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Retired US Air Force Aircraft Mechanic. Civilian US Navy employee now. Love motorcycles and water sports. Avid runner but getting slower with age.

  • Family Law Question Concerning Child Neglect?

    My ex wife and her husband kicked my son out of their home one night. He is 18 now, has not graduated high school yet (in May) and the legal age for the state is 19, (Nebraska).

    He was told to be home by 11pm. he showed up at 2am. The house was locked and the garage door deactivated. He tried calling both his mother and step dad to have them let him in. They did not answer his calls. He spent the rest of the night in the backyard, from 2am to 7am. According to the weather report it was chilly that night with a trace of rain. Keep in mind, Nebraska in early April. Around 7am his step father opens to back door to let out the dog and when my son tries to enter the house he is told "the hotel isn't open for guests yet". Eventually they let him in and he is shown that his bags are packed and given three options; find a hotel, get his own place, or stay with a friend. He's told to leave and that he wasn't allowed back. From a personal note, his step dad is an ***. He likes to control and manipulate. He hit my 7 year old daughter with his belt back in 1998. They got pulled on the carpet for that one but I didn't press charges, which I should have.

    My son is one of those non-compliant teenagers. Somewhat rebellious but not severely. He could be if not given the proper guidance and mentor ship though. There is 1300 mile separation between us. I'm in south Texas and he is in eastern Nebraska.

    So anyway, my son texts me and tells me he has been "kicked out". I reply back, "kicked out of where, home or school?" He replys back "Home". So now I'm freaking out thinking that he's on the street homeless!?! But he then tells me he's safe and staying at a friends house. I talk with the parent of the friend, give her all my particular contact information, call my lawyer in Omaha, file a complaint with the state Child Protective Services and wait.

    The friends parent has a sit down meeting with my ex and her husband to discuss the situation. They tell her that she should adopt him, that they will offer no support other than keeping him on my-ex's insurance policy, but that she should pay all co-pays.

    Early in December of 2010, my ex wife contacted me asking to take him out of their home because he was non-compliant. I told her that I would after her graduated high school in Nebraska and that she would have to pay me 20% of her income in child support, until he turned 19. She didn't care for that idea at all and called me a crazy SOB.

    The legal age of majority in Nebraska is 19. He just turned 18 and they kick him out of the house two weeks after his birthday...nice. My lawyer is handling the financial situation, but what I want to know is, based on the data provided to me, has my ex-wife and her husband broken any laws? I'm thinking they did, like child endangerment, child neglect, child abandonment and of course ABUSE! He could have caught phenomena, frostbite, or whatever. You just don't treat people like that, especially your own flesh and blood! Oh by the way, my son looks a lot like me when I was 18 too.

    I want somebody in jail!! What are the chances? Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does my wife still love me?

    Yes I know she is busy all the time. Long hours at the hospital and all, (Dr. Type). But still, I do a ton around the house with cleaning, laundry, clothes, cooking, yard work, babysitting, dropping and picking up the kids, etc etc etc, plus work a 45hr/week real job. You would think she would make some time for me and our relationship. I've given her everything she has wanted, but it seems like she never listens to me now. I don't feel like a husband anymore, more like a roommate? I want to keep loving her, but I need to feel loved back. Hell, even a "Thank You" and a hug would be nice! Or am I just being to self centered and clingy? The situation is really, really, really starting to effect my moods. No I don't smoke or drink, just cuss to much now. Ladies, what is your perspective? Or should I just turn it over to God and let him deal with it? Thanks for your inputs, even the bad ones.

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago