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  • what is the name of the movie from about 10-20 years ago about a guy who was lost in the wilderness....?

    I forget the entire story line, but he was flying with the pilot in a small plane and they crashed into a lake. He lived off the land and eventually swam back out to the plane that had sunk, and the pilot was still in the plane (obviously dead), to get supplies. I think it may have been a disney movie. Sorry I don't have any more details. This is driving me crazy! Thanks for your help!

    12 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What would you have said? (Mom's only!)?

    Ok, so the other day I was eating in a restaurant and I had just bf my 6 mo old daughter who was in great need of a nap. Also, we were at the mall and this was her first time in the stroller w/out the car seat in it (so she had never napped in it laying down). Anyway, I fed her and she happened to fall asleep so I tried to put her down, and she was not used to it and started crying loudly. I picked her up and started to calm her down.

    The man sitting at the table next to me says "Excuse me Maam, I was just wondering why parents put their babies down like that after eating, when it is probably upsetting their very full tummy as you noticed when your daughter screamed. And then when you held her upright she stopped".

    I couldn't believe it. Who did this guy think he was!! Obviously he didn't understand all the circumstances that I mentioned above, but still! Well, unfortunately I wanted to give him a piece of my mind for butting in, but I was nice to him. I guess I'm not used to people saying stuff like that. I've only had one other old lady mention my dd might be cold in her entire 6 months!

    What woud you have said to this guy? Thanks :)

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How can I get my 6 mo old to nap in her crib, not the swing?

    So she will totally sleep in the crib at night, so I'm not sure why she won't nap in it during the day. Is it the light (she can see everything), even though the shades are closed. I've literally tried to get her to nap in the crib every day for the past 3 months. I don't want to let her cry it out. I have tried putting her in there asleep, but she wakes up. I don't go in right away, i've patted her and shushed her, put her music thing on. You name it, i probably tried it. It's so frustrating!!

    So after about an hour or two of trying to get her to nap in the crib i give up and do the swing. So should i just not give in and make her sleep in it? Ideas anyone? Thanks so much for your advice!!!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did the mini-pill (Birth control) increase your milk supply?

    I know it's a weird question because I can only find research of the mini-pill decreasing milk supply. But when I was on it last month..I could actually feel my milk let down and I leaked milk. But before I took it and now (I stopped) let down. So I think it may have helped my milk supply?

    Has anyone ese or anyone you know experience this as well? Thanks for your answers!!

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding Moms, help!!?

    My daughter is 5 weeks old and at first I used to actually get up at night and sit up in bed with the pillow and feed her, but the last week or 2, I have tried the side-lying position to feed her. The only problem is I don't know if she eats enough because I fall back asleep most of the time, At that point she ends up in the bed with me for the rest of the night. I would prefer to put her back in the bassinet, but i've already fallen back asleep before she eats again!

    Anyway, last night she cried every hour to be fed. My question you think it would be better to go back to waking up and sitting up to feed her and then try to get her to go back to sleep in the bassinet? The other problem is she doesn't always go back to sleep and it takes forever to get her to go back to sleep, especially in the bassinet.

    Any suggestions...thank you!!!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How much should my 5 week old be sleeping?!?

    My daughter is 5 weeks old and I'm not sure if she is getting enough sleep or if this is normal? She naps in the morning and usually at some point in the afternoons for a few hours. Then she is really fussy in the late afternoon/early evening and it is really hard to get her to go back to sleep until like 10 or 11 at night! Then she is up every 2 hours. I'm breastfeeding, but even at a week or 2 she would sleep for longer periods at night..

    So does this sound normal, or what should I be doing differently? When will she sleep longer at night?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is the best thing to order at the melting pot fondue restaurant?

    Which cheese, and entree options are the best? Dessert too? Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - US Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Weight gain during pregnancy and ultrasd question--Mom's only!!?

    I just went to the Dr. and he wasn't happy I gained 7lbs in one month. I'm 24 weeks, and have only gained about 4lbs total before that. Also, I think some of it was probably water weight, because I had been eating a lot of soup the last couple days. I understand he doesn't want me to gain 7lbs a month, but his comments really irritated me!! He said he would've been happy with half of the weight gain and that I need to stop doing what I'm doing to gain this much!! Am I being too sensitive here, and have any of you experienced this or someone you know?

    Also, how many ultrasounds did you get when pregnant? We couldn't tell the sex at 20 weeks and were hoping he'd let us look real quick at this 24 week appt, and he said "No, the insurance won't cover it". That is so stingy! The machine was right there and it wouldn't cost him anything to turn it on for two minutes and look! I'm feeling really jipped because lots of people I know get ultrasounds almost every visit, and/or they are allowed another one to see the sex of the baby! My Dr. doesn't seem to care and told us "Some people go 9 months without knowing!". I thought, yes, the people that don't care/don't want to know the sex!! Anyway, just wanted your oppinion on these scenarios. Thanks!!!

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Epidural questions....?

    Hi, I'm 19 weeks prego and have a few epidural questions for you Moms out there. So they leave a tube in your back after they put it in?? How do you lay in bed after that, you lay against the tube?? Also, does it have to wear off before you can start pushing? Can you do a waterbirth and have an epidural, or can you have the epidural and go in a birthing tub for any amount of time? Can you request that they wait to put a catheter in after they do the epidural? Anything else I should know about them?? Thanks so much for your help!!!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Crate training dilemma!!! Help!?

    We have a 7mo almost 8 mo old puppy. He's a "jack-chi" (jack russell-chihuahua mix), and we did the puppy pad thing because that is what we did with our toy poodle (She is now 4). Well he is still peeing/pooing at night sometimes and maybe 1 time every 2 weeks during the day when we're gone. We let him down a lot, and also at like 10 or 11 pm at night, hoping that will be enough time before my husband lets him out around 6am.

    My question is: Is it possible to crate train him, and leave our other dog out like she has been her whole life? She is fine and does not chew or mess in the house. But he has been able to be with her and have free reign of the house this whole time. If we do crate train him, should we put the crate in a closed room, so he doesn't see her? Thanks for your help!!!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you like the name "Devon" for a girl?

    I really like it, and we haven't seen many other girls names that we really like. My friend says if she's a tomboy she'll get made fun of or seem dikey. But I really like it. What do you think? Thanks!!

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What are some good baby names that will go with the last name "Lee"?

    Preferably 2-3 syllables as our last name is so short! And nothing too popular or too Ie: Sophie, emma, (they're cute, but not for us). Both parents are caucasian if that helps, and any Norwegian names would be great too. Thanks for your suggestions!!!

    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Need your oppinion on aging issues in Australia!! (preferably seniors only!)?

    Hi, I'm writing a paper on aging in Australia. I'm a college student in the U.S. I would like to know your oppinion on issues like: retirement, working seniors, health care, pensions, retirement life (activities), housing, cultural aspects, ageism, treatment of elderly in society, social roles, government programs for seniors, (anything else I missed??) ..etc.

    There are no right or wrong answers, and you don't have to comment on ALL of the above topics if you wish. Also, please tell me about your personal experiences and/or compared to your parents experiences with aging in Australia. Thanks very much for your insight!!! i appreciate it :)

    1 AnswerSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • How would you describe the aging population in Australia? (Aussies only please!!!)?

    Is there ageism (descrimination towards elderly?), how do seniors fit into society, what do you do when retired (hobbies)?, any thoughts on housing, pension systems, etc.

    I'm writing a paper on Aging in Australia, I'm a student in the U.S. Would love to hear your oppinion on some of these aging issues! Thanks very much!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Where is that nut and fruit shake place in LA??

    Supposedly they make the best milk shakes, just wondering where it is??? Thanks!

  • Help! Need to interview an Australian Senior soon!!!!?

    Hello~ I need to ask an Australian senior (preferably 60 or older) some questions about aging in Australia. I am doing a research paper for college. The topics include: housing, income and pensions, retirement, working seniors, health care, government programs, family life, social issues (ageism, etc.), and other topics. I can e-mail you the questions and topics if you would be willing to help me. Thank you very much :) Need to do this within the next week!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • Where is there a good grief support group, especially for seniors in San Diego, CA?

    For someone who just lost her husband. Preferably closer to downtown. Thanks very much!!

    3 AnswersSan Diego1 decade ago
  • College students help!!!?

    So I'm in this class and the midterm was a "take-home" test. So a few of us compared our answers through e-mails. Well, my "friend" turned in my test!!! The teacher now said she could either fail me/us or give us a "C" on the test with a make-up projec. I don't feel this is fair. I'm the one whos work was plagiarized!!! She should get in trouble right?

    I mean, I understand the university's point of view and concern, but teachers take that risk when giving at-home assignments that people will collaborate on answers!! My friend shouldn't have turned in my test, especially without changing the words into her own!!! I understand the whole plagiarizing thing, but I told the teacher, many of us shared answers, but we all still did our own work!!

    So, what would you do? I already have 4 big assingments due next week, and don't really have time to do this "special project" she may have me do. What is funnier is that my "friend" is ignoring my calls. Help!!! Thank you!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How are the lines at Disneyland lately? Mainly a Friday?

    thanks :) Oh, and anything you would suggest skipping to save Nemo subs??

    3 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago