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  • Fantasy Baseball Trade?

    I give up: Robinson Cano, Cole Hamels, Adam Wainwright, and Jon Lester

    I get back: Aaron Hill, Felix Hernandez, Gio Gonzalez, and Dan Haren

    The league is set up with entirely total counting stats every week for both hitters and pitchers, no averages (i.e. BA, OBP, Slugging, ERA) at all.

    Should I do it?

    5 AnswersFantasy Sports8 years ago
  • Fantasy Basketball Trade?

    I get: Jamal Crawford and Roy Hibbert

    I give up: Andre Iguodala

    My team:

    G: Lawson, Curry, Lowry, Kevin Martin, Felton, Ginobili, Iguodala

    F: Durant, Iguodala, Ibaka, Josh Smith, Anthony Davis, Ginobili, Bosh

    C: Chris Bosh, Ibaka

    My league has 3 G's, 2 F's, 1 C, a Util spot and 5 Bench spots.

    Should I do the trade?

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports9 years ago
  • Physics Kinematics Question?

    We are kicking a soccer ball (m=0.435 kg) from rest at an angle of 45 degrees, and would like it to travel 6.096 m in the x direction and 0.3048 m in the y direction in 1 second.

    However, we are getting ourselves confused as to how to calculate the force required to achieve these distances in this time. We calculated the x direction Force pretty easily, by simply calculating Fx = m*2*D/(t^2)=(0.435)(2)(6.096) = 5.304 N. However, we're not sure how to factor in the acceleration due to gravity when calculating the necessary y direction Force, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Nyquist Criterion Question?

    I'm having trouble understanding how to analyze this Nyquist Criterion graph:

    The transfer function for it is (7*(s+10)^2)/(s^3)

    We learnt how to analyze a normal Nyquist Criterion graph which loops back around, but as this one does not do that I'm having trouble understanding how to approach it. Some help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • Transfer Function Gain calculation?

    I had a question regarding how to calculate the gain of a transfer function. Our professor said that the gain of, for example, ((s+2)(s+6))/(s(s+1)(s+5)(s+10)) would be ((2)(6))/((1)(5)(10)) = 0.24.

    My question is, how do I then calculate the gain of a function with a quadratic term, e.g. ((s^2+2s+8))/((s(s^2+2s+10))?

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • Java Hashmap Question?

    For my homework, we are supposed to implement a Contact List(i.e. a phone book) using a hashmap, with the keys being the names of the people and the values being their phone number(s). I have implemented that much correctly.

    However, we are then supposed to include a method that displays the keys/values of the hashmap in alphabetical order. My original thought was to simply copy the values of the hashmap over to a treemap which would sort them by default, but my professor said there was a simpler way and I cannot think of one.

    Does anyone have an idea for a simple method to display the keys/values of the hashmap in alphabetical order?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Program Running Time Question?

    I have two separate programs which run in the following amount of time:

    A runs in O(n+k*log(n)), and B runs in O(k + (n-k)*log(k)), where n is the number of elements, and k is a smaller number which can be any integer from 1->n.

    My question is, what is the range of values for k in which B would run as fast or faster than A, and why? We've done simpler running time calculations in class, but this is more advanced than anything we've done to this point, and I'm getting myself confused as to how I would go about this.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Excel Question - Add rows?

    So I have a set of data in Excel, sorted by frame, except because of the refresh rate of the software, it skipped frames(i.e., the data goes 1, 3, 4, 7, etc., at an essentially random rate). How can I add rows for the missing frames with just zeros in for the data without doing it one-by-one?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Log magnitude vs. Normal magnitude?

    In our lab assignment in MATLAB, we were given a table of Fourier-transformed data points of an MRI Image, and asked to find the logarithmic magnitude of the data, then plot it as an image using the imagesc function. My question is why were we asked to use Log Magnitude for spectrum visualization instead of Normal Magnitude?

    1 AnswerEngineering10 years ago
  • Fast Fourier Transform question?

    I'm calculating the FFT in MATLAB, of a sinusoidal function. When I did so with a sampling frequency of 150 Hz, I found the amplitude peaked at the correct points of +/- 50 Hz. However, when I calculated it with an Fs=80 Hz instead, the amplitude peaked at +/- 30 Hz instead. Why is it that the change in sampling frequency causes the peaks to appear at the incorrect frequency?

    2 AnswersEngineering10 years ago
  • Signal Processing Question?

    We are interested in the signal components of an ECG in the frequency range from dc to 25 Hz.

    What cutoff frequency should we choose for an anti-aliasing LPF before sampling?

    What is the minimum possible sampling rate, and what is the rate at which we should sample?

    1 AnswerEngineering10 years ago
  • Capacitance Question?

    The image above shows our circuit. We were given the component values of L1=2, L2=1,R=16,C=1/4,y(0)=0,y'(0)=0,y"(0)=1. I solved it out for the zero-input response and found that the values of y(t) fluctuate back and forth while dissipating in to 0.

    My question is, since there is no input(that is, f(t)=0) and y(0)=0 as well, why/how is the capacitor able to be charged?

    2 AnswersEngineering10 years ago
  • RLC Circuit solving help?

    I'm having trouble figuring out how to solve this circuit:

    I need a generic differential equation that represents the system in terms of R, C, L1, L2, and appropriate derivatives of input f(t) and output y(t). Any help would be really appreciated, thanks!

    2 AnswersEngineering10 years ago
  • How to Uncompress Tiff files?

    I have a folder full of compressed Tiff image files that I need to uncompress. Is there a way to do this without having to download an outside program? If possible, some type of batch process would be ideal so I can do them all at once, but it's not necessary.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Transmittance/Absorbance Question?

    A fluorescent molecule, normally used as an intracellular dye, in a dilute solution attenuates 10% of green light that enters a 5x5 mm2 cross section cuvette where the solution is contained.

    Determine transmittance and absorbance of the solution.

    I really have no clue how to do this. We have the equations that relate P and Po, and that uses path length, concentration, and the absorptivity coefficient, but nothing that would explain how to solve for those directly from here, so any help would be really appreciated.

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Relationship between bradycardia and EOG?

    If a patient is bradycardic, which causes low blood pressure, to the point of feeling "faint", what would you expect the EOG to look like, regardless of the type of eye movement they are doing?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Second Order Low Pass Filter?

    What is the equation for the 1/2 power point(or cutoff frequency) of a second order low pass filter? To clarify, I'm referring to two op-amp low-pass filters in series.

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Low Pass filter questions?

    I have a couple hypothetical questions regarding low-pass filters:

    1-Does the frequency of the half-power point(or cutoff frequency) of a low-pass op-amp filter change when a second such filter is added in series(making it a second-order low-pass filter)?

    2-Given a second-order cascading op-amp low-pass filter(i.e., the same circuit as in #1, with 2 low pass filters connected in series), what would you expect to happen at the crossover point if the high frequency and low frequency drivers differed in phase by pi radians?

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Second-order low pass filter question?

    Given a second-order cascading op-amp low-pass filter, what would you expect to happen at the crossover point if the high frequency and low frequency drivers differed in phase by pi radians?

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Low-Pass filter question?

    Does the frequency of the half-power point(or cutoff frequency) of a low-pass op-amp filter change when a second such filter is added in series(making it a second-order low-pass filter)?

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago