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Favorite Answers16%
  • Blu ray player PC software?

    Can anybody suggest any other softwaftware that plays Blu rays on a PC - I purchased PowerDvD 9 Ultra 4months ago & now they have updated the software & expect me to shell out more money for the newer version as they have added a few more bells & whistles. I am looking for something that plays Blu rays & has updates available so I dont have to keep throwing money at software companies every few there any decent freeware out there?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Computer staff recruiting question?

    Obviously I do not need YOU!! to answer as if you were in an interview, but give me some sort of indication of what I should expect to hear or be looking out for would be appreciated

    Describe the process you would go through in order to roll out a software package using both Active Directory and Group Policy.

    Can you explain the function of a firewall?

    Do you have any experience with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007? If so, can you explain how you have used it in the past?

    Can you explain the disaster recovery process that you had in place in a previous position?

    Can you explain the major differences between a switch and hub?

    You are in the office dealing with a damaged staff laptop, when the phone rings. It’s an irate user telling you they’ve run out of printer credit. At the same time one of the servers starts beeping an alarm signal. How do you deal with this situation?

    Describe some form of network documentation you have produced in the past

    Any scenario solutions appreciated

    2 AnswersTechnology1 decade ago
  • Whats Wrong? I use IE - it crashes everytime I try open my yahoo mail!!!?

    If I use IE7 i& open my yahoomail I get an error & it crashes, if I use the IE 8 beta it does the same & want to report the error to Microsft - how does that help me? I want to open my mail.

    3 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to SPAM yourself?

    A bud asked me the above Q today, I could not think of any decent answer other than, "only if your machine is infected with some beasty virus etc & you are looping mails around on yourself & others" - any other logical answers *grin* Or your email has been hijacked & you have been added to Questionable sites BY VISITING THEM!!! & they are taking full advantage...

    ANY ideas



    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Watching ONLINE content on NON HD TV?

    I have a oldstye non hd tv with 3 scart connectors nothing else, I have NVIDIA 8300? graphics card in my PC running Xphome, can i watch online broadband tv on my regular tv..all i want to do is stream? from my pc to the old tv is there a cable connection/conversion I can impliment the nvidia card seems to be ready to go just my oldstyle tv is holding me back - thoughts/solutions

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Online movie,tv series, docu etc etc. Websites?

    Now that stage6 is gone - never? to return where can I watch movies, tv series, music vids etc etc....WITHOUT having to suffer through the "numerous subtitled offerings!?!?" that you get from megavideo, youku, google & veoh & also complete movies etc not split into 8+ parts.

    I am grateful to all th folks who publish the stuff online, but am not interested in reading & watching the movie with flashing banner advertising the site bouncing around in a quadrent of the screen.

    Will the old style quicksilverscreen ever return...

    Any help as alwasy greatly appreciated & thanks to the wizards who upload the stuff.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • A How much CD music would +/- 384gigs be? & How much cd music would the SAME be on DVD?

    I am pondering how much music I have lost since one of my 500gb hdd's died. Also if I can claim from my insurance seeing I have none of the original cds left - why keep cds in this age of technology and SUPERsize storage HAHA not!!

    Just asking I wondr what the price of disk recovery would be on a 500gb hdd...

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Another!! Odd one from me?"?"?

    In configing a NETWORK printer, would the followong make sense:

    "spool all documents so printing prints faster..."

    " print immediately" is also ticked

    That sound like throwing the printer into a cardaic of confusion..Hense spool all the jobs - BUT at the same time print them all @ the same time???

    3 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • BROADBAND CABLE SPEEDS, how do I work them out ACCURATELY?

    Is the a definative accurate Speed measurement test, all these speed test sites throw me a different up & down speed on each use even within seconds of using them - so are they erratic or is my cable connection CR*P.

    I PAY!!! for a rumoured upto 4meg connection through Virgin/NTL but each speed site I goto gives me a completely different result EACH and every time.

    I close my antivirus/spware & firewall - NO P2P running!!! I get a slight increase.

    I phone Virgin & get told they will reset my modem run some or other script & modify my MAC address - how is that possible?..I then get an increase in speed for about 5hours my download goes upto +- 3.364KB/s & an up of 371, bu suprise suprise everything just reurns to "normal" and I am back at DOWN of 1.264KB/s withing few hours.

    If I download a 120.6mg file it on average will take over 60 minutes - this cant be right for a rumoured upto 4meg connection - can it? & this is the speed at ANY time of day not only during peaks.

    6 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Can I join a UNION if I am an AGENCY worker?

    1. If I work in eithert the Public or Private sector - depending on my assignment through the Agency. On a Unspecified assignment length?

    2. Even as a Agency "employee" in a specific field e.g:

    I.T or Administration. On a Unspecified assignment length?

    Where does the U,K Government get its employment figures - how many of those staff in the "employment stands at "blahblah" % are agency workers proping up the economy but have no legal support in any way shape or form.

    Why is it legal for me to be docked leave for Christmas - its a statutory public/bank holiday I did not ask for it but to get paid for not being able to work that day I need to tap into my existing leave.

    Is there anybody out there in Government or Union or even HAHA the Privaet sector that gives a "Q£%" about Agency Staff & treats them with respect and failrly - or has my imagination gone off the scale!!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • ANIMATION/ANIME Mid 70's to early/mid 80's?

    Where coul I get my hands on animated/anime series from the late 70's early 80's - wht makes it so hard is I DONT KNOW THE NAME! it was on the SABC - South African Broadcasting Services whe I was in school- that long ago..

    I was all about he evolution of Man through history - the main Storyteller was a WISE old man in a White robe with a HUGE nose - he was counsil & advisor to the evolving humans from cavemen to "modern man" a spinoff took place in space & another involved this oldman as the Brain of the Human Brain & how the body worked. It would be great is somebody could ffill in the blanks for me as I would love to get the series...if its available for my children to watch

    Keep smiling


    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • HOW can I use my TV to play movies AVi/DIVX etc or AUDIO MP3 etc directly from my PCs Hard Drives.?

    I have loads of files in AVI, MPEG4, DIVX etc on my PC & would love to play them in these formats directly on my TV - NON HD. I cant be bothered with converting them to regular DVD? vob format as from past let downs the quality drops & the audio lags like a bad KUNG-FU fighting movie actions first a minute late the audio catches up, so simply stuff on my HDD directly viewable & hearable on my standalone TV - is that to much to ask in the 21st centuary, with Broadband TV & the puicture quality of BroadBAND is of similar quality to the formats I have anyway.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Cell-phone/Mobile phone TAZER...?

    Has somebody invented a WiFi or similar format or electronic type device that can NULLIFY/DISABLE/DRAIN BATTERY power or cell/mobile phones. I would desperately like to get my hands on such an item to NUKE the phones of these inbred hard of hearing inconsiderate ingrates who persist in playing their prefered flavour of music at full blast for the whole population to hear on public transport - instead of listening to it via the EARPHONES surely supplied with the damn phone in the firast place, rather than making me and many others suffer through distorted twangy rubbish.

    Nothing to do permanent damage to the phone but a device you can turn on and subtly point at the offending item press a button & zwing there goes the battery drained or the phone is master reset and any media with a music file extension is scrambled/deleted....oh I suppose I can dream, but if you have such a device please save me.

    Keep smiling


    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What is better/more reliable/faster etc in the UK SKY, phoneline broadband? or VIRGINMEDIA Cabledbroadband WHY

    NTHELL or "new name" Virgin media has had an "outage" in my area for the last 7days, thats not good enough & ultimate service is cr*p 40mins holding for an answer to my phonecall na!! I dont think so, time for a change. Sky is cr*p because of phone policy NTL/Virgin is cr*p becasue of lack of ability....

    SO what to do, ulimited Broadband through erratic NTL/VIRGIN @ £25/month...or 40gig Cap @ £5??? from SKY as part of a package both speeds are GUESSTIMATED to be upto 4meg

    6 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Can I use my NTL/VIRGIN cable modem to send & receive FAXES if I use Winfax etc using Vista?

    OR would I require a dialup modem connected to my NTL/Virgin phoneline as a work around? NO I dont want to use my mobile phone or buy a standalone fax/phone. Any help appreciated.



    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • WHO decided to become a Knight?, or where did Knighting/Chivalry come from/Originate WHY/HOW?

    Did some wiseA*se wake up oneday & say Hmm good idea to protect the population...what was the thought/concept behind the enterprise. 2nd WHO invented Royalty? for what good reason?

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • PC music /mp3/wma/wav etc etc mixing...?


    Is there a FREEWARE FULL progrm (XP) out there that will allow beat mixing & or fading of mp3s & or other audio formats without to much technical or other unneeded aggrivation..all I want to do is take some Mp3s(singles & mixes) & mix them together in a playlist and put them onto a dvd/cd not rocket science mastermix/dmc quality mixing but that would be a bonus @ no COST is all I want to hear about..thoughts please

    Keep smiling


    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • WHY? can I sign into my UK yahoo emial - BUT I cannot sign into my US - .com Yahoo email?

    CAN somebody figure this out because YAHOO is CRAP!!! when it comes to helping a person.

    I can access my "" email address, but i cannot open my "" email, IE7 adivises NO connection issue, I have turned off all firewall, virus & spyware, no change, I have rebooted no change & turned all virus etc off no change, I have rebooted & left all virus spyware etc running opens fine but no THOUGHTS please because YAHOO help does NOT exist & they are to useless to allow any HUMAN contact.


    10 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago