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  • Anyone know where I can find a Tartis mailbox?

    My brother's birthday is coming up, and I want to get him a Tartis mailbox for his house. I've searched ebay and Google with no luck.

    Could someone please help me with this?

    Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerOther - Television7 years ago
  • Question about Facebook?

    When it says on someone's page that so and so is now using "Facebook Engligh", does that mean that they are in a foreign country?

    2 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • How can I switch a word document or a pdf file to a jpeg?

    I've written a long...Um....shall we call it a "Mission Statement". anyone who caught the Jerry McGuire reference.

    It's 2 pages and I originally saved it as a word document, but then switched it over to a pdf file.

    I went to post it on Facebook, but apparently you can not post a pdf file on there. If I copy and paste the Word document it will be SO long, and I'm afraid people will not read it.

    Is there a way to convert it to a jpeg, or some other kind of file that I will be able to upload to my Facebook page?

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • Question about birth control pill and prenatal vitamins?

    I've been on birth controls pills for about 6 months. The first kind I tried was Ortho Tricyclin, I kept starting my period 5 days before the placebo pills so after 3 months, they switched me to Orthocyclin. I am now on my last month of this. I go back next week for yet another kind.

    I also take a prenatal vitamin every morning because I heard they were really good for you, and helped make your hair and nails grow, and look pretty.

    I have been bleeding now for over 20 days straight. It's going back and forth from light to heavy, and I am having some abdominal pains.

    Also the last time I had sex was on November 2nd. The first condom broke, so we had to use another.

    Is there a possibility that I'm having a miscarriage, or that I'm pregnant? Or could it be that the prenatal vitamins are messing with the birth control pills?

    Thanks in advance!!!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • A letter from the movie "The Lake House"?

    Can anyone give me the contents of the letter Kate wrote to Alex where she "broke up" with him?

    I remember one of the lines was.....

    "Let me let you go."


    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • How do I grieve someone I lost 2 years ago?

    I lost my 1st love (he was the love of my life) 2 years ago. We were not together, and had both moved on, but up until the day he died we would talk at least once a year, and had a bond that I'm not even going to try to explain. I had someone else in my life, and he was married.

    When I found out he had died, it rocked me to the core, but I held it together. I didn't allow myself to cry, and I didn't go to the visitation or the funeral. I sent sympathy cards.

    I didn't feel I had the right to feel the way I did because we had gone our separate ways. It felt wrong.

    Now everywhere I look I see him. TV, radio, cars, places I drive's bringing up all those old feelings, and I now realize what I did back then was very unhealthy.

    I have lost everything important to me......not material things, but my faith, my beliefs, and most hope. How do I rebuild from that?

    So how do I do this now? After two years, how do I say goodbye to the man I have loved more so than any other in my life up until this soul mate.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Please help me with this song that was in the movie The Craft?

    It's playing in the background after Nancy's stepdad dies, and she's showing the rest of the girls her and her mom's new apartment. It's a woman singing. Her mom shows one of the girls her jukebox and all that on there is one woman singer, and I'm going to ASSUME the song is by her, but I can not remember her name.

    Please help????

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Anyone know of a free prescription drug plan??

    I have bi-polar disorder, no insurance, and on a very limited income.

    I was using a prescription card that I found online that was free and it REALLY helped, but has stopped covering one of my meds (of course, the most important one). That medication I'm on is over $546.00 a month now, and I can not go with out it or I will go bat **** crazy. I called my doctor and he floated me a month's worth, so now I have a month to get this figured out.

    Does anyone know of any free prescription cards, or any other program that might be able to help me out?

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S. I'm not looking to get the prescription for free, just some kind of discount.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Question about workplace harassment?

    I am being harassed by another woman at work. It's not sexual harassment or any kind of discriminatory harassment. This woman has repeatedly called me a f***king b***ch, and tells me shut the f***k all the time. She will also lean across my desk while yelling at me in a threatening manner. The boss is aware of what is going on, but refuses to deal with it because he says "I'm just not strong enough". I asked this same questions a couple of days ago and a wonderful gentleman sent me to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. I contacted them and they said they could not help and pointed me to the EEOC, I contacted them and they said they couldn't help me either. The place I work is located in Iowa, is a small remodeling company and I am the receptionist and keep the books. There is a total of 7 people employed there including the boss/owner. 2 of them are contractors, 1 on them is a counter top fabricator, the woman who harasses me is the designed, as I said I am the receptionist/bookkeeper, and that leaves the boss/owner. This is becoming a daily thing and started on the 19th of August. I have been writing everything down (dates, times, places, witnesses, what action was taken, etc.). I also email copies of these to a few family members so there is no way they will get 'lost'. I am very confused right now. I thought for sure that I would be able to get some kind of help from the Iowa Civil Right Commission or the EEOC to no avail. Can someone please tell or point me in the direction I should look into next? I know this can not be legal. I don't know if it will help or not, but I also have bipolar disorder which everyone knows about, and since this has started happening, have had to take almost double the amount of anxiety pills I normally do, so in essence it is affecting my health now. Please help.

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • How to file a complaint for workpace harrassment?

    I work in Iowa, and while I'm not being sexually harrassed, I am being threated and harrassed. There is a women who works there that is contastly telling me to "Shut the **** up", and that "I'm a ******* *****". I have never risen my voice to her, and went to my boss and explained what was going on, all though this has all happened within his earshot. His response was "I'm just not strong enough to deal with this right now". I have been keeping handwritten Memorendum for Rights with dates times, etc. I have both handwritten ones, and I always email a copy to my dad, mom, and brother, and they are printing them out for me.

    I am at a point where my patience is wearing very, very thin, and am ready to do it, I just don't know where to start. Would I file with the EEOC, or retain a lawyer. This is so new to me, so I have no idea what to do.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Is there a way to find out who has blocked you on Facebook?

    And also, there is one person who I KNOW has me blocked because we had it out last week, but she is really wishy washy and has started to try and talk to me again. I can see her unblocking me, but I want to block her so I don't even have to deal with her.

    Is there a way to block someone who already has you blocked, or do you just have to wait until they unblock you?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • What would be a good nickname for this girl?

    She's very into tattoos and has bright blue highlights in her hair. She also has a lot of piercings. She is very outgoing, funny as hell, and a great conversationalist. We can hang out for 6 or 7 hours, and NEVER run out of things to talk about. And she's one of the most easy going people I have ever met.

    The BIG thing about her though, is that she has ABSOLUTELY NO brain to mouth filter. If she thinks it, she says matter what! Which I think is kind of amusing. Gets her in trouble every once in awhile, but amusing none that less.

    I adore this girl and her little sister (which I already have a nickname for, and hang out with also).

    I don't have a lot of close friends due to some trust issues I have including a little OCD.

    Whenever I consider someone one of my closet friends, I HAVE to give them a nickname. Just something I do.

    I am having the hardest time in figuring out one for her, so I thought I would come and ask you guys? Any ideas?

    Oh and we work together, and hang out outside of work. We go to dinner and karaoke every other Friday. Neither one of us sing, but her sister does. We usually just listen to people sing and have conversation.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Would you please watch this movie trailer and tell me what song is playing?

    Looks like a good movie.

    Anyway, I can tell that the song is by Peter Gabriel, but I don't know the name. Can anyone help?


    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • Any professional opinions on what this kid might get when he goes to court?

    I have a friend who's 22, and lives in Illinois. He was caught in Illinois (and not Chicago) with an ounce of weed, and they also charged him with "Intent to deliver". All the weed was in one bag though, they just found a couple of empty zip lock bags. He was arrested and spent the night in jail. The next day he appeared in front of a judge and they continued the case until this morning and he was released on his own reconnaissance. He got a lawyer, and the lawyer asked the judge today for more time to review the case. It's been extended.

    He's gotten speeding tickets before, but has NEVER been arrested for anything and has never been caught with weed. My question is does anyone have any idea what he might get when they finally give him a judgement?

    I was thinking maybe probation and a fine, but I'm no lawyer, so I thought I'd come here and ask.

    Any information anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Question about the train derailment in Spain?

    I get the the driver is being charged with homicide and bodily harm offenses, but am I incorrect in thinking that there were 2 people in the engine, and if so, why did the other man not slow the train down, or take over when he realized they were going twice the speed they should have been?

    3 AnswersRail8 years ago
  • How do I break down the wall I've built up around my heart?

    I've been through A LOT of bad stuff concerning relationships, and I mean A LOT. So much in fact that I've actually given up on dating completely and haven't had a relationship in over 6 years (I'm only 33).

    I have a lot of guy friends because I get along with them way better than girls (girls cause too much drama). ALL of my guy friends can not figure out why I'm single, and have asked me about it.

    I'm pretty much a tomboy (I grew up with 2 older brothers, and all I did growing up was hang around with them and their buddies), I've been told I'm very attractive, I love action and martial arts movies, cars, motorcycles, MMA, baseball (FAVORITE place in the world is Wrigley Field), I have a pretty sick, twisted, sarcastic sense of humor, I don't get offended ever, I'm not jealous, and I don't try to tell people what they can or can not do. My guy friends often come to me for relationship advice because they know I will tell them the truth and not sugar coat anything, and I speak my mind.

    I have about 3 friends that are girls. All my guy friends at one time or another have had feelings for me and have expressed them, but like I said, I have given up on relationships.

    I had an Epiphany the other day. I have built up a brick wall around my heart so no one can hurt me, and have realized that I'm lonely. I want someone to come home to. I want someone who I feel safe with, and who will hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright. I want someone who knows somethings wrong, even when I say I'm fine. I want a REAL ADULT relationship.

    My problem is this damn wall. When I start to get close to someone, I freak out, and run in the other direction.

    How do I break down this wall? I know I can do it, but I think that because it's been there so long I have no idea where to even START. Can anyone help? Can anyone tell me how to break through this barrier?

    Thanks. :-)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why is the Whitey Bulger trial not being televised?

    They've televised Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, and George Zimmerman's trials......why not Whitey Bulger's trial? In my opinion this one is the most interesting one yet, and I would absolutely tune in. Are cameras even being allowed into the courtroom?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What are some of your favorite quotes?

    Favorite movie quote?

    Favorite poem quote?

    Favorite song lyric?

    Favorite saying in general?

    2 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • Bipolar disorder and birth control pills?

    I have bipolar disorder. I'm on Depakote, Clonazepam, Tenazepam, Prozac, and a statin. I'm going to the girly doctor for my yearly today and am going to ask to be put on birth control pills. I know that if I take Nyquil, or some other over the counter drugs I have to be very careful because they will throw me way out of wack. I do plan on telling the doctor today about my bipolar and the meds I'm on, but I was just curious if anyone on here has bipolar and been on birth control pills, and if so, how did it turn out for you? I tried the shot a few years ago, but that didn't work out so well, so I'm definitely going to ask for the pills. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks! :-)

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Will this dull ache ever go away?

    I haven't dated anyone in 6 years......yeah, I have some issues. I started seeing a guy and we communicated for a few months and were intimate and things were going great in my opinion. Well, I got an email that pretty much said the opposite. Said that he had trust issues and other things he was dealing with and that he was sorry that he involved me in his problems and didn't want to hurt me.

    I'm not the "beg you to take me back" kind of girl. I figure that if we're supposed to be together we will eventually end up there.

    My problem? I have a constant dull ache in my chest and I constantly feel like someone has kicked me in the stomach. I understand that in some way I'm going through a grieving process, but it's been OVER a month and it still feels like yesterday. The last relationship I was in ended very amicably and the last time I actually remember feeling like this was probably about 11 years ago, so I've kind of forgotten how this works.

    Will this fade over time? Do I have to just wait it out? I gotta really sucks.

    Also, he hasn't unfriended me on Facebook.........any clue as to why that is?

    Any opinions, suggestions, or help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :-)

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago