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Fight with boyfriend need advice?
So I’ve been with my boyfriend since the beginning of this year and we have a pretty good relationship. The past few days we’ve been bickering and yesterday was a full
Blown fight. My son is 2 and seems to have major tantrums every time we’re at my bfs house and my bf gets very mad and thinks my son is a brat and out of control. Now every time we’re at my bfs house my son gets super attached to me and won’t leave my site. My boyfriend said last night he doesn’t know how we’re supposed to be together if this is how my child is. I feel so torn and he’s been distant since. I’ve been such a good gf to this man and I love him. I’m always doing house work for him cooking, sweet romantic things, I just threw him a surprise party for his bday, I buy him nice things that he wants (not that buying things matters much) he lives 1.5 hrs away and I’m alwaysssssss the one driving (granted I do live with family and he lives alone so it’s easier I go there) and then one thing happens and he’s willing to kick me to the curb? Idk what to do. I feel really sad because I want to be with this man but I feel like I’m starting to get bitter now.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years agoHow much child support do you get in Florida for 1 kid?.?
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years agoWhat do you think about this??
Ok so I have been w/ this guy for just over 4 months & we talk & see eachother constantly we have a great relationship &a lot of love already but 1prob keeps coming up. Hes in the military and his ex wife lives across the US with their son. They split up about 3 years ago because she kept cheating on him. They were together 2 years had the baby and split up he then dated this other woman for a year and his wife came back wanting to make it work. He left the girl he was w/ for a year to go back to the wife. When he left the new woman the wife decided she didn’t want to be w/him anymore &got a new bf she’s been with for years until now. He talks to her a lot & even still pays her phone bill. He told her he would pay the phone until July &then July came now she’s asking until sept. She lies to him constantly to get money (saying the kids school Tuition went up $200 a month when we contacted the school last month and we’re told how much it really is) but he never confronts her lies. She’s always snapping him pictures & talking to her and I find it odd. (I have a kid as well whose 1 & I don’t even do all that with his dad) Last night he said “if it feels like I’m lingering with her it’s because of our kid & I keep telling myself I tried it before &it didn’t work so I remind myself of that” I think he still has feelings for her. What do you think? Am I over reacting? He told me tonight he needs time to think because I have brought this up a few times now. Help please.
13 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years agoWould you consider me fertile and able to get pregnant easily?
or average? I'm 24 and been pregnant 3 times. I got pregnant in 2013 after trying for 8 months. (Had a stillborn at 6 months) Got pregnant in July 2014 not trying but not using protection either (whatever happened happened)with in 4 months (miscarriage) and in jan of 2015 accident but of course miscarried yet again. I can't seem to hold a baby and I'm afraid I won't be able to get pregnant or hold a baby soon. I've been to many drs and they did an autopsy on my son when I delivered him and all tests were negative they can't find a thing wrong. I'm so confused !
2 AnswersPregnancy6 years agoWill my iPhone 6 plus bend in my purse?
my iPhone 6 plus is in a case with a glass screen protector and is never in my pockets. Only in my purse or on a flat surface or in my hands. Do you think it will still bend or should it be okay
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years agoshould I stay with my bf or try and rekindle my relationship with my ex husband???
so my ex hubs and i split oct of 2013. we had a good marriage but him being in the military and us being far from family took a toll on our marriage. I lost my job and became pregnant. we struggled fiancially and it slowly started tearing our relationship apart. we ended up loosing our son at 6 months it was tragic i had to deliver him and it literally killed me inside. i became depressed almost instantly and i wanted to talk to him about it but he hurt so much he couldnt talk about it. we grieved differently. just a few weeks later he said he wanted a divorce. I moved back to my home town instantly got a job and tried moving on. i went on dates pretty quickly and i met my current boyfriend who i have now been with just over a year and have lived together about a year now. anyways my ex husband just moved back to the area and is out of the military now. we havent talked in over a year and we just got in contact he is buying a house got his bachelors degree is doing great and im now a hair stylist new car and doing well myself. we are in such different places now. butttt i have a boyfried that i do love. he is 30 but has no car no job and we live at his parents i have been wanting to move out but he doesnt want to. so the ex was saying he wanted to see where things go but i dont want to stay with my bf and see where things go with my ex. its one or the other. should i stay with my bf now because exs are an ex for a reason or should i give it another go with the ex husband????
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoIs it bad to get pregnant again 2 weeks after an abortion?
My friend just had an abortion 2 weeks ago and then this past week had a few accidents with her boyfriend. My advice to her was drs always say to wait a few cycles after so your body goes back to normal. She was 10 weeks when she aborted baby. I never had an abortion but I've had a 6 month stillborn and 2 miscarriages. Anyways will the baby be safe if she is pregnant as she would keep this one or could it be an unhealthy pregnancy due to just aborting a 10 week old fetus 2 weeks ago?
1 AnswerPregnancy6 years agoDo you think most couple split when they loose a child?
My ex husband and I lost our son at 6 months and just weeks later I moved out and he asked for a divorce. Do you think loosing a child can cause the split up?
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years agowould you be annoyed if your boyfriend was 30 and..?
Still lived at home with mom no job no car and plays video games all day long and smokes weed? I work full time as a stylist don't smoke or do drugs have a brand new car and alot more motivation but I love him we have been together going on 2 years and he worked most of the time until December he got fired and since then his mom gives him money every single day and pays his bills and he doesn't look for a single job. Anyways sorry for venting just curious on what other women think....I'm 24 btw not that that really matters
5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWhat would you do if boyfriend had?
A crazy stalker ex gf he was with for 2 weeks? You have been with him for going on 2 years but she never goes away. She texts from all diff nums and calls all diff nums and even has friends comtact. I'm soooo over it it's not her I'm upset about its the fact he never says I'm happy and in love and never sets her straight. Am I over reacting or would you be annoyed 2 years later as well?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agowould u be pissed if your gf/bf ex was texting them constant?
Asking to mess around
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoboyfriends ex won't go away!!!?
So my bf I've been with going on 2 years has an ex he dated for 2 weeks. Yes 2 weeks. Is still obsessed with him years later. He has her number blocked. And still a few times a month she calls him off different numbers. Emails him. Texts him off texting apps multiple ones. And will NOT go away. She constantly says she misses him and wants to mess around. It never stops. And he refuses to change his number. Should I be annoyed or let it go?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoheavy bleeding while pregnant?
So I'm heavily bleeding bright red blood like a period and been in and out of the hospital since I'm 6 weeks pregnant. Anyways dr found a blood clot in my uterus and said baby is developing normally but this blood clot may cause a miscarriage and said to test my hormone levels again and that will give us more answers anyways my hcg more then doubled today. Wtf is going on??? I've had 1 stillborn and 1 miscarriage and now this one.
2 AnswersPregnancy6 years agoWhat sounds better for dinner chinese or mexican food?
14 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agosmoking while pregnant question?
So I just found out im pregnant 2 days ago. I'm 4 weeks pregnant. I smoke ciggerates about 7 to 10 a day before I found out I was preggo. I was told weaning puts less stress on you and the fetus. So first day I found out I had 5 second day 2 and today 1 then done. Do you think this will be harmful or will baby be okay?
3 AnswersPregnancy6 years agofaint positive on clear blue preggo test?
Am I pregnant if I took 2 tests with a faint line? Here's the pic of the test does it look positive to you?
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src=' border='0' alt="Screenshot 2015 01 30 21 28 32" /></a>
1 AnswerPregnancy6 years agodoes this pregnancy test look positive??
Faint plus sign I see I took 2 both faint. Or does this look like an evaporation line?
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src=' border='0' alt="Screenshot 2015 01 30 21 28 32" /></a>
1 AnswerPregnancy6 years agohow do you know if your meant to be with someone?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agodo you ever get over your first true love?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago