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Remind me to add on to this tomorrow when it's not late at night... lol, if you read this, I really meant it, remind me to actually write one when it isn't time for bed...

  • What is this music video?

    I've been trying to figure this one out for a while now. It's from a few years back, it's a country song, and in the beginning of the video I think it's black and white and there's an older man looking out the window watching a car leave (I think) and there's a little boy on the floor playing with a toy car or something. Somewhere in the video there's a graveyard too I think.

    Sorry I can't remember more! Is this ringing any bells though?

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Question about the Zune.?

    I'm thinking about buying a Zune in the upcoming months (yes, I want the Zune HD...) and I was wondering if you could put songs from places other than the Zune Marketplace onto the Zune? More specifically, can I use Windows Media Player to transfer songs to my Zune? I already have an extremely large music collection (50,000+ songs) and I don't want to think about spending money on the Zune service when I already have all the songs I could ever want.


    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Battery and my laptop...?

    Does anyone know if this battery will work with my laptop? I know it isn't listed right there in the list but I did come up when I searched up batteries for my laptop.

    My laptop is the HP Compaq V2405us which is now going on 5 years old and really needs a new battery if I want to think about using this system away from a power outlet for more than five minutes...

    The battery I'm looking at is here:


    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What is the total amount of all of the government "bailouts"?

    The recent ones.

    I'll tell you now, I'm getting more and more worried that we are digging ourselves a hole that we can't climb out of.

    Republican - Texas

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, number these from most important (1) to least important (2)...?

    In your own opinion, with one being the most important and ten being the least, what order would you put these events?


    Martin Luther King Jr.

    Abraham Lincoln

    George Washington


    Women's Rights Movement

    Lexington and Concord

    World War II

    Civil War

    American Revolution

    P.S. I put them in a random order above...


    9 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What do you think would happen if we...?

    ...could somehow relate to them the total sum of our national deficit? I just want to see what you say...

    Comments on what's happening now with the bailouts and all of these stimulus plans are welcome and encouraged. Let the debates begin!

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this graphics card compatible with my system?

    I have a Dell Insprion 530s tower ( and am going to buy a new graphics card. I was planning on buying the NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS (

    I'm 75% sure it works but wanted to make sure. Thanks!

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Does my computer support dual monitors?

    I don't want to split (clone) one display, I want to extend my monitor onto another one. I have a Dell Inspiron 530s (the slim one). I have included the links to my pictures of the back of my computer below.


    6 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Vista network utilization?

    Okay, I have Vista and haven't had this problem for a few months now. Three months into owning Vista, I had a problem where the network would almost never connect and when it did it was incredibly slow. It fixed itself after a month and I don't know how it fixed itself. I tried everything and nothing worked, then one day it decided to work...

    Anyways, everything was fine for about 7 months, then the problem came back... I'm a bit more computer savvy now and have also noticed that, in the task manager, it is showing that Vista is only utilizing less than .5% of my wireless network connection. It rarely hops above .4%. Also, I've noticed that the amount of packets SENT over the network is more than twice the amount RECEIVED. This suggests that somewhere along the line packets are lost...

    I don't know what the problem is. Anyone help!

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Vista network utilization?

    Okay, I have Vista and haven't had this problem for a few months now. Three months into owning Vista, I had a problem where the network would almost never connect and when it did it was incredibly slow. It fixed itself after a month and I don't know how it fixed itself. I tried everything and nothing worked, then one day it decided to work...

    Anyways, everything was fine for about 7 months, then the problem came back... I'm a bit more computer savvy now and have also noticed that, in the task manager, it is showing that Vista is only utilizing less than .5% of my wireless network connection. It rarely hops above .4%. Also, I've noticed that the amount of packets sent over the network is more than twice the amount received. This suggests that somewhere along the line packets are lost...

    I don't know what the problem is. Anyone help!

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Anyone else have this kind of energy problem?

    I never have the energy or motivation to do anything productive all day and then at about 9:00 pm every night I suddenly get this burst of energy (maybe just motivation) to do everything. When I say everything I mean like clean my room and chores like that. I never want to do anything like this during th normal hours and then at night when it's time to go to bed I suddenly want to do stuff. Just before typing this I was cleaning my room! It's 9:52 pm here!

    Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else does this...


    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who do you think won tonight's debate?

    I personally think it was McCain that won tonight.

    Go McCain & Palin!!!

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Analog digital signals in Windows Media Center?

    I recently bought a TV Tuner for my Vista Home Premium machine and it works great. I get pretty much every channel I could ever want. The only problem is that there is one channel that I actually regularly watch that won't come in in HD. On my XP Machine I can't seem to get HD at all but it is an older machine so it may not get HD but I do get the regular analog channel that I need.

    What I'm asking is how / can you get regular analog signal channels in Windows Media Center.

    P.S. I'm in the Houston, Texas area and the channel I'm looking for is Fox 26. Any tips appreciated!

    Also I would like to say that my tuner does get both analog and digital. Also, those middle digital channels in between the regular channels like 13.1 and 11.4 and whatnot, can you get those in WMC?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Conducting 12/4 time...?

    Does anyone know where I can find out how to conduct a song in 12/4 time? Or does anyone here know? I was hoping for a video... I'm guessing it's pretty much like 4/4 but I want to know...


    From the future drum major!!! (hopefully...)

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Who else doesn't want this bailout to pass?

    First of all, the economy is not failing. If Yankees games and Astros and all of these other games and stuff can still be getting record sails, if gas prices can go up and people still keep buying, if Wal-Mart is still thriving, and if all of these stores like Abercrombie and American Eagle and whatnot can also keep booming, how can we possible be failing? The Dow Jones did drop 777 points but guess what? It's going to right back up. Then, the next day, up 400+ points! It will keep going up too.

    Anyway, point is, there are just a few stupid people out there who want this to be a "recession" even thought it isn't.

    P.S. You know how we can get into a recession though? If the government starts handing out billions of dollars to stupid people! The government SHOULD NOT have to pay for stupid peoples' stupid mistakes.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who else doesn't want any form of the bailout to pass?

    First of all, the economy is not failing. If Yankees games and Astros and all of these other games and stuff can still be getting record sails, if gas prices can go up and people still keep buying, if Wal-Mart is still thriving, and if all of these stores like Abercrombie and American Eagle and whatnot can also keep booming, how can we possible be failing? The Dow Jones did drop 777 points but guess what? It's going to right back up. Then, the next day, up 400+ points! It will keep going up too.

    Anyway, point is, there are just a few stupid people out there who want this to be a "recession" even thought it isn't.

    P.S. You know how we can get into a recession though? If the government starts handing out billions of dollars to stupid people! The government SHOULD NOT have to pay for stupid peoples' stupid mistakes.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What is NASDAQ's symbol?

    I've been trying to look up NASDAQ's symbol. I found out there seem to be a lot of "NASDAQ's" and I'm not sure which one it is. I want to know the big one, like the one they're always saying on the news, not all of these other ones. Anyone know what this is? Or is the one on the news just like an average of them all.

    I need the symbol to put into the Windows Sidebar stock gadget.


    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Installing Linux on an external hard drive...?

    How would I go about doing this in general? I would like to be able to do the F8 thing and choose the external hard drive / flash drive to boot into because I don't want to have to go through the boot loader every time. I just want it to boot straight into Vista unless I press F8 and choose otherwise. It would be really nice if after booting into Vista if I could go to My Computer and choose the Linux file on the hard drive and be able to boot Linux while already on Vista, kind of like a virtual machine I guess.

    Now would all that be the same as doing a Live CD of Linux?

    I am going to download Ubuntu 8.04 unless you say I should do otherwise...

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Good / best college to go to for a degree in computer science (want to work at Google)...?

    I was wondering what steps do I need to start taking now and what college to go to if I even wanted to dream about getting a job at Google or somewhere similar...

    (P.S.S. In case you care I can type about 60-70 wpm. This is my estimate. I haven't tested myself in a while but last time I did, which was a few months back, I was teetering on 50-60.)

    I'm 14 (freshman) at the moment and absolutely love computers and am very good with them. I am also a very smart student (taking all pre-AP classes) and am in the top 10% of my class (My class is only like 60 kids though... lol).

    Help appreciated!

    P.S. I have heard that it is insanely difficult to get a job at Google but that would be why I am asking this question now instead of four years down the road.

    1 AnswerTechnology1 decade ago
  • Good / best college to go to for computer science (Google) and whatnot...?

    I was wondering what steps do I need to start taking now and what college to go to if I even wanted to dream about getting a job at Google or somewhere similar.

    I'm 14 (freshman) at the moment and absolutely love computers and am very good with them. I am also a very smart student (taking all pre-AP classes) and am in the top 10% of my class (My class is only like 60 kids though... lol).

    Help appreciated!

    P.S. I have heard that it is insanely difficult to get a job at Google but that would be why I am asking this question now instead of four years down the road.

    2 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago