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Favorite Answers12%
  • How do you get rid of cockroaches in a classroom?

    I recently moved schools and I was unpacking my stuff into the new classroom to find 3 HUGE cockroaches. I know since I teach in a classroom that I am limited what I can use but I am FREAKED out. The ones I found 1 was dead but 2 were ALIVE! I can't use pesticides in my classroom due to student allergies. Anyone have cockroaches in their classroom and used something that was APPROVED that I can use. Thanks for the help!

    5 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Anyone had a chipped ankle? What is the treatment?

    I woke up this morning with a huge "bump" on my ankle. I was already going to the doctor for a sinus infection. The doctor looked at it said I either bruised it, there is an infection and the antibiotics I am on will take it away or I have chipped my ankle. If the swelling doesnt go down in a week I am going to get an x-ray. Has anyone ever had a chipped bone...what is the treatment? Thanks!!!

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago