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  • 86 dodge B250 Van w/Ca emissions?

    this has been rediculas. I have anh 86 B250, 390. One place tests it, says it won't pass. another says its burning fine but wants more fuel and more air. I finally get around to pulling it off to send it into a rebuild shop and find ALL of the bolts are finger tight AND the fuel line in is also FINGER TIGHT!.. can this be the problem?.. This is a canadian conversion van with a Cananda emissions carb.. NO one can find it even with the numbers off of the carb.

    1 AnswerDodge1 decade ago
  • Dumb and Dumber are at it again (Bush & Cheney)?

    Bush tried to "quietly" veto the renewal and expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program In trying to defend his veto Bush actually said "No one goes without health care in America. After all, you just go to an emergency room". The last time someone said something that insufferably stupid and

    insensitive, it was "Let them eat cake", perhaps not by coincidence from someone else who acted as an absolute monarch. Ticked off yet?Even if you don't qualify for this Schip closing it will cost you far more in taxes over the long haul. Shouldn't take a rocket scientist to understand how.


    Are we gona eat cake? Or throw it back in his face!!

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • trans problems 92 buick regal?

    92 buick regal custom. pulls hard to the right when shifing under load. a little to the left when downshifting. Automatic, front wheel drive

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why does the christain right hate Harry Potter?

    Now that the final Harry Potter book has been released, have we seen the end of fundamentalist paranoia and hysteria over the series?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Bushit's at it again?

    On July 17, President Bush signed an Executive order that authorized blocking the use of any property held by anyone he says is a threat to the “stabilization” of Iraq. That means anyone who opposes his Middle East foreign policy now is subject to loss of home, automobiles, savings, investments, and anything else considered as property. Read the document here:

    read that, tell me what you think less the wise ok wise crack are ok.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • typing services?

    Does anyone out here work for type america or any of the othert typing services that hire typists?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • my impersonation of Bush when asked ANY important question?

    reporter: "Mr President, whats your position of troop withdrawl"

    Bush: AS mericans we have the ability to change the ramifications of the belief that we can do anything. Also if you look at the history of the problem its probably not a problem for those types of problems. (chuckles) People who enjoy that type of thing would enjoy this type of thing. That is to say that some tigers are lions and some lions are leoperds, are some leoperds tigers then? An absolute maybe! Preponderance of evidence that leads to these types of events may or may not be of value, let us not for get that we have these rights as Mericans under god and never forget that!

    Howmadoin sofar?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • proof of intolorance and hate in the USA?

    This is just sad Three people in the SENATE attack a holy man. Their behavior is indicitave of some one in a tinfoil hat, not a Christain.

    Just curious how many more intolorant hate mongers there are out here. Did you think that was called for or not?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Stem cells, how can Bush be so medieval and still be wasting oxygen?!?

    Once again he's vetoed stem cell research caving to the releious nuts! over half of the citizens of the USA are for this. Stems cells can and do come from cord blood. Why are religeous right wing KOOKS so threatened by a science that coudl save so many lifves?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • mopar trouble?

    86 dodge B250 sportsman 360 W/Canada Emissions. Here's gremlin in the system. I had the emissions tested, shop one says its not burning all of the fuel and it wants more air. Didn't pass, I called around picking brains and one guy had me bring it down, he tested it ( Midas Mufflers) and he said it was burning cleaner than it needed to be to pass. But I had to replace the power snorkel (air to air tubes, did that) So I go back to the original EM shop and they say its worse than it was the first time. I've replaced every thing with the exception of the quadrajunk carb, according to the timing light its where it should be 16 degrees TDC, but its still running rough. I've tinkered with the needlejets but it still runs rough. Other than this this vehicle runs like a raped ape with 27 trailer behind it.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How fast is a clydesdale?

    How fast can they run, how far ect.

    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • When will the citizens of this country stand up and say "ENOUGH!"?

    The signs are everywhere. Phoney gas crunches, toxic FDA approved foods, deadly FDA approved pharmacueticals, a phoney war based on lies, The hoax they pulled on us with 9-11 (yea hoax do your reseach and homework before you lash out)

    And what of the media driven jabberwalky, the sensationalism of violence in this country. Do you know that Canada has 2 twice the guns we do and less than 5% of the violence?! Criminal coddling ALCU, prisoners righs??!! OY VEY! When is enough enough? When will Americans quit taking it up that you know what, stand up to these greedy self serving criminalistic boars running this country and say "STAND DOWN" When will people stop being sheeples and think about what's really going on? VOTE OUT THE JACK@**ES ruining our country and demand ACCOUNTABILITY!

    16 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • does this kind of mockery tick you off?

    Math Problem Number 1:

    T___ or F___

    7 + 0 = Food Fascism?

    Answer: True.

    Last week Government regulators used Agribiz favoritism to make a mockery of any democratic process by allowing a mere 7 days for public comment on standards intended to degrade the meaning of "organic" without notice to consumers on food labels. By now this assault on health and health freedom should sound dreadfully familiar.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Michael Moore Strikes again!?

    (multiple questions relevant to the subject, essay answers only!)

    In "SiCKO" he turns his attention to health, asking why 50 million Americans, 9 million of them children, live without cover, while those that are insured are often driven to poverty by spiraling costs or wrongly refused treatment at all. I am seeing a grass rooted slow rolling wave of folks fed up with the FEDS!

    (1) Are you one of them?

    (2) IF so, if not why or why not?

    (3) Do you think Moore is on target here?

    link to article:

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • vanishing TV viewers?

    Viewers vanishing

    Statistics show there are 2.5 million fewer network TV watchers than a year ago. Where have they gone? Why did they leave?

    8 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • needle valve adj on a quadrajunk carb?

    need to lean out the left side. I'm an edelbrock freak but I can see any needle valve adj on this quadrajunk carb on my 86 dodge B250. grrr.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • what DO people think of yahoo answers??

    Honestly what do you really think of this. AS far as I can see for the most part its a pitri dish where the internet grows idiots. Some one asks of his "buttocks stink" and gets 900 answers, some one else asks a question about global warming and gets 3 ANSWERS!. wtfiuwt?

    So given that what do you really think of Yahoo Answers?

    Personally I think its a vampire than sucks the brains out of most people. I have gotten a few good answers, but few even understand my questions. they are OVER most peoples heads.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Gene Simons family jewels?

    OK who saw Gene Simons pupped hump his nefews puppet in the sex therapists office.. WAS THAT FUNNY ER WHAT!

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • gasoline stabilizers?

    Modern fuels contain stabilizers, it there any way to destabilize it and crack the fuel down to its raw components?

    3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • at what temperature does gasoline vaporize?

    What kind of heat would have to be applied to a closed circut container to vaporize the gasoline inside?

    I'm an amature MAD scientist

    7 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago