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  • How should I continue my relationship with my ex?

    How do I continue this relationship with my ex? I'm going to try to sum this up as shortly as possible.

    Me: 21, had 1 real girlfriend, pretty normal and liberal, just enjoying my time with this girl. I think about girls (mostly hot girls on TV like Miranda Kerr, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Kat Dennings...) but no more than most guys. It's a feeling I can't really help. I have a lot left to do in the world and wish to have an open relationship today, including threesomes or group stuff; I want to try everything at least once to try. I want to be in film, which probably means living in California.

    Her: 22, has had no boyfriends, overweight but beautiful to me, hates herself and used to cut, demands a lot of attention because she's felt inferiority and verbal abuse in her life. She doesn't think it's okay to have time away or text platonic female friends; blames me if I am hit on by public passersby; doesn't think it's healthy to masturbate or watch porn if you're in a relationship -- considers it to be cheating. Obsessed with Japan and won't settle living anywhere else.

    We met 2 years ago this month.

    I also quit my only job 2 years ago this month (met her a week or two after). The government helps cover rent and some utility money. I donate plasma for the rest. 10% unemployment in this city and I have no official previous employment because I was paid under the table.

    Started dating one month later, in December 2011.

    I was her "first" with everything sexual.

    September 2012 - February 2013 We live together until I make the mistake of responding to an e-mail from a girl. Because I felt the fire was dying down on our relationship and I didn't consider myself attractive, I wanted attention and sent pictures of myself but never with met her -- nor did I intend to.

    During April - May 2013, we get closer together and have a physical relationship again without a boyfriend-girlfriend label. I can give love but I can't be a good boyfriend when I'm barely alive and have so little to myself. I'm trying to get better, to be her Prince Charming, and I can control my actions but not my thoughts.

    August 2013, she moves back in reluctantly because she has no place else to go. Her friend she was living with from February - August sent her a text to begin moving out. She doesn't want to go back to her mom and step-dad because she fears they will make fun of her for failing the relationship.

    Today, she tells me all my affection and gifts feel forced, I tell her the fact I've put up with all she puts on me should show her I'm planning on sticking around. She says I say I love her too much and I should say it a lot less. Her main concern about leaving me is having nowhere to go. The first time, it was like 10/10 for missing me and it would maybe be 5/10 this time. She first brought up being homeless. I hate the way she fights with me. 10 seconds into a disagreement, she's already made up her mind that she's going to take hours for me to talk her off the ledge. I tell her what's wrong with her and how she's too upset to think straight in the moment and she just yells "You're so mean! I'm sooo good to you." She's bringing in too many problems from before this relationship even began to have a healthy relationship, or even go 2 days without a screaming and crying. I fear I can never do enough for her. I fear we're just too different. I don't want to let her go. I care about her more than anyone but she can also be smothering and I enjoy my time away from her because it gives less of a chance for us to fight. Fighting is like 60% of what we do. I don't know if we'd be able to make it years from now, but she is who I am closest to and vice-versa. I just don't want her to be dead on the streets when I still have all these feelings for her. What should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How much does a studio get paid to sell the rights to broadcast their film to a cable network?

    For instance, how much do you think HBO is paying WB to air The Hangover 2, or Showtime paying DreamWorks/Disney for Fright Night?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • At IMAX theaters, what do they do with the screen during weeks when there's no IMAX movie out?

    Do they just project regular 35mm and digital projections on an 80-foot screen? Do they just not play any movies in that room anymore?

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • How do I make a gif of a scene from this movie?

    I want to make a gif out of the moment where Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins' characters dance, about 24 minutes into Cabin in the Woods. I downloaded the movie but couldn't find a software editor that would let me use .FLV, so I can't even get past the step of putting that clip into a gif-maker site. Can anyone help me?

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • How do I make a gif of a scene from this movie?

    I want to make a gif out of the moment where Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins' characters dance, about 24 minutes into Cabin in the Woods. I downloaded the movie but couldn't find a software editor that would let me use .FLV, so I can't even get past the step of putting that clip into a gif-maker site. Can anyone help me?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Can I get a woman's perspective on a recently ended (long distance) relationship?

    ...Or even male perspectives, but a woman's is most welcome here. I'm going to try to make this as short as possible:

    I met a girl (referred to here as "Hannah") last year through my friend (known here as "Jason"). Jason was friends with Hannah online, played XBox Live and did webcam chats with her. Jason & I live in Nevada. Hannah lives in Texas. Her and I started a relationship last year that lasted from about April to August or September. We got very serious, and made plans for her to come out here and for us to live together in the fall. At the end of July 2010, her texts stopped coming in right after I asked her things to delayed days after I had last texted; over a week some times. She has no job or real responsibilities, but claims family problems get in the way of her communicating more. So she had simply stopped replying to my texts entirely last summer.

    I called Hannah on her birthday of April this year. I left her a voice message that said I was very hurt she left me for no reason but I wasn't mad and wanted closure. She called back soon after I hung up, explained that a lot of personal issues started piling up last year, and she was sorry she chose to stop answering my messages -- she didn't know why it had to get like that. We patched things up, I forgave her (not telling her I wasn't satisfied with her illegitimate answer and that tortured my heart for 7 months -- I was just excited to have love back in my life!) and we started having a relationship again. It was great. Now, 2011: same situation, almost exactly. No texts since late July, and a few days ago, I left a long message on her voicemail that said I don't believe who she said she was, and that she was probably lying to me, couldn't officially break it off with me straight-up, and I'd never forgive her. I'm jaded now, so I wasn't as hurt. I couldn't keep on hoping she was in a coma or something that would justify her absence.

    What do you think was up? She must have really been a girl, because my friend saw her on webcam, but why was she leading me on for so long twice? She had very elaborate stories about how wild her family is - stuff goes missing, people are always sick and getting hurt... None of this stuff was even directly her concern and doesn't excuse not sending at least 1 text per day to the one you call the "love of your life." Tell everyone you're going to the bathroom, close the door, and it takes 10 seconds. What did she have to gain from me if she knew she'd have to come out here and face me as a person other than the one she represented herself to be? It just hurt my feelings and wasted my time. Sorry if I just wasted yours. Opinions, please?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Not being in school or having any co-workers, how do I meet girls? One kind in particular.?

    I'm 19, working at a smoke shop in a casino in Vegas, in between high school and college, so basically I'm at home a lot. I'm looking for a cute, nerdy, hippie, indie kind of chick. like Zooey Deschanel or something. How do I go about finding that kind of girl when I don't have the opportunity to naturally bump into her? Thought about posting this here for a couple weeks, but tried CraigsList first. That doesn't seem to work. I would hope the kind of girl I want wouldn't be on CraigsList looking for her geek mate anyhow. And I don't want to pay to use eHarmony either. I'm starting to think that kind of girl just isn't in Vegas. Any tips?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is there any way to found out an estimate for what time this year it will stop being so hot in Las Vegas, NV?

    I can only see so far as a 10-day forecast online, but is there any way to tell about what week this year, Las Vegas, NV will start dropping out of the 100's in temperature? I remember last year, it was still like this until early October. How can I find out if it will be any different this year?

  • How do I find someone so I don't waste this concert ticket?

    Queens of the Stone Age is playing here in Vegas this weekend, and none of my good friends like them. I have two tickets because I expected a friend to be in town by now, but that's not going down anymore apparently. How do I find someone to go with so I don't go alone? Where would the ladies who are into QOTSA hang out?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Is there an app like Yoono for the iPhone/iPod Touch?

    I have Yoono for Firefox on my PC and it's not for the iPod Touch. Does anyone know a good and similar app that lets you handle/update all your social networks in one and allows you to post your status to Facebook/Twitter/AIM at the same time? not Bebo

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How did the DC Comics Justice League get started? and also...?

    In reference to the story line, and not real life writing by Gardner Fox, how did the Justice League form? In two or three short paragraphs max, could you tell me who met who, then in what order did everyone else came along? I think originally, Bruce Wayne met Clark Kent then made the Watchtower fortress/meeting place for them. How does that work, with Bruce in Gotham and Clark in Metropolis? Where is the headquarters located and how can everyone easily get there so easily, (besides the Flash who can be anywhere in two seconds)? I want the most detailed but shortest summary you could give please.

    I know the original line-up was Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. I'm more familiar with the cartoon lineup which is pretty much the same, except swap Aquaman with Hawkgirl. What was their first conflict and adventure as a group in the first comics? I'm not that deep into the backstory.

    Also, what do you think would be a good plot for a Justice League movie, and which characters would you like in it? (10 at the most) Which Green Lantern should appear? I prefer John Stewart even though I'm sure Hal Jordan was the first Green Lantern.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Ipod touch 3.0 update - space required?

    How much space in MB's is required for the ipod touch 3.0 software update? I just paid $10 and was told - after the downloading process looked like it was going well and then stopped - that I didn't have enough space. How much do I need. I figured 30 would be enough but Lord.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • iPod Touch software update 3.0?

    If I buy it for my 1st gen iPod Touch, do I have to buy the update again if I get a new iPod Touch 2g later?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How do I get my 360 to accept my i.p. address?

    I'm trying to get onto XBox Live. I have a cable modem hooked which is hooked up to my computer with a USB plug and another line from the modem up to a Netgear wireless router 360 with the Ethernet cord. When I test the Live connection, Network Adapter is wired, rightfully so, but the I.P. address failed, even though I can see what it is when I go to my settings ( 11-digit number like that, right?). Does it help answer the question if I also include that this weird 360 didn't come with the HDD?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • sound on my computer low for no reason now?

    can anyone tell me why i have to turn the sound all the way up to hear anything on my computer now?

    it happened last night and I didn't even do anything to it. i just noticed all of a sudden that i have to turn it up so loud that my speakers are hissing and I hear the distortion. That's usually when i know my speakers are loud - that when no music or anything is playing, i hear fuzzy noise coming out.

    i don't have new speakers and i didn't do anything i don't normally do, so why is the audio suddenly so low?

    if you're thinking, "why? what's my motivation?" remember you get 10 points. thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • how can i make quicktime/itunes/windows media player movies fill the screen?

    i just got a widescreen computer screen. is there a way on iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. to make movies and other clips anamorphic and fill the screen?

    The bars aren't necessary anymore because both the screen and media are wide.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • porno virus?

    i just got this unwanted adware or spyware or something program that randomly makes popups that advertise porno sites (and also cell phone ringtones and online games). i already have a pop-up blocker, but that doesn't do it. how do i get rid of this?

    any anti-ad/spy-ware website you know that will block this? if i have a friend comin over and we're watching something online, i don't want that stuff popping up (even though it'll be kind of hilarious).

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • If you could buy any DVD that...?

    If you could buy any DVD that was released in the last year-and-a-half, what would it be? AND why? Answers only wanted from persons aged 20 and over.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What are some good REALLY indie rock bands?

    I've seen this question asked already, but people answer with bands that are pop already. An indie rock isn't popular. They're not on MTV or the radio and hasn't been heard by many people because they're on a non-mainstream lesser-known INDEPENDENT recording label (hence "indie"). Not Victory Records. Not Fueled by Ramen. Maybe Subpop. Or Vagrant. Real, unknown rock bands with at least one album out.

    8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago