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If you want an honest answer, ask me!

  • Are there any Karen Moning fans out there? I just love her books and can't get enough of them.?

    I truly love the whole premise of the Fever books, are there any other authors out there who write similar story lines? Let me know who they are.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What are some Persian wedding customs I can incorporate in my ceremony?

    We are having a traditional wedding, but I would like to honor his traditions also, any ideas would be wonderful

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why are men afraid of committment?

    Why are so many men these days terrfied of committment? What is it about being in a committed relationship that is so awful? Let me know your thoughts...

    20 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Who has had to put a parent into a nursing facility?

    My mother in law was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year, and has been living with my husband and me since then. To say that it is a trial everyday is speaking lightly... my husband can't handle the stress of it any longer and has decided that it is time to place her in a home that can provide the care that we just can't ...physically and medically any more. How do you get over the guilt? We have tried to talk about it, but it's hard. I just want to make sure we are making the right decision. Tell me about your own experience and maybe that will help me deal with ours. Peace.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Persian rituals?

    Does anyone know the proper manner in which a Persian couple become engaged and then married... are there certain rules dictated by culture that should be followed? Please give me all of the info that you can. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Mother in Law...?

    Is there anyone out there that has a mother in law who does not speak English? How do you bridge the gap? I try really hard, but so far have not been all that successful. Any suggestions would be great.

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why can't I stop crying?

    For the last 2 months I cannot control my emotions. The least little thing will make me cry, and I hate it. I am crying now as I am typing this question. I know that I am depressed and I know what I should do to help myself, but right now in this moment I can't seem to make myself. I would stay in bed and not get up if I could, I avoid ANY social activity and most of the time I don't even answer the phone, I haven't checked my mail in over a week.... I need some serious help and don't know where to turn.

    19 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • For the Smokers out there...?

    I am an on again off again smoker... the desire to quit is VERY strong inside of me, but I keep falling off of the wagon. I hate living like this.. I have tried every method I can find, from cheap nicotine gum all the way to a 700 dollar seminar with a hypnotist... are there really any tried and true methods? I recently heard and ad on the radio about a series of injections that will make you quit? Any one know about this method?

    18 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone out there that has been a victim of auto theft?

    I was working out of town and had my car stolen and vandalized.. I got it back, but the damage is so exstensive that I think it would have been better if I had not recovered it. I feel so angry about this I don't know what to do. The possibility of the local police finding the person that did this is slim to none... so I don't even have knowing that the thief is being punished to calm my anger. If this has happened to you how did you get past it?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What do I do?

    This is kind of a long story so I will make it short as I can and still give all the info needed for some real adivce... My boyfriend is currently taking care of his elderly mother, and had absolutely no help or support from his other siblings. In a nut shell it is killing him both mentally and physically. I do the best that I know to do for him.. but my work keeps me away all week and I am only home on the weekends. It has almost gotten to the point that I am at a loss for what to do. I can't stand to see him in such misery, but I can't make him see that she is manipulating the situation to her advantage. I know she is old and not in good health and even her mental capacity has declined rapidly recently. I know that I love this man with every fiber of my being and I feel like my hands are totally tied. I spend most of the time crying and the other part of the time waiting to see him again. I don't know how much longer I can hang on like this and not lose my mind. I need some help.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How many Iranian/American out there want to speak out?

    I am giving you a chance to tell your story... let us know how you feel about the war from a stand point many of us will never understand. Please.. feel free to speak your mind, don't try and candy coat your comments, I want to hear the true emotions and read your honest thoughts. Peace.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Any tips on budgeting on a monthly basis?

    I am not a wealthy woman, but maintain an above average salary, but seem to always be living from pay check to pay check. I understand that I have to stop impulse buying etc... but is there a sound equation that I could apply to my budget and follow it? Any help would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How do you start planning for a sound financial future?

    I am no where near wealthy, but would like to start investing in possible ventures that would benefit me after retirement. Any feedback would be appreciated. Shalom.

    9 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What constitutes a solid relationship between two adults?

    What is the most important emotional issue? What is the most important physical issue? Why? If you have been married for 10 years plus I would really like to know how you keep your marriage happy and fulfilling.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Best Friends?

    Has anyone ever just drifted away from a best friend? I don't know how it actually happened, but I look around and most of the women whom I am friends with how are either work related or family.. how did I just leave my other friends behind.. it's not like it was a consicous effort.. for some reason I didn't keep the connection. Any one else out there going through the same thing? Any suggestions about getting them back?

    25 AnswersFriends2 decades ago
  • For the men out there...?

    What makes a man shun public affection? I am not talking about groping, kissing, hands under clothing affection... just holding someones hand or just simple touching? Aside from the fact that it could just be a personal preference, would a persons culture or nationality prohibit them from being comfortable with this?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Just looking for some feedback...?

    how many men and women would live with a partner without being married? if you are currently in that situation... what are some of the good things? the bad things? I know it doesn't represent what life would be like for a married couple, but my fiance wants us to move in together (we are getting married in Dec) for convenience and financial reasons... would I be making a terrible mistake? Someone let me know what you think depending on your own experiences... Peace.

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • What should I do to make him feel better...?

    My fiance has always wanted a big family... I think me having a huge extended family is very special to him.. he loves spending time with all of us on holidays and special occaisons. He made a comment tonight about wishing it wasn't too late to have children... I am 35 and he is 42. I never thought I wanted children in the past, but with him I would. He thinks he is too old. We didn't get into the details, and I am not really sure how to make him understand that I am happy either way... what would you do?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Anyone have any recipes for Iranian desserts of any kind?

    I am open to any recipes, please list measurement non-metric..thanks.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • Men and women.. what natural scent is the most pleasant to you?

    It can be a food, plant, animal, mineral etc.. but it can't be a perfume or cologne... what naturally gets your senses going?

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago