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  • If Obama is "side-tracked" with the financial mess, then would that make Bush "side-tracked" with Iraq?

    Yahoo is at it again, helping out their favorite TOTUS! Didn't read the article, but can just guess what it says:

    Obama "inhereted" the current economic problems from Bush, but is committed to setting forth policies to deal with problems like health care, education, the environment, etc.

    The man and his "band of theives" have done more harm to the economy in the few weeks he's been in office than President Bush could have ever done. Funny to me how the market begin declining when it was pretty clear that The Oh, Bummer would win the election-in September- and it hasn't improved since then.

    Is he just "side-tracked" or is he mostly responsible for creating this "train wreck" with the economy?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Could this not sum up the Obama Presidency thus far?

    "Obama wants more POWER..." (Caps added by me for emphasis)

    The Yahoo headline goes on to say "...over financial institutions like AIG."

    But would that not also describe his desire to hush Rush and all conservative talk, take over healthcare, run the Census Bureau, implement mandatory preschool, redistribute wealth, tax charitable giving, coerce "volunteerism", redefine marriage, and to push on the American people through deceit and manipulation other such radical leftist policies.

    Already he's shaping up to become the WORST president in the history of this great nation as he is HELL BENT on "changing" it to reflect his radical leftist philosophy.

    I surely "hope" we survive as a nation and are able to recover from his (hopefully) short-lived reign of terror and ineptitude.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When those in the MSM finish helping Obama silence the opposition, are they next?

    Obama wants FOXNews and Rush Limbaugh silenced. But he ain't too warm to ANYONE who questions his decisions, appointments, etc. Just Looky here...

    Has the Mass Media created a MONSTER?!!

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you know what Obama's priorities are?

    Heard about his move to lift the ban on funding non-government entities that perform abortions overseas on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade? Read about it.

    He does this after spending a kazillion dollars on his inaugural, then "freezing" whitehouse staff salaries. Why? Were they all about to get raises upon his coming into office? Can you say SYMBOLIC...but meaningless. Does this help the economy? Does it help your situation?

    As soon as he can he plans to get rid of "don't ask, don't tell", DOMA, and lift the ban on federal funding of stem cell research with the cells of the unborn- where they're lives are ended in the process- all in the name of "science", and we kind and caring Americans get to foot the bill. Those are his priorities. Surprised? Is this the "change" you were "hoping" for?

    This guy did not elect himself. I don't fault him. The media is cupable though. They lied, covered up and deceived many, and many others were just enamored with the very idea of this man's persona- black, well-educated, charismatic...not much substance, but that didn't matter.

    Just wondering, how many of you regret that you voted for him? And are you Christian? If you are Christian, how do you defend your support for a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual rights Obama, and hatred for a man (George W. Bush) who did as much as he could to restrict abortion effecting a decrease in the number of abortions in the nation in the process. He inacted the ban on partial birth abortion (2003) and signed into law "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002- a bill Obama killed in the Illinois senate. Hatred for the godly and love for the ungodly? How do you defend that? This is a dry run for when you'll have to explain it to the One Who really matters...and I don't mean Obama!

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If, arguably, the most liberal state in the union opposes gay marriage, why won't they stop it already?

    The gay lobby is powerful, for sure. Most major dem candidates have had to make concessions and promises to the GLBT alliance. But the people of California have spoken TWICE on this matter and said: We want marriage to remain an institution that celebrates the union of one man and one woman (unrelated) for life!

    Any legal "union" between same-sex couples (or other groups of individuals or animals) helps destroy marriage. FACT.

    Look at what happened to marriage in places like Scandinavia when same-sex marriage was made legal. Fewer marriages, more couples co-habiting without the benefit of marriage (resulting of unstable homes), more children born to unmarried couples, etc.

    Anybody think that those results will BENEFIT any society? Think again.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why is it that every time the mask begins to slip off of BHO the media helps him get it back on again?

    The media is going to, perhaps, be complicit in pulling off one of the biggest frauds in the history of American presidential elections. All because of their great hatred for the sitting president and conservatives in general.

    If they succeed, it will forever "change" this country in ways unforeseen by many, but foretold by a few. These people are shortsighted, thinking that utopia is on its way. When there will be increased tensions and hostility at every level from racial to partisan.

    The hatefulness and contempt for Sarah Palin displayed by the MSM is off the chart. Barring their treatment of President Bush, the MSM has been most unfair to her.

    Yet this man, Barack Hussein Obama, is untouchable. Don't question him (or Biden) on his statements, voting records, allies and friendships or you're creating "false controversies" (or "joking"), then you are investigated. This is what it used to be like in the old Soviet Union and Iraq under Saddam's heavy hand. They just haven't gotten around to the part where folks start disappearing in the night.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does Obama blame FoxNews...?

    for what causing a controversy about what he ACTUALLY said 7 years ago? He expressed earlier this month that he was "...convinced that if there was no FoxNews, I'd be farther ahead in the polls..." He SAID that.

    Other news outlets are kissing his A -big time. One is reporting what the others dare not even TOUCH. Bill Ayers- broke on Fox. Jeremiah Wright- broke on Fox. Now Obama's interview in 2001, where he laments that the courts did not do during the civil rights era to address "redistribution of wealth".

    Are none of these topics worthy to be broached by the MSM? Are they all IRRELEVANT? Obama thinks so. What say you, Mr. and Mrs. America?

    46 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is the vigorous scrutiny of Barack H. Obama?

    The MSM derided its own efforts at questioning the claims of the Bush Administration leading up to the war in Iraq.

    Gary Kamiya of Salon magazine writes:

    "...the real failing was not in any one area; it was across the board. Bush administration lies and distortions went unchallenged, or were actively promoted. Vital historical context was almost never provided. And it wasn't just a failure of analysis. With some honorable exceptions, good old-fashioned reporting was also absent."

    While I support the effort in Iraq and do not believe that President Bush lied, it is vitally important for the media to do as much as is possible to get at the facts wherever they may lead. There is only so much "fact checking" they can do when it comes to questions of national security, but when it comes to searching out and fully vetting the policy positions, voting records, and personal and private associations of a presidential candidate and accurately relaying that information to the American people, the job of our institutions of journalism is of paramount importance.

    Are we getting the WHOLE story when it comes to the candidate Barack Hussein Obama? Where is the coverage on his associations with ACORN, William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis- leader of the Communist Party USA and mentor of young Obama in Hawii, Raila Odinga- Muslim extremist president of Kenya and others.

    If Senator McCain or Sarah Palin had as many questionable associates and allies, the MSM would have hung them by now with said associations. Headlines EVERYDAY would bring these associations before the American people time and time again. No sane and intelligent nor honest person could disagree with my assessment.

    The media's "fact checking" escapades serve to further muddy the issues or flat out lie to help their candidate, BHO. Because they enjoy a certain amount of immunity, there is no direct avenue by which the public can voice it's displeasure other than to turn the dial. Many of us are not aware that we are being lied to and therefore are completely in the dark. Others are willing subjects, enjoying the ride and hoping it'll take their man on to the White House. After all, isn't getting a democrat in office worth it? "By any means neccessary?"

    But others, like myself, are angry as hell and yet feel powerless to stop this slaughter of truth and fairness right before our eyes. We hear statements like: "Obama doesn't support preschool sex-ed, just 'age appropriate' sex ed for preschoolers where preschoolers are taught how to avoid sex predators. That is what Obama has said."

    Could not you (the media), who went as far as presenting fake documents to "prove" that then candidate George W. Bush was not at his reserve training, give us a little more than "Obama has said" for proof? Could not you send actual investigators to find out the truth? Could you not investigate his votes on the BAIPA in the state senate of Illinois? And when you report that John McCain and Sarah Palin are "misleading" the people when they present ACCURATELY the facts surrounding his votes on this legislation, could you just come out and say that you indeed don't like WHERE the facts lead?

    Would all who are as teed off by this blatant disregard for truth and accuracy in the MSM please help. I would like you to suggests ways other than just "turning the dial" on these dishonest and biased reporting for Obama. If Americans were presented the whole story about this man, he would be 30 points down. We only have a couple of weeks. But I trust that American ingenuity is unsurpassed on this planet, and that if we join efforts we can make a difference before the wrong "change" occurs in our nation.

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Yahoo trying to squash McCain today, and keep Obama rolling?

    Notice the headlines on Yahoo? I say a that the picture of McCain's VP pic just disappeared. The story hasn't been on the homepage headline YET!


    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Yahoo not understand that praise "overseas" for Obama's VP pick doesn't bode well for many voters?

    Maybe they ( the American media) just don't get it. Except for the "coom bah yah", "can't we all just get along" crowd, many Americans are indeed turned off by their enthusiastically reported "overseas praise" of American politicians. Generally the world community is not pro capitalism and the individual freedoms we enjoy in the US. Mind you, many of them are confused about and envious of the great wealth and power that our people posses. Socialism and Authoritarian societies make up a large portion of their systems of government. We don't need them to endorse our political candidates. Be very afraid of the ones that are "praised" by international consensus. Be very afraid.

    What say you?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If the media continues to keep "gussying up" Obama...?

    Do you think he will cease from being the major A S S that he truly is?

    Now it's a question. Will it be deleted, ya think?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Any of you heard of Larry Bland, Nate Spencer, Donald Young, or Larry Sinclair?

    All are homosexuals. Three are from Trinity United Church pastored by Obama's dear "uncle" Rev. Wright. Those three including Donald Young, the former choir director, are DEAD. They all died within 40 days of each other starting in November 2007. Shortly before their his death Young contacted Larry Sinclair by e-mail and cell phone. According to Sinclair, they discussed their sexual relationships with Obama. The three dead men were all shot execution style in the back of the head. Is this all coincidence? What do you think, really? At this point I don't know exactly what to think. But I feel very freaked out about this whole thing. Questions need to be asked. The MSM is negligent. They have a dog in the fight (election) and they don't want to him to lose. But this is getting scary.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would you like to dedicate a song to Barack Hussein Obama???

    Here's mine. In honor of his recent remarks to Pres. Bush on the statement he (Bush) made in Israel.

    "You're So Vain"


    30 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you think Obama will shake this Wright thing?

    Now, I ain't no Revelations expert or nothing. And I'm not claiming to have any particular knowledge about this thing, BUT if Obama convinces enough people to vote him into the presidency...he might indeed be the Anti-Christ! I mean, will the Anti-Christ be any LESS cunning as this man? What ya think?

    28 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Interested in Mississippi's governors race 07?

    The governor's race in Mississippi is really heating up. The incumbent, Haley Barbour, has had a very successful 4 years. He has been instrumental in getting plants, like Toyota, to locate to Mississippi. In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, he showed great leadership.

    The challenger, John A. Eaves, a democrat trial lawer, who has represented the Ukraine in litigation against tobacco companies in America, is running as a conservative. His campaign slogan: "I am a Christian, that's why I'm a democrat."

    Seems to be aimed at democrat Conservatives who identify more with the republican party- particularly on a national level, many of whom support Barbour. He also says he's against abortion, and says he will work to get "student- led" prayer back in the schools in Mississippi. As many of you know, voluntary student-led prayer is the law in every state in the good ole US of A. Will the race go to Eaves, who touts himself as "more conservative", or to the Republican incumbent?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • I'm wondering...does Hillary resent Obama because more blacks support him than they do her?

    Well, don't liberal democrats get it yet? They keep American Blacks under their thumb by keep insisting that racism is holding them back. If you (libs) keep telling them that "whitey" is their problem, guess what, they'll believe you. Oh, I know that you mostly point the finger at "the establishment" and white male republicans, and call them the enemy. But you forgot something while you were blaming "them": to most Blacks, you ARE "them" too! Yes, Hillary, when Blacks have to choose between a viable(although that's debatable) Black democrat candidate, like Obama, and you- a white woman- they side with Obama. Guess you get what you sew, huh?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • My thumbs up/down are not saved, what gives????

    When I give a thumbs up or down vote, it reads "saved". I then leave that page and come back and none of them are there, what's up?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why are liberals sooooo eager to...?

    register our young women with selective service? That is one of the most ridiculus propositions I have heard in a while (next to the one by Obama to make sex-ed a preschool issue). Are liberals pandering to the radical feminists? Women are the gentler sex, no doubt. Many do serve their country voluntarily, and I don't disagree with that unless they have children. But will our nation totally be turned on it's head by these types of ideas in the name of equality? Let's face it men in women ARE NOT EQUAL in a whole lot of obvious ways, though they have EQUAL VALUE in a healthy and successful society. The Western societies, under Judeo-Christian influence, have recognized this truth.

    Is there something wrong with honoring the weaker sex in our society by protecting them? I say not! Whatever happen to chivalry?

    28 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How did Senator Byrd vote on the partial-birth abortion ban?

    Just curious. Did he think that the procedure- so graphic and horrible 'til I won't describe it here- was "barbaric"?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did you know that...?

    upon learning that it was in the same galaxy as Chuck Norris, Pluto renounced its planetary status?

    got any original Chuck Norris facts?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago