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  • Hashimoto's and normal tsh levels? Possible to feel hypo?

    Any tips from others dealing with this would be greatly appreciated and would make me feel like I'm not crazy. :)

    I had doctors telling me my thyroid gland felt enlarged since January 2010,they'd test my tsh and everything was normal. Finally this May a different doctor ordered an ultrasound of my thyroid gland, radiologist and my doctor agreed it is "mildly enlarged", they also found that 2 of my parathyroid glands are also enlarged. I was sent to an endocrinologist late May and she ordered a load of labs, parathyroid function, kidney function,tsh, metabolic panel, vitamin d and tested for thyroid antibodies.My tsh was .93 (late may), my last tsh was this january and was 1.9. I tested positive for thyroid antibodies and my level was 69, my vitamin d is also low and is the supposed reason for my parathyroid glands being enlarged,am now taking 1000 units of vitamin d daily now.

    At my initial appt. with my endo she talked to me mainly about hyperthyroidism because of they way my level dropped, I told her I have none of those symptoms. She called me at work to tell me I have Hashimoto's and low vit d levels, take vitamin d daily and she will recheck my tsh and vit d in 6 months. She had no time to answer any questions and said absolutely no to any medication.. so I did my own research. I have just about every symptom of HYPOthyroidism and have had them for years. My mother had hashimotos and no longer has a thyroid gland, almost every one of her siblings is hypo and a few are hyper (there are 9 total). I called her back w/my concerns and still said absolutely no to treating it.

    I've had pain in the joints of my fingers x 3 years

    pain/swelling in my knees x 8-9 yrs (i do not have lymes or arthritis, mri and xray done on my knees show nothing wrong at all) I've seen orthopedic doctors for this.

    my muscles ache all the time in all sorts of places, legs,arms, back.

    my skin is very dry and seems to be bad yr round, am now using a prescription scalp solution for my horribly dry scalp that seemed to come out of no where 2 yrs ago.

    I cannot get pregnant again (5 yrs of trying-finally gave up and decided it was'nt meant to be), i missed 2 days of birth control 9 yrs ago and got pregnant instantly.

    I could sleep all day if I did'nt have a life, I am tired all the time and feel like I'm in a fog. I have been on 3 antidepressants (over 5 yrs) the doctors threw at me and nothing really worked so I just stopped them.

    I used to be someone who never really got nervous or scared about things..over the past few yrs I have anxiety over many stupid little things that shouldnt bother me,even meeting w/friends for dinner and sometimes break out in hives on my chest and back when my anxiety is bad.

    my weight fluctuates every couple months w/ no change in diet. I gain about 10 lbs and a month or so later I lose that plus maybe some more. (i am not a large person, so this usually goes unnoticed by most people)

    I have and have had bad menorrhagia for many yrs. but usually don't get anything to stop the bleeding because I have a clotting disorder already and extra hormones puts me at higher risk for a clot.

    the list goes on...

    If my tsh was only .93 in May, why do I feel like someone with hypothyroidism? Maybe it's just coincidence? I have a very slim neck and my enlarged thyroid is a tiny bit noticeable (by my endo and now me since she showed me) Why is this a "wait and see" disease? Why would they allow your thyroid gland to get bigger? It does'nt make sense.I would rather feel hyper than hypo any day, I have felt like crap for way too long.

    (fyi- i am 28 yrs old..going on 80) I have an appt with a new endo on Thursday but he works alongside with the last one I saw so I'm guessing he wont be of any help either and just a waste of another copay.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • What are the rules when it comes to joint legal custody of a child?

    Parents with joint legal and physical custody...from what I read, joint legal custody means that the parents make the major decisions in the childs life together. What happens when one parent is not including the other in making those decisions? (such as where they will go to daycare,school,doctor..ect...) Can the one parent take the other to court for not including them in decision making?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • should i call dcfs on my sister?

    I have 8 nieces and nephews, all my older sisters children, ranging from 8 months to 14 years old. They have horrible,horrible living conditions, not only is the home absolutely disgusting but they all suffer from emotional and verbal abuse from the parents. They live in a different state and I hardly ever go to see them because of this. I just came back from seeing them because of a family emergency and couldn't believe everything I saw. The once light colored carpet has ground in food and god knows what else..most of the carpet in the home has black sticky spots, to cover it up they stapled dark colored blankets to the floor but that is now beginning to collect food also. I tried to vacuum but it was broken. The tile floors have a layer of crud about a half inch thick,the kitchen has flies in it,counters covered with piles and piles of papers and garbage,old food. Dirty dishes were stacked higher than me and all along the bases of the cabinets is dried food or something (not sure what it is). There is mold growing in the cabinet where the garbage can is kept and around the sink. There are stacks of totes all over the house and when i opened one it had garbage in it. The kids find there "clean" clothes by sifting through piles that are every where throughout the home, though they do have dressers but are full. They have a pool in the back with a deck built around it, the pool water is so gross and green that when you throw a pebble in it it stays on the top and doesnt sink. The dog does his business on the once nice big back deck and they scoop it off and throw it in the yard once a month. The smell in the home is horrible, I could barely breath in the house and had to use my inhaler several times while i was there (2 horrific days). The most disgusting thing is that the bathroom in the basement had a toilet that backed up and there is crap and sewage every where(really), the basement isn't even closed off from the rest of the house. I was told not to go into the bathroom down there but i was curious. I almost vomited when I walked in. They keep the cat in the bathroom in the basement because one of the kids is supposedly allergic. The children always have lice, atleast any time I have ever visited them. I had it and had to give myself a treatment when i got home. My sister and her boyfriend refuse to buy lice treatment because it would be too expensive to treat all the kids, so they buzz the boys hair and dye the girls hair thinking that will kill them. The dog has had fleas the past 3 times I have gone there and they are every where in the house, after 2 days there I have bites around my ankles and feet. The kids do as well so I imagine it's the fleas. The kids are always filthy, even the 8 months old feet and he doesn't walk or crawl,he can't even sit up on his own because each and every child she's ever had is always kept in a swing,high chair or play pen. All the children were delayed when it came to sitting,crawling and walking. The 5 yr old still wheres pull ups to school,and the 3 1/2 yr old is in diapers still..all day. My sister and her boyfriend have 8 children and have 1 broken down blazer (for the past 4 years) and a 2 door cobalt, so they never,ever go any where all together. I took my 4 yr old niece to walmart with me and she couldn;t believe she was going to get to go on a car ride, when we got to walmart she didn't even know where she was and said she'd never been there (sad because most kids know what walmart is), she walked inside and was so excited to be there...she had a look on her face like a kid at disney world for the first time. I bought each kid something and when she got her outfit she was the happiest little kid in the world, she walked around carrying the sandles I bought her all day long. The kids get sworn at by both parents and locked in there rooms for a whole day if they don't listen. My sister will say things to them like "if you don't clean your mess, I'm going to die" and then she will fake cry. I feel awful for these kids and would take all of them home and just love them, but financially it would be impossible to care for all of them, I have two of my own. I have always wanted to call child services on them, but how do you do that to family? Would dcfs take them away? Warn them? My family and I have cleaned there home before but each time it goes right back to the way it was. There are some hoarding issues for sure. I think the kids would have a better life but fear that since there are so many of them that they would be split up, plus I may never see them again. I don't know what to do.

    Sorry for the long story...but if I wrote everything it would be much,much longer.

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • anyone used equate (walmart) brand pregnancy test?

    I've been really tired the past week,been having headaches which isn't normal for me,and at around midnight last night started feeling nausea's, I've also been having dizzy spells. I stopped at wally and bought a 3 pk equate preg. test and am due for my period in about 3 days. I took the test and got a negative right a way, then threw it out about 5-10 minutes later and went to bed. I still don't feel like myself this morning and decided to look online about how sensitive that brand is... I ran into a blog or something with women ttc and read that some women have used that same test and got a negative right away but turned positive a few hours later... so i went and dug it out of the trash and looked at it and it shows a noticeable faint positive. Has anyone seen this before and it was actually a positive? I have no idea how long after I threw it away it turned positive. (I have dug them out of the trash before later on to see if the result changed and it never has...not like I will take another tomorrow to give the hormone some time to go up.. I'm just freaking out a little right now....but happy.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • People from Northwest WI/Anyone found an old friend on here?

    I've been thinking... since there are so many people on here has anyone found an old friend they haven't seen in forever? I've been trying to find a guy I dated about 10 years ago was (at the time) the love of my life and I don't even remember how we lost touch.. I can't find him on myspace or facebook....or any where. I don't remember any of his friends' names'. We lived quite a ways from each other so we didn't go to school or anything. Anyone on here know of him? Let me know how to get a hold of him..I know he's contacted my parents in the past trying to get a hold of me.

    His name is Christopher Roalson and he was from Couderay, WI

    (Just so I know no ones playing with me tell me how old he is and what race he is)

    Thanks.. I know this is soooo cheesy!

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Yes another pregnancy question..but just wondering other women's opinion about this.?

    My husband and I are TTC. I stopped my birth control December 1,2008. Wasn't sure if this was my period or not.. but I started bleeding (heavily) this past Wednesday the 7th using about 1 super plus tampon every 1/2 hour,the next day I barely bled at all and then that was stopped. My periods are usually 7 days or longer and are heavy the whole time (not heavy like this time though).

    I have my annual exam with my gyno this coming Tuesday so I will definitely mention this.. was just wondering other womens opinion and what they would do...

    Would you take a pregnancy test?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • need an outsiders perspective.bad daycare......?

    My question is..should I file a complaint to the BBB about the following problems?My son and niece are always being cared for by different people,very high turnover there.Being its summer they have to put sunblock on all kids,but my son never,ever smells of sunblock when I pick him up,and I ask him if anyone puts it on him,he says no.I know he doesnt get it put on because of the tan lines.I've complained SEVERAL times.It seems like they are outside all day,easy way to watch them I guess.Three times now I've picked them up to find them outside,and my niece is sitting on a picnic table by herself filthy from head to toe,my problem with that is that her hands are just nasty dirty and she's outside eating food like that,and drinking out of a sippy cup thats not hers.Next problem is the billing,I know the contract says that you pay even when your kid isnt there,I signed that in May when it turned to new ownership.But they JUST started enforcing it.I've decided to leave that daycare...

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • getting guardianship of my niece..fall under fmla??

    I live in Wisconsin and I'm getting guardianship of my niece soon. The Human Resources dept at my work place is saying that does'nt fall under fmla...only biological,adoption,and foster child falls under they say. I'm out of vacation time..I could care less if I don't get paid..but they're saying I'm not allowed any unpaid time off. I only want 4 days. I'm having a hard time finding info online that goes into detail.Has anyone ever gone through this or know if this is right?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Remind me of what I need for a baby?

    I'm getting guardianship of my 15 month old niece in a month,maybe less..depending on when we're all ready for her. We have a son already who will be 5 in august, but it's hard to remember everything. I've given some stuff to my older sister,but I still have plenty baby stuff from my son. I know I'll think I'm all ready and that I have everything..then later find that I don't. I know it sounds a little dumb,being I've already gone through this..but I would greatly appreciate any help. niece is in foster care all I would get from the foster parents are things that my brother and my sister-in-law have bought for her..and that only consists of a few toys and a few outfits that she's already grown out of.

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 2001 saturn sl-1 misfire cylinder #1,changed plugs still not better..?

    At the very beginning of winter my ses light came on suddenly after leaving a gas station where I filled up. Had Advanced Auto Parts check and tell me what code was showing...misfire on cylinder #1. 2001 saturn sl-1 now has 88,0000 miles, just got my plugs and wires changed last week,haven't had the light reset yet but it's still idles funny,rides smoother but the misfire is still there..idles at not even 1000 rpms,but sometimes it sounds like it might kill..the more I drive it the worse it gets ..of course I only notice it at an idle but I can feel it in the car and standing outside the back of my car I can hear these little puffs of air coming from the muffler. I'm going over to an auto shop by my work in a few days but I want some ideas of what it could I don't get screwed over and told it's some major thing when it is'nt.Nothings getting fixed until I have atleast a couple other mechanics tell me whats wrong. It did not idle funny when the light 1st came on,just got worse.

    6 AnswersGMC1 decade ago
  • Does one game system play better than the other? Madden 2007.?

    Want to buy Madden 2007 for my boyfriend...we have a ps2 and gamecube. Does one console play better...look better than the other? Which one should I buy for....ps2 or gamecube?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Anyone ever been to a NFL football game?What to expect....?

    Taking my dad to a vikings/bears game on the 24th, we're only 82 miles away..only a few hours if that. What should I expect..the time it takes to get into the metrodome? Anyone ever been to the Vikings Metrodome? Can you tailgate there, and where?Anyone whos been there, where is the best place to park...easier to get out.?

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Having weird pregnancy dreams,but on the depo provera shot?

    The past week I've been having dreams of being pregnant...I mean 7 nights straight. In my dreams it's always with my boyfriend, we're in the hospital after our baby was born and I can see my baby perfectly, it was a boy.I have a 4 yr old son, and in my dreams when I can see the baby, he looks nothing like my son did when he was born,so I know I'm not dreaming about my son.And my current boyfriend is not my sons father....I keep dreaming I'm pregnant or my dreams are of me having the baby or of the 3 of us in the hospital holding our baby,the baby always looks the same in every dream so far. I look the same as I do now,so does my boyfriend. I dont get it....I've been super hungry lately,it's like I can't get enough to eat, I don't feel like I'm pregnant but why am I dreaming that I am, 7 nights in a row now.We havent been talking about kids either.I'm on the depo shot...

    Anyone have any input, opinions, does anyone know a lot about dreams and how to read them?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Anyone with kids...what do you think?Need someone elses opinion and thoughts?

    My son has just turned 4 years old and starts 4 yr old kindergarten on September 1st.The morning class is full and no one wants to switch, so he has to be in the afternoon class which runs from 12-3pm. This is being run by his daycare so he doesnt have to go any where different.

    Here is my problem, his father is mad at me now and refuses to let me pick up our son on sunday nights (i have him mondays) and thursday nights(when i havehim for thewknd), I live over 30 miles away (one way) from his daycare, I also work in the same town as his daycare,very close actually. So I now have to drive to there 2 times a day, both of those days, in the morning to get him and in afternoon to work. His father drops him off at 5:30 A.M, our son doesnt go back to sleep after getting there and once his 4 yr old kindergarten starts,he wont be able to nap anymore.Sept.1st I'll have to leave him there on those 2 days until 6pm,it would be a waste to pick him up in the morning anymore. read on....

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • 50/50 custody? Never married,anyone gone through this?please read?

    When my son was an infant we had a dna test done,his dad wouldnt sign papers claiming paternity.We had to go to the child support office where they figured out what i would get being the custody was 50/50...anyway, a woman there said that we had to do custody 50/50 and to make our own schedule or they would make one for us...that was it, all that was said....? Is this how it usually goes?No judge,or court date.?Nothing in writing,and we didnt sign anything agreeing to anything. I read some where that when you make up a placement schedule that it has to be approved and signed by a judge. This did not happen, I dont even know if the woman wrote down the schedule we made up..? How is this legal? We live in the state of Wisconsin....please tell your story and give any info you have,every state has there own laws with child custody.I want to take my son to tx in feb. his dad agreed at first,now changed his mind..

    16 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Anyone have 50/50 custody?Anyone in WI particularly..were you forced to give the dad 50/50?

    I posted this question the other day but didnt really get any answers,so I am re-wording it. Is there any woman here that was never married to her childs father and had to give him 50/50 custody? If so how did it happen, I mean did you have to go in front of a judge,did you have to sign papers....?Anyone have a story similar to this.....?

    When my son was an infant all 3 of us had our mouths swabbed and a dna test was done, his father didnt sign the papers claiming paternity so I'm thinking thats why they did it. We had to go the the child support office where they also figured out what i would get in child support being 50/50, but the woman there said that we have to do 50/50 custody and we should make up a schedule or the courts would make one for us....that was it...? I didnt sign anything and neither did his dad,thats all that was this how it goes..? Is it legal? Anyone with experience with this only please.

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Any lawyers, pre-law?Family Law/child custody issue.. Please,expert advice only,please help me..?

    When my son was an infant,there was a dna test done because his father didnt sign papers claiming paternity. We had to go to the child support office in the courthouse where a woman told us that we had to do custody 50/50,and that we had to make up a schedule or the courts would do it for us. That was really all that was said.....? I don't remember signing anything agreeing to anything or saying i would do anything...and if i did i dont have any paperwork stating so. We never went in front of a judge, no paperwork was signed (if any is usually done). What makes 50/50 custody legal? There was nothing said about joint physical custody,joint legal custody and so on.....?What I've said is actually ALL that was said/done about it, is this something set in My sons father is mad at me for deciding to collect child support for the first time in 4 years now saying i cant take him to texas in feb. can i just take him?When he has no proof that he is even supposed to be with him?help

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Why is he acting like this?Serious answers pleeeeaaaase.?

    I'm 24, I have known my boyfriend for 9 years,we dated when i was 16 for 3 years then broke up but always kept in touch and did things together even when we were with other people.We started dating again about 1 1/2 yrs ago and live together.We were both just out of serious relationships when we got back together, suprisingly things went okay.I start to talk about marriage and kids and he gets all weird, not something i would be doing if i had just met him 1 1/2 yrs ago. He was engaged to his last girlfriend when she left him for her ex,for the 2nd time in their on and off 2 yr relationship. Now he keeps saying that he loves me and doesnt ever want me to leave and says he would never do anything to make me leave, but he doesnt want to get married for another 4-5 years. I have to prove to him that I love him and wouldnt leave him, i dont think he believes me.I dont want to be an old mother having children is very important to me i feel im being blamed for what happened to him last year?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What can I expect when we take our 4 yr old to Texas,we're driving.?

    We're taking a 2 1/2 week trip to Texas in February and we're driving...this is going to be the longest he's ever had to drive in a car, what should I expect and what should I be prepared with?We are going to stop one night to sleep and we will be stopping to let him get out and stretch his legs.Any tips from any mothers who have brought they're kids on long trips..driving. Oh yeah, we're driving from North Central Wisconsin.

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Can a single mom get full custody of her child?

    My almost 4 yr old sons father got married about 5 months ago,since then his father has been nothing but a jerk,his wife acts like she's a better mother than me (even though shes not a mother). My son is becoming a snot,doesnt want to listen and is starting to talk like a baby,this only happens when he comes home from being with his dad for 5 days.My son says some things that scare me,things he does at his dads house.Sometimes he says he doesnt want to go by daddy,he's only going to be 4 so I know he cant tell a judge that he wants to stay with me. I am in a serious relationship and will go to the courthouse to get married if I have to, if that will make it easier to get him. Please dont anyone think this has anything to do with his fathers wife,she started out very nice and I liked her,then after she married him (without telling me,or even having his son there!) it's like she turned into someone else. His father also would not sign the paternity papers, just a dna test done.

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago