

    I don't know what the **** to do but i need to do something before i damage my body even further...

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Bleaching hair the healthier way...?

    I have heard that if you bleach with 40 vol for a short amount of time, it damages your hair MUCH more than bleaching it with 20 vol for a long amount of time... therefore, to go 4-5 shades lighter, without damage... could you bleach your hair 1/2 a shade lighter at a time, using 10 or 20 vol, once every 2 months over the span of a year while conditioning and soaking it in oil daily... this way, doing a SMALL amount of colour lift, gradually...

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago