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i am what i am

  • A female jazz-blues singer who made an improvisation on stage saying "paul.. pa pa paul" in a concert?

    which made the audience laugh..I happened to hear only that part of the song long time ago on the radio..and never ever heard again. It was very funny and entertaining..I have no clues about the remaining lyrics, nothing to describe the singer or the music ...Perhaps somebody who has listened to or watched the live performance could know about it..

    2 AnswersJazz9 years ago
  • My girlfriend is pissing me off,what to do?

    She doesnt know how to cook, she just finds meatballs and macaroni or sth when I insist her to do sth...Living with her sometimes drives me crazy..(Shes living in my house) Her ways just doesnt fit me in the house, and so many things are saved inside me and they finally drive me is not even sth I look for any more, I could do better without..its soon I'll decide to live all alone cause if I cant afford a woman, a man would be more trouble in the house..doing nothing but his work..Im about to go asexual..any comments?

  • Hetero dreams of a bi who lives with a woman?

    Im a bi, 34 y old, who has never experienced intimacy with a man. Found out about my sexual tendency just 4-5 y ago. I started living w my girlfriend for the last 4 mo's. I have erotic dreams with men..and I sometimes wonder whether I could be more satisfied with a man..a question to which I can never get an answer since I'm monogamous..Anybody who experiences the same situation? what do u think? PS:Im asking because Im confused not because Im so interested in sex, if it were so I wouldnt have discovered my sexuality so lately...

  • an ex cleaned off her errors, coming to u?

    if u are so in love with someone for the first time in your life..if she has deceived u and if the story has ended there..but u still feel u love her despite having broken up..for u were irreversibly broken and couldnt take her repetitive mistakes anymore.. how do u stop that feeling that some day she will come to u as someone more caring and loyal having found out all her faults and corrected them..coming to you with all her soul and such things happen only in films or are there any of u having such experiences..? cause I dont want anybody else..x and want to keep such a dream somewhere inside matter how unreal..

  • my q for lsbs who defend protection is; have you really tried? dam, glove or plastic wrap for oral sex? there are some recommendations in the websites for safe sex ..have u tried these?

    For I and my partner did, none of us could feel anything :S and we threw it away...I just had to believe in her loyalty and thats really tough..any experiences and advises? and I know on the other hand that HPV can be transmitted via direct skin contact..If there are no active lesions of HPV or a positive HPV history and if the couple is seronegative for HIV either what is the need for safe sex in a woman to woman sex..since it takes away all the sense you get from an oral contact..?? (PS: I am a MD, is that a conflict? :) )

    I also found an interesting suggestion here at

    "Use latex barriers every time you have sex for six months.

    After six months, both of you should be tested for STDs, such as herpes, HIV and hepatitis C. If you both test negative, and there are no other bacterial infections, such as Chlamydia, you and your partner may decide to have barrier-free sex.

    Remember this presumes that you trust your partner is truly monogamous. "

  • half as to say..?

    my gf has been with a girl..including kissing, touching (over the waist level) and then sleeping arm in arm..and nothing more..she told me the day after the sh.t has happened. (they were friends, the girl was crushing on my gf, and she knew it, she has invited the girl to her family's house and they have stayed together..)she told me she regreted what she has done, for she loves me and wants me and that she hasnt enjoyed the taste of her skin her touch..and that she has realised she couldnt do with anybody else but me..we are in different cities 800km.s away from each other meeting monthly (the most frequent) since 1 year. she told me she has felt so alone etc..against all my hate and humiliation, Im kinda forgiving her..but lost my trust and confidence on her..just wonder what u ppl would do in such a usual morality understanding says u could not trust a person who cheats..but this is not a whole and exact cheating..details do differ to I doing wrong?

  • Which song is this?

    I remember the music clip but have forgotten the name and the melody of the song..

    the singer girl takes revenge from her boyfriend by getting her beaten on the street, then coincidentally :) seeing him round the corner, and listening to him at a bar consolating him, while in the mean time her friends get into his house and tear it upside him laxatives and enjoying it..what was the name of this song..anybody remembers? it's a new song by the way

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Bi's and lsb.s, do u ever need a man in your life?

    I'm a 32 y old bi who has never have been in a relationship with a man, and has just discovered her sexual identity only 4-5 years ago. I've been flirting with a lesb during the past 6 mo.s who is 8 years younger than me, she is my first girlfriend & I love her. She has had experience with 4 girls in the past & she is sure about whats she wants (me:)).

    When it comes to me, no matter how I love her I have suspicions about whether she is the right one for me, when my logic speaks it says, u have nothing in common, but this does not stop me from loving her. Besides, recently I've been thinking whether I might need a man in my life in the future. I dont mean by means of sexuality, but as a spouse, a man identity & role is totally different & I doubt the adequaty of a girl (talking in general).

    I'd like to hear frank thoughts of bi or lsb girls who live with a girl, do u ever need a man's presence in your life? R there moments u wished a man took some responsability off your shoulders?

  • my first and last love, should I go ahead?

    I'm a bi f. My first love and I live 1000 km away from each other. she's 8 years younger than me, I'm 32. We met through a LGBT site. Neither she nor me are out. only a couple of friends know about it.

    It's been our fourth coming together within 5 mo.s and we are in love..we wish to be living together in the future..just a sentiment yet though.. homosexuality is disliked in our country (same sex marriages are illegal), it's likely that we be rejected by our families after huge quarrels. If we hadnt been serious about each other, there'd be no problem..but here she is..the one I love..young but so sure that she loves me, strongly believes she can't do without with so many questions in the mind..longing for her, wanting her by my side if that could only be possible..I hate breaking my family's heart, & I know thats whats gonna be if we come out..Besides I'd always been a lonely but straight standing person. with someone loving me so much I suspect whether I can make her happy

  • Are there any LGBTT ppl here?

    I just wondered.. I'd like to know if there are any (of course if they are willing to tell), and what are your opinions about LGBTT people..

    PS: I'm a bisx Turkish female

    15 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • Fried green tomatoes, did u know it was a lsb themed film?

    I've watched the film years ago, probably when I was a kid, but yet it was transmitted on TV a few years ago, but I wasn't aware that the close relation between the two women was lsbnsm..I thought then maybe some scenes were censored. I'm planning to download and check again, but what do you ppl think? Was that a strong friendship..or lsbnsm, the trailers weigh onto the second option when I watch them now (having found out I'm bi:))..So could that judgement of mine of that time be related with my ignorance, or was the theme so slightly mentioned that it was hard for a hetero to find this little detail out..?

  • The Izmir Meeting, have you seen anything like that before?

    I was there today, to support our Republic, Democracy and Secularism. Over a million people were there to share the same atmosphere and to give the same msg. People coming from each side of the gulf have filled the ferries with red and white colored flags..And all the beautiful sea shore was in red from one end to the other upto where eyes could see.

    I had never seen such a joyful, exciting, amasing view and never had I felt so proud of my country and my people..


    (dedicated to those who are desperately trying to change it)

    10 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • extrovert, high energetic unfaithful ppl?

    More extrovert ppl drive my attention more, but because of this character they are also unreliable, unfaithful ppl who will sooner or later hurt me..(the poor faithful and caring person). How do you ppl act when someone of that kind attract you, do you let it go against all the risks, or is it better ro stay away from those ppl..? What is your experience ?

  • I'm so sorry :(?

    I'm a bi, who has met a lsb on msn, met her alive just the past weekend, stayed in her house where she lives with her ex and another girl as housemates, I liked her, and feel like she did too, but because of my timidity (actually I must be regarded as an asexual at the moment) I could just not sleep with her the first night..(I arrived at night) the following night which was the last, we slept on the couch in the living room heads high, I woke up and went to bed as she told me to, hoping she'd come..but she did not, they just kept watching and smokin stuff, so I returned, after a while she just went to her room to sleep..where she and her ex sleep in seperate beds. that night (unlike the first night, when she'd asked me to sleep together like a joke, and I'd refused politely) I'd wanted so much to be with her. The ex seems so vivid a factor in her life, and me, so far from where she lives..yes I'll accept the fact, but still feel so sorry about it..any words to make me feel better?

  • virtual lovers, what am I doing?

    we met on a lesbian forum website (I'm bi), exchanged phones, improved a dialog as though we were lovers even though we havent even seen each other once, (for almost 3mo) she lives 455km apart from where i live, but we decided to meet against all the impossibility that surrounds us. the Q is, what the hell am i doing?? how can ppl become lovers without the touch of the eyes? Yes, shes got me with her way, mind & cuteness and achieved touching my heart but Im not sure that I even like her physically..I'm too confused, has anything like that ever happened 2 u? I feel it going all reverse...but yet desiring to meet her no matter how difficult that may be..

  • Professional lsb advices needed?

    theres this girl from another city with whom I've been talking on msn and I'll be meeting next month. Shes a lsb and I consider myself a bi which is actually an asexual..I think I experience problems of getting close to ppl (regardless from gender). Anyway, no matter how hard it will be 4 me, I'll try to be with her. I'm not sure about how to stay protected. Ppl offered latex or saran wrap for oral sex, and latex gloves for the insertion. Probably as a lsb with a past she already knows these but what if not? How should I ask her to use one? What if she does not get protected, how on earth will we be able to find these tools right in the middle of sth..?? I'm so pissed..and I'm not even sure I can do do u ppl get so easily close to smo u've just met..? help!

  • Are you a Turkish citizen or a world citizen?

    Well, my Turkish friends, this is sort of an inquiry question with only two of the above options and only one answer to choose,

    Answers such as "both" or "none" are not gonna be accepted..

    Just select one of them, and explain me why..My personal answer is "world citizen" Guess the answers to this question will show us how much we r ready to integrate with the "others"

    9 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • Lesbian movies' lead actresses are mostly teens..?

    I've noticed this recently, most of the scenarios are built upon the self-realization, and coming out of the "teenager lesbian girls around their 15-16's. Do you think the film industry is going to exceed its limits and come to the adults someday?

    There ARE some very important and interesting films with bright scenarios too but as far as i 've seen they form the minority..What is your opinion?

  • lesbian sex safety precautions..such a question would not disturb anyone, would it?

    i've just asked this question and it was removed??? Excuse me but this is no violation or no insult or against anything written in the community guidelines..Safety is a must, and lesbian sex is a fact, so my question concerning the health precautions must not be considered a i not right?

    If it is not forbidden or censored, i'm waiting for answers. Let's see what's gonna happen

  • Roma to Catania which airline to take?

    I'm a Turk, planning to go to Siracusa for work. My plane will land to Roma, from there to Catania (Fontanarossa) airport which airline firm should i prefer? (I only know of Alitalia) What are your reasons for that? Can i book online? Grazie ragazzi!

    2 AnswersRome1 decade ago