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  • My LCD big screen tv drops the picture for a second and then returns?

    very short drop in picture as if the power was shorted and returned any suggestions

    1 AnswerHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Barney Frank and Chris Dodd?

    These two clowns are probably more responsible for the current economic crisis than any two individuals in the entire planet. They have now crafted a financial reform bill. Why would anyone in their right mind think these two idiots have the slightest idea of what their doing? So tell me why would you think these two clowns can do anything else but cause harm for the rest of us?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • is it time to take up arms against Obama?

    If this guy trries to by pass Congress is it time to take up arms to protect the union. Many will say yes what do you say

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • At what point will the American People Stand and Stop Obama Instanity?

    Its coming, the great one who promised to bring us together has brought this nation to the brink of civil war. May sound a bit extreme... but the hand writing is on the wall. It is in the wind....The American people will not allow Obama to drag us into socialist stupidly. We must vote them out of office!!!!!!!!! What do you think?

    14 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Change You Can Believe In?

    Well Obama and Congress passed Credit Card reform and well all I noticed is that my interest rates have increased and the credit card companies are charging more fees. Now Obama and Congress will reform health care and you can bet your life [and I do mean life] that your health care will cost more and you will get worse coverage. Hows that Change You Can Believe In? Has anyone seen a government program that works and isn't bankrupt?

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Will the Supreme Court Saves Us from Obama Care?

    Well it not the Surpreme Court will the miltary stand by the American people when they need to?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • O'bama Care....Can You tell me how?

    My mother always told me you don't save money by spending money. Ok, lets agree the United States is broke! We don't have a dime to waste. Now we are adding a 1 Trillion entitlement Program now tell how the hell is the county going to paid for this?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Has Obama and the Democratic Congress killed Democracy?

    With the passage of Obama health care on strict party lines it is clear the Democratic Congress and President do not want to to listen to the will of the American people! They have passed a bill that is full of bribes and deals that make Wall Street look like a bunch of amateurs. Ok, so much for that now....what do you think we should do to ensure we are to replace all of these crazies in Congress. They are spending our money like they believed it was theirs.

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How's That Hope and Change Working for You?

    As the economy continues to crumble with unemployment at least 10% [black unemployment is as high as 30%] yet the politicians in Washington continue to spend money the country simply doesn't have, tax after tax being proposed which will add thousands of dollars to our household budgets, the politicans don't even read bills of several thousand pages they pass, they promised transparency but tha is long gone, the country is divided more than it has been since the 60s, and now we are looking to add another trillion or so with government health care which we cost all of us more and result in less services. We are being warned the national credit rating is being reduced and unless we start controlling our spending the country could crumble, yet we are printing money, and the insantiy continues. How's that hope and change treating you?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How's that Hope and Change Working For You?

    As the economy continues to crumble with unemployment at least 10% [black unemployment is as high as 30%] yet the politicians in Washington continue to spend money the country simply doesn't have, tax after tax being proposed which will add thousands of dollars to our household budgets, the politicans don't even read bills of several thousand pages they pass, they promised transparency but tha is long gone, the country is divided more than it has been since the 60s, and now we are looking to add another trillion or so with government health care which we cost all of us more and result in less services. We are being warned the national credit rating is being reduced and unless we start controlling our spending the country could crumble, yet we are printing money, and the insantiy continues. How's that hope and change treating you?

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the economy?

    According to a recent report the gross domestic product [GDP] grew 3.5% last quarter. Sounds great, doesn't it. Well for those that know the GDP is made up of consummation, investment, and government spending. Ok, as far as I can tell you can walk outside my door and you can smell the fear in the economy. No one,,,,,,,no one is consuming, without consummation there's no investment. The only change in the GDP is government spending and that's with borrowed money. In essence the economy is being held up with hot air which at some point must cool down. So do you think we should print some more money and throw it against the wall like the government has been doing. What do you think is the answer to our problem?

    27 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is Obama so naive?

    Well here we are all going to hell in a hand basket. Obama has been office six months or so and the only question we have as a people is how bad can bad be? Massive deficits, governmental health care, tax and trade, legalization of illegals, and a MASSIVE TRANSFER OF WEALTH from those that work to those who do not? One of the largest increases in welfare payments in history, destruction of our national defense, and rights for radical crazy arabs trying to kill us. Just how bad do you think it will get before we can get ride of this idiot and all the idiots in Congress?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • The Green Czar A Communist or Just another Nut Job In Obama's Administration?

    Well you tell me? Obama has surrounded himself with communist, nutty professors, basket weavers and crazies. So what's up with Obama?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • National Health Care....a bureaucrat's view?

    Ok, I have worked for government for quite a while. You can safety say I am a government bureaucrat. First, believe me you do not want a government bureaucrat deciding which operation you get, 2) You should also know your health care we be simple budget item and as is typical in government when the budget is gone so will be your health care, third, national health care will result in health care dropping to its lowest common denominator, fourth, Do you really think anything else will happen?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Ok, for years all we heard was Bushes war and the number of soliders killed.?

    Now that we have Obama's war in Afghanistan we are having soldiers killed every single day but not a word........can anyone tell me why the main stream media has chosen to ignore our soliders that are killed in Afghanistan???

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does Obama surround himself with extreme racials?

    My mother always said you can judge a man by who he hangs out with. Obama has chosen has surrounded himself with self proclaimed communist, reverend Wright, environmental extremist and a number of just plain ole nuts jobs.................Does that bother anyone????

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • So what's with the big deal with Kennedy?

    First, may he rest in peace. But lets put the man in perspective. First he was not John Kennedy and he clearly isn't Robert Kennedy. Second, he was a man that drove a car off a bridge and let the women in the car drown while went home for the night to sleep. The next day he used his influence and family name to cover up his actions. I would say this speaks volumes about the kind of man he was and his character. What do you think?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • So the Vice President Says We have to Spend alot of money to avoid bankrupting the county?

    Soooo.....what do you think, Is the Vice President and Obama nuts?

    12 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Can You Tell Me How This Can Happen?

    Can anyone tell how an elected representative [Senator or Congressman] can vote for bills involving billions of dollars that affect our lives and welfare and never bother to read the bill? They don't have the foggiest idea of what they are voting for! You tell me, what kind of idiots do we have in Washington?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Mexico the County that keeps on giving?

    Well here we are a major drug war, an Mexican invasion of illegal Mexicans who break into our county, insist we speak spanish, fill our prisons, crowd our schools, and our culture, and now the Swine Flu. What a County it just keeps on giving and giving. What do you think?

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago