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  • What property of the cell membrane allows it to maintain cell homeostasis?

    Please help! My bio semester final is tomorrow and I came across this question on our study guide. I don' ever remember learning this. If you know the answer, you are my hero! =^.^=

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Have to build a balsa wood bridge for school.. help!?

    I am in 8th grade and my science teacher assigned us a bridge project. We have to build it out of balsa wood and we can use wood cement but that's all, like no laminating and stuff. And also I can't put two pieces of wood next to each other. I know I have to use trusses and stuff, but which kind is best? We only have 2 weeks to design and build it.

    I've been researching on the internet but I still don't know how to build it. They will be tested with a single weight from the middle. SO which design would spread the load evenly thorughout and therefore be the strongest?

    3 AnswersEngineering2 decades ago
  • How do you clear a radical from the denominator of a fraction?

    This isn't homework or anything, this has just always bothered me. What do you multiply by to clear out the radical?

    4 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago