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  • What can I do.I need your help?

    My mother has abandoned our family home.She lives with my sister.The house has sat empty for 3 years.My 2 sisters wont do anything with it andits rtting away Nor will they let any one else fix it up or rent it out.It kills me to see this investment going to pot.Can I sue them to get power of attorney and stop this home from falling down?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can you sue for your inheritance?

    My grandmother died,a wonderful lady.She left my aunt in charge of selling her home.Its been almost two years.She wants to sell the house to herself for 42 thousand...its valued at 200000.My brother refuses to sign the paperwork that will allow her to do this.We have a fifth share in the home.Is there anything we can do to make sure she sells at market value?We all signed on faith that she would do the right thing.She isnt.What can we do?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • This is to the illegals and mexicans?

    If there was a war protest would you go/?Alot of Americans marched for you and your cause. Alot of busineses closed that day lost money in order to support you.If you want to be an citizen of this country ,,,Would you be willing to march to bring home our soldiers.If not why?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What day is the nation wide war protest scheduled to take place?

    I heard that a protest rally is being formed for the nation /Where and where>>>.Who do I contact for more information.I am fed up with ppl turning the other cheek while our children are dying.Wouldnt it be great if it was world wide.Do you think King DUMDUM would pay attention??Do you think his wife is as ashamed of him as she looks like the day he waved to Stevie Wonder? She looked at him the wau we idiot

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Dallas Mavs threw away a championship/Who agrees?

    Dallas MAVS only became what they are today when Avery was put in as head coach.The difference is that Avery learned from the SA Spurs what it takes to have a winning team.The only reason they lost...they forgot what they were taught ....Mark cuban should stay out of the way and quit talking crap when his team loses.

    .If you have an owner always interfering and talking crap it makes the coach and the team look bad.

    The only team I was worried about was the Mavs against SA.

    I hope SA wins but if they dont we wont throw things or boo the other team.We have intregrity.And you can watch that tonight.!!!

    6 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Angry and need your help?l?

    My ex and I live together as roomates.Every time its to his convience he claims me as his partner.I throught we were friends. But I know now that Iwas more of a friend to him than he ever was to me .. he never defends me.. not to anyone.

    Then he wants me to pay back money I get from him. but he'll help my daughter at the snap of her fingers. He puts everyone above me.I can deal with alot but I cannot stand the fact that he wont stand up for me.I cant afford to live alone,I dont want to be his doormat anymore, can someone please tell me what I can do.Im all out of ideas.Ive given up on him and realized hes really just a coward..Im starting to hate him

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I have hatred in my heart .Is it a sin to hate your brother??

    I really hate my brother.He set me up and called child protective services on me and my granson was removed from my home.Now Im not allowed to take him out alone.I have raised that kid since birth.

    MY drunk brother threatened me numerous times and I kept blowing him off

    .I was tired of taking care of him and threw him out!.He got pissed off and put cocaine in a canister of green tea that I drink and called child protective services on me.I tested positive I told them that he was resposisible and even had proof of his threats.. they didnt care...I hate my ex brother!!I will never forgive him,he knew the only thing I cared about was my grandkids. and he got them taken away.I was innocent!!NOW

    I have evil throughts of him.. even wishing him dead.Prayer hasnt helped.I keep thinking what kind of person would do this to his own sister>Those kids are my world and I am heartbroken without them What can I do .

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What can I do to prove my innocence?

    My brother set me up and called Child protectives on me.I have always helped my gay alcoholic brother.He stayed at my home for 6 weeks,I fed him gave him money ,and kept a roof over his head.One day he threatened to hang himself.I called ems and the police came.He told them I was the one that tried to hang myself.I told him to leave my home.He then moved in with my other brother.He was arrested shorly after that and stayed in jail for 2 weeks I had achange of heart and tried to raise the bail money.He ex love sent me 150.00 to help get him out.But the day I was to get him out he was released.So I let him stay at my house for 2 days for 50.00.I wasnt going to support him anymore.Then I gave him 50.00 cash and told him that I was keeping the other 50.00 for the money he owed me.He got angry and put cocaine in my canister of green tea,I drankit daily.Cps knocked on the door and i was tested for drugs it came back positive.They removed my grandson.and placed him with my sister,

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Americans why do you hate us?

    Why does everyone hate the Americans?? Pleaase be honest .Do you blame us for the war or do you blame our goverment

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • How do you view.........?

    What does the rest of the world think about the Americans when they see our government so corrupt.??????Do you blame the people of this nation who sit back and allow it to happen or let it happen in the first place, or do you blame the President and our elected govenrment??

    .I really would like an answer to this>Since our media is owned by 5 corp. We don,t get the truth from them ..and we need the opinions and facts from other people in the world who dont have a stake in this .Please be honest,

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • What do all of these have in common???

    The US massacured 3 million Native Americans to free the land from Indians for their own personal use. [.I would say their land but the indians never claimed the land as theirs until the white man came]

    The Civil war lost 50,000 to free the slaves

    WW2 lost 30,000 to free the Jews,

    Vietman lost 60,000 to free South vietnam

    Gulf Battle lost 300. to free up oil and passify the arabs

    The WTC 3000 to start a war and to passify OPEC

    Oklahoma Bombing , to protest a goverment slaughter

    Waco .. 89 the goverment slaughter

    Katrina 3000. to remove blacks from New orleans

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What is the healthyty weight of a 6 mo. old infant.?

    My grandson was 10 pounds at birth.What should he weigh now.I am arguing with my kids about the weight of my grandson.They say he is over weight I say he isnt.I will let you decide

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Where do I sign up???

    Where do I sign up for the class action lawsuit against BUSH CHENEY AND ROVE?? I want in!!!! lets sue them for all the damage they have done against the people of the US.. I heard that they was a lawsuit on paper .That if it were possibe they would be sued foe over 238 crimes against the people of th eUS.Does anyone know where I can find that website

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the high price of eggs..?

    Do you think its worth the wear and tear of a chickens butt?????

    3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Death penetly In Texas?

    When Georgy bush was governor of Texas we had the most inmates put to death in a single year.[386 Including one woman that the victims family asked that the sentence be converted to life, she was killed anyway ]My ? is this why dont the states call it what it is.It is MURDER!! Just because it is sactioned by the state isnt any less than what it is, they are taking a life.When it is broadcast over the news it says another inmate lost their life tonight.They didnt lose it It was taken away just like their victims!!! I dont believe that killing someone is the way to go. I will never sit on a jury.!!! Only God has the right to judge.Why not bill the family for the last meal or ever the cost of the drugs to kill them???Have we become so inhumane that we can sleep easy knowing that we as Ameericansd are allowing this to continue..What happened to the American Conscience.???We have already lost the constitution

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I was ripped off by a lying real estate con artist agent!!!! Help!?

    I brought a home in 2005.I was out of state and I hired a real estate company to represent me.Megan Wallace here in San Antonio and Keller Williams.I was ripped off.I told her I didnt want A broker.She swore she wasnt.Then I told her thar I only wanted to pay xxx amount of dollars.She and Stewart titlle company minupulated the paper work as to where I paid 3000 more.Then the lawyer that did the paperwork brought the 2nd loan...... then I didnt get a fixed rate as I had requested and i am now paying 20% on the 2nd loan Now I cant sell it fot 2 years or I have to pay a 10000.00 penalty.And on top of all that I have a balloon payment of 15000.00 at the end of 5 years and the original loan was only 15000.00.What can I do.I hate Stewart title for not explaining it I hate Megan Wallace for doing this to me.Please can someone help me.I need a way out of this.And please dont say Its my fault.IAm to blame for trusting someone to do their job and I had no idea that this would happen

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Searching for the name of a Physic healer of the late 1800,s or early 1900,s?

    There was a healer back in the late 1800,s that had a secretary record all his healing in journals. he has a library of over 200 journals that come to him thru in a trance. what is his name he was very well respected and sometimes did 10 readings a day... What is his name please help

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Texas law about divorce child custody?

    My friend was divorced last year.She has a son that she let her husband have custody of.Her ex told her that she didnt need lawyer and that his lawyer was going to do the divorce for both of them. They agreed on everything.The lawyer then had her sign the decree>Not knowing that she was suppoed to get a copy she left after the meeting.The papers that were filed were not the ones she agreed to they had been changed.My friend has no rights to the child.Yet she pays support.She wants to sue the lawyer and get her son back,yet she has no money.The reason she left the son was because she was emotionally damaged from the marriage.They both worked at the same place.She had to quit her job because he was harrassing her.She reported it and the bank did nothiing.So she quit.This is a young girl.She was only 18 when she married and she really dindnt want kids.He made her have the baby in order to keep her.When that dint work he threatened to take custody of the baby. She really NEEDS your help

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can we as Americans.........?

    Can we as Americans sue Bush Cheney And Halburton for all that they have done wrong/Any lawyers out there.There has got to be a way for people to take back our country!!! If our Goverment isnt going to do it can WE???????

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago