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Favorite Answers8%
  • what is your favorite musical?

    I have two favs, Cats, and Hair

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • to all police What should I do in this case?

    I had so many problems in the past with my computer, so I called this computer professional in our local area, He did a fairly nice job for me at first, then the second time, I had hackers I called him, He charged me an arm and a leg for it, But he did a good job, Now, I just found out that He is in Jail for armed robbery, Me and my son looked up his name on our local jail web sight and under each criminals pictures and names they list what they are in jail for Here my computer guy was in jail 20 times in the past for past robbery and fraud, so I ask you? Even though he did not do anything against the law in my house? or hurt me , Should I let our local police know He was in my house twice working on my computer? And I want my money back? but my son told me no, Cause, He worked under a computer company and he did not harm us, He just did his job and left, but he did charge us over 200 dollors both times, So What should I do in this case?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • what ever happened to author brown? The crazy world of author brown in?

    In the 60s, 1965 author Brown did this crazy routine and song called FIRE? What ever happened to him?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I need help dealing with my adopted sister and law advice?

    My parents are deceased, first my mother, and now my father, My father raised my mothers 3rd cousin for about 10 years, He never did adopt her, He never has papers for her, And Before she came along it was just me and my older sister, I was the baby of the family, My older sister passed away, and then It was me and my adopted sister, Well, when my father passed away He left everything to me and My older sister, to split between us, and all the furniture to my adopted cousin, Well anyways, My older sister is dead, so my dads lawyer said everything will be split between me and my cousin, well she did not want that, that was not good enough for her, So she gave up, and opted out and called my dads lawyer and told him, to give me everything, So, my lawyer made up a quit deed for her to sign, she signed it, Now the house belongs to me, no problem right? But here is the problem, My dad also had thousands of dollars put away in his name at his bank, and fixed it somehow that all the bills will be going to the bank, and the bank payed the bills auto matically, so we wouldn't haved to do it, Ok, now there's a problem, There is no money in his bank account at all, and We were getting alot of draft bills, My cousin, told me on the phone that she opted out yes, but, she is the beneficiary of his estate, So I haven't talked to her since, Now i am relying on my boyfriends money to pay the bills, Because, I found out that, My adopted sister or cousin took all that money out and she fled, And stole it? I told my lawyer, and the bank managers, who give me bank draft notices, and I don't have to pay bank anything? But she does, they are looking for her and, I did not report her , and, If she calls me should I tell her she owes the bank alot of money? or should I just keep my mouth shut? Also, My dads lawyer never put the will and his estate in probate, Because My father Said no probate, he wishes that nothing goes into probate, and he walked out, and never went back to that lawyer, but he had his will done by him, Now when I went to him, He told me that don't do nothing, that everything is in probate, and to pay him to get everything released into my name, which, I have no money to do that, and my father said NO PROBATE, So what should i do from here??


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What is a knot in your head mean? Also need advice?

    I have this lump on my forehead and it wont go away, its big, and At first i thought it was a big boil, which i had in the past, But every time i squeeze it, nothing comes out, and when i touch it, it feels like i have a big stone in it, it doesnt hurt, only when i touch it, and it becomes like a slight headache, i close my eyes, and the pain goes away, it gets red sometimes, sometimes brown and its sometimes feels like there is jelly iside, some of my friends called it a knot and not to touch it, But its been on my forehead since May, Sometimes it gets real big, and sometimes it goes down some, I cover it up with Bendryl cream, and sometimes antibiotic cream when i go to bed at night, one of y friends are nurses and she suggested i get it looked at by a doctor and get it removed it could be cancer i wouldnt even know it, But if it is a knot, How do i get rid of it? Need a answer right away thanks you

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • what do you people think? politicians?

    last week in church, the sermon was about taxes, When a 6 yr old boy sitting next to me turned and whispered to his mother who was sitting on opposite sides, said to his mother, The boy asked his mother, Gee mom if i was the president of the united states, I would put a tax on Medicare, Well, At that point do you know how many elders all looked at his direction, and frowned, the woman who was apologetic to the congregation said, hes only a little boy, he doesn't know?? This little boy was so enthused with the tax lecture, that, he thought in his eyes, There should be a tax on life insurance and medical insurance, he proceeded that, what the hell, they had tax on tea, and he babbled on and on and on, and until his mother told him to shut up and quit, God help the people if he decides to run for president in the future, but he had a point, there is tax on houses and cars, ciggies, and tea and coffee, i believe, but his eyes, he thought 5 cents tax on every medicare insurance bill can you imagine??

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • how do i make a complaint against the united way?

    I know this united way is a big organization, But i had recently had a bad experience with these people, I am in a situation where the welfare dept cant help me, so i was referred to go to united way, and when i did, i got very rude and bad remarks from the councelors on hand, I walked in very nicely, and asked them for cash assistance, because, i have not a dime to my name, my father passed away he was giving money for toilet paper, paper towels cleaning stuff etc,I gave him half of my food stamps, and in exchange for rent, because i had no job, so i fed him with my food stamps, and he kept me clean, i own my own house, and everything is paid, even the bills with help from my other family and friends, except for 1 person she was giving money for toilet paper and cleaning stuff when my father passed away, then, She turned on me, and she became an alchoholic, and decided to ditch me and keep the money for herself, So friends got tired of me asking or borrowing money for TP, and went to united way for assistance, THEY TURNED ME DOWN FLAT, they said no, that, I LIVE IN A HOME WHERE I OWN MY OWN HOUSE, I DONT HAVED TO PAY RENT, AND THE BILLS ARE TAKING CARE OF, FOR ME TO GO OUT AND GET A JOB, OK NOTHING HERE FOR A JOB WHERE I LIVE?? FOR ONE THING, NEXT THING YOU KNOW, IN WALKS INTO THE UNITED WAY A DRUG PUSHER ADDICT WELL KNOWN, WANTED CASH ASSISTANCE, DID THEY GIVE IT TO HER?? YES, WITH A SMILE, And turned around and told me to leave etc, that, They cant help me, as, they feel that i am not homeless, and feel that i have enough friends to cover me etc, ok but thats not the point the point is?? Soo they give money to a wel known drug pusher that lives on the street, while i sit at home in my luxery house with no toilet paper, iam running out of friends and jobs, no one willl help me get a cent to buy tp because, every one all feels i should get a job, which GUESS WHAT THERE IS NONE where i live?? Sooo, please give me a web sight or somone who could feel the same way as i do?? am i wrong or right?? to complain against these united way, or what, also no iam not a cripple, which the councelor whispered to another one when i left, OH YEAH, SHE IS NOT A CRIPPLE, SHE ANNOUNCED TO ANOTHER COUNCELOR, YOU KNOW THATS RUDE,

    4 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • nurses, please answer this question?

    could a head nurse fire a CNA in front of other people? plain words, here is what happened. my father who is critically ill in the hospital right now, he needed a babysitter one day, they call it that, And when the baby sitter arrived, introduced herself, she automatically went into a conversation toi me and my sister about another patient, who just bit her on the arm, and proceeded to go psycho on her, and me and my sister are not nurses, so , We were appalled about the incident with another patient, then, the head nurse came in, and over heard this CNA, telling us her troubles etc, which had nothing to do with my dad, and She bitched at her, and told the CNA she is done, that, she had no right telling us about other patient, but she was upset, and that, i feel that , this babysitter is nice, and i wanted her , but the head nurse stated that, they made a commitment that she should never ever OR EVER TALK ABOUT OTHER PATIENT TO OTHER PEOPLE, but this babysitter was very very nice, i liked her, I feel bad that the head nurse embarrassed her in front of us?? The big question is for al nurses, can i do anything?? after all she is a nice neat neat nurse and or CNA, and the head nurse looked at me , and said i haved to know the difference?? and can i please save this poor girls job?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • I need a lawyer very badly, and can anyone give me any advice ? iam in a jam?

    ok here it is, iam in such a mess, a pickle , and need advice from a lawyer, ok, I live with my father , iam a 48 yr old divorced mother of 1, I left my ex 15 yrs ago, and m,oved in with my parents, and raised my child up on my own, my mother passed away, and i took and paid off my fathers house in florida, paid the mortage and all, ok, then i got laid off, my father told me, that he is very sick person,.and for me to just give up and stay with him be a care taker, so thats what i did, My Father now has alzhimers disease, he also had a bad heart attack, and his kidneys is getting bad, now he has Gang green on his foot, He told me if he passess away, there are papers that he and my mother signed , however, they are not in the house and they made out a living will, my big sister gets half and i get the other half, However there is a big problem, my big sister passed away years ago, my father doesnt remember his lawyers name, to contact him, and another thing, this is very very bad, My mothers 2nd cousin, that is my 3rd cousin, came to join us when she was 14 yrs old, She was raised in our family til she was 18 yrs old, she left and went on her own in nursing school, now she is the head of a nursing unit in a big hospital, ok, Dad relys on her for health reasons, she is out of state, she calls us al the time, she is married, and has a kid, However, a big huge problem, She doesnt like me, And I dont like her, we never got along , and Big huge problem, She is an alcholoc, and she tried to change my fathers living will after my dad had the heart attack, she erased my older sisters name and put her name in it, and did not even mention me , she made copies of this document and made my weak father sign it, However, my father told me that, he has another will set up, that i will sel his house and split the money between me and my cousin, which used to be for my big sister, but she is now dead, soo, but , its not in writing, he says it is in the court house, now then, help me, because now, my cousin is making so much problems for me She wants me out of my own house, and she is treating me like iam dirt, and she relys on my daughter in law information on my dad, and for many many years, i have been my dads care taker, his friend, and daughter, i am so upset, and my father told my cousin, that we did not offically adopt her, and that, she is not his daughter, or cousin, my dad and her are not blood related, she is related to my mother who is deceased, Soo What ?? somebody has got to help me , I dont have a lawyer,

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • if a comedian told this joke, its a true story, how would i get a comedian to tel this story in a comedy mann?

    something happened to a co worker of mine many years ago, and when she was telling us this story, everyone broke up laughing, How can i get a comedian to hear my story, and tel it to his audience in a funny matter?? Here's the story, my friend is elderly woman her name is Rhoda, i worked with her, she is 86 years old, Well, she came in al serious like demanded to see my boss, who is a young talented guy, a very serious business mined person, she ran into his office, and said to him, HELP HELP HELP, SOMEONE JUST STOLE MY CHERRY, Weil he was so busy, with his work, he looked at her and said , SAY WHAT??? she said Yes, I love vanilla ice cream with cherries in it, and and, this man who lives across the street from me breaks in my house in the middle of the night, and Steals the cherries out of my ice cream and leaves the refrigerator door open, Now i live by myself, and I WANT MY CHERRY BACK, SHE SCREAMS, , Wel i tel you, my boss, started to Howl, he laughed so hard, because she was serious, and he couldn't believe that she would say such a thing, well SHE WANTED MY BOSS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, WHICH REALLY BROKE HIM UP EVEN MORE, the end of the story is, they caught the guy who breaks into her house and steals her ice cream with cherries in it, but isn't this the funniest thing you ever heard??

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • calling all parents, please answer?

    How many parents that have teens on up are getting preety dam sick of how the kids are getting mistreated, and how the kids cal the wel fare on their parents as they get abused and so forth, But , but howevewr, Have mnay parents in the world get abused by their kids, and how many parents stand there and take it, because they are so afraid of their kids, and how many parents have the kids that are smart mouthed and mouthy, and orders you around in your own home, Well, I would like to take a stand, I would like to start a abused hot line for parents only, that, when the kid scares the elderly, and the kid bossess their parents around , and shoves them, that, we shall not slap the kid or fight them, but however, We will take a stand and bring back parenting, the way parents should raise their kids, and for us to not let our kids walk all over us iam sick of this, for example, i saw this poor mother bring her daughter to the mall, left her out of the car, and she asked simply nicely, to her daughter, when wil you be home dear, the daughter responded into a matter by hitting and slapping her mother in public, she screamed non of your business old woman she yelled, That is so un called for , and now this woman lets her do this, this is what iam trying to end here and now

    1 AnswerAdolescent9 years ago
  • what to do? i dont know what to do in this case? somebody answer me please?

    ok, for the past 4 years now everyday i get a call from a gonvernment office, asking for a certain name they asked for linda to come to the phone , We have no linda in our family, nor we dont know who linda is? I guess the old people who lived in our house had a linda before we moved in, anyways, This person who always calls me everyday, doesnt take no for an answer, I talked to the person and they told me that this linda owes so much money to the gonvernment like over thousands??? I tried so much to tel them that you got the wrong number, or i hang up on them, or i cant help them, but they insist that this girl lives with me, and they get frustrated and so do I, this has been going on for 4 years now, every day, back and forth on the phone, they disturb me, i cant help them, and this particular bill collector thinks iam lying to them, oh we letters in her name too, and we send them back, i talked to the supervisor of this establishement, and he told me that, this girl put our phone number down for an emergency if she cant pay her bill, Well, iam sorry I dont know know any linda, i tried and ephansized it and did alot of yelling to this bill collector that We dont need this harrassment and to let us alone, The police got involved, knocking on our door, that iam notpaying a certain bill, but iam not linda, and the police knows this, they said just ignore the calls, but i cant , i wish these people would stop, And whoever linda is, i wish she would please turn herself in, man she owes so much money , what can i do?

    4 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • need advice, from police or law, i just?

    I just did something stupid, and need a police officers advice, I just lay my trust in someone who i thought was my friend, i met this guy about 3 months ago, wanted to go into business by picking up the elderly and taking them to places for a day , and charging them too, i thought wel good deal, but keep my out of it, when all i of a sudden i needed an emergency ride to get to a hospital my father was ill, and he told me that he wil take me as a friend, so i said ok, i went , he asked me for 40 dollors in gas money, i gave it to him, ok, so then, 2 days later, i needed a ride again to go 3 blocks down the street, i asked him if he can take me as a friend, as i had no money , he said yes, ok, he took me and took me home, then now, ALL OF SUDDEN HE IS POUNDING ON MY DOOR 2 DAYS LATER, STANDING THERE SHAKING UNCONTROLLABLY, HE WANTED 10 DOLLORS, i said For what? he said GAS money that i hired him for him to take me places, i EXPLAINED TO HIM I DONT HAVE IT, AND I THOUGHT HE WAS A FRIEND OF MINE, I THOUGHT, IT WAS JUST A FRIENDSHIP DEAL, HE SAID NO, ITS NOT, NOW, THE COPS ON HIS TAIL, BECAUSE AN UNDERCOVER COP SAW HIM IN MY DRIVEWAY, AND HE SAW IT, AND TOOK OFF, AND THE LAST THING HE SAID TO ME HE WAS IN TROUBLE BEFORE AND , NO CHECKS PLEASE, i was going to give him a check, but i did not, he let me go, i gave him 5 bucks in chunk change, should i let the police know what happened? or just let it BE, after al he did not threaten me , but he was quite upset and mad and shaking uncontrollaby like he needed the money right NOW, what should i do? please answer

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • calling all teens raging from 13 to 20 What do you think?

    I haven't had a teen ager for many years, and need some teens opinion, I am 48 yrs old, and I have an idea, would love teenagers in put, I would love to open a business that only teen agers can be in a club, no adults, a teen club, that the kids can hang out after school, and on weekends, the club consists of Teen food, teen drinks, their very own bar, A band or dj plays every friday and saturday nights, this club will be open after school from 3 pm till 10 at night, I will have a pool table in it, and games, the club will open during the week, and on weekends from 3 pm till 11, ok, now then, Need some advice about food, I have this food all thought of, but need some ideas from the kids? so far i have, fried mozzarella sticks, hot dogs cheese fries, french fries, hamburgers, nachos, tacos, pizza, barbeque wings, ice cream, candy, pop corn, chips, Soft pretzels, all kinds of soda, fried onion rings, ice cream sundaes, pickles, slim jims, pepperoni sticks, ? Now i ran out of ideas for food? Do you have any ideas? and what do you think of my plan??

  • for parents is this too young?

    I have a soon to be husband who has a 14 yr old girl, and, he asked me for advice which i cant give him? His daughter has straight As in school, sophiscated and mature for her age, she cooks and cleans and does everything that a housewife would do, except for sex, ok, heres the problem, she announced to her father today, that she has approximatley over 2 thousand in the bank, a little over, she saved up that much money through birthdays and what not, christmas etc, through the years, here it is SHE WANTS A HOUSE, SHE WANTS TO PUT THE MONEY ON THE DOWN PAYMENT FOR A HOUSE, AND HAVE HIM PAY THE REST, AND NOT PAY FOR THE electric or phone, and go to work part time to pay for the taxes, and then rent out the house on her own, and make money off the house she puts up for rent to pay for her colledge , My question is ?? Isnt she too young to do this?? See, not a bad idea, but now my future husband is considering it?? and he will help her and me to make repairs of the house, and rent it out, then through out the years she plans to sell the house, after, colledge and take the money and build a family after colledge, she started building and saving her money since birth, 14 yrs , all this money in the bank, she put away and saved it up 20 bucks each year. and maybe more some money , i dont know?? what do you think?? i think she is too young?? you decide??

    12 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • need a police mans or woman's expertise, what should i do?

    first of all i am a gullible person, my friends and family all know i can be manipulated in situations, and though i know from right and wrong, and i never in my life been arrested iam 48 years old ok heres the story, a lady moved in across the street directly from me months ago, not evene a year, she is 10 yrs younger then iam, she introduced herself and her husband, she was friendly , and no friends or family, when she moved in i thought , well i ll try and help her out with friends, and be a good citizen, she had no job, he worked till he got laid off, then, they were bothering me alot, after we gave them lunch and computer use, and cell phone use, and hot soups now a then, she started to come over al the time. Now then, heres the problem, late at night the police have been called to their house several times, i wondered why?? Well, one day she told me that she has been abused by her husband over and over again, I told her to leave, and gave her advice, all of a sudden just yesterday and other day, her husband came over to me and threaten me and told me to stay out of their BLANKY BLANK BUSINESS OR WE WILL FIGHT, My father who i lived with, called the police and talked to them, and the result is this, this girls husband beat the crap out of her, and my father told me to do nothing, its non of my business, and stay out of it, so i did, the next day a cop was at my door, telling me not to be sociated with the family at all, as he is a wanted criminal, and so is she, and she fled, he fled with some sort of a black car, house is now empty, My problem, He has been calling me , and yes i gave him my number previously, he doesnt say anything to harm me, only , iam sorry iam sorry, and i have wrong number, i hang up, my dad said do what the officer said and stay away and mind your own business, but iam so scared iam afraid, i also, gave them my ciggerettes al the time, they bumed it, i never been on drugs, nor alchohol, i grew up in a good family environment , and , iam so afraid, because, the day they arrested her, she yelled at officer, go see Trudy, which is my name she knows everything, now what should i do, the cops has not been here yet to talk to me, the cops findings in the house required them to move and they areestred her but not him, so need your help??

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • teachers? what do you think?

    has anybody has or have this experience? as a teacher? my mother was a second grade teacher, and one day in the begiining of school, she noticed a student came into her class with no shoes on, he was barefoot, she asked him? where is your shoes, He did not answer, as another day went by, this student just did not have shoes, my mother asked the principle, the principle said leave him be, Soo with that, she was concerned, she asked the young boy, does he have money for shoes?? He said no mam no mam i dont, so my mother took him to the mall, and bought him a pair of sneakers, he was so happy and delighted, the next day, he showed up, NO SHOES, AT THIS POINT , my mother was AT WITS END, AND ASKED HIM WHERE IS YOUR NEW SHOES? HE LOOKED UP AT MY MOTHER AND SAID, MY FATHER TOOK THEM AND SOLD THEM FOR DOPE, WHEN SHE HIGHTAILED IT TO THE PRINCIPLE THIS IS OPUTRAGIOUS, AND THE PRINCIPLE SAID, TOLD YA LEAVE IT ALONE, AND SHE WAS FIRED JUST LIKE THAT,Soo does ny one of our teachers ever have or had thaty experience

    2 AnswersTeaching10 years ago
  • should i say thank you?

    I just recently babysat pets for our neighbor, she is a dear sweetheart and we Always look after one another, she needed a sitter for her cat and dog, so, i did not hesitate and told her yes il watch them for 1 week, Well she paid me, I really did not ask for the money at all,well a week went by, and i did not even thank her?? Should I? How is an etiquette way of this

    5 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • about grants and education?


    1 AnswerFinancial Aid10 years ago