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  • Can someone tell me what this Beautiful song is on this website ?

    Here is the link

    Need the title & the artist name

    Thanks so much

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Is $1700 for a 1 year old Nikon D700 with 90,000 shutter actuations - a good deal ?

    Just found a used Nikon D700 & thinking of buying it

    Its for $1700 & its a year old & with 90,000 shutter actuations

    I THINK he might come down on the price since he's been trying to sell it for a few months now

    Should I wait for a better deal or is this a good deal ?

    8 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Help - I cannot get ROES to download to my computer from Mpix pro or any other Pro Lab?

    I am freaking out

    I had my computer serviced & the guy REMOVED my ROES

    I use Mpix Pro and I tried to download ROES again

    and it downloads but does NOT stay on my computer

    as soon as I fill in my information & make my order & then exit out

    ROES then vanishes off my computer - I cant find it ANYWHERE

    and I CANT just keep downloading it every time I need to make an order - as I think this would be BAD for my computer, right ??

    It will NOT let me create a shortcut to ROES or keep it on my computer

    I contacted customer service about this & because they DONT have phone support - it has been taking ALL WEEK LONG

    and they guy is NOT really helping me AT ALL - he is just asking me 1 little question here & there - like do you have a Mac or PC & then takes 2 days to get back with me when I ALREADY stated in my FIRST email that I have a PC !!!! OMG their customer service is really sucking right now -

    Please HELP

    does any body know what could be causing this ?

    Or has anyone had this problem

    I even tried registering to a different lab ( McKenna Pro ) & downloaded ROES from them & it does the SAME thing

    I even downloaded Java all over again & STILL no change

    What could be causing this ?????

    Software1 decade ago
  • How can my Husband & I raise our Credit score in a few short months?

    OK so my husband is 34 years old & has absolutely NO established credit because he has always paid for everything in cash - well now that we have saved up to buy our Dream home - we CANT get approved because he has no Credit

    So our Mortgage specialist told us that if we could get his name put on my Parents credit card then it would raise our score to at least 600 -which is what we were told we would need to even be able to buy a house - & my parents were cool with that but there is one problem - they dont have a Credit Card - the closest thing to a Credit card they have is an Equity Line of Credit they use as a debit card - I am not sure if that would be the same thing or if they could add him to that at all

    So my question is How can we get his score up to a 600 by the end of this Summer - or is it impossible ? i was told that it takes at least 6 months to raise your score - well we dont have 6 months - we found the house we want & have enough for the down payment but cant get approved until we fix the credit situation - It really sucks & we dont want to loose this house over our failure to establish credit - What can we do to get fast results ???

    Are there any Credit cards out there that build credit fast ? Any programs out there to build credit fast ? Please help - we need credit guidance - what are the options out there ?

    Thanks so much

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What is this song on this Photography Website ?

    I stumbled across this website and the Song just blew me away - so so so beautiful

    The main lyrics are - " You bring out the Best in me "

    Here is the link

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How do I make a Screen Print of a website (full page ) WITHOUT the browser tabs & toolbars visible?

    I am trying to get a decent screen print of a website that my photo is featured on as the front Webpage but the stupid browser tabs & toolbar is taking up too much space that when I screen print it - some of the image is getting cut off - so is there a way to Screen print without the browser tabs & toolbars visible ???

    Help please

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I was told that the D80 is a DX camera & can use Film lenses ? Is that true ?

    I just ordered a lens & found out that it was a 35mm lens instead of a Digital lens

    But someone just told me that since my D80 is a DX camera that it will work with film lenses - I find that hard to believe

    Is that true ?

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Need to figure out this R&B song . . . .?

    OK me & my Fiance' heard this song about 2 months ago on the radio

    All I can remember is the main chorus line said something about

    "My ship has come in " or something along those lines

    Its an R&B song with Male vocals

    I want to know what this song is because my Fiance' JUST got

    an opportunity to work Offshore again for the first time in 3 years

    so the song seemed really fitting and we LOVED it when we heard it

    2 months ago but have not heard it since

    Can anyone help

    We are going to throw him a Party for his new job

    and I'd love to play that song for him


    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • 8 GB card error - Not Uploading?

    OK I'm having issues getting my 8GB card to read in my computer

    It works fine in the camera but WONT upload on the computer drive

    However I got the photos to upload through my USB cable connected to the camera

    Will it be alright to just use it like that ?

    I cant afford to have it not upload again

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Help - What is this song ? "Take me Home"?

    Heard it on the radio today -

    the chorus line was "Said Take me home"

    I was too busy enjoying the song to really get the lyrics

    it had a Blues/gospel/funk sound to it - almost zydeco maybe

    he mentions New Orleans several times

    It was on a recent movie but only played for a second

    and of course I cant remember what movie it was LOL

    Does anyone have a clue what this could be ?

    Thanks in advance : )

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what this song is on this furniture commercial?

    OK its a song that is played on this New furniture commercial - I forgot the name of the furniture company but I do remember it starts with a B

    the song goes like this

    " Oh I like you so very much "

    and thats all I know

    Its very upbeat almost folky sounding

    very cute song

    does anyone know what this song is ?

    and who its by ?

    Thanks so much : )

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • HELP -I have a UTI & need a Home remedy or Natural Cure asap- Cant afford to go to the ER or Dr?

    I just used a Home Test strip from AZO and tested positive for UTI

    (Urinary Tract Infection)

    I've tried the over the counter AZO cranberry pills countless times and they NEVER work for me - I always end up having to go to the ER & spend tons of money just to get a prescription for an Antibotic

    I used to get UTI's about 5 times a year but I haven't had one in over 4 years now UNTIL today ! I cant afford to go to the ER or a Doctor cause I have no insurance - so could someone PLEASE help me

    If anyone knows of a Home remedy or Natural Cure that works or anything I could purchase from a Health food store - like natural herbs or an over the counter supplement - PLEASE let me know

    I cant find much info online other than a bunch of sites that want you to buy an expensive book that tells you a Natural Cure -well I cant afford that and I dont have a week to wait for it to be shipped to me - LOL - I need to do something NOW - I've heard that blueberries can help - Cranberry juice doesn't work for me - so what else out there could possibly work ?


    Thank you so much

    from the bottom of my heart

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what Lullaby is in the movie Paris, Je t'aime?

    During the part of the movie where the young mother drops off her baby at a nursery & then goes across town to be a nanny to another baby she was singing a certain Lullaby - I was wondering if anyone knows what the name of that Lullaby is ?


    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • How do you do a Print Screen from your computer & then upload it to a website ? ?

    I need to do a Print Screen & I have no idea how to do it &

    I need to upload it to a website

    Can someone please explain how to do this

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Sewing Machine Trouble - Thread keeps breaking and seams are skipping - HELP?

    OK here is the deal - I am sewing a costume for my Daughter for Halloween

    The material is a little thick - its kinda like a Polyester Blend - it feels like Fleece - its very soft but is thinner than fleece actually

    I tried sewing on regular cotton material and I didn't have ANY problems - but when I sew on the Costume Material - my thread either breaks or the seams skips really bad and also the needle has gotten stuck in the material - I know for sure it must be the material - cause the machine is threaded right - but I have tried everything- I have changed my needles 5 times using different sizes - even a Jeans Needle and nothing helps - I have even changed the settings on the machine with the tension and nothing helps

    Any suggestions - What settings should the machine be set to and what needle do you suggest for medium thick fabric - (its not too thick)

    Could it be the thread ?? I am just using regular cotton thread - should I be using something thicker ?

    Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How to create a WATERMARK for my Photography ?

    Can someone please tell me how to create a Watermark for my Photography

    I want to create one that is Transparent and says my Business name

    I found one Tutorial on how to do it but you have to make one idividually on EACH photo and that what take forever - I just want to create one that all I have to do is add it to the photos

    The program I have is Paintshop Pro XI

    there is a thing on there about Watermarks but all it says mostly is to Register the watermark - How can you register something if you dont know how to make one in the first place and dont have one - LOL

    Can anyone help tell me how to make one and why would I have to register it - does that cost ??


    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • How do you Download Brushes if there are a Zipped File and open it in a Program ??

    I am trying to download some Free Brushes for PaintShop Pro XI

    and the Brushes are a ZIPPED file - I cant figure out how to get this to work and install them in Paintshop Pro where the Brushes go

    How do you do this ??


    Thank you

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Has anyone attended or participated in BURNING MAN before ? Very Curious about it?

    I recently discovered about BURNING MAN

    I was just curious if anyone has attended or participated & if you thought it was worth the tickets & travel

    It looks really exciting & a lot of fun - I'm very artistic & creative so it looks like something I'd really enjoy & fit right in

    Just want to feedback on what its like

    4 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • Would you mind helping me out ?

    My Daughter is in a Contest to win Free Gift Cards

    for her Birthday Photo

    Its only for Friday so we could use all the votes we can get

    I really appreciate it

    This is her ....

    Any voting favors you need - let me know -I'll return the favor

    Thanks so much

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • HELP - My Sewing Machine is NOT SEWING - the Thread keeps Bunching up on the Fabric/ What could it be?

    I haven't used my Sewing Machine in about 4 years - so I oiled the parts and it seemed to be working fine - but when I try to sew -it gets BUNCHED up - as far as I know everything is inplace and the thread & bobbin are in correctly - but its been so long - I could be doing something wrong -I guess

    But I am making my daughter's Easter dress and I'm running out of time - What could be causing this and what can I do to fix the problem - should I just take it to a Sewing Machine Repair Shop ? Its a Pro-Sew brand Sewing Machine only 6 years old and I dont have my manual - can I find one online maybe ??

    Any suggestions ?? HELP

    16 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago