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Hello, i am single. Looking for a girlfriend.

  • what should i do need help?

    I'm a straight guy, but I like watching both straight & gay porn.?

    I like watching straight porn since i am 16 , but I realised that I am very much aroused by gay porn.

    I have the thought of having sex with another man or men and have even masturbated when watching gay porn. I do not love man/men , but I just can't seem to get the thought of exploring another man/men body out of my mind. How can i control myself or what should i do zzzz

    3 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • anabolic steriod cause penis to strink & unable to erect?

    My friend tell me injecting anabolic steriod will casue

    penis to strink & unable to erect, it is true?

    6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • any idea what should i eat to inprove my sex performance?

    i want to know what type of food a man should eat &

    can help to make the penis hard & can performance sex for more than 30 mins or

    continue to have sex 2-3 times a day.

    My friend tell me half boiled eggs help

    any other suggestion?

    I don't like to take pills

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • japanese comic mangafox?

    I alway go to mangafox website to see free japanese comic & i noticed ( both normal & adult )

    the adult comic have been removed. ( adult relation to nude violent & sex )

    Any other website to recommand to see adult manga?

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • No offend just curious?

    Why most of the black guy alway shaved their head bald? ( Some long & curly hair )

    Seldom see black guy with dyed hair or fashion hair.

    Is it because of religious?????

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • adult question underage don't enter?

    i haven't have sex for more than five year.

    I have no girlfriend & don't pay for sex.

    i spend too much time on work & study partime course after work.

    Last week my friend & i having a drink at a bar & i meet a very pretty

    lady there, we have a long chat then couple of days later,

    we ( lady & i ) decide to have sex at her apartment.

    The day will be yesterday night, but thing not working

    well that night, she is very beautiful & her nude body

    make me excited at the beginning, my penis is hard

    like rock when i look at her naked body,

    but when the sex started my penis become soft,

    we try a lot of type like oral & other to make my penis

    hard again but not working, i dunno what is the problem

    it is becasue no sex for 5 year causing it or other

    need to see docotr for advise?

    anyone can help me?

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is the good soluation for sleeping problem.?

    What is the good soluation for sleeping problem.

    Unable to fall asleep for 2 week until 1-2 am at night & need to wake up at 6:30am

    for work.

    I have try drinking warm milk before bed ( not working )

    Reading a book before bed ( not working )

    I seldom listen to music, so unable to help me to relax. ( not working )

    Having sex before bed ( not working )

    Taking sleeping pills ( work but cannot depend on pills to sleep for long term )

    Any other soluation??

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Man question only man can answer.?

    If i want to find out a way to increase my penis size both in length & thickness, who can tell me which one is better,

    taking penis enlargement pill or use the penis enlargement

    pump equipment that u can buy it in most of the adult sex toy

    shop or u have better way idea.

    10 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • I want to remove my hair permanently to stay bald for life. Worth it or not?

    I am 30 now still having a healthy hairs, but currently thinking of searching for a safe and effective way to permanently get rid of my hairs, I plan to stay bald for life. I alway admire those guys who naturally become bald head when they are 20-30 year old. I have problem shaving my head bald because both of my parents disagree & we have a lot of urgentment when i keep on shaving my head bald. I plan to terminate all my hairs & if my parents find out my hair cannot grow again, they will start to accept that i want to be bald for life. Do you think it worth doing or not. Pls give me some answer. Don't need to worry about my feeling. Just tell the true. ( If you think it is stupid / foolish to do it just say it )

    12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Guess & win 10 point for correct answer. Total age ??? My father + mother + sister + myself = ???

    Tip 1 : One of my family member ( including myself )is 24 yrs older than another.

    Tip 2 : One of my family member ( including myself ) is 1 yr older than another.

    Tip 3 : One of my family member is 4 yr older than another.

    Tip 4: Answer From 150 - 200 year old.

    Only correct answer get 10 point. No nearest answer.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I am 183cm & 63kg. How to gain weight?

    I personally want to gain weight. It doesnt matter if its muscle or fat or whatever in between. Right now I do not work out.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Do you like the look of my bald heads?

    I have let my hair re-grew because my mother say I looked bad as a Baldie. But I think that shaved head is a kind of very good for my look & I love the feeling of my shaved smooth scalp. I want my head permanently shaved bald.

    It is the right choice?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago