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  • Computer slows down periodically. Why?

    I have a decent PC that I've used for a couple of years now. Dual core 3ghz processor, 6 gb of ram, nvidia 8600 (planning to upgrade soon). Runs plenty of games very well, most games decently, even new releases.

    However, recently I've found that it periodically slows down. Every couple minutes (but only during a game) it slows down tremendously, dropping to only a few fps, for maybe 30 seconds. This seems to happen no matter the game: new ones recently installed, or old games that I know run very well (like L4D2 or Oblivion). Adjusted graphics settings do nothing. Anybody know why this might happen?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do I stop Facebook from posting on my wall every time I reply to a thread on a fan page?

    I post quite often on various fan pages, and having them fill my recent activities section is quite annoying. I have been manually deleting them as they appear, but this is tedious. Is there any way that I can stop them from appearing altogether?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • What makes a gene non-coding? Is it a characteristic of the gene? Or do we just not know the function?

    Curious about junk DNA. Checked Wikipedia, but not as helpful as I would have liked.

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • External Hard Drive works, then stops?

    I plug it in and it works. I move 20+ gigs of data to it, and it works find. I use it again. It AutoPlays and works. Then, randomly, I get a Delayed Write Failed message and I can no longer access any files on it. I can see all the root files and folders, but all the folders are empty and it can;t access the files. It works (very briefly) if I unplug it and replug it after a few moments. I look at it on some USB connections menu, and it is listed as Unknown. In other words, it detects it but doesn;t recognize it.

    BTW, It is a Simple Tech Simpledrive, 160 GB, connected via USB. It came without a driver, and requires none--its plug and play.

    I have a Gateway notebook running Windows XP.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • What 5 works of literature have you read that are most influential to your way of thinking?

    What books have changed the way you think? Feel free to go beyond 5 if you must.

    The Bible

    Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein

    The Art of War by Sun Tzu

    1984 by George Orwell

    Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

    17 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Explain to me logically how eating meat is wrong.?

    Explain to me logically how eating meat is wrong.?

    Humans are omnivores. If you deny that, then don't even answer the question. Millions of other carnivores and omnivores across the planet eat meat. How is it wrong for us to do so? How is eating meat cruel, when some animals are predators and others are prey. Do you not realize how cruel and heartless nature is?

    And I'm not looking for answers like, "Well...I saw this video on a girlfriend of mine told me how much healthier being a vegetarian is...and aren't little rabbits so cute?" I want reason, not emotion.

    19 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago