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  • Rand Mcnally Map Coloring Explained?

    There is a map of the United States in a frame on the wall of a classroom I've been teaching in this summer. Connecticut, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Idaho, New Mexico, and Texas are blue while all the rest of the states are white. The map has (as far as I can tell) all the interstates and major highways on it. There is no legend, key, etc explaining the coloring. Since it is not mine, I can't take apart the frame. There is no date on the map. The map is titled Rand McNally Cosmopolitan B520500.

    Any idea on why those states are blue?

    6 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Are there any illnesses that could be legitimately treated with alcohol?

    I'm not looking for home remedies but for something that a licensed doctor would prescribe alcohol for.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • John Brown's Raid?

    How much did John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry impact the the debate on secession? Is it possible that without the raid in 1859 that Lincoln could have avoided secession?

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Questions in the Cover Letter?

    Is it appropriate to ask questions about the company in the cover letter? The company in question is a new company and I'd like to know more about its history and goals. Should I wait until the phone interview or ask in the cover letter?

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Wikipedia History?

    Why do people on YA use Wikipedia as an authoritative source for history questions? From my experience, most (not all) of the articles are inaccurate or incomplete. For most of the questions asked, a simple web search will give you several, reliable and resources that can be cited for a paper (unless I'm mistaken, most teachers won't accept wikipedia as a source).

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • In a book a ship is identified by the "L.s.d." on its sails, doesn't tell which country the ship is from.

    The book is "The Rising Sun" and the time period in 1690.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Do I take the first job offer or wait for others?

    I have a good offer from a good company that I would like to work for, but have several other interviews for positions that are higher ranked and pay better. I have to give an answer before knowing how the other options work out. Is a bird in the hand better than two in the bush?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Fired or I Quit?

    Given this situation, what would you do?

    You have the option of being fired or quitting. You do not need a recommendation etc. from your current employer. You are guaranteed of having a similar job within a week, so unemployment benefits are immaterial, and there are no other financial considerations. The only issue is this: if you quit, it is better for the company, if you choose to be fired, the company’s board of directors is put in a very difficult position explaining to the customers why you were fired. Either way you will not have the opportunity to work with those customers again. What would you do?

    6 AnswersCareers & Employment2 decades ago
  • Fired or I Quit?

    I was given a choice, quit or be fired. It made no difference to me either financially or for future employment. If I decided to be fired, I could make things difficult for those firing me. If I quit, it would be better for the company. Would you be the bigger or person or would you try and stick it to them?

    5 AnswersCareers & Employment2 decades ago