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i'm 19 yrs old and i want to join the air force. i have two female cats: gray/orange tabby and a calico.

  • Can i get into legal trouble for stealing boyfriends blackberry cell?

    been together for a yr and he's been flirting with girls online and through texting since before we met but one of them lives only 2 hrs away and i went through his phone and found texts to girl in canada about him wanting her to move here and that he would support her and she doesnt want to move here so i stole his phone out of anger and gave it away to someone that sold it and now he's threatening to call cops if i dont give it back but he got it free with 2 yr contract and $50 to replace it and he actually wants me to believe he loves me and he even kind of wants me back but i cant deal with him flirting and he doesnt care that i gave phone to an ex felon who has 2 babies and that if he calls cops this guy could lose his babies. also he says its bc he doesnt care about other people unless he likes them and would love to see him lose his kids bc he doesnt like him.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can i go to jail or be fined for stealing blackberry phone?

    boyfriend of a yr has flirted online and texting through out entire relationship. so i went through his phone 3 days ago and saw texts about him wanting a girl from canada to move here and that he'd support her and join military and marry her for benefits bc she has lots of cavities and no dental insurance but she declined to move. so i got mad and stole his phone and gave it away to someone who sold it to someone else and i told him about everything bc i wanted to break up. he got extremely mad and threatened to call cops but he got blackberry for free with 2 yr contract and insurance only wants $50-60 for replacement. and he actually kind of wants me back after everything that happened tonight but i he will always want to flirt online bc he was flirting with them before meeting me and they almost all are long distant but my major concern is if i can go to jail bc if i cant get phone back then he'll call the cops.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What killed my pet bunny?

    i live out of city limits with 2 neighbors surronded by 185 acres and all three houses are close to each other and ive been having a lot of problems with one neighbor but my pet white with dark nose, ears, feet and tail went missing about a month ago and i just found what looks like him near that awful neighbors house today but the bunny is deteriorated a bit so its a little hard to tell if its him but there is no blood on it or anything. it doesnt even look like an animal killed except maybe the side looks like its indented like something heavy hit its side. the body was laying on its side and the side facing upward is where it looks indented and it was facing in direction of my house like maybe he was wanting to come back home. idk what kind of animal could kill it and not eat it and the whole not having blood on its fur makes me suspicious. also he was taken out of a pin that id put him in for a few hrs every day for a few months and it doesnt have a top but its high up so i have to hold onto side to lift my leg over to get inside to pick him up. he loves it in there so usually have to get in to get him bc he lived in cage inside of house. and also neighbors 16 yr old son had come onto my property that day and around my house and he constantly steals from me and i have to confront his mom to get whatever he takes back. and he destroyed my lawn mower with crowbar bc he didnt want to mow when they were borrowing it. so of course i suspect him.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Who is telling the truth? ?

    warning very long. both 24 and together for yr but he says his parents r to controlling and he still lives with them, so he can only see me 3 hrs 2 week. he says i should be happy bc he sees his friends 1 week but without me bc his friends dont like me. his parents hate his friends and hate him spending time with them. but they like me, he says that they never want him leaving the house in case they need him for anything,they r in 60s. but they told me that he's always out with his friends and that he spends the night with one of his male friends 3 times a week. i told him what they said and he says they r lying bc they r control freaks so they lie to not make them look bad. so idk who to believe or if control freaks would lie about what they do. and they say they only ask him to help their friends 1 month and not all the time like he says. also ive caught him in a few lies about why we cant spend much time togther and about how much spending money he has and 1 story about how horrible his dad is and lies about his family in puerto rico like them letting elderly lay in their own waste although that lie might be bc his parents were talking about taking me their to visit his family. i catch him in lies bc he forgets his lies after a few months and then says i dont remeber correctly but i tell my mom and friends what he says when he says it and they remeber same as me no matter how many months go by.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What age group wears sparkly hair clip?

    like a sparkly medium sized hair clip for pulling all you're hair back. im just curious as to what the cut off age would be.

    9 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is he cheating on me?

    boyfriend of a yr admitted to flirting online but wont let me see his profile. so i asked one of the girls i found out that he was flirting with and lives two hrs away if they've met in real life and if she knows if he's cheating on me or anything. but she told me its none of my business and that im bothering her and that she isnt dating him. why would she respond this way, does it mean she is hooking up with him but not wanting to tell me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is my boyfriend cheating?

    my boyfriend of yr admitted to having online friends that he flirts with and says is just for fun but wont let me see his i did a little digging and found out that he invited one girl over to his house bc she lives two hrs away. i contacted her on face book about me being his girlfriend and wondering if they've met in real life and if i should be concerned about anything. but she replied saying its none of my business and she isnt dating him and that im bothering her. so im wondering if she's upset bc i

    shouldnt be asking her or bc something really is going on?

  • What should i think about boyfriend?

    boyfriend of year posted twice on craigslist, bc he is in another state for 3 months. the first one is under platonic but the second one he made after a week of being away, its posted under casual relationships and talks about wanting to meet people to see if the town has a life and that no one from work wants to hang out and that they can use the hotels hot tub and he gave his number with two pics of himself and one pic he has his eyebrows arched although he is fully dressed in the pics. im sorry its kinda long but im just not sure if he's just looking for friends or fwb...thank you to anyone who answers.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should i think about boyfriend?

    boyfriend of year posted twice on craigslist, bc he is in another state for 3 months. the first one is under platonic but the second one he made after a week of being away, its posted under casual relationships and talks about wanting to meet people to see if the town has a life and that no one from work wants to hang out and that they can use the hotels hot tub and he gave his number with two pics of himself and one pic he has his eyebrows arched although he is fully dressed in the pics. im sorry its kinda long but im just not sure if he's just looking for friends or fwb...thank you to anyone who answers.

    1 AnswerValentine's Day1 decade ago
  • Do u think the guy i dated is gay?

    i dated him for a yr and he still says he loves me and wants to be with me but...everyone (friends of mine and my mom and people at work) thinks he's gay. they say its his mannerisms and the way he jokes around. also he lied to me about how often he goes to his gay friends house (only for parties bc its hr away) but his parents told me he goes over there few times a week and spends the night a lot over there. but i only see him 3 hrs 2 a week. also one of his female friends told me that he tells everyone he loves them but when he gets really drunk he goes on and on about loving his gay friend. also im not allowed to go to their parties bc of his gay friend not liking me. but when i wanted to break up he cut his arm bc he says he loves me so much..but idk if he's gay bc he flirts with girls online. im just not happy with how little i see him or him flirting online and he's parents would be devastated if he were gay so i think he's using me as a cover.

  • If you're shy should u just give up on dating?

    i just feel so burnt out on dating right now bc i dated a guy for a yr. were both 24 and im shy and he's outgoing but he complained about me being shy for the first month or two and then he just accepted it. but he rarely ever invited me to be around his friends and only invited me to 4 parties and only sees me 3 hrs 2 a week from 1st week till now and says im needy and high maintanence if i want to see him more and i gave up on idea of us partying together except if its with my few friends. he says he loves me but im not sure if i should even bother dating anyone after a yr of trying to spend time with someone who only made excuses for not having the time most of which turned out to be lies.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should i give up hope of rabbit returning?

    i had a white male 3 yr old rabbit that i'd put into a tall pin outside. i live out in country so i know that we have a lot of fox and i dont have a fenced in yard. he lived inside but id put him outside for a few hrs most days for months and now he's gone. no blood or fur was found and the pin has no top. so idk if a fox jumped in and took him or if my neighbor took him out bc theres been lots of drama and probs with neighbors next door. its been 2 weeks since he disappeared. i know he loved me though bc he'd hop in cicles around me so i dont see why he'd run away. ive tried looking and calling his name.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Can players tell if other people are?

    ive heard some people say that players can tell if other people are players. so tell me what u think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why would he want me to get to know his parents if he doesn't want serious relationship anytime soon?

    what frustrates me is how some guys say they don't want a serious committed relationship and flirt online and wont let u see their profile. but want u to get friendly with their parents. his parents like me and think were serious but he wont tell them the truth that i want a serious relationship but he doesnt.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why does boyfriend act like this? ?

    were both 24 and been together for a yr. he has from the 1st week we started dating only wanted to see me for 6 hrs 2 a week bc he says he doesn't want to jump into relaionship bc of past bad relationships and tons more excuses most turning out to be lies. but he says he loves me a lot. also if i complain about not seeing him much he calls me clingy and high maintanence, ect. he even admitted to flirting online with girls but he wont add me as friend and i cant see his profile bc of privacy setting. i just need help understanding his behaivor bc im not sure what to do or think.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do stalking jokes mean?

    what does it mean when u and a guy flirt and he starts joking about u staring, watching him and liking him a whole lot. but after a week of joking that way he asks u were he lives and to descibe his house and vehicles in front of it. so i had to just guess really badly bc he wouldnt drop it until i guessed and then he described it for me. is this just his way of flirting?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do you think this means?

    boyfriend of a year lied about having car payment that was suppossed to be amount of half his check. but i recently got into conversation with his parents and they said the car was payed off a year before we met. so why would he lie and always complain about being broke. i offered to help pay for dates but he was never comfortable with me paying bc he says the guy is suppossed to pay for everything but he has spent way more on dates than me. also one of his excuses for not being able to see me for more than 6 hrs a week was that he was so does it mean that he doesn't like me?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do you think this means?

    boyfriend of a year lied about having car payment that was suppossed to be amount of half his check. but i recently got into conversation with his parents and they said the car was payed off a year before we met. so why would he lie and always complain about being broke. i offered to help pay for dates but he was never comfortable with me paying bc he says the guy is suppossed to pay for everything but he has spent way more on dates than me. also one of his excuses for not being able to see me for more than 6 hrs a week was that he was so does it mean that he doesn't like me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should i stay with him?

    warning very long. i'm 23 and he's 24 we've been dating for a year and we met at work. but we only saw each other for an average of 6 hrs a week outside of work from beginning of relationship to now.then 3 months into reltionship i caught him cheating and went through his computer and he was going onto casual encounter on craigslist. so ive had trust issues with him since. and a few months ago i got a new job and yet he didn't increase the amount of time we saw each other. he's always made excuses most of which turned out to be lies like friday nights are family nights with his parents. i've complained about the lack of time we spend together which lead to arguments and bc one of his friends doesn't like me i can't be around his friends or go to there parties which happened 3 months into relationship and still a problem. also we can't spend nights together at my place ever bc he still lives with his parents they like me but bc of religion there is to much drama with his parents over spending nights together. he told me that he likes being around friends more than me and he told me he flirts with girls online and he likes talking more to those online girls than with me. he even said that he text messages them more and he sees them on web cam. he told me that im the worst girlfriend he has ever had and that this is the worst relationship he has ever been in bc he says i'm to needy and problematic and he has never had a girfriend who has argued and complained so much about relationship. oh and he also told me that he was thinking of moving out of texas and going to florida which is where one of online girls live. and i went through is phone and found out that they've been telling each other that they love and miss each other and flirt a lot. and he had a girl in canada sending him pics of her breasts. he says he love me but i dont believe him anymore also i found out from his parents that his car was paid off way before we met but he lied and told me he was still paying $200 every month. i've never asked him to spend money on me so i dont get why he lied about that. oh and other reasons he says he cant see me more are there is nothing to do and no where to go bc where we live is boring which is why he wants to move and not enough money to take me out and he said that he is to busy with taking one class and part time job.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago