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  • Where can i find the system files for currently installed drivers?

    I have constant issues with drivers on my laptop. I'm running on an AMD A8 W/ RADEON HD 6620G. I can run any game I throw at it. The issue is in regards to drivers. If I run the current AMD drivers for it, games that have been developed with Nvidia in mind have visual issues. IE any changes to the graphics settings doesn't change the image quality, and it creates lag on occassion.

    But when I install drivers meant for other video cards. I get access to better performance in said games in addition to improved visuals. The downside is that the computer runs slightly slower and other applications like Media Center, Silverlight, Chrome tend to bug out and become unstable.

    So my question is how to find current drivers in the HDD to create a folder to switch between drivers manually rather than installing through catalyst constantly?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • I need advice on some Router Issues?

    I recently installed a new router the Netgear N900. It works flawlessly with everything, with great range and connection quality, except my Xbox and PS3.

    Even the TV gets instant access while it takes multiple attempts to get throughput wired on the Xbox (which doesn't remain stable and crashes after an hour or so). In addition it gets always gets connection to Internet half hour into each connection test, but its connecting to Xbox live that's the issue.

    As for the PS3 it only connects to the Internet through WiFi, and rarely to PSN, and wired it never gets connection to the Internet.

    My laptop, android, iPod, tablet, desktop, tv, dish dvr, & AVR all get access seemlessly the momemt I connected them but I can never get my Xbox or PS3. Is it an issue with the router's firewall, encryption type, or something else?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Was the United States founded to be a "Christian Nation"?

    If so can you offer me counter arguments to this:

    1. The US constitution never mentions God, and only mentions the separation of church and state and the prohibition of legislation in preference to a specific religion.

    2. The words "I God We Trust" weren't added until 1863; paper money didn't have them until 1957.

    3. The words "under God" weren't in the pledge of allegiance until 1954.

    4.many of the founding father weren't Deists or ambivalent in the believe of the Christian God, of which included Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Paine, and even George Washington.

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • I upgraded itunes to 11.0 and it sucks?

    how can i downgrade it?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Do you support the "40 Days to Save America"?

    the Prayer+Fasting+Action=Change

    Their anti Secular Humanism Stance.

    The philosophy or life stance secular humanism embraces human reason, ethics, social justice, philosophical naturalism, while specifically rejecting religious dogma, super-naturalism, pseudoscience or superstition as the basis of morality and decision-making.

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are you waiting for September 28th?

    All I know is that if it turns out to be true we can finally see what Romney has been hiding from us.

    What are your thoughts on Romney's taxes being hacked?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • what would better describe obama?

    a socialist tyrant hell-bent on destroying the american way of life?


    a center-left, likeable technocrat?

    We Can Change It!

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Re: Are there any legal consequences?

    for the download of copyrighted music from other countries, which are not copyrighted and available in the US?

    For instance downloading Japanese or Korean music that isn't distributed here in the US.

    I forgot to mention, record labels being independent in said countries or only national labels that do not belong to any of the big 4, like Avex Group Holdings Inc., Toy's Factory Inc., S.M. Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, YG Entertainment, Wynona Records, so on.

    As clearly as I can state it non American copyrighted and distributed music, only those that are available and copyrighted in other countries that do not reach American shores and have little to no connection to the big 3 or US markets. Would I face legal consequence upon the download of said music?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Are there any legal consequences?

    for the download of copyrighted music from other countries, which are not copyrighted and available in the US?

    For instance downloading Japanese or Korean music that isn't distributed here in the US.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Questions for any democratic voter?

    would you have been more likely to vote republican if Ron Paul was the nominee rather than Romney?

    I know he would have my vote if it were so.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Can you tell me what are the problems in this video?

    Upon the issue of Mitt Romney, what are the truths and what are the lies?

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Do people in the politics section?

    lack the basic knowledge to read, rationalize and come to a logical conclusion. Do the majority of you have your heads so far up your *** to shut out reality? Do you think your partisan efforts of just spamming people by being contrarian to any given subject will make everything better?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Re: Is Romney a sociopath?

    This is a repost due to the overwhelming demand for proof, as I was being condemned as spreading rumors.


    In the sense he's become a kind of pathological liar, and in the way he carelessly disregards what is the common good. By which I mean that he lacks social conscience and disregards the sense of moral responsibility, all which in contrast to him we're the upmost admirable traits of his father.

    1. He has constantly changed his political philosophy, at a point to which rational people who actually do research on him find it uneasing to distinguish what he really stands for.

    2. In his views upon capitalism his ideology: that rich people deserve every penny they have, and if people complain about anything rich people do, it's only because they're envious.

    3. George Romney held a different view in capitalism, his vision of how capitalism should work was in every particular the exact opposite of the one pushed by the vulture capitalist he sired. If George Romney's AMC was around now, Mitt Romney's Bain Capital would probably be busy turning it into a carcass. A critic once said he was "so dedicated to good works his entrance into politics is like sending a Salvation Army lass into the chorus at a burlesque house." As a CEO he would give back part of his salary and bonus to the company when he thought they were too high. He offered a pioneering profit-sharing plan to his employees (which can be called as a form of wealth redistribution within a corporation). Most strikingly, asked about the idea that "rugged individualism" was the key to America's success, he snapped back, "It's nothing but a political banner to cover up greed." He was the poster child for the antiquated notion that corporations have multiple stakeholders: the workers that breathe them life, the communities in which they are situated, and the nation to whom they owe a patriotic obligation – most definitely and emphatically not just stockholders, as Mitt and his defenders say.

    4. George Romney had a strong stand on social progression, “It was only after I got to Detroit that I got to know Negroes and began to be able to evaluate them and I began to recognize that some Negroes are better and more capable than lots of whites,” Romney said shortly after his election in 1963. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke at Detroit’s Cobo Hall that same year, Romney issued a statewide proclamation and sent two representatives to the event. Romney, whose pro-civil rights stance also went against the beliefs of Mormons at the time, marched in solidarity with blacks in Detroit in protest of the violence in Selma, Ala. In 1966, Romney won re-election by over 500,000 votes, including getting 30 percent of the black vote, the most ever by a Michigan Republican.

    5. George Romney talked about his view on welfera at a Sunday worship service at the 1972 Republican convention, praying, "Help us to help those who need help."

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is Romney a sociopath?

    In the sense he's become a kind of pathological liar, and in the way he carelessly disregards what is the common good. By which I mean that he lacks social conscience and disregards the sense of moral responsibility, all which in contrast to him we're the upmost admirable traits of his father.

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I need help from anyone who has an Xbox live account?

    I want to prank a friend of mine. I want to spam her inbox since its her birthday. Her account is "Mimi Star 911" you can just message her saying "Hey puta, happy birthday." or "Cabrona, happy birthday." I'll appreciate it if you help.

    2 AnswersXbox9 years ago
  • We can all agree as liberals conservatives and independents?

    That Mitt Romney's wealth is the least of our worries. However, it's the demeanor in which he's secretive about it by denying the release of his past taxes, such as those post market crash and during the period he was CEO, Managing Director, Majority Share Holder and Chairman of Bain Capital but in a "leave of absence" coincidentally during the period were investments we're made at the risk of American jobs. The continued attempts to further the institutionalization of the advantages one gets through their wealth that allows them to get tax rates lower than the normal income, what makes investment income any different from employment income?

    What is your issue with Mitt Romney? What do you think connects you to Mitt Romney, other than something to do with Obama and his policies?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Should our motto in economics be?

    Share the pain, share the sacrifice and share the effort to reach our common goal.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do you think the rich in the US?

    Have an unfair advantage institutionalized within our system?

    For instance, why should investment income be taxed at a lower rate than earned work income?

    Why give tax benefits for offshore accounts? The middle class can't acquire tax havens, let alone the destitute.

    Does a higher taxation constitute a "reality" in which the innovation and progression halt? The people who found the cure for polio would have still found the cure paying 80%, Lewis and Clark would have still travelled across the US and mapped it. And furthermore those who make money wouldn't sacrifice jobs due to higher taxes, in rather stark look at it, if they weren't hiring in the first place it means that by hiring they would lose money.

    Do you believe we should have a system were taxation is fair and equal, where the rich pay their fair share in our progressive tax system?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If the US government removes the 2nd amendment?

    What difference will it make in your life?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do you support this gun control?

    Federal law requiring that vendors have to report all purchases, be it ammo or the gun itself to the FBI. (the FBI knows when you're taking flying lessons but not when you buy an heavy weapon)

    Federal law requiring a background check and psychological analysis for any disorder that could inhibit one's judgement upon the utilization of an arm in order to receive a liscence.

    Federal law requiring a renewal of gun liscences every 2 years, by way of psychological analysis in order to renew it. If you do not have an actualized gun liscence, you are not allowed to purchase anything even ammo and anywhere outside of private property if police happen to find your gun (assembled or disassembled) they are legally entitled to confiscate said gun until the renewal of the gun liscence.

    Federal law creating a database that can be accessed by police, and law enforcement officials upon the grounds of suspected falsified gun liscences and lack thereof. So if you happen to not carry the liscence with you it is not confiscated, and keep those who aren't of the streets.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago