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Hi there, I am a 32 year old mother . I found yahoo answers out of sheer accident and it has been on since then. I like to ask questions as much as I answer them, and I always try to give an honest and fair opinion without criticizing and being judgemental, and I only hope that I get treated the same when someone answers my questions.
Bought a used car and it leaked out all the transmission fluid 2 days after I bought it. It was as is and mo warranty. Whose liable for this?
I bought a Mercury mountaineer premiere 2010. I checked it over and test drove it around town and the highway. It ride smooth and quiet and seemed to be a good car.
Well 2 days later, me and my kids were out and noticed white smoke plumes spewing from the back. We were on a busy interstate and my bf pulled us over
We noticed fluid heavily dripping from the front. Thinking it was oil, I called precision tube, thinking they'd left something open, I'd just had an oil change the day before.
They advised me to get a tow, which I did. And the tow truck driver informed us it was transmission fluid and not oil. The line that house the fluid looked severed into.
The driver told me to take it back and have them fix it. I bought the vehicle as is and they offered no warranty. I never dreamed this would happen.
But I want to know are they responsible for giving this? The car is not drivable with no fluid left. It could've been something the knew and didn't say or maybe something unknown. I just want it fixed
What do u guys think?
23 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years agoWhat's a good way to break the ice and start a conversation with a male co-worker I want to get to know better. I am new to the company.?
He is of a different culture and has a heavy accent. I am not sure where he is from, I find him attractive, but I am not sure if he is attracted to me.
He works in a different department, but our paths cross frequently. He greets me cordially, but not every time, he mainly keeps to himself, but seems to be willing to talk if I were to talk to him.
What should I say?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoCalled to come in for an on the spot interview with a security company. Interviews were to be held from 9am-11am. I left 2:30pm?!?
I got an email from this company I previously applied to, the email was stating they were during a mass hiring event to be held last Monday from 9am-11am.
For some reason, something told me not to be the first person there and it paid off.
As each person arrived, we were told by a desk attendant to sign in and wait in a board room type place and sit at a big table.
We all sat talking quietly among each other for 2 hours before anyone even came and started calling us back for interviews.
At that time, several people grew impatient and left, several others stayed. From my understanding, there were about 15-20 people who showed, but by the time they called me back, half of those people walked out because of the 2 hour wait.
I was called back and group interviewed by 3 men, only 2 asked questions, the other sat and watched my reactions and listened and wrote down my responses.
It lasted only 5 minutes, if that. And they asked me general questions about my work history and qualifications, and at the end, I was asked if I could be any animal, what would I be and why.
I answered a gazelle, and told them that gazelles are graceful and peaceful, but they are underestimated because they can be dangerous if & when they need to be.
I was told the interview was good and they would call me in a few days, but today marks 1 week & nothing from them.
BTW, I left there at 2:30pm!
I left there at 2:30pm btw!
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years agoI need new spark wires and plugs, I bought my own stuff but the guy who was gonna change all that stuff for me is now unavailable.?
My question is this, can I still get someone to do it for me, someone like meineke, precision tune or firestone?
Do you think they d be willing to do it for me without charging an arm and a leg?
I called and asked but did not get a straight answer...
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years agoDo I have a right to ask for a higher pay if offered a job?
I recently applied for a job online where they said the pay was one thing, and then when I interviewed, they told me the pay was 3 bucks less than what they advertised it being online when I applied. its a signifcant amount less, and for the physical job I would be doing, the pay cut to me is not worth it!
Should I just pass on the job or remind them of the false advertisement they are doing. The job pays 9, but they advertised it would pay 12!
8 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years agoMy car ran out of gas on the way to a job interview. what should I say to the employer?
I had to reschedule the first interview, the morning I was supposed to go again, my son got hurt on the playground at school and broke his arm. The second time when I was supposed to go, my car ran out of gas as soon as I turned off the exit to get to the employer. (even though it read I had half a tank!) what should I say to the employer at this point? Should I let it go or keep trying to interview with him? Its for a warehouse job.
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years agoHow can I find out the owners of a local rental house?
I am having problems with the tenants' unruly kids they let walk all over the neighborhood terrorizing everyone. They live in a rental house a few houses from me.
The kids are out all time of the night, they roam the streets freely and do whatever it is they want and here lately they have started taunting my kids whenever they are outside.
The parents are just as bad as the kids, so I doubt a trip down there to talk with them would do any good.
My kids are 11, 9 and 4. I have twin boy and girl 11 year olds. These trouble maker kids are 15, 11, 5, 7, and 3 and another child that just started coming over who is possibly older or a year younger than the 15 year old.
The older kids are the instigators and often try to get my 11 year old and their 11 year to fight. I am at my wits end and need a solution to this madness. Several neighbors are witness to these kids, but most of them are elderly and probably don't want to get involved unless they have to.
What can I do, seriously?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years agoIs it ever bad to reschedule a job interview at the last minute?
My mom was supposed to watch my 4 year old for me for an interview this morning for an entry level job position. The manager called me to set this up Friday, and scheduled me for 11 am today. Well, moms woke up feeling dizzy and sick this morning and now she is on her way to the doctor. Should I reschedule or take my child with me? She is well behaved and will sit if I can and explain the situation to the hiring manager.
5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years agoMy son just recently visited a friend of his and when he came back home, he told me that his friends dad was smoking weed in full view.?
He said a lot of the kids from school always said this kid's dad was the coolest dad because he smokes weed and doesn't make a big deal if his kids do.
I don't associate with him, so i have never seen this for myself but should I call CPS or just don't let my son back over there and leave it alone.
4 AnswersFamily6 years agoHow long are you supposed to wait to get pregnant again after you give birth?
Me and my co-worker have a long standing arguement because she thinks its a year and I say there is no time, as long as you are willing to pop them out, you will get pregnant. We have another co-worker that has a 6 month old and is already 2 months pregnant with baby number 3. The oldest just turned 2.
4 AnswersPregnancy6 years agoDo any of you let your teens do e-cigs or e-vapes?
My 16 year old has been hounding me to get one for him since most of his friends parents did, but I think it could lead to heavier things so I keep telling him no.
What do you guys think. Is it as harmful as they make it seem?
9 AnswersAdolescent6 years agoEx is still being a jerk, what gives?
I just recently called to order replacement insurance cards for my kids. My ex was court ordered to keep insurance on them, so he is the policy holder.
Anything that happens or I do, whether its a dental cleaning or what, his insurance alerts him. Well I ordered new cards because I missplaced them.
He will get the cards sent to him by the company,and then he has to send them to me, which he refuses.
It's been about a month and I know he got the cards already, but he won't send them to me and I need them. TI am not the policy holder, so they won't send them directly to me. What can I do?
We are not on speaking terms and he and I have not spoke in about 7 months.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years agoHow to handle an ex husband?
My ex husband will not respect my home. First he just started paying support after 2 years of job hopping, then now since he has stopped seeing his kids, he stopped calling too. He went from daily, to weekly, to monthly and now barely anything.
I work nights, so I sleep some during the day. Whenever he does call, its usually in the morning or late at night when the kids are in the bed.
I have asked him repeatedly to respect that I am sleeping in the morning and the kids are in school as well, to call in the early evening.
He just called a few nights ago at 1 in the morning. I was off work, but in the bed, when he called and woke me up, only to say nothing, but I could hear him breathing, and then he hung up.
What can I do besides change my number?
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years agoWas he fired or what or should we bother to ask?
My son is 16, he got his first job working this summer for a member of our church that has his own contractor crew.
My son worked 2 mths and all seemed good until the week of July fourth. his boss told him at church that they did not have any work for him to do, and that he would call around following Thursday to let him know of something they may have coming up the following Saturday.
We were told that they would call if the customer had work for them, and so Thursday came and no phone call.My son called them and no one answered or returned his call, so we figured they didn't need him that weekend.
Well, fast forward to Saturday, me and my son were at the beach, we got invited to go along with some family and we went.
Meanwhile, back at home, my son's boss had showed up looking for my son to pick him up to work and we were 6 hours away at the beach.
They left a message thru my brother, to have my son to call and he could work for them starting August 1; as he had been replaced for the remainder of July.
During our trip, we received no phones calls from him or his wife.
When we came back home and tried to call, they wouldn't answer us. They speak at church and act as if nothing ever happened! Never bothering to mention my son's position with them or lack of. They never formally verbalized he was fired, and when we see them, they speak but rush away as if they are avoiding a full conversation about it.
Should I say something or just let it go and move along or what?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoChild is 5.5 and still not talking good. docs say there is nothing wrong?
I know a parent that has a child and the child talks no better than a 2 year old. He can say hi, and a few other simple words and that is it.
He can read, write and spell, but cannot talk. he has been going to speech therapy but they don't see anything wrong with him!
This child is in kindergarten.
I keep trying to get the parents to get a second or third opinion cause I see that maybe something else is wrong, but thy won't listen.
The child is also aggressive and fights in school and his other siblings. Often for no reason.
Behavior wise, he acts like a 2 year old, although he is a big 5 year old boy. In restaraunts, he climbs all over the chairs and cannot sit through one meal quietly to eat.
And its not the normal antsy small kids get from sitting for a long time, this starts the minute you sit in a booth with him.
What do you guys think, have anyone seen anything like this before?
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years agoSon had his money stolen at school by a known thief, he was suspended 10 days for fighting the boy who took it. Should I call school board?
My 16 year old son had 71 bucks left from a summer job and stupidly, he took it to school in his wallet. A friend of his asked to borrow a dollar, and my son gave the dollar to him.
Well, my son not thinking anything of it, since they were friends and had been since middle school, he stuffed his wallet in his backpack and ran off to the bathroom before the bell rang for class. Leaving the bag in his chair.
This child was the only one that knew my son had this type of money on him and the only one that saw where my son put his wallet.
Fast forward to after school and my son gets home and wants me to run him by McDonalds for a snack, he looks in his backpack and the money is gone from his wallet, all 71 bucks.
Naturally he sees it as the "friend" took it. My son said this child is a known thief around the school, and has even came to him bragging about the things he's stolen from other people and showing them to him.
My son never would have thought the kid would take his things though.
My son was highly upset & the next day at school he confronted the boy, and the boy played dumb and acted as if he didn't even remember receiving the dollar my son gave him.
My son started the fight and threw the first punch on the kid until the school resource officer came; once he heard all the commotion.
They suspended him for 10 days, even though he has never been in any trouble before, and the officer is gonna charge him with simple assault?! is this too harsh a punishment?!
13 AnswersParenting6 years agoWhat can i do about the neighbor down the street, whose kids roam the neighborhood freely?
There's a rental house several houses down from me. It's a 2 bedroom house. Its 6 kids i usually see. The oldest and supposedly the kids babysitter is 15. The youngest is 3. Since 2 of the kids know my kids from school, I told them it was okay to invite the two to play on their trampoline. Which turned out to be a huge mistake. They were over everyday after that. No matter what time of day. Sadly, I never saw a parent or anyone in authority watching, the kids. I would have to call my kids in so these kids would go home!
I didn't really care for the older child, she bullied her cousins and had an attitude from start. She tried that nastines with my kids, often taunting them and being an instigator for her smaller cousins to fight my kids; until finally after watching her do this for almost 30 minutes, I came outside and told them they to had leave if they were there to start trouble.
It went downhill from there. Now, the 15 year old stalks my kids and rides her bike up and down the street beside my corner lot house. She will perch on her bike and pretend to be so engrossed in a text message, but than peddle home, she will be parked either in front of the house, but on the streeet, or on the side street. Ocassionally glancing up at it to see if she getting a rise out of anyone.
I;m tired of this mess, but talking to the parents is out. They don;t even watch the kids, let alone take concern over this type behavior. What can I do besides keep my kids indoors?
3 AnswersFamily6 years agovaccinations?
8 AnswersDogs6 years agoIf an interviewer for a job asks if I'm eligible for rehire to my old company, what if I don't know?
The hr lady from my old company was fired for doing a whole lot of shady things to potential and older workers. Hiring illegals, telling folks they didn't pass drug test-when they did, not calling people back to tell them start dates; etc. Even through that, I don't know if I am eligible for rehire with them. I was one of her victims too, but I just went on and tried to find something else and did not fight them.
It was part my fault and part hers, what she did was tell me she would excuse some absences and even when I brought in doc notes, she did not and they tallied up and I was fired for excessive absenes.
I have very bad arthritis throughout my body, and sometimes the pain was so bad I missed work. I was fired for this, but to potential employer, I don't want to shoot myself by telling them all this, so how should I go about with it?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago