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Sheaffer pen refills in Dublin?
Hi there, please help! :)
I want to buy a sheaffer pen ink refill, either blue or black.
I'm living in Dublin for the next few weeks and i'd like to know where to get some.
Any friendly Dubliners to the rescue? Thank you guys!
1 AnswerDublin7 years agoHi there! how do I get from buckingham street, Dublin 1, TO Trinity College Dublin?
I'm going there for a month and my apartment is at buckingham street. I would like to figure out how to get to trinity college as that's where my electives are.
Thank you!
2 AnswersDublin7 years agoNescafe Dulce Gusto Qn?
Hi there, I was wondering if it would spoil the machine if we made coffee with the Dulce Gusto using MILK instead of WATER in the reservoir. I've never done it but I've thought about it, to make the coffee even creamier. But I figured it wouldn't be a good idea. Has ANYONE tried it and if so, did the machine break down?
1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years agoANY DOCTORS/MED STUDENTS CAN ANSWER THIS?
It was said that the classical triad of renal cell carcinoma is painless haematuria, dull flank pain and a palpable kidney (ballotable)...
Doesnt hydronephrosis present the same way? So how was that even specific to RCC in the first place?
hi there I was wondering why hemolytic anaemias caused hepatosplenomegaly...
for splenomegaly, I think it's because the RBCs are destroyed in the spleen it has something to do with that, but how do we explain the hepatic part? any takers? thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years agoHow to deal with cyberbullies?? Any way I can protect myself?
I had a cyberbully stalking me on yahoo. He was upset that I contradicted him in a previous thread some months ago so he spammed my comments saying that he obtained my IP address to seek revenge and that he was going to hack into my account because he was really good at computers.
I didn't believe him but to be sure I asked the yahoo answers community for help just in case he had a way to go about it.
Apparently the IP address isn't made visible to everyone, or so I read. So I told him to stop harassing and threatening me after receiving a lot of notifications from him, and that if he wants to threaten me he should stop it because it won't work.
He got even madder than that and when someone interjected, he assumed we were the same person and started calling me vulgarities for "creating multiple accounts" to upset him.
I know he's probably not right in the head so the best option would be to ignore him. But he still spams my yahoo and says he's going to take videos of me etc after hunting me down and make it incriminating. I don't know how he's going to do that but he said he took screenshots of me and the other user's replies *who he claims is me as well -_-* and start a hate campaign against me.
Is there anything I can do?
3 AnswersSecurity8 years agoCan someone find your yahoo answers account just from the yahoo news comments?
The person who has been harassing me is back. He's replying me now that I told him to stop threatening me.
He said he found my yahoo answers account just from the yahoo news comments. (my account is invisible so I don't know how he did that) and he's going to plan something nasty like leak videos of me off the internet.
could someone please help?
I'm only a young girl, I'm quite scared.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoHarassment on Yahoo, please help?
There was a yahoo user who was very angry that I disagreed with his point once so he decided to spam me with a lot of messages on the comment board calling me names and threatening to hack into my computers with my IP address. I've ignored him hoping that he would stop but when I tried to reply to say that I don't know what he's talking about, he would continue his taunts. I have a screenshot of his replies but i can't upload them here.
What should I do? I've reported it to yahoo but they can't do anything about it. I can't be getting nasty letters everyday
2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years agoIP address help please, will award the best answer.?
Hi there, is it possible to get someone's IP address on yahoo comments?
I've been hearing a lot of different views. It would be good if someone with computer/IT background could help me.
I've been harassed by someone recently who said that he was angry that my views contradicted him on yahoo. So he says that he found out my IP address and is going to hack into my com any minute.
Is it an empty threat?
Or is this really possible?
3 AnswersAbuse and spam8 years agoHow to find out someone's IP address on yahoo news comments? Will choose best answer!?
Let's say someone was a tech geek and darn good at computers.
is it possible to find out someone's IP address on the yahoo news comments?
and if so, can the person do anything to you even with your IP address?
Anyone can help me?
5 AnswersSecurity8 years agoHelp pls! Someone is threatening to hack into my computer.?
A person on yahoo has sent me a lot of replies on the board saying that he knew my IP address and that he was going to crash my computer after I disagreed with him on an issue.
I think he's just sore but it's still frightening.
I need to know
1) is it really possible to find out someone's IP address via yahoo comments?
2) is it possible then, for him to send viruses to my com without me accepting it?
3) How do I protect myself?
I have gotten firewall on my mac and backed up all my docs to be safe.
2 AnswersSecurity8 years agoIs he just threatening me?
A person on yahoo has sent me a lot of replies on the board saying that he knew my IP address and that he was going to crash my computer after I disagreed with him on an issue.
I think he's just sore but it's still frightening.
I need to know
1) is it really possible to find out someone's IP address via yahoo comments?
2) is it possible then, for him to send viruses to my com without me accepting it?
3) How do I protect myself?
4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Message Boards8 years agoHelp please, someone is threatening me...?
I was on the yahoo news board and I disagreed with someone's point on an issue being discussed. I think the person got sore and started sending me threatening replies that said:
"I know your IP address, I will go hack into your com and crash it, just you wait."
He then repeated his taunt again and again and called me some vulgarities.
Is it possible to know someone's IP on yahoo boards and if so, how can I protect myself?
4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Message Boards8 years agocan you find out someone's IP address through yahoo comments?
I was wondering if people can get hold of your IP address if you leave comments on yahoo news. Someone wrote in to me to threaten to send viruses to me after I disagreed with his point. -_-. As much as I think he's probably making empty threats, I want to ensure that he has NO CHANCE of sending me anything harmful.
3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years agoSTOMA REFASHIONING VS RESITING?
im not sure what the difference is so it would be very much appreciated if someone could enlighten me? thanks
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years agoHow to protect my IP? Someone is threatening to hack/crash my com! PLEASE HELP ME!?
I met someone on yahoo. I don't really know the person but he was harrassing me calling me vulgar names and threatening to crash my computer.
I didnt do anything to him but somehow he just started attacking and threatening me again and again. I need help please. I've never been cyberbullied before but this man is really scary. PLease help me.
4 AnswersSecurity8 years agoWhat's the difference between a low dose and a high dose synacthen test?
how do we know when to use each procedure?
1 AnswerMedicine9 years agoHow does haemolytic anaemias lead to hepatomegaly and splenomegaly?
Some help please? Ive been pondering over this for awhile. I know that haemolytic anaemias would cause some form of unconjugated bilirubinemia but as for how it causes the liver and spleen to enlarge I have no clue. thanks y'all :)
4 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years agoWhy does cardiomyopathy lead to infective endocarditis?
Trying to see the link between Hypertrophic obstructive Cardiomyopathy or HOCM for short, as well as Infective endocarditis because apparently IE is a complication of HOCM. How does that even work?
3 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years agoLobectomy help please!?
Hmm if you take out a lobe of the lung as in the case of a lobectomy, what exactly is left? Air or vacuum? from what I know, it gives rise to dullness on percussion, so it shouldnt be air cos that would be resonant...hmm. \confusion time.
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago