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Age-39 gender-Male B.A.S Mechanical Engineering U.M.B.C. Class of 2007

  • Has MADD successfully usurped the US constitution?

    The fourth and fifth amendment has been deemed inapplicable by the US Supreme court with regards to Drunk Driving Checkpoints (unreasonable search and seizure ) and with Miranda rights ( Testifying against yourself ). Have we become a Nation so willing to blindly follow a well intentioned group that we are in danger of becoming the next Nazi Germany in the hopes of creating the " Master Nation? "

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • ***** Slave or White Indentured Servant?

    1. If you were a wealthy landowner in the western hemisphere circa 17th-19th centuries would you rather own a ***** Slave or have a White Indentured servant? Which would you treat better?

    2. If you were imprisoned for a crime and given a choice of Death, Slavery , or Indentured Servitude for 40 years, which would you choose?

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Federal Income Tax Refund Past due Child Support Offset Question.?

    I became unemployed the middle of November 2009, and I am still unemployed.

    I just finished my Income Taxes for 2009, and have a refund but I know that I will have some of it offset/garnished for back Child support.

    The question I have is this, will my garnishment be limited to missed child support payments for 2009 only, or will they include missed child support payments for the months of January and February of 2010?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • How would you feel if you were in a Bar and you said how attractive your companies VP is.?

    How would you feel if you were in a Bar and you said how attractive your companies VP is, and little did you know that she/he was right behind you with her/his husband/wife and from the look on their face they overheard every single word you said?

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Life at 40 career/education question?

    I Just turned 40, and now I am at a crossroads. I received my Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering a little over 2 years ago, and have been grateful that I was able to apply that education directly in the workforce, however I am not employed now and I have been unsuccessful in securing a position over the past three months.

    I am wondering if I should look at this break in my career as an opportunity to build on my education and pursue a graduate degree in either

    1) Engineering Management

    2) Mechanical Engineering

    3) EIT certificate

    My age is occupying too much space in my own mind now, and the fear that no employer wants to take on a middle aged person with only three years of direct experience in the field.

    If anyone has some suggestions, I would really appreciate it right now.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Why does New Jersey's unemployment rate 1990-2010 trendline look almost identical (small tolerance)?

    I went to this url

    and looked at the US unemployment rate, and discovered that New Jersey is virtually identical, is it just coincidence or is there something I am missing?

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • What has President Barack Obama Passed and Vetoed during his Presidency?

    Is there a site that has a complete listing of Bills that President Obama has reviewed and either Vetoed or Passed?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • If I have full Coverage and Someone Hits my car with Liability Coverage, can I file a claim with both?

    If I have full Coverage and Someone Hits my car with Liability Coverage, can I file a claim with both Insurance companies, assume that the other party is deemed AT fault. Assume that my car is deemed totaled by my insurance company.

    Can I file a claim for the cars value with my company and file a claim with their company?

    9 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Are we at Peak Global Crude Production?

    I have been unemployed for the past two months, so I have had some time to research the current state of affairs. Based on the research I have conducted we are not simply at Peak oil production, we are actually just beyond it. Demand is outweighing production.

    I may be wrong, and if you have some actual data so that I can update my graph please let me know.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Is this chart saying we have reached maximum capacity for Oil Production?

    If the amswer is yes, then does this mean that we will be running out of oil soon?

    Here is the link to the Chart, look it over.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have a good way to apply a MBTI Personality type to a Resume?

    I am an INTJ personality type, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a direct way to add it to a RESUME, or is it just not even worth trying, and why or why not.


    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Work Search Help for a recent Mechanical Engineering Undergrad .?

    I have been unemployed for two months now and submitted over one-hundred fifty Resumes'. Two years ago I received my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I am Thirty Nine years old, and I have been doing Mechanical Drafting for two companies since graduation December 2007.

    Prior to going to school I worked in the Building industry in the field of Roofing. I did everything from basic labor to estimations to purchasing. I worked in that field for about fourteen years before I decided to pursue my undergrad degree.

    Ok, so here is the question. Does anyone have any suggestions for someone like myself, that would allow me to stand out to a prospective employer looking for a Mechanical Engineer with my limited Engineering experience, or should I just take my education to the next level in Mech. Eng because I love it so much?

    Of course even if I do the Grad School thing I am still going to need work. Any one with some good advice, because I really need it right now.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that China is funding " al qaeda " In the hopes for Crude OIL?

    The energy consumption needs of the world are increasing, and the search for cheap resources are paramount for every country, the question is how far is a country willing to go in order to satisfy this need for affordable energy? With China possessing the majority of the global human population, could it be possible that they would fund a group of militant radicals in order to drive away the Middle Easts Crude Oil Customers, such as the United States as well as other European Customers?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is the USA destined to allow itself to become prisoners of paranoia?

    Amid Religious fanatics, quasi military power mongers, and just plain ole nutjobs, the USA has had to suffer these peoples physical, and verbal attacks for years. It just seems that now we as a people are going to put the final nail in our coffin, by denying our own constitutional rights to our own citizens all in the name of public safety.

    Does it have to be this way?

    Are we becoming the new USSR with citizens needing to show " OUR PAPERS " at every checkpoint?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Homeowners insurance, and New Years Eve personal injury possibilities?

    If someone gets intoxicated on the Holidays, and hurts themselves at my house, should my homeowners insurance cover them ?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Why can't God and Evolution co-exist?

    Perhaps someone can clarify this question. I know that I am in no way shape or form omniscient nor omnipotent, and neither is anyone I have ever seen or met. I have noticed that there are a overwhelming number of people that insist that evolution is in some way anti-God. I believe that if there is a God, evolution provides the perfect set of tools to fill this universe.

    So why is it there are these people as mortal as myself that feel that they can speak for god, and limit Gods powers by removing Gods ability to control evolution?

    9 AnswersAnthropology1 decade ago
  • Has the USA become a nation ruled by paranoid fear?

    Is it true that the USA citizenry supports laws that make actions that "MAY" lead an individual to violating the rights of another individual illegal?

  • How long is too long to wait for a Job?

    I worked through a temp agency for a corporation for 9 months and the corporation laid me off. My supervisor said he wanted to hire me back, so I should file for unemployment in the interim. I have been unemployed for 6 weeks, and last week I was told to apply for a position, by my old supervisor. I was contacted by the hiring manager 4 days ago, and was told to wait to be contacted by the department head.

    I love the company, and the people are great but I really don't like being unemployed. Should I just go get another job because of how long this is taking? Should I just wait it out?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is the United States government similar to this definition?

    This is a link to Merriam Websters Online dictionary version. Please look at it and tell me the similarity, and difference.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • United States Bill of Rights.?

    1) Has the right of the people to keep and bear Arms been infringed?

    2) Is it true that NO Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, still valid in todays society?

    3)Is it true that A US citizen can not be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law?

    What is your opinion?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago