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I am a conservative.(yes there are black conservatives out there) I use to be a liberal in my younger years but came to my senses some time ago.(if you are under 25 and not a liberal you have no heart, if you are over 40 and not a conservative you have no brain) I love to debate and learn new ideas and opinions as long as they have rational thought processes and are back up with some facts. My ideas and thoughts are based on life experiences not just feelings. I have lived in 4 countries and travel extensively work at many type of jobs. Feel free to contact me bring your A game, no rants or irrational claptrtap I am not one of your polite conservatives so you will get both barrels if you start off with insults be polite and you will be treated likewise.

  • Why is it that theses communist/socialist countries tax their citizens less than we do?

    China and Russia once claim that capitalism is a failure they have now adopted capitalism and in the last 20 years their economies have exploded and their income tax on their citizens is lower than ours

    We on the other hand the leading capitalist nation on earth have been going socialist we are taxing the hell out of our citizens and our economy is imploding.

    Does anyone else see the lunacy of our politicians especially leadership in the US of following this type of policy.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • To liberals out how do you explain this?

    In a liberal mind the math is really simple if you raise taxes on the rich the government gets more taxes ...right.

    In Britain, figures show that a 50 percent tax rate on the country’s top earners has resulted in less revenue for the government, says the Telegraph (U.K.).

    In 2009, more than 16,000 people declared an annual income of more than £1 million.

    However, since the 50 percent top rate was introduced before the 2010 election, only 6,000 people reported an annual income of more than £1 million.

    This has cost the UK government £7 billion in lost revenue.

    Conservatives are using this as fodder against the Labour Party’s claim that a higher tax rate for the wealthy is necessary to increase government revenues. It is believed that many of the richest Britons either left the country or took steps to avoid paying the taxes. Moreover, entrepreneurs are deterred from coming to the country because of the tax rate.

    Does anyone see the parallel in what Obama is proposing? My dad once told me you don't have to make the same stupid mistake that other people make, simply observe and avoid their error.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • House passes new Buffett Rule will liberals man-up and pay more taxes?

    Republicans and democrats just passed a bill that simply states if you are a wealthy American and want to pay your fair share you can simply send in more than you owe and it will strictly goes toward the deficit. This is great we will get to see if all the flaming liberals will put their money where there mouth is

    But like most liberals I won't hold my breath this law which is named after that big mouth liberal Warren Buffet as we speak Berskhire Hathaway is still in a lawsuit with the IRS about owing 1 billion in unpaid taxes.

    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • How would the middle class or even poor families prosper under Obama compared to Bush?

    We have all heard of the mantra Bush tax cuts were for the wealthy well here is a little fact and math test

    A family of four with the husband making 35k and the wife making 25k for a family income of 60k(quite modest) paid 9k in federal taxes ...over the last 12 years that family has paid 108k in federal taxes.

    Obama from day one has have talk about the elimination of the Bush tax cut let's examine the same family

    That family of four with the husband making 35k and the wife making 25k for a family income 60k(quite modest) would have paid 16.8k in federal taxes ...over the last 12 years that same family would have paid 69.6k more in federal taxes.

    Could liberals please explain how this hypothetical family would have been better off with Obama policies....I can't wait to see the spin!!

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • So this is what our nation is denigrating into under Obama?

    The last time I check the constitution gave me the right to free speech to criticize anyone or government( as long as I am not yelling fire in a crowded theater) When did we as a nation decided to send federal agents to pick up an individual because we did not like what he said or filmed Today a film critical of Islam , tomorrow maybe federal agents knocking at your door because you said something bad about Obama.

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Besides being Black... why is Barak Obama president?

    I would like liberals to answer this question and I am not trying to be funny ..lets pretend that Obama was a white guy named Joe Smith with the exact same qualification as Obama could you please let the rest of the world know why you would vote Joe to be president.

    12 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Here is why the economy will take off after a Romney election?

    My bother is VP of a medium size company in Atlanta he told me when Obama was elected they had 400 million to invest with and they have been sitting on it since.. the total now is over 2 billion now and they are still sitting on it too cautious to make any decision as long as the president has policies that is hostile to business. multiply this scenario with thousands of businesses all across the US.

    If a pro business president is elected imagine the amount of capital that will flow back into the economy will be astronomical, creating jobs, the turnaround will be startling

    If Obama should ever get reelected you have no idea how bad ...bad will get.

    12 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Ytube clip=muslim uproar Obama film the killing of Osama=?

    In Egypt the protestors all chanted we are all Osama. Obama has partnered with hollywood to glorify his killing of Osama Bin Laden in your opinion what do think the reaction will be?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Is this the love that Obama promise us!?

    I remember getting into debates with family, one stating because of Bush the rest of the world hates us

    Well guess what I would rather be feared and respected than be loved and ridiculed and disrespected

    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Obama is for the middle class right!!?

    The price of gas was $1.88 in Nov 2008 we were told my libs and the media that Bush and his oil buddies are screwing us. Now I am paying over $4.00 man I long for the days when we were being screwed by Bush if Obama is so friendly to the working person with a friend like this do you need any enemies

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Do Liberals and Democrats have something in common with the Muslim Brotherhood!!!?

    This is the statement the union official made to the Rev Sharpton Chicago Teachers Union Official: “This Is Our Arab Spring!” It makes you wonder if this is the reason so many of our young people suffer from mental underdevelopement.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Could Obama have caused the attacks on our Embassy!!!?

    The mob that killed Americans in Egypt were all chanting we are all Osama Bin Laden. Connects the dots The president is apologizing about offending Muslim feelings and what has Obama and the Democrats been doing, they spent last few months and convention spiking the ball with na na na na na we kill Bin Laden could there be a connection?

    11 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years ago
  • With Obama... are we beginning to see the end of the system of things?

    Yesterday while America was remembering our dead from 911 and the prime minister of Israel was told that Obama does not have time on his busy schedule to meet him, American Embassy in Libya and Egypt were being attack an Americans killed, our Commander-in- Chief was on the Pimp with a Limp show in South Florida extolling the virtues of Pitt bull and FloRida.

    Yes these rappers are the same ones that talk about *****rs women as bitches and guns and bullets as fact of life these are the people he extol and identify with Everyday I wake up and realize that this nightmare that America is going thru is actually real.

    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Republicans war on women!!!?

    I find it hilarious and sad at the same time that this party who claims that republicans have a war on women and of course they will protect the women from those mean Republicans had a couple of people on their platform that is truly representative of this love.

    Bill Clinton---serial womanizer,sexual harasser accused rapist.

    Ted Kennedy--serial womanizer,manslaughter of a young woman in his care

    All they needed was John Edwards for the coup de gras

    Women didn't you just feel the love ..if you were around these guys it would be more than love you would be feeling.

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Isn't liberal policies basically doom to failure and eventually collapse?

    In the US right now 49% of taxpayers do not pay any income tax if my math is correct that means the other 51% is carrying the load.

    Right now liberals are constantly crying for more and more government dependency if you take this trend to it's conclusion eventually won't the system simply implode when we get to say 60 /40 or 70/30. Liberals shouldn't logic dictate in order to remain a strong nation the numbers should be going the other way. Isn't countries like Greece example enough for you

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If Obamacare is the way to go why are people in Britain doing this?

    Mind you the people in Britain have free health care and a population 1/5 of the US

    check out the note at the bottom of the link..I thought a clean hospital was always a given

    5 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • As a black man have most blacks made me and themselves politically irrelevant?

    Here is why I ask this. In all elections the result is usually within +_5% that means all the groups women men, young old, rich poor, etc split their votes except one group blacks 97% Democrats

    Democrats--blacks we have them in our back pocket they are going to vote for us regardless so who cares what they think.

    Republicans-- what is the point no matter what we do or show them how democrats have kept them down they are going to vote Democrat anyway, so who care what they think.

    By so many blacks having the lemming mentality and not dividing their votes

    Aren't we basically politically irrelevant???

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Afghans: Quran-burning soldiers to face trial?

    Yes our Oblamer-in Chief has written a letter apologizing once again meanwhile a total of 6 American soldiers have died since and they are asking for the head of those responsible for burning the Koran...appeasement is a beautiful think isn't it . If we don't get rid of this dufus we are done for as a nation.

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Is this great nation at the crossroads?

    A philosopher once said nations are like people destine to be born grow and then die as I review the ten stages where do you think we are as a nation.

    1. The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith.

    2. The second from spiritual faith to great courage.

    3. The third stage moves from great courage to liberty.

    4. The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance.

    5. The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness.

    6.The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency.

    7.The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy

    8.The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay.

    9.The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence.

    10.And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence back to bondage.

    Personally I think the US is between stage 8&9 what are your thoughts are you more optimistic or am I too pessimistic?

  • Why the silence Libs?

    When George Bush was president and gas spike all I heard from libs that it was George Bush and his oil buddies that was driving up the price of gas and damaging the economy. When Bush left gas prices were $1.80, where I live now it is $4.69 that is a 260% increase yet your silence is deafening now. I can't wait to see verbal contorsions and intellectually dribble you will use to defend comrade Obama.

    14 AnswersElections9 years ago