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  • If I have an order of protection against my children s father, does that supersede a mediation agreement and his summer visitation rights?

    I put it out because he has made a couple threats on their life. He has them for June and July by our agreement but I m now scared for them to be near him. Can I refuse his visitation rights?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me this song?

    It usually plays around Halloween but haven't heard it this year. It's the one about the woman who puts a curse on these guys who don't wanna marry her cause she's real ugly, they just want her to make them millionaires. It's on the tip of my tongue I just can't remember it for nothing. Thanks.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Anyone know any good free ringtone sites that are accessible through mobile internet?

    I know about Myxer but can't find any others that compare.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • what are your favorite mobile websites?

    I'm looking for cool sites that I can access from my phone

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • In Florida, is it a law or statute that a landlord must keep a working air conditioner on the tenants premises?

    My landlord refuses to have the air conditioner repaired because my ex boyfriend fixed it the last time it broke. He says that it is not his problem because my ex probably did something to mess it up. I heard that landlords had to make sure there was a working air conditioner in Florida, is this true and if it is where can I find valid documentation of this to show him he has to fix it. a legal website or a organization I would contact is fine. Thanks!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What do you think he means?

    This guy and I have been friends for over a year. We have never went past that exept for flirting, well for the last severa months I heard nothing from him. We are currently both in relationships with someone else. But one day after months of no hearing from him, he writes and says he misses me an says love ya, punk. He has never said the L word before, it came as a shock. Later he callled andwe talked only a little and teh emailed and said we should meet up for lunch sometime. Do you think he is just meaning he loves me as a friend, or doe it sound like it's more than that?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any college majors without the math requirement? Do any exist?

    I'm having trouble passing the math portion to get my AA degree at my current school. I have failed Intermediate Algebra twice, and I am suppose to still take College Algebra and Statistics, and they are saying that I now have to pay more for my third attempt. I'm 30 years old, and feel as though I'm just wasting time here and will never amount to anything because of my lack of mathematical skills.

    12 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • If you are Pro-Choice..what are your reasons???

    I am pro-life and am writing a paper for school to state both sides and I need a little help developing my pro-choice side. I am not here to argue with anyone, just need to get all the reasons that people can give me as to why they think abortion is okay..thanks.

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What's your opinion? Should I break up with my boyfriend?

    I like him in the aspect that he is really nice, and is good with my kids, and generous, but in the same respect..he is extrememly lazy won't clean his own house/sleeps all day/only wants to sit around watcing tv when he is awake, drinks way too much, and what is aggrevating me the most is that in bed I have no problem satisfying him, but I feel like I have mentioned the fact that he does no please me in the same way enough that I feel like I'm begging. I ask him why he doesn't and he just tells me he hasn't gotten around to it yet. I've pleased him several times and he has had plenty of opportunities, I think maybe he is just selfish in bed...because that to me is no excuse..I starting to think that it is better being single than to have to feel like I'm the only one making a real effort here.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What exactly does permanent guardianship entail?

    Does it mean the parents lose their rights? How do you fight this decision? my husband was abusive. One child was taken he will have been in another home for a year on the 31st. the other 3 were only taken 3 months ago. They are trying to give them to my mother. I don't think this is legal. They were only taken from me cause I left the state with them and they were in their jurisdiction. They were still in my custody. I have done everything they asked except for some counseling which I could not afford now not having medicaid. They said I had a year to do eveything, but the caseworker took 4-5 months of that to give referrals. I feel as though my rights are being neglected here. Am I right or wrong in this? What do I do to not let my kids be taken. They want their mom. They cry all the time asking me when am I gonna take them home.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is he interested?

    There's this guy at work who I've been good friends with for a little while now. I finally got up enough courage to tell him that I really liked him, but I wrote it on a Christmas card that I gave him. He just said thank you at first but later he told me thank you for the Christmas card it was really nice, he said it again later too. He continued to be friendly and talk to me, but didn't mention it much. I asked him did I catch him off guard and he said no not at all it was a very nice card. He kept asking me when I was gonna get moved into my house over the next couple of days so I asked him, why, you wanna come over? He said yes. I was like really, are you just saying that or will you really come over. He said yes, of course, I don't live that far away. I asked him this cause he said he'd come over when we were just friends, but never did always made up some excuse about being anti-social or whatever. I just wanna get everyone's opinion, cause he hasn't said anything feelings wise

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If someone kept writing their ex, texting them, and doing other things to let them know they still love them..

    and if they did not care about them, then why wouldn't they just say something..tell them they aren't interested or cuss them out or something. Do they just like the attention, knowing that they are loved, or is it a means to try to non-verbally tell them they are not interested. Or could it be that they do have feelings of some sort, and that is why they don't try to stop it?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Just curious, would you stay with someone you don't love for the sake of the kids?

    And if you have did you ever end up happy? Or did you find more happiness apart?

    35 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • can anyone help me figure out this song?

    It's a rock or alternative song by a female singer, it says something like "you don't mean nothing", it's an upbeat song. I can't seem to figure out, I've searched and searched for it, thanks.

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • My son was approved for SSI, but he is in custody of the state..?

    his father was accused of abusing him, well he lives with my mother who is providing a temporary home for him, she has no rights to him, but it seems like SS is going to give her all his backpay and checks even though he has been in her home less than two months. Is there anything I can do to fight this, it seems unfair and not right. Don't get me wrong, I don't want the money for myself..I just know if they give her the money it will be wasted on her own personal wants and needs. My mother is not a trustworthy person. Are there any lawyers or others who may have a little knowledge on here about this issue that can offer some advice? I have not lost my parental rights and I want the money to be desposited into my bank account so that I know the money will be spent on his tutoring, learning materials and so forth. What are my rights and is there any way I can fight this..what can I do? he is suppose to be returned home in August..

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what kind of credit/credit score you need to have to get a Discover card?

    mine is in the mid 500' that too low..if you have one..did you have to have really good credit to get approved. I don't wanna apply with no chance of approval

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Gonna file for divorce, any advice and suggestions much appreciated?

    We've been married nearly 8 years. It has been rough. He has spent more than half this time cheating, he is emotionally abusive, has been physically abusive to our children, we are two completely different people. We are constantly at one anothers throats, I'm so sick of it, I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than to deal with him or anyone like him any longer. I've never been divorced and I am gonna file with legal aid as I don't have much money, but I am new to this and would appreciate advice from those who have been through divorce or perhaps those who are divorce attoneys and so forth. Advice from how to deal, to legal info that would be useful and good to know, is very much appreciated. Thanks so much. Please no advice to go to counseling. We've been there, done that. i have tried to work things out. He will not change. I will never be able to forgive him for his cheating, for the things he has done, the way he has treated me and the children, and for ruining my life

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • borderline diabetic, doesn't exist, then what's wrong?

    sometimes, maybe once or twice a week, I get high blood sugar. I get very weak all of a sudden, feel nauseated real bad, and feel like I will pass out if I don't eat something right away, this can be very disturbing especially when I'm not home and don't have anything to eat with me. If I eat something, after a few minutes, I feel better. Also my hands and arms shake real bad. I have checked my blood sugar in times like this on my husbands moniter and it'll be like 150. But like I said, other times I am just fine. Oh, and I do eat all these days, I could understand if I was starving all day or something..I don't know what else it could be

    12 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago