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Windows freezing, what do I do?
More specifically, all explorer-related programs. My Mozilla Firefox is running perfectly as I speak, my Yahoo messenger, Bittorrent, and everything except Explorer runs perfectly fine.
How do I fix this? Due to this problem, I can't switch screens, meaning I'm stuck with Mozilla unless I switch user and come back in. Even then, after a few minutes, the problem kicks back in.
This problem happens whenever I turn on the computer. Sometimes, and just sometimes, nothing goes wrong, but as soon as it sets in, it's all over.
I don't know the source of the problem. I doubt it's a virus, since my anti-virus hasn't detected anything (Kaspersky). It's becoming extremely inconvenient to me and I need a solution fast.
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoDo they sell Bonta-kun stuffed animals?
Anywhere in Japan?
FYI Bonta-kun is the awesome mascot of Full Metal Panic Fumoffu.
1 AnswerJapan1 decade agoDo people in Japan really shout "Tamaya!" during firework shows?
Just curious because in anime (Black Cat lol) they do.
4 AnswersJapan1 decade agoWhere can I find Rock n' Roll All Night tabs?
By KISS, of course.
Now then, don't just give me a vague answer like or something, because I've already visited 4, 5 different search results in Google and all of their tabs aren't appealing. I'm talking about the the live version of the song, which includes the solo and such. Ultimate Guitar offers a *barely decent* tablature for the intro, but not for the verses and choruses. And only 1 version of the tabs includes the solo, which really sounds nothing like the one heard live.
So I'm asking for a very good tab that follows the live song. Unless you know guitar and can play out the tabs and compare it to the live version, don't just randomly give me links.
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade agoDon't you start no fight?
Cuz I'm___!
I'm ________!
Fill in the blanks.
5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoThere was no help, no help from you?
Sound of the drums
Beatin' in my heart
The thunder of guns!
Tore me apart
You've been....?
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoI need a manga suggestion!?
Preferences: I like engaging action series like Black Cat and Bleach, as well as teen comedy series like to-LOVE-ru and Kissxsis.
Any suggestions?
I would prefer not to have a very long series spanning 300 chapters, so I guess Naruto and Death Note are no go.
Some people suggested Gantz, Code Geass, and Ghost in the Shell.
Buy or sell?
7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoHow do zombies react to cold and heat?
Now, I've read World War Z and know that zombies freeze but thaw in the spring.
My question is, in places of extreme cold such as the northernmost part of Siberia and Vostok Station in Antarctica, would temperatures in spring be warm enough for zombies to thaw? In other words, would the zombies be permanently frozen?
Secondly, we all know fire doesn't work exceptionally well against zombies. However, would it at least slow down motor functions due to its rapid decomposition of muscle?
5 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade agoHow do zombies react to cold and heat?
Now, I've read World War Z and know that zombies freeze but thaw in the spring.
My question is, in places of extreme cold such as the northernmost part of Siberia and Vostok Station in Antarctica, would temperatures in spring be warm enough for zombies to thaw? In other words, would the zombies be permanently frozen?
Secondly, we all know fire doesn't work exceptionally well against zombies. However, would it at least slow down motor functions due to its rapid decomposition of muscle?
4 AnswersBiology1 decade agoRed vs Blue Recreation?
So when exactly is it coming out? It vaguely says summer, but what exact day?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoJonas Brothers Epic Fail?
Many JB fans, after hearing songs such as Got Me Going Crazy and such, claim that Kevin Jonas indeed as guitar talent due to the short and simple solos.
1) The solos were easy, so that's no excuse. But still, we ought to give these fangirls a try!
2) The solos were not performed by Kevin! They were performed by backing John Taylor! Check the live videos, his fingers do not match the tabs! From Wikipedia: John Taylor – guitar. Creates, records, and performs all of the band's guitar parts that the Jonas Brothers can't handle while the Jonas Brothers play simplistic power chords.
So, question is, epic fail or not?
6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoAm I of normal height?
I'm 14.5 years old and I'm 164 cm. Normal or not?
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWho are your most iconic guitar players?
When I mean iconic, I don't mean the best technically, the most soulful, etc. I mean iconic. I mean Darth Vader in Star Wars iconic, Caboose in Red vs Blue iconic, Master Chief in video games iconic. The guitar players who anybody, guitar player or non-guitar player alike, would know of.
Mine would have to be Slash. Sure, his guitar playing is dwarfed by many other giants. But he is iconic. Think about it. When you think of guitar, you think of Gibson. When you think of Gibson, you think of the Les Paul. When you think of the Les Paul, you think of Slash.
What are your thoughts?
5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoWhy do Americans believe that America was the reason why the Allies won WW2?
Do people not realize that we entered when the war was almost ending, and that Germany was devastated and we basically did nothing?
19 AnswersHistory1 decade agoWhy does the US object to other countries owning nukes when?
they are the only nation who has used it in an aggressive manner?
They dropped 2 bombs in, what, 3 days? When Japan was about to surrender? And now they're saying that North Korea would use it aggressively and abuse their technology.
18 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAmerica the prude nation?
Why is it that many Americans don't object to the mindless violence on TVs and movies, but a slight amount of boobage causes people to flip out?
10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhat's the emphasis on diabetic Nick Jonas?
Do people realize that 1) he's a millionaire and can afford all the latest treatments and thus for him diabetes is relatively easy to handle?
2) He has guards looking after him 24/7 so any incident is properly treated?
3) It's not even life-threatening? Don't give me the bullcrap. I know my biology, and directly it is NOT life-threatening.
6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoYes, it's another Superman vs Hulk question.?
Except, it's more like a debate. Answers up, everyone. Our two contestants: Savage Hulk at maximum pissed-off levels and Kal-El.
In my opinion, the Hulk. Many DC fans often neglect the Marvel comics and thus assume that supervision, speed, and the ability to fly allows the Hulk to be outmatched. This is, however, not the case. Let us examine some common arguments.
1) Superman has superspeed. Indeed correct, but does anyone also know that the Hulk has super-reflexes, fast enought to fight Quiksilver and Thor, who can swing a hammer at twice the speed of light?
2) Heat vision. Again, the Hulk is unfazed due to his ability to withstand millions of degrees, as shown when he withstood the Human Torch's nova blast that has the same temperature as the Sun's core.
3) The ability to fly. I have to hand it to you, but that doesn't put the Hulk at too much of a disadvantage because 1) he can jump extreme distances, up to a quarter of the Earth's atmosphere, 2) he can alter his flight path through pure strength, thus enabling him to "fly."
4) Superman can hurl the Hulk into space. Hulk cannot breathe, but he can hold his breath for indefinate amounts of time. Furthermore, he has adapted the ability to breathe underwater, there is no limit to what he can do in space, as said by Nick Fury in Hulk #90.
As for the strength aspects, let's assume both sides are equal, as both have demonstrated incalculable feats, such as punching an asteroid twice the size of Earth and stomping on continents to produce massive tidal waves in Hulk's case, and juggling planets (a bit iffy, read on) and holding up 200 sextillion tons of force in Superman's case.
Superman fans might counter that Superman has demonstrated further acts of strength. Let's analyse:
1) Moving a planet under the red sun. This is contradictory to itself, as DC writers have said that Superman owes his powers on Earth due to Krypton's heavy gravity and red sun. If Krypton has a red sun and thus no Kryptonian has superpowers, 1 and 1 make 2.
2) Holding close a black hole. This is ridiculous because a black hole is not tangible. It cannot be held. For instance, can you hold a thought, energy, or beauty? Maybe in his case.
3) I don't know where the juggling planets concept came from, but obviously you can't juggle in space unless Superman is so heavy that he attracts planets with his own gravity.
Enough Superman, time for Hulk's feats and abilities. They include:
1) Istantaneous regeneration at pissed-off levels. Once, he was so demolished that half of his body was gone, yet bing! He was full again.
2) Limitless strength, as calculated by the Beyonder, an entity. That just clears things up. There is no finite limit. Furthermore, he broke apart Onslaught's armor when the combined effort of everyone else couldn't. And don't say Marvel heros are just that feeble.
3) He isn't stupid in some incarnations. But then again, if we bring incarnations into the mix, the definately Million-Prime Superman or whatever he is will win. Ok, so he's a dumb brute who knows how to fight really damn well. Like a Spartan.
4) Impervious to psionic attacks, but Superman doesn't have Ok, nevermind.
There you have my position. Answers up! And don't forget to read my post because I don't want to restate arguments.
Final note: the Marvel/DC Crossover does NOT constitute as a viable source because 1) it is fan-voted and thus does not represent the true characters, 2) Superman is DC's flagship character, of course he won't win to Marvel's petty Hulk.
5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoRed VS Blue! How do Rooster Teeth...?
get two people of different colors (say, Simmons and Grif) to get into the same vehicle? How do they put people of different colors in the same vehicle? It can't be Team Slayer, nor can it be Slayer. Keep in mind that I have Halo PC, so I don't know if Team Slayer allows individual colors.
How do they do it?!
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoBreakdancers! The ultimate question: Toprocking or powermoves?
After watching the iconic Lilou vs Physicx of Redbull BC One 2005, many were debating which was more important. While Lilou's toprocks were indeed stylish, hit the beat, and impressive, Physicx busted out in impressive powermoves. Question is, which is more important?
Toprocks require agility and flexibility. They are style and movement in one. However, powermoves are the icon of breakdancing. When non-breakers hear the word "breakdancing," flares and windmills come to mind. So, which is more important?
1 AnswerDancing1 decade ago