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Favorite Answers16%
  • Dogs at large?

    So my jerk off neighbor called animal control on me because my three year old let my dogs out the door and they wandered into his yard. They are not vicious, and didn't destroy any property. Now I have to go to court for dogs at large. Being my first offense with a clear record what kind of penalty should I expect? I live in michigan.

    8 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • just curious?

    Let me start by saying that I'm not trying to ruffle anybody's feathers, I'm trying to start polite dialogue. Please don't confuse my intentions. But why does it seem to be alright for black people to say certain things that whites cannot? Let me give you an example. I was watching the Arsenio Hall show, and he had a black comedian on. The comedian comes out and says "whats with all the white people makin all this noise" that got me thinking, if a white comedian would of come out asking the same question of black people, outrage would of ensued. So why can black people say things about whites, but not vice versa?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • premarital debt garnishment?

    I want to ask the answers community for some help. First let me explain the situation. My wife and i bought a lemon of a vehicle from a less than honest dealer, (this was before we were married i should mention) Long story short, the engine was getting ready to throw a rod, and would have cost more to fix than the car was worth. My wife called the finance company since all the paperwork was in her name and told them to come pick it up. We expected that the car would be auctioned and the outstanding balance would have to be paid, we had made plans to take care of it. But then my daughter was born with problems and had to be rushed to a children's hospital that was more than three hours away and which she ended up staying at for two months. This unexpected turn of events ended up eating up our funds and we couldn't make any payment on the car. The finance company in turn ends up suing my wife for the outstanding balance, and getting a writ of garnishment for our income tax return. Here's the problem, my wife has no income, she is a stay at home mom. I work full time and earn the only income we have. The finance company has managed to secure a garnishment on our state tax return. My question is can they legally take money that i have earned on debt that was incurred before we were married, my name is nowhere to be found on the paperwork she signed, and she has no income in which to garnish. I know this sounds extremely stingy, and we do plan on paying off the debt, it is just coming at a very bad time right now because we have plans for the money. any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should regulations on medical marijuana be more strict?

    With marijuana now being legal for medical use here in Michigan, I'm seeing a huge number of people that have suddenly developed illness in order to get their medical marijuana card. Things as petty as muscle aches, and headaches. Things that can be easily remedied by taking some over the counter aspirin or ibuprofen. This in turn is making things that much harder for people with real pain such as cancer patients, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers etc... to get relief from their pain because you have recreational users abusing the system so they can get high legally. I know the state has regulations in place already, but should they be a bit more strict in order to curb the stoners from getting a get out of jail free card.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should gun rights be limited?

    Should they be limited? I understand the need for hunting rifles and the like. But today i saw a 50 caliber handgun for sale, the intended purpose obviously is not for hunting, as that would obliterate anything you shot it with, thus ruining a lot of good meat(which is the whole point of hunting right?) That gun has one purpose, and that is to kill another human being. Why are guns like this allowed to be on the free market? Where will someone draw the line? Assault rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, and high powered hand guns have no practical use as hunting rifles, and many are illegal to take into the woods. Furthermore, these guns are impractical if not dangerous to keep as a means of self defense. I understand a persons right to keep and bear arms, i am very aware of the second amendment, and do not have any qualms with owning and using practical firearms. I am though VERY much against the right to own and use weapons of war.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • how long will beer stay fresh in a kegarator?

    I'm interested in getting a kegarator for my house, my concern is that the keg will go flat, or skunky before i can finish it. So, how long should i expect a keg to last once i tap it and add the co2?

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Why has Christmas become so materialistic?

    When i was a kid, Christmas meant spending time with you're family, observing traditions(decorating the tree, reading the night before Christmas, making wreaths) and of course eating until you felt like a thanksgiving turkey! Lately it seems like all kids care about is the loot they get on Christmas morning. Is this a direct effect of the advertising were bombarded with this time of year, or could it be that we as parents haven't instilled the true spirit of the holiday in our children?

    11 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Why are Yankees fans so arrogant?

    I mean, you talk to any Yankees fan, and they will vehemently deny the Yankees buying their championships, and the proof is blindingly obvious every off season when new york goes and stocks their team with the best players money can buy. And then they will celebrate and crow like it was a championship well deserved through a good farm system and scouting.

    11 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Hard drive compatibility question?

    My wife and i just bought a new e machines desktop, her old one took a dump on us, wouldn't even boot up to a point that we could access anything, would just freeze as soon as you powered it up. anyway, i was interested in taking the hard drive from the old PC and installing it in the new one in the slave position so i could retrieve the data off it. Will there be compatibility issues? or anything else i might not know about? any advice would be appreciated

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • can this be legal or not?

    My wife and i recently agreed to buy a mobile home from her cousin, my wife and i sat down together with her cousin and wrote out a written contract. we agreed to pay her $100.00 a month until Feb, at which time we would pay the remaining balance(about $900.00) we made a copy of the contract for both our records. Now, we made our payment for august and september, and had every intention of paying for october when we discover an envelope on our porch, inside was a copy of the contract, with VOID written across it, for nonpayment was the reason given at the bottom, along with the contract, was a rather nasty note, explaining the she has sold the mobile because we failed to pay her, and had not kept contact with her concerning payments(october wasn't even over when we got this little package) my question is, was it legal to just sell the trailer out from under us without a phone call, or letter, or anything giving us warning? does anybody know what the law says about this? we have every intention of taking them to court, and i am just curious if this is something that should be argued with the judge

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • a little advice please?

    I have a little dilemma, my wife and i agreed to buy a house from her cousin, we agreed to pay $100.00 a month until February, then we would pay the remaining balance (around $900.00)and the title would then be signed over to us. Her cousin wrote out a contract in front of us, explaining the payment plan, and how much was owed altogether. She and my wife signed as the binding parties, and her boyfriend and i signed as witnesses, and a copy was made of the original for our records Now we have made two monthly payments for august and September, but haven't made our payment for October yet( we had every intention of doing so) when her cousin's stepmother shows up at our front door with a manila envelope, inside is a copy of the original contract with VOID for nonpayment across it. and a nice letter from her cousin explaining that she sold the house for cash, and that she wasn't going to give us our $200.00 back because we hadn't moved the house and she supposedly had to pay rent. The owner of the property hasn't been charging them rent since august. Is this really worth taking to small claims? i can't really see any other way to recoup our money. is the contract valid since it wasn't notarized? what are my chances of winning? we technically aren't late on our payment, and their was nothing in the contract specifying when the house had to be moved.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What can i get for my old car?

    My wife and i are looking into trading our jeep liberty for something a little more gas efficient. The jeep is 2003 liberty, it currently has about 150,000 miles on it. Other than the high mileage it runs fine. It has given me no trouble at all. The four wheel drive hasn't worked since we bought it. the dealer wouldn't fix it since we bought it "as is". Seeing as how we still owe quite a bit on it still (around 6k) would a car lot be willing to take it as a trade in? what kind of a deal could i expect?

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Hard drive question?

    ok, heres the deal, we have an emachines that took a crap on us recently, it won't even boot up, nothing shows up when you turn it on. we think it's the motherboard thats shot. anyway we have lots of important stuff we would like to have(baby pics of our daughter, music, etc...) we are looking at buying a dell tower and i was wondering if it would be possible to get the data back if i installed the emachines hard drive in the dell slave slot. the emachines was running windows XP at the time, would i have to get the same version of windows? any information or tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • You're opinion?

    Why are people so hung up on wearing name brands? American Eagle, Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch. Everywhere i go, i see people sporting these name brands, Ask what kind of shirt to buy on this very site, and i can guarantee that 95% of the answers will include the brands i mentioned above. Why are people so willing to spend $60 on a shirt? or $70 on a pair of jeans? It isn't the quality, because you can get the same quality clothes at wal-mart for a fraction of the price. So what is it then? Is it an ego boost? Popularity boost? Do people feel superior to others because there clothes have an expensive name brand splattered across the front?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Closing my bank account?

    I have an active checking account with bank of america, problem is that i recently moved and the closest branch is a two and half hour drive. seeing as how this is pretty inconvenient, is their anyway i can close my account without having to make the drive to do it in person?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Insurance question?

    Heres the deal, we recently were rear ended, some kid didn't look both ways before crossing the street, so my girlfreind braked for him, and this guy hits our rear end. We have full coverage on our car, with a $500 deductible. Anyway we take it to the body shop and have them fix it, they call us to pick it up, and are informed we owe the body shop $500 before they will release the vehicle to us. Is this right? We weren't told anything about this prior to the work being done. And it's always been my understanding that since the accident wasn't our fault nothing should come out of our pocket. any help would be greatly appreciated.

    15 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Burger King question?

    Hi, im interviewing for a mangers position at burger king, and i don't have any managerial experience at all, so im kinda nervous about it. What should i expect? What kinda things am i going to be responsible for. How hard is it going to be? like i said, im really nervous cause ive never done managerial duties before, and i really want to do a good job. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • Kanye West?

    Why does this dude think he's god's gift to music? I was reading about how he threw a tantrum after he didn't win at the VMA's, saying its the second year in a row he was snubbed, how he has the number one album out, and this one really bugs me, "give a black man a chance" Good ol Kanye, bust out the race card when he can't have his way.

    11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • is it really necessary for kids to have cell phones at school?

    Is it a distraction? Do they really need to have them during school hours? I made it through my school years without one, but these days it seems like its as important to have as pencils and paper, is it really necessary?

    23 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Get a life?

    Whats with the people that have egregious amounts of points on here? I was browsing through some profiles, and noticed that some folks have ridiculous amounts of points, one person had 25,000, another had 58,000, and one guy had 175,000 points!!!!

    im sure there are people with more, but my question is how do you get that many points? i have been participating since 2005 and have only managed to make 3,800 points. Are these people cheating? or do they just sit and do nothing but answer questions all day, evreyday? I would hope that the yahoo answer elites at least remeber what sunlight looks and feels like.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago