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My name is エミン. (Emin) ... I am no longer as active as i was in the past -_- I miss you all my Y!A friends and i hope you all are doing fine, if you read this feel free to drop me something in the mail i would be happy to read it! I took out my personal info because of some Stalkers & other kinds of people Still C&A is my favorite hangout place. Need advice on Anime I'm here for you Don't hesitate on mailing me if you need Help about anything like: - Anime - Music - Movies - High tech - Computer Stuff & issues - Japanese Culture & Language - literature & such stuff - Sports mainly soccer. - Anything Fun i'm here

  • DSL indicator constantly turns off?

    So a few days ago i started getting randomly disconnected from Internet, and upon checking i noticed that the DSL indicator is also turning off and reseting as if i turned the router on and off, obviously i thought that this is a problem duo to the filter goes bad, because it also happens if someone picks the phone. So i went and plugged the router directly to the phone line, and i still get the same problem, randomly, even after striping down and connecting the phone cable directly to the plug still i get this...

    I have no clue where this problem can be? one thing that comes in mind is that in my living room long ago the pone plug was detached from the wall and now the 4 cables are only attached together 2 - 2, and if i detached them from each other i loose the dsl and Internet all together, i thought that may be the problem but honestly the cables have been like that for ages and never i had this issue...

    I tried to repair that wall plug but i couldn't figure it out as the 4 cables are all gray with no clors.. so i have no idea how to test, and where my computer is there is only 2 cables...

    Is there a chance that this is actually a problem from the phone or internet company's end not mine, cuz this is really an odd one..

    2 AnswersLand Phones7 years ago
  • Gpu suddaly working under full load when Pc is Idle?

    I have a MSI Ati Radeon HD 6850 cyclone edition

    So i left the computer for the toilet and when i was back i could hear the loud noise of the gpu fan as if a game was running or something i check the temperature as i run speedfan and it is 53 degrees.

    Note that when idle my fan is usually around 1200 -1300 Rpm and the temp is between 32° - 35°

    When watching a video it gets up to 43°

    And in games up to 56°

    So this is quite odd to me, and as i came to the computer and started checking things all went back to normal as if though it is an idle thing.

    Also that something like this happened months ago and i resolved it by reinstalling the display drivers however this time it did not work.

    Any ideas what seems to be the issue?

    2 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • What do you think about the upcoming match ALG vs USA?

    Now First I'd like to ask, what do you know about this country Algeria and what is your opinion about it (good or bad)?

    First game they did was a bit harsh but they have proven to be a worthy foe vs england and that their first failure was but a fluke. (although england really played very poorly)

    Who do you think will win in the next match (although in soccer anything can happen) The stats or Algeria.

    USA are really showing that they are strong and can go further in the cup and so does Algeria although everyone thinks they are likely to disqualify.

    I say another tie either 0-0 or 1-1 unless Algeria play more aggressively and with more attack than defense.

    5 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)1 decade ago
  • Witch Digital Camera should i get?

    Okay my bro is confused between two Cameras and he want to get a Kodak c180, but he also has his eyes on some cameras from Samsung.

    - So witch in your opinion is better Kodak or Samsung cameras (taking only this Kodak in count because my opinion is that Kodak might be better...)

    - Is a battery rechargeable camera better than one that uses standard batteries?

    Note that the Samsung he has his eyes on coast twise the kodak in hand and that is what is bothering me should he go get an expansive camera while he can be happy with this kodak or should he just get Some Samsung with battery charging and more mega pixels?

    Just for personal usage since he is an architect he kinda need to take pics of buildings and stuff...

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • How can i connect 2 computers to one Internet connexion plus more?


    Recently i have connected 2 computers at home and set up a small network using a switch the 2 pcs and my DSL.Sharing files is okay and i can do whatever i want (note that both Computers use Vista) now here is the problem.

    1 - I can not connect the tw computers at the same time to my Internet although they are both connected to a switch wich should be fine.

    2 - When i try playing games on local network while one of the comps is connected to Internet i cant find the games or sessions created by either one of the computers (that because since i don't have a router my Internet provider generate an automatic Ip each time i connect to Internet so when i try to play Gears of war of example on the pc that is plugged on the net i see the Internet generated Ip and on the other Pc i get the normal standard IP) So basically i have to turn of my Internet to be able to play in me local network witch is a bit rubbish!

    So What seems to be the problem in your opinion?

    Again I use 2 Computers, ethernet (not WiFi) cables a switch plus my modem all connected to the switch.

    Thank you for reading this and if you have any suggestion please enlighten me.

    Oh and Hi by the way to all my old friends from here sorry i have been long absent duo to my tight schedule wish you all the best.

    6 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Pourquoi tout le monde ici pose des questions Pas normales?

    Je suis Nouveau ici, et je voie déjà des questions qui sortent de l'ordinaire, (pourtant ceci est une rubrique voyage on est supposer montrer le bon coté de notre payer pas la merde total) que se soie coté politique ou religion, genre le mec qui te dit que dieu n'existe pas, ou l'autre qui te demande sur le harkies (on est libre la thank you very much ,mais ya plus de France chez nous a part les autres affaires).

    J'en déduis que beaucoup d'entre vous n'est pas en Algérie peut être ou autre?

    Pourquoi je ne voie pas des questions normale, ou les gens te montre les bon aspect de notre pays... pourtant la solution est simple pour changer le payer il faut commencer par nous changer nous même, après tout le gouvernement n'est pas extra terrestre ce sont touts des Algériens. Si on élève bien nos enfant le gouvernement du future sera bien car tout simplement il n'y aura pas de voles ni d'arnaques...

    Enfin ce dont je parle est de la pur science fiction, car qui vole un œuf vole un bœuf, et la pomme ne tombe pas loin de l'arbre.

    21 AnswersAlgérie1 decade ago
  • Why do we want to take a relationship directly to the next stage after day 1?

    Guys or girls all need to go to bed after the second or third day of a so called relation now you must excuse me & call me what ever you want, but i believe that when one is in a relation sex must come at the very last when both parts will know that they will spend their lives together.

    In my opinion a relationship is not about sex but about feelings, about what happens between me and my partner in love, and when we think we are ready we go to bed, i mean to date me just to see me naked is not in my critters, because for me sex is something really important, and to just do it after day one will mostly make you loose that respect and interest for your other part, not to mention the consequents, the regrets when you get separated for a reason.

    So do you think as me that sex should be put on last not first?

    Do you think i am weired to think like this?

    What are your own opinion on this matter.

    And have a nice day with all your Boyfriends and girlfriends!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Network config issues on windows Vista?

    On windows Vista i wish to manualy config my network i have no problems doing so with the TCP/IPv4

    But i have no idea what is the TCP/IPv6 for and how to config it.

    Anyone can tell me how and any default Ip as example should work since now it says i have a limited or a non existing connection and i wanna get rid of this bugger.

    On vista by making the manual config and entering a default ip (such as will do but with this one i dunno what to do and if i can delete it it will be cool for me if it does not harm the well functioning of my Modem and Internet.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Do you think I became a stranger here?

    It has been a long time since i asked something, and i hardly answer questions, though i read many of them, i feel like while growing older i might not fit with the new comers and also i fail to see any of my good old contacts and friends here witch makes me sad and so i leave.

    Here is by the an answer to a question i have seen many of you asking, especially you Chu "Do you think when growing older you will stop watching Anime?"

    The answer is: Hell No!!! i am 24 now & i even started to like ones that i did not find atractive the last years lol & although i don't have much time to watch i still get the time to watch many and enjoy the great stories and other aspects, so it is all about your tast and how you will change in the years.

    So for the new comers do you think i should get more involved in the young questions and answer them or stay as I am and again do you see me as a stranger for my contacts.

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

    21 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What if Orihime turnes evil (Bleach)?

    I am sure that ever since Ulquiorra said "she is already one of us now" many of you where woundering, maybe she will turn on against Ichigo somehow!

    So I ask you this what if she somehow becomes Evil by Aizen's Zampacto or whatever cause, what do you think is the thing that will make her remember who she was or turn back to her self again?

    - For me i say the answer is simple, in case this was to happen, well her Love for Ichigo will make her gain her old self again no matter what, because the power of love is uncorrectable!

    Do you agree?

    Where you asking this yourself?

    7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Do you recall a good thing you did over the years?

    A good deed, that makes you smile for your heart when ever you remember it.

    Are you willing to give a gift or something to a stranger just because you want to, or are you willing to give something to someone for your family and never regret it, and you do it just for the action nothing more nothing less.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What is your Anime Emotional or very touching moment?

    Some animes we really like and get emerged in really toutches us and either make us hapy, or sad, we laugh so much at a scene we smile for another, we love some character and we cry in some moments.

    Like for example for whom watched Persona, i was really sad when Kanaru died next to Shin, the one that she loved from day one, that scene when the snow was falling and they where both siting newt to each other was a touching moment for me as she faded away.

    Or in Naruto Shippuuden, after Naruto fought Orochimaru and he released the 4th tail and when Sakura was healing his injuries while unconscious, it is then when Yamato noticed her Love for him and it is then when she Noticed she has strong feelings for the one that she used to either hate or consider stupid or useless, another good moment for me.

    So what is yours?

    18 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What makes you happy?

    What is the best thing that will make you happy from the bottum of your heart?

    40 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • nVidia Graphics Card with S.T.A.L.K.E.R : Clear Sky Issue?

    I have an nVidia GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS (512Mb) and recently i bought Stalker Clear sky, in it i encountered a problem, when first launching it the sky was glowing yelow, i got to the graphics of the game and change the dynamic lightning to Static since that would solve the problem, but instead now i have no sky at all, it is just a blur and nothing in as if though the sky did not load at all or something.

    I tried many things installing the latest drivers dictX 9 anything but still the same problem.

    I have a duel core intel processor 2gb ddr2 ram and that graphics card.

    (Note that this happened also when i played the old Stalker but i have no idea how did i fix it)

    Can anyone help

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Whom does Rukia love (Bleach)?

    In your opinion who does she love and with who she will end up? why? does Ichigo has any chances with her?

    17 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Can you help my find the name of this well known song?

    Been digging up in my memory to try and remember this song's name, yet in vain i can't remember a damn thing! only this small parrt of it and it is a well known song so if one know it you ill immediately recall it (unlike me).

    Here are the Lyrics i remember:

    ...Your kiss, your Touch, your sweet embrace... (Or something like that)

    i am sure you know this song since it is a love song! so can you please help me find it and give me the Name of it and the Artist singing it, i need it for a project of mine.

    Oh! & since we are speaking about Love songs, can you recommend some good ones to me? ones that are touching and really good!

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Why is this place Deserted?

    Usually i come and check my mail box and find at least 20 Y!A mails from my contact, but these days, nothing i come to this place & i don't really find interesting questions or something new, nor do i found it crowded and busy as it used to be not long ago.So

    - Where are you all?

    - Where all my Contacts and friends?

    - Where is all the good Questions?

    - Will it return to the way it was or this is the end?

    I admit i miss you all and your creative questions and i hope i will find this again by the end of the summer because i guess you all might be in a vacation and so you are not coming here allot.

    10 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Need help on Counter Strike 1.6 Server rentals who can help me?

    I want to rent a NON STEAM Counter Strike 1.6 server in the US Canada or even in Europe but i couldn't fin anything can someone help me by giving me links so that i will be able to do so?

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What power do you think was given to Naruto?

    If you are a Manga reader you have probably read that chapter when Itachi gave some of his power as he said to Naruto.

    Now in your opinion, what is that "chkara" power?

    1 - Is it Sossano'o as Itachi gave Amaterasu and Tsukuyumi to his brother Sasuke?

    2 - Or is it as some people are saying the Sharingan and the Mangekyou Sharingan (something that i disagree with)

    3 - Or is it something else that you know about or read in some where?

    - As usual i have a bonus for you witch is my latest AMV that is the fight between Naruto and Sasuke with a song that i remixed. Watch and tell me what do you think.

    have a nice day. - Yagami -

    6 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago