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Hi, I go by the name Kelce. I'm a 24 year old nursing student currently living in Texas. If you have any questions feel free to email me!
Do you think Hillary Clinton is using her voters as leverage against Barack Obama?
Last night Obama received enough delegates to win the nomination. Hillary did not concede. Do you think she did this to show Obama that she would give a lackluster endorsement which would hurt him in November and/or challenge that he should be the nominee which would just cause more strain and party division.
This would give her leverage for him to make her his VP.
I'm just trying to figure out her motives for not conceding last night.
14 AnswersElections1 decade agoSix more of Edwards delegates switch to Obama. Will the rest follow suit?
And if so how much does that hurt Hillary.
12 AnswersElections1 decade agoHillary supporters who will vote for McCain: What is it about McCain's platform that you agree with?
What are the purely political reasons why you favor McCain over Obama? What differences in Obama and Hillary's platform make you not want to vote for Obama.
I'm looking for answers based on POLITICAL PLATFORMS here. No personal reasons because none of us personally know any of the candidates.
17 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs this why Obama didn't win Indiana?
I'm not surprised but it seems Operation Chaos has reered it's ugly head again.
It's sad that people can't play far.
13 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy won't Hillary release her tax returns?
Didn't she say three weeks ago that she'd release them in a week?
16 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy did no one care about FL and MI until after Hillary started to lose and why...?
..should they get a pivotal role in the election even after knowingly and deliberately breaking the rules? Is it really about democracy? It doesn't seem that way to me because no one cared about democracy for FL and MI until about a month ago.
Also why is it ok for Hillary to, after months of not caring, all the sudden demand that Florida and Michigan get a redo when it's obvious that she is doing it help her chances of winning but it's not ok for Barack to stay neutral and say "Whatever the DNC wants" because he knows this will help his chance of winning?
18 AnswersElections1 decade agoDo you agree or disagree with Nancy Pelosi and why?
She stated that superdelgates should vote along the same lines as pledged delegates.
I agree with her to a certain extent. As long as popular vote and pledged delegates point to one candidate I think the superdelegates should abide by this.
What's the point of having an election of the superdelegates get to disregard the American people and do what they want?
That's my opinion. What is yours? Please leave out nasty comments. I'm not the type to report but I would like a clean answer session. Thank you.
21 AnswersElections1 decade agoSO Hillary lied about her Bosnia trip...what is your opinion on it?
Do you think it speaks of her character? Do you think she lied to get a leg up in the election? Do you think it's the dumbest lie in the world seeing as a news crew was right there with her?
What is your opinion? And please no Obama or McCain comments. This is about Hillary. I will respectfully skip over any answers that are off topic.
31 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy do people still harp on Obama about race?
If you're not going to read the following please don't answer and please be respectful when answering. I only want to hear mature well thought out responses.
Obama denounced what his pastor said and explained that the reason why he still deals with Wright is because he knows more about the man than the 1 minute of clips of sermon we saw on the news. Which is the epitome of what the Bible says "Judge not, that ye be not judged."
McCain,someone who could potentially gain from all this, supported Obama on the matter.
Clinton campaign hasn't dared to capitalize on it.
Bill Richardson supported Obama and his speech thoroughly.
And for me something that strikes home is that he's biracial and I know that I couldn't possibly hate half of me. Not that i'm in his head but I know how I feel so it's hard for me to fathom that he's racist.
Please tell me why this is still an issue? I honestly don't understand.
16 AnswersElections1 decade agoIf you were a superdelegate how would you justify going against popular vote to hand Clinton the nomination...
when the events with Wright don't even matter much?
CBS poll results:
69% of people believe Obama did a good job in his speech. While only 20% said he did a poor job.
63% of people agree with Obama on race relations when only 25% disagreed.
71% of people believe that he did a good job of explaining his relationship with Wright while only 24% of people think he did a poor job.
The percentage change of how many people believe that he is favorable is 1%.
70% of people say that the "scandal" makes no difference on how they vote. And the kicker: 14% of people are actually more likely to vote for Obama.
And even a bigger kicker, when asked if they are more likely to vote for Obama when compared to McCain 69% said it makes no difference and 23% believe they are more likely to vote for Obama.
The only hit he took in the polls is whether people think he can unite.
20 AnswersElections1 decade agoPolls are so fickle but what do you think about this?
Despite all the drama Obama is still leading Hillary and still has a better chance of beating McCain than Hillary. I was expecting worse. What do you guys think of it and please just try to keep it respectful. No bashing no hating just respectful opinions please.
17 AnswersElections1 decade agoDo you think this is a mature of immature statement?
Made by a Senator about the whole Reverend Wright and Obama fiasco.
“I mean, as you know, I prefer Senator Clinton for a whole lot of reasons, but I don’t cast aspersions on Senator Obama for what somebody else said,” Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told “FOX News Sunday.”
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoI'm glad the Reverend's statements came out. Are you?
It shows me the true nature of people. While I don't agree with Wright's statements I do see that many of you are not much better.
I see that so many of you believe that it's very fair for you to assume that Obama agrees with everything his pastor says but it's not that it's not ok that I assume that he doesn't agree with the pastor.
Just because you go to a church 20 years doesn't mean that you are the church. Almost every single church I've gone to has been judgmental to homosexuals but does that make me a homosexual hater? No. My father has been to a church 20+ years that judges homosexuals but does that make him a homosexual hater? No. I disagree with many things my mother says but does that mean I should not talk to her? No.
Get off your high horse. Where do some of you get off judging a man you don't even know. Who are you to have that authority? You're not anyone. Humble yourself.
15 AnswersElections1 decade agoOne of the most simple questions. Are you of voting age?
You don't have to give your age. I just want to know yes or no.
19 AnswersElections1 decade agoHillary supporters: Have you read this? And after reading do you still think Hillary has a chance?
And explain why if you believe she does.
For those not in a reading mood it states that with the amount of delegates left out there it would take a lot of miracles for Hillary to win and even then it's still unlikely that she will.
I'm under the impression that many of you think that Obama is the one fighting the uphill battle when it's quite the opposite. I just want to know why you think Hillary has the better chance.
Thank you.
17 AnswersElections1 decade agoDoes anyone have ways to prevent and treat chalazions?
I have a chronic chalazion problem. Recently I just had them surgically removed(I had 6 total). I've tried many of the other treatments(warm compresses, eye lid scrubs, steroid+antibiotic eye drops, steroid+antibiotic ointment) and nothing has seemed to work. Actually less than 2 weeks after my surgery a new one popped up.
I just wanted to know if anyone had other methods of treating and/or preventing them.
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago