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I am good in programming I am an Indian. South Indian. India > Tamil Nadu > Chennai (Madras)

  • Anything else like phpMyAdmin that works on ASP and MS-SQL ?

    I've used phpMyAdmin and its fine. But i'm forced to do some database changes. And those admins are lazy that they dont do themselves, nor am i allowed to go to server. I just have access to the webspace through FTP. I've been asked to write my own code in ASP only. I'm not much comfortable with asp, just kept doing sites using php/mysql/apache/win and ubuntu sometimes. It'd be easy for me to copy paste something like phpMyAdmin to the webspace, login, then execute SQL commands..

    Restrictions: Only ASP, and only MS-SQL.

    admins suck :( they dont go for opensource softwares #:-s

    Somebody plz help me.

    we're using a UDL file to connect to database.

    want and equivalent of phpMyAdmin such that it works in ms-sql/asp

    plz help me... its really urgent :(

    [Got to finish within 23rd]

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is it safe to connect 240V AC Bulb rated 100W to 240V DC?

    I just want to try working with a voltage multiplier with capacitors and diodes.

    I'm having two 6V batteries of 4.5Ah.

    Since i got the battery, Its having ~10V output. Lets assume 8V each. Together in series it'd b ~15V minimum.

    I can think of generating 50Hz (or required freq) with 555


    using a H-Bridge(2N3055 and its PNP) or L298 (actually intended to drive motors), connect a voltage multiplier as load.

    Each capacitor in the voltage multiplier is rated 1000uF 63V.

    With around 20 capacitors, i should reach voltage near 200-250V. (while doing anyway I'll verify the batteries voltage x num of capacitors)

    For testing the working, i'd like to connect a bulb.

    I'm just afraid to connect this 200-250V DC supply to my bulb which is actually for AC.

    I guess i wont get so much power bcoz 15V*5A gives around 75W. So, can i just connect a 75W 220V AC Bulb to this DC output of my circuit?

    Is it safe??

    Any comments/suggestions?

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Whats wrong in this javascript code?

    <script type="text/javascript">


    var TableContent;

    function ShowRTILinks()


    var RTI_Table = document.getElementById("rti_table");

    TableContent = RTI_Table.innerHTML;

    var txt = "<p align=\"center\" class=\"style47\" valign=\"top\"><b><font face=\"Verdana\">Minimum Information Prescribed under the RTI Act, 2005</font></b></p>";

    txt = txt + "My private text..<br>";

    txt = txt + "Some other text<br>";

    txt = txt + "<br><input type=button value=\"<< Back to RTI Menu\" onclick=\"ShowTable()\">";

    RTI_Table.innerHTML = txt;


    function ShowCalMenu()


    var RTI_Table = document.getElementById("rti_table");

    TableContent = RTI_Table.innerHTML;

    var txt = "<p align=\"center\" class=\"style47\" valign=\"top\"><b><font face=\"Verdana\">Minimum Information Prescribed under the RTI Act, 2005</font></b></p>";

    txt = txt + "My private text..<br>";

    txt = txt + "Some other text<br>";

    txt = txt + "<br><input type=button value=\"<< Back to RTI Menu\" onclick=\"ShowTable()\">";

    RTI_Table.innerHTML = txt;


    function ShowTable()


    document.all.rti_table.innerHTML = TableContent;




    I face problem in IE:

    I tried <script language=javascript> and the old style of refering and element, that is document.all.ElementID.innerHTML! that too doesn't work. It works fine in firefox.

    some1 plz help me

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What exactly are these connectors called?

    I've been using these for several months:

    Now I want to design my PCB. What's the exact name of these type of connectors?? And where'll I find them in DipTrace?? Do these require additional library files (apart from the default)?

    And Is it possible to have a 3D view of how my board will look after manufacture? coz I'm new to designing.

    ExpressPCB/pad2pad etc suck to the core.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to change the voltage level from LPT Port?

    I use to interface the 16x2 LCD by connecting it to the Parallel Port and it use to work fine.. but after long time, i reconnected the circuit and connections are very fine. But i noticed that my LPT port now gives only 3.24V to 3.26V whereas it use to supply 4.96V sometime back. The LCD isn't responding, but I checked that every line is very finely controlled by the computer (checked it bit by bit). I don't remember if I changed any settings regarding LPT port. I guess its the low voltage that makes the LCD unresponsive. Am I right? Is there any way to change the voltage level of LPT port.

    Some 1 plz help me regarding this.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • help me with an oscillator ??

    i have electic component and an expert said it was an 800MHz oscillator, it has 3 pins can some1 tell me how to use it. i mean how to get a sinusoidal wave of that particular freq? is it possible to do so using a battery alone?

    i'm sorry if i was very childish in this quesion but i'm a newbie to electronics, just know abt capacitors, inductors, BC108 and 555 ic. (i'm just now in 12th standard)

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Install Ubuntu without affecting Windows XP?

    I have XP professional, I want to explore Linux by installing Ubuntu.

    SEAGATE 160 GB HDD in primary master.

    C: -> 60GB (NTFS) with WinXP Pro

    D: -> about 80GB(NTFS) but it became 43.4GB (NTFS) after i played tried installing Ubuntu (Thank god there was no data loss)

    HCL 40GB HDD in primary slave

    E:,F:,H: are FAT32 with data

    (G: is cd drive)

    I want to install Ubuntu in D drive (the unallocated space recently created) without any data loss,i also want winxp to remain as it is.

    some1 pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze help me..

    thanx in advance

    and be more specific when in the partioning process, i am no good in it.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me in CListBox class in Visual C++ 2005? Please go through a piece of code.?

    CListBox *files = (CListBox *)(GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1));

    TCHAR title[]=L"Select Attachment...";

    char *str,*str1;

    int i=0,j=0;

    size_t CharactersConverted=0;

    CFileDialog fd(1,L"*.*",NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_ENABLESIZING,L"Word Documents|*.doc|HTML Files|*.htm*|WinZip File|*.zip|WinRAR File|*.rar|MP3 File|*.mp3|WMA File|*.wma|All Files|*.*||");

    CString cs;




    str=new char[(cs.GetLength()+1)];

    str1=new char[((cs.GetLength()+1)*2)];

    wcstombs_s(&CharactersConverted, str, cs.GetLength()+1, cs, _TRUNCATE);











    MessageBox(L"Error occured",L"Error",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

    delete str;

    delete str1;


    i don't get the error msgbox , i get filepath in msgbox as expected but item not added in ListBox. why? details please.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to recieve windows update for xp from another computer?

    i was having a computer for myself. my brother is gonna get one for himself. we would like to share our internet connection. the problem is that we have only 2.5 GB/month.To use windows update in both computer, shld i download seperately in both or is there any other way around?

    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Help in visual c++ 2005?

    i made a MFC dialog based project which can send e-mails with some extra features. it works correctly. I did something in the properties page and now all the buttons, checkbox do not load in xp style, instead use the old style. wht did i do? how to bring back to xp style? i have only little experience with visual c++ 2005.

    thnx in advance

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How to make standalone MFC application in visual studio 2005 professional edition ?

    i made a MFC dialog based application. i am a newbie. i just finished making my own base64 encoder. but just sending the .exe file doesnt work in my friend's house. it did work with visual c++ 6.0. wht happened now? why didnt it?

    so my question is : how do u build a standalone MFC application?

    I used visual studio 2005 Professional edition.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Downgrade windows xp to 98 made possible?

    I think i have a method to do it. I had 98 in C: and xp in d:

    now, i have formatted c:. nowi have only xp. if i want to have 98, can i just install and make neccessay changes in boot.ini file. will it work? if not why? I want detailed answers. if possible please give technical details. thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Downgrade windows xp to 98 made possible?

    I think i have a method to do it. I had 98 in C: and xp in d:

    now, i have formatted c:. nowi have only xp. if i want to have 98, can i just install and make neccessay changes in boot.ini file. will it work? if not why? I want detailed answers. if possible please give technical details. thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to store more than 127 characters in a character array in C?



    //Iinclude files...

    // other functions

    void main(int argc, char *argv)


    char input;

    //I tried input[] and input[200];

    printf("Enter input");

    scanf("%s",&input); // I also tried gets(&input)





    - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -

    Here lies the problem, I am unable to type more than 127 chars in the command prompt. I know it is long but i want it for some purpose.

    I also once tried wheter it works if I initialize the string in the code itself. But that also didnt work.

    Some more details:

    Compiler : Turboc3,Turboc3

    OS: XP Pro, 98SE

    Ram: 256 MB

    Is it not possible to store more than 128 ( including \0 ) chars in C?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • How to disable NTFS Encryption for the "Windows" (%windir%) directory? Please read details.?

    I use Microsoft Windows XP Professional which is installed in D: Drive. D: Drive is of NTFS Format.

    I want to replace mshta.exe with my own mshta.exe (i am a programmer) in \windows\system32 *

    This cannot be done when windows xp is running because windows doesnt allow you, it will undo changes as soon as you make any change in %windir% or its subfolders and files. So, I thought I can do it from WIN98 installed in C: Drive (FAT32). But when i look into the D: Drive from WIN98, the WINDOWS folder is not appearing. I also checked whether there is any hidden option set. But tht is not the prob. I am sure it is because of NTFS. Please help me solve this.

    * I'll tell the reason once you tell the solution.


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • Where can I download turbo c 3 compiler?

    I am a beginner of C. I have just joined classes to learn. I need it for download so that I could practise at my home. Where can I find it for download? Please help me.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • A sound is played when I change the address in the address bar of my browser (IE) and hit enter( Read Details)

    I am using windows xp professional and a sound is played when I change the address and hit enter. It is irritating me. Please tell me how to remove this.

    1 AnswerInternet2 decades ago
  • where can get old tamil songs for free?

    I have tried a lot of websites. They only allow to listen the song but there is not option to save it. It is not even there in the temp folder. So, can anybody suggest a good site for download of old tamil songs

    3 AnswersMusic2 decades ago
  • do u know any site for free hosting with PHP support, mainly fsockopen function enabled? I tried all searches!

    Most of the free hosting sites disable the fsockopen function. Is there any site where it is enabled and allowed for use?. I tried a plenty of hours searching google,, yahoo, lycros, msn, and all famous search engines. Please help me by giving me any such site if you are aware of. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design2 decades ago