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  • Does anyone have a "tried and true" recipe for Squash Soup?

    Have a few recipes on hand, but would appreciate some feedback as to some that have been tried and enjoyed by all (of those who like squash soup, that is!)

    Also, have noticed a few recipes that call for curry - would prefer to eliminate/substitue this ingredient - not fond of it...


    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Latest dance names?

    Recalling the 60s and the dances were "The Hitchhiker", "The Swim", and the 70s with the disco "Hustle", etc. Then there are the standards of the waltz, tango and the ever popular "Slow Dance"! What are the dance names of today, and what genre of music do they go with?

    (Thanks in advance to an 'older' out of touch former Twist champ - from the 90s not the 50s!)

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • TV Variety Shows from the 60s and 70s?

    I'm sure many of us remember all the great variety shows of days gone by -- Ed Sullivan, Carol Burnett, Sony & Cher, Tom Jones, Laugh-In...any ideas as to why they don't exist any more? Do we live in the video age...are the shows to expensive to one can be bothered to take the time and effort?? What do you think. Also, name others you enjoyed/recall...who would you like to see put on this type of show...fave artist of today? Thanks for your input.

    8 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Have you seen nude Britney Spears on cover of Bazaar Magazine?

    Looks like Britney doesn't have enough exposure (pun intended)...check out the link and especially the caption...guess she thinks she all grown up now! Even more entertaining is the pic of 'hubby' Kevin, "Mr. Spears" and his mission of dissolving the humble penny - busy life!

    If you're reading between the lines, you know what I think - what's your opinion of it all?;_ylt=Aplh9qX....

    36 AnswersCelebrities2 decades ago
  • Books - good and recent True Crime?

    I've read every book that Ann Rule has written and have found a few good other writers, but most of those are older books...any one found any good recent true crime books?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors2 decades ago
  • Did anyone see Her Majesty on CBC last night?

    Her portrait was being painted by Rolf, and an intimate exchange between the Queen and Mr. Rolf. Thought the program was delightful, as was Her Majesty...any comments/views?

    I especially liked how she was so down to earth and made the painter feel at home, and how he was so excited!

    3 AnswersRoyalty2 decades ago
  • BBQ/Barbecued Fish?

    For something different, I'd like to barbecue fish. Have been told that the best way is to purchase fresh fish (cleaned, de-boned, etc.), wrap it in foil and put on grill on low to medium. What seasoning are best, and do I add butter inside the foil? How long to cook and is low-med. correct? What fish is easiest? Unfortunately 2 of my family members will not eat salmon or tuna, but like almost any other type of fish...I'm thinking trout (?) (I live near a fish outlet where I can purchase fresh fish). Any suggestions and/or simple recipes would be appreciated! Thanks.

    p.s. - I BBQ'd large pre-cooked shrimp in foil and was ok, not great - perhaps because it was pre-cooked?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • Tourists in the Amalfi Coast, Italy?

    My heart has been stolen by gorgeous pictures of the Amalfi Coast! If I can get there (perhaps next year), is it quiet and calm, or is it full of noisy tourists? It just looks so peaceful. Also, it has been suggested that I visit Sorrento nearby. Is there a better time of year to go the places aren't too busy and the weather is still good (and not too hot!)?

    5 AnswersOther - Italy2 decades ago
  • Three places in the world we all must visit?

    I have a the calendar "1,000 Places You Must Visit Before You Die" (not greatest title!), and was imagining, that if we were all given the chance (money, time), what three places in all the world would you recommend that we see? (Could be one street in a tiny village or a huge province of a country, or a whole continent!) Wild imagination with an itching travel bug!

    15 AnswersOther - Destinations2 decades ago
  • Where were you when...?

    It is always interesting to hear what people were doing, or where they were when big news items happened, therefore, I'd like to hear where you were when (for those who are old enough!):

    1. JFK's Assassanation (Nov. 1963)

    2. Man Lands On Moon (July 1969)

    3. The Space Shuttle Challenger Accident (Jan. 1986)

    4. The Berlin Wall Comes Down (Nov. 1989)

    Just where you were, time of day, phoning someone, etc., as briefly as possible.

    11 AnswersOther - News & Events2 decades ago
  • Bake and freeze chicken legs/thighs?

    Anyone have some good recipes for chicken legs (drumsticks) or thighs that can be baked and then frozen until later? Good to have on hand when its really hot and humid rather than using BBQ...would serve with it, microwaved potatoes, frozen or raw veggies, few salads, deviled eggs, etc...if you've got some tried and true good recipes, bring 'em on...also, if you could advise how to wrap, store when freezing...thanks!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • HRT? - Question for women over 40 ONLY, please.?

    When I reached 40 years old, and after trying many years unsuccesfully to have children, I TOLD my doctor for the (then) 4th time, that I couldn't stand having a period any longer, that it was absolutely pointless to continue having to go through the cycle. It was only a reminder of what a 'normal' woman had, and why it was there in the first place! Had researched HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and knew about the method of taking birth control pills in order to stop the menstrual cycle, and FINALLY convinced him to write me a script for HRT, which also stops cycle. It has been a wonderful 5 years without the 'curse'! I am healthy but experience hot flashes, and probably peri-menopausal. Question is: Any other women using this 'method'? Also, ALWAYS really hated having my period, and ALWAYS thought it was revolting..any other 'mature' ladies ever felt this way? (not nicest subject, but need to discuss!)

    1 AnswerWomen's Health2 decades ago
  • 2000 Chev. Cavalier...warning lights come on for no reason?

    We've had this checked a few times - when car was under warranty and now that it isn't, by dealerships and private mechanics...the 'ABS', 'Service' and sometimes the 'slippery' symbols come on for no apparent reason...sometimes on start-up, sometimes when car goes over bump, sometimes 'whenever''s been suggested its just one of those 'stupid computer things'...anyone else experienced this, and if so, any final results, reasons?

    (only 88,000kms, 4-door, well maintained, etc...)

    3 AnswersChevrolet2 decades ago
  • Chev. or Ford? REBEL from the 70s?

    Was at my high school reunion on weekend, and there were a few cars on display to remind us all of the 'good old days' of them was a REBEL..can't recall the make, nor do I recall this car at all...absolutely love the old 'muscle cars' of the 70s...anyone familiar with this?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation2 decades ago
  • Tire pressure for a 2000 Chevy Cavalier, please?

    Unfortunately, my 'Owner's Guide' is temporarily missing, and don't always trust the guys at the local gas station to know these things...does anyone know what the correct psi/gauge for this is...4 door, 80,000km (if it matters)...

    (Have noticed a 'rocky' ride were changed in January, and considerable highway travel is involved...thanks!

    (p.s. - love my 'wee buggy'!)

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 decades ago
  • How can I (re)learn Mathematics?

    All you mathmeticians are going to have a good chuckle or want to try and pound math into this feeble brain! I am over 40 years old, and have ALWAYS had trouble with mathematics...can only do basics. In school, I only achieved grade 10 math, but excelled in English, Geography, History. Is there any type of instruction for someone like me? I would like to be better at math as it is said it sharpens the mind? Math has conquered me all my life, and now I want to take up the challenge and rise up to meet it! Don't want to learn calculus or trig., just 'less afraid' (?)p.s. - I live in Canada...Thanks for any help or suggestions.

    (Perhaps go back to grade 5 math?!)

    4 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago
  • What it a monolith generally made of?

    Saw this photo (see link below) re a recently discovered monolith in Northern Brazil that is thought to be an astronomical observatory. Stonehenge is (obviously) made of stone...just wondering what this could be...petrified wood, or also stone...

    (answers much dumdum here - maybe this question is in wrong category?) Thanks!

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space2 decades ago
  • CSI: Miami - Mon. May 8th episode - end of season?

    Was last night's episode of CSI: Miami the season finale? If so, what a cliffhanger!! Someone's got a gun trained on Horatio - yikes...'H' has broken my heart, anyhow, about to marry Marisol (sob)...anyhow, can anyone fil me in - is season finale yet to come?

    6 AnswersTelevision2 decades ago
  • A good book on Norse Mythology?

    Interested in reading about Norse Mythology...can anyone recommend a particular book? I'll be going to the library to search for info, but its always good to have additional input...thanks!

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore2 decades ago
  • For ONLY those who like/admire Barry Manilow...isn't his rendition of "Unchained Melody" lovely?

    I've never heard Barry sound so great...although he may come off as a 'has been' or a 'old pop dude', to some, and even I admit his vocals are weak at times. Many don't realize Barry is a very gifted songwriter, arranger and producer..He really sounds wonderful on the old Righteous Bros. tune (Unchained Melody)...agree or disagree - FANS OF BARRY ONLY!

    4 AnswersMusic2 decades ago