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Disposable Hero

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  • Best Metal Albums A-Z?

    My list is below:

    A: As the Palaces Burn - Lamb of God

    B: Burnt Offerings - Iced Earth

    C: Cowboys From Hell - Pantera

    D: Destroy Erase Improve - Meshuggah

    E: Evangelion - Behemoth

    F: The Fundamental Component - Byzantine

    G: Guitar Gangsters and Cadillac Blood - Volbeat

    H: Hate Crew Deathroll - Children of Bodom

    I: Iced Earth - Iced Earth


    K: Kill 'Em All - Metallica

    L: Lateralus - Tool

    M: Master of Puppets - Metallica

    N: New American Gospel - Lamb of God

    O: Obzen - Meshuggah

    P: The Price of Existence - All Shall Perish


    R: Ride the Lightning - Metallica

    S: Something Wicked This Way Comes - Iced Earth

    T: This is Where it Ends - All Shall Perish

    U: Undertow - Tool

    V: Vulgar Display of Power - Pantera

    W: Wages of Sin - Arch Enemy




    10 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Best Metal Bands A-Z?

    Any genre of metal is fine. My list is below:

    A: All Shall Perish

    B: Byzantine

    C: Children of Bodom

    D: Dethklok

    E: Evile

    F: Five Finger Death Punch

    G: Guns N' Roses

    H: Hatebreed

    I: Iced Earth

    J: Job For a Cowboy

    K: Kataklysm

    L: Lamb of God

    M: Metallica

    N: Necrophagist

    O: Obituary

    P: Pantera

    Q: Quiet Riot (Sorry couldn't think of any other bands that start with "Q")

    R: Rammstein

    S: System of a Down

    T: Tool

    U: Unearth

    V: Volbeat

    W: Whitechapel

    X: ??? (Can't think of any)

    Y: Yngwie Malmsteen

    Z: Zakk Wylde

    Obviously some letters like "M" (Metallica, Megadeth, Meshuggah, Mastodon) are harder than others. Just thought it would be an interesting list.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Considering the bands I like below, what are some other metal bands I might like?

    I like all kinds of metal. Just looking for a few more good bands to listen to. Some of my favorites are:

    All Shall Perish

    Amon Amarth

    Arch Enemy


    The Black Dahlia Murder


    Children of Bodom



    Five Finger Death Punch


    Iced Earth


    Killswitch Engage

    Lamb of God










    System of a Down

    Through the Eyes of the Dead





    6 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Are there any bands that I would like who sound similar to Volbeat?

    Volbeat is one of my favorite bands and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of other bands I may like in this genre.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Can any union supporters give me a well thought-out response to the following?

    1) Unions are severely damaging whole industries: How is it that GM and Chrysler got into such lousy shape that they had to be bailed out? There's a simple answer: The unions. The massive pensions the car companies paid out raised their costs so much that they were limited to building more expensive cars to try to get their money back. They couldn't even do a great job of building those cars because utterly ridiculous union rules prevented them from using their labor efficiently. America created the automobile industry, but American unions are strangling it to death. Unions also wrecked the steel and textile industries and have helped drive manufacturing jobs overseas. They're crippling the airline industry and, of course, we can't forget that...

    2) Unions are ruining public education: Every few years, it's the same old story. The teachers’ unions claim that public education in this country is dramatically underfunded and if they just had more money, they could turn it around. Taxpayer money then pours into our schools like a waterfall and....there's no improvement. A few years later, when people have forgotten the last spending spree on education, the process is repeated. However, the real problem with our education system in this country is the teachers’ unions. They do everything possible to prevent schools not only from firing lousy teachers, but also from rewarding talented teachers. Merit pay? The unions hate it. Private schools? Even though everyone knows they deliver a better education than our public schools, unions fight to keep as many kids as possible locked in failing public schools. In Wisconsin, we've had whole schools shutting down so that lazy teachers can waste their time protesting on the taxpayers’ dime. Want to improve education in this country? Then you've got to take on the teachers’ unions.

    3) Unions are costing you billions of tax dollars: Let's put it plain and simple: Government workers shouldn't be allowed to unionize. Period.


    Because you elect representatives to look out for your interests.

    It's obviously in your interest to pay as little as possible to government workers, to keep their benefits as low as possible, and to hire as few of them as possible to do the job. However, because the Democratic Party and the unions are in bed with each other, this entire process has been turned on its ear. Instead of looking out for your interests, Democrats try to hire as many government workers as possible, pay them as much as possible, and give them benefits that are as generous as possible, all so that union workers will do more to get them re-elected.

    In other words, the Democratic Party and the unions are engaged in an open conspiracy to defraud the American taxpayer. There's no way that the American people should allow that to continue.

    4) Unions are fundamentally anti-democratic : How in the world did we get to the point where people can be forced to join a union just to get a job at certain places? Then, after they're dragooned into the union, they have no choice other than to pay dues that are used for political activities which the unwilling dues-paying member may oppose.

    Add to that the fact that the Democrats and the government unions collaborate to subvert democracy at the expense of the taxpayer and it's not a pretty picture. Worse yet, unions have gotten so voracious that they even want to do away with the secret ballot, via card check, so they can openly bully people into joining unions. The way unions behave in this country is undemocratic, un-American, and it should trouble anyone who cares about freedom and individual rights.

    5) Government unions are bankrupting cities and states: Government unions have bled billions from taxpayers nationally, but the damage they're doing on the local level is even worse. We have cities and states all across the country that are so behind on their bills that there have been genuine discussions about bankruptcy. There are a lot of irresponsible financial policies that have helped contribute to that sorry state-of-affairs, but unquestionably, the biggest backbreakers can be directly traced back to the unions.

    As the Washington Times has noted, union pensions are crushing budgets all across the country.

    Yet it comes as little surprise that the same profligacy that pervades the corridors of federal power infects this country’s 87,000 state, county and municipal governments and school districts. By 2013, the amount of retirement money promised to employees of these public entities will exceed cash on hand by more than a trillion dollars.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Union Supporters, Tell Me This?

    1.) How would you feel if your dues were used to support benefits and pensions for the private sector like the private sector gets their tax dollars taken to support you? (Public Sector Unions)

    2.) Why do you feel that you deserve better pay, better benefits, better pensions, longer vacations and shorter work days than your private sector counterparts?

    3.) If you are really for the working class, why is it that if a union company is working on a site and a non-union company shows up you all walk off? Who is that helping? Definitely not the company or the customer.

    4.) If you truly believe the public is on your side, why do you need to bus people in from out of state to join the protests just to make it seem as though there are a lot of you?

    5.) If you are one of the truly hard working union employees, how do you feel about your dues being used to support progressive candidates with no imput from you?

    I'm just curious because all I hear is hate spewed from these protests, yet on here the left is saying the unions are the middle calss even though they make up like 12% of the workforce.

    No nedd to spew hatred, if you are sincere you will be able to answer the questions.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Unions bankrupt America. With the following facts, how could anyone disagree?

    1). Unions foster incompetence. Once you’re in a union, you become incredibly hard to fire. This means that incompetent workers are kept on when they should be fired for the good of the company and remaining workers. It isn’t all bad for the fired worker, either, as sometimes a firing will be just the wake-up call that the fired worker needs to get his or her life together.

    When the union represents teachers, cops or other public employees, this incompetence can cost lives, destroy opportunities for great teachers to shine, and so on. Public employees should be subject to the same realities as everyone else in America. If you’re incompetent, you’re looking for a job.

    2). Unions make America uncompetitive. The artificially high salaries of union workers make American products uncompetitive overseas, and in America. As we move into a global economy, it is more important than ever for companies to be able to hire people at a somewhat competitive rate, especially to do repetitive work like assembly line work. This brings me to…

    3). Unions cause off-shoring. In many cases, work done by unionized employees is just plain too expensive for a company to be competitive. While some companies would love to hire Americans to do certain jobs that must be done by human beings, they cannot and remain in business. This means they go offshore to obtain cheaper labor. And this brings me to…

    4). Unionization is slowing any recovery that might be on the horizon by making it more difficult for employers to hire Americans. While the individual employee might benefit from a higher wage, the country, as a whole, does not benefit from unionization.

    5). Unions drive up prices of American goods here and overseas. By not allowing companies to make the decisions they need to about where they produce their goods and whom they hire to produce their goods, unions drive up prices. We plain can’t afford this in the Great Recession (which is far from over).

    6). Unions delay technological improvements. Most of the assembly work that used to be done by workers can now be performed by robots. Robots can work 24/7, don’t take bathroom breaks, don’t call in sick and don’t strike. Yet unions force some companies to keep human beings doing jobs that can be done much more efficiently and competently by robots.

    7). Unions interfere with a good employer/employee relationship. Unions pit employees against employers. This might have been appropriate in the 19th Century. Today it is simply disastrous. Employers know that they have to be competitive in salaries and benefits to retain the best employees, even in this recession. Employees know that they must do a great job to remain competitive on a tough job market. Unions take away that very important connection and turn employees and employers into constant adversaries, when their goals are usually very similar.

    8). Unionization takes away free choice. If you’re in a “Union shop” in most states, you’re a part of the union whether you want to be or not. This forces people, in order to keep their jobs, to go against what might be strongly felt ideological beliefs. Those who want to join a union should be able to. Those who do not want to join a union must not be forced or coerced into it.

    9). Union contracts bankrupt companies. While the executives at General Motors made some bad decisions, part of the need to bankrupt was the contract they had with the United Auto Workers. Union bosses are often obstinate in re-negotiating contracts when business conditions change. This is a freedom that employers must have in today’s business environment!

    10). Unions cost jobs. Let’s be real. If an employer can’t, when necessary, cut hours, benefits, and other employee costs, he or she is going to let workers go or lay them off. This costs jobs when we need to create jobs.

    The public employees of Wisconsin and everywhere else need to understand that there is a new and difficult reality in America. They, too, must sacrifice some salary and benefits or our children, the safety of our streets, and our property will all suffer as government entities are forced into laying workers off. It is better for everyone to take a small hit than for some to sit cushy and others to be out on the street.

    Unions were needed in the 19th Century. Now, they simply harm employers, employees, and America as a whole. We can’t afford more unionization in America!

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can the Left be any more hypocritical?

    1.) The Left blamed conservatives for the rhetoric leading up to the Giffords shooting, but look at the ant-American hate speech now coming from the unions.

    2.) The Left branded the Tea Party as a hate group for a single sign at a rally, look now at all the hate signs in Wisconsin.

    3.) The teachers union claims they are "for the children", but when push comes to shove they get fraudulent notes to skip work and leave the children behind.

    4.) The Left claim that the Tea Party is Astroturf, but in WIsconsin the majority of people were bussed in from out-of-state by the unions. Can't get more "astroturf" than that.

    5.) The Left claim that Governor Walker is against the working class, when in fact the only people not working during this time are the unions.

    I can go on forever, but this is a start, Thoughts?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Rate my fantasy baseball team...?

    This is for a 10 person rotisserie (sp?) league.....

    1. (9) Josh Hamilton (OF)

    2. (12) Mark Teixeira (1B)

    3. (29) Ichiro Suzuki (OF)

    4. (32) Cole Hamels (SP)

    5. (49) Jonathan Papelbon (RP)

    6. (52) Roy Halladay (SP)

    7. (69) Brad Lidge (RP)

    8. (72) Rich Harden (SP)

    9. (89) Ryan Ludwick (OF)

    10. (92) Aubrey Huff (1B, 3B)

    11. (109) B.J. Ryan (RP)

    12. (112) Torii Hunter (OF)

    13. (129) Jhonny Peralta (SS)

    14. (132) Kelly Johnson (2B)

    15. (149) Erik Bedard (SP)

    16. (152) George Sherrill (RP)

    17. (169) Jayson Werth (OF)

    18. (172) Chris Iannetta (C)

    19. (189) Ted Lilly (SP)

    20. (192) Felipe López (2B, SS, 3B, OF)

    21. (209) Willy Taveras (OF)

    ......also, I just traded Ichiro and Kelly Johnson for Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce. And I dropped George Sherril for Matt Lindstrom (RP). Let me know what you think.

    So, this will be my starting lineup:

    C- Chris Ianetta

    1B-Mark Texiara

    2B-Brandon Phillips

    SS-Jhonny Peralta

    3B-Aubrey Huff

    OF-Jay Bruce

    OF-Ryan Ludwick

    OF-Josh Hamilton

    Uti-Tori Hunter

    SP-Cole Hamels

    SP-Roy Halladay

    SP-Rich Hardin

    RP-Jonathon Pappelbon

    RP-Brad Lidge

    RP-BJ Ryan

    RP-Matt Lindstrom

    Bench-Eric Bedard

    Bench-Ted Lilly

    Bench-Jayson Werth

    Bench-Willy Tavares

    Bench-Felipe Lopez

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Rate my fantasy baseball team...?

    This is for a 10 person rotisserie (sp?) league.....

    1. (9) Josh Hamilton (OF)

    2. (12) Mark Teixeira (1B)

    3. (29) Ichiro Suzuki (OF)

    4. (32) Cole Hamels (SP)

    5. (49) Jonathan Papelbon (RP)

    6. (52) Roy Halladay (SP)

    7. (69) Brad Lidge (RP)

    8. (72) Rich Harden (SP)

    9. (89) Ryan Ludwick (OF)

    10. (92) Aubrey Huff (1B, 3B)

    11. (109) B.J. Ryan (RP)

    12. (112) Torii Hunter (OF)

    13. (129) Jhonny Peralta (SS)

    14. (132) Kelly Johnson (2B)

    15. (149) Erik Bedard (SP)

    16. (152) George Sherrill (RP)

    17. (169) Jayson Werth (OF)

    18. (172) Chris Iannetta (C)

    19. (189) Ted Lilly (SP)

    20. (192) Felipe López (2B, SS, 3B, OF)

    21. (209) Willy Taveras (OF)

    ......also, I just traded Ichiro and Kelly Johnson for Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce. And I dropped George Sherril for Matt Lindstrom (RP). Let me know what you think.

    So, this will be my starting lineup:

    C- Chris Ianetta

    1B-Mark Texiara

    2B-Brandon Phillips

    SS-Jhonny Peralta

    3B-Aubrey Huff

    OF-Jay Bruce

    OF-Ryan Ludwick

    OF-Josh Hamilton

    Uti-Tori Hunter

    SP-Cole Hamels

    SP-Roy Halladay

    SP-Rich Hardin

    RP-Jonathon Pappelbon

    RP-Brad Lidge

    RP-BJ Ryan

    RP-Matt Lindstrom

    Bench-Eric Bedard

    Bench-Ted Lilly

    Bench-Jayson Werth

    Bench-Willy Tavares

    Bench-Felipe Lopez

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • How do you think my fantasy baseball draft went?

    This is for a 10 person rotisserie (Sp?) league. The number next to the player is the pick # I drafted that person at:

    1. (9) Josh Hamilton (OF)

    2. (12) Mark Teixeira (1B)

    3. (29) Ichiro Suzuki (OF)

    4. (32) Cole Hamels (SP)

    5. (49) Jonathan Papelbon (RP)

    6. (52) Roy Halladay (SP)

    7. (69) Brad Lidge (RP)

    8. (72) Rich Harden (SP)

    9. (89) Ryan Ludwick (OF)

    10. (92) Aubrey Huff (1B, 3B)

    11. (109) B.J. Ryan (RP)

    12. (112) Torii Hunter (OF)

    13. (129) Jhonny Peralta (SS)

    14. (132) Kelly Johnson (2B)

    15. (149) Erik Bedard (SP)

    16. (152) George Sherrill (RP)

    17. (169) Jayson Werth (OF)

    18. (172) Chris Iannetta (C)

    19. (189) Ted Lilly (SP)

    20. (192) Felipe López (2B, SS, 3B, OF)

    21. (209) Willy Taveras (OF)

    ......also, I just traded Ichiro and Kelly Johnson for Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce. And I dropped George Sherril for Matt Lindstrom (RP). Let me know what you think.

    So, this will be my starting lineup:

    C- Chris Ianetta

    1B-Mark Texiara

    2B-Brandon Phillips

    SS-Jhonny Peralta

    3B-Aubrey Huff

    OF-Jay Bruce

    OF-Ryan Ludwick

    OF-Josh Hamilton

    Uti-Tori Hunter

    SP-Cole Hamels

    SP-Roy Halladay

    SP-Rich Hardin

    RP-Jonathon Pappelbon

    RP-Brad Lidge

    RP-BJ Ryan

    RP-Matt Lindstrom

    Bench-Eric Bedard

    Bench-Ted Lilly

    Bench-Jayson Werth

    Bench-Willy Tavares

    Bench-Felipe Lopez

    5 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Rate my fantasy baseball team...?

    I am in a ten person league

    1. (9) Josh Hamilton (OF)

    2. (12) Mark Teixeira (1B)

    3. (29) Ichiro Suzuki (OF)

    4. (32) Cole Hamels (SP)

    5. (49) Jonathan Papelbon (RP)

    6. (52) Roy Halladay (SP)

    7. (69) Brad Lidge (RP)

    8. (72) Rich Harden (SP)

    9. (89) Ryan Ludwick (OF)

    10. (92) Aubrey Huff (1B, 3B)

    11. (109) B.J. Ryan (RP)

    12. (112) Torii Hunter (OF)

    13. (129) Jhonny Peralta (SS)

    14. (132) Kelly Johnson (2B)

    15. (149) Erik Bedard (SP)

    16. (152) George Sherrill (RP)

    17. (169) Jayson Werth (OF)

    18. (172) Chris Iannetta (C)

    19. (189) Ted Lilly (SP)

    20. (192) Felipe López (2B, SS, 3B, OF)

    21. (209) Willy Taveras (OF)

    ......also, I just traded Ichiro and Kelly Johnson for Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce. And I dropped George Sherril for Matt Lindstrom (RP). Let me know what you think.

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Name 1 thing you dislike about each candidate?

    The 3 main Presidential candidates (McCain, Hillary, Obama)

    Make you reasons based on policy or values, not personal attacks.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Democrats promise a lot, but who will pay the bill?


    -Health care overhaul ($110 billion annually)

    -Energy proposals ($150 billion over 10 years)

    -New "GI Bill" education and housing assistance to veterans ($5 billion annually)

    -Universal pre-K education program ($7 billion annually)

    -Economic stimulus, including housing and heating assistance ($110 billion, presumably one-time)


    -Health care overhaul (up to $65 billion annually)

    -Additional health care spending ($40 billion annually)

    -"Making Work Pay" refundable tax credit to offset Social Security tax ($62 billion annually)

    -$4,000 tuition tax credit ($6 billion annually)

    - K-12 education spending ($18 billion annually)

    -Doubling budget for basic science ($6 billion annually)

    Sources: Candidates' websites, National Taxpayers Union, USA TODAY research.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Obama really want "change"?

    Obama had a chance to vote for change in the senate and continually decided not to.

    What will he actually "change" if elected?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is the media telling us we are in a recession?

    Here is the definition of a recession:

    Definition: A recession is defined to be a period of two quarters of negative GDP growth.

    Thus: a recession is a national or world event, by definition. And statistical aberrations or one-time events can almost never create a recession

    That would mean 6 months of a declining GDP. We have yet to have one month of decline. But the liberal media is telling us we are in a recession.

    Is this a fear tactic to make the people believe the republicans are to blame and to vote for a democrat?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else sick of this response?

    When Obama supporters are asked about his lack of substance they always respond:

    "Go to his website -"

    Why can't Obama just tell us his positions like every other candidate? What is he afraid of?

    A lot of his supporters come from lower income families who probably don't have access to the internet. Don't they have a right to know what he stands for?

    If Obama believed in what his website says, he would say it himself.

    What do you think?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do liberals refer to social conservatives as "the religious right"?

    I am by no means religious. In fact, I don't actively practice any religion, but I am a conservative.

    Why do we have to be religious to believe in strong family values? I believe that strong family values are good for the economy and strengthen this country. It has nothing to do with religion.

    Is this a way for the far left to try and categorize us as religious fanatics?

    Doe anyone else feel this way?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Conservatives, should we create our own party?

    It is clear the republican party is beginning to abandon us and move to the left and the democrats are so far left you can barely see them, should we start our own political party?

    A party that can be home to social conservaitves, fiscal conservatives, and defense conservatives.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Kennedy, Kerry endorse Obama, Hillary wins Massachusettes, why?

    Is the rest of the country, who since these endorsements have been leaning towards Obama, not paying attention?

    The people who know Kennedy and Kerry best are voting against the candidate they endorsed.

    Democrats, are you worried that the people who run the party are out of touch with the American people?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago