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I am just an average Australian woman - happily married, working, trying to save up enough money to buy our first home :)

  • When did you feel it was the right time for a baby?

    I am 25 and my husband is 28. We have been married almost 2 years. People forever ask us when we will have a baby and to be honest, as much as we both love kids we just keep saying "when the time is right".

    But then I think about all the plans we have - we are saving for our first home and want to do some more travel. Will there ever be a "right time"?

    When did you and your partner make the decision that it was the right time for you?

    By the way people asking me this doesn't annoy me - I am guilty of asking the same question to my married friends at times! It just has made me look at our life to try and figure out what that "right time" will be for us

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Yahoo 360 "friends" - who to trust?

    I am new to the Yahoo 360 thing and have never been a "chatter" on-line.

    I am not a sweet naive person who always wants to see the best in people - I am always on the watch for "weirdos" as you might say.

    So anyway I had a comment left on my page yesterday by a guy - I checked out his page and it seemed innocent enough - he had no "friends" and his blog said he was trying to learn English. So I added him as a friend thinking "ok - I will email him soon and see what he is like".

    So today I went back to his page and suddenly he has several new "friends" - all attractive women!

    To me this guy seems like he is pulling the old "help me speak English" routine to try pick up women.

    Am i being overly suspicious or would you assume what I have?

    11 AnswersYahoo Pulse1 decade ago
  • Caffeine Withdrawal - Headaches?

    There was no coffee left in the house this morning - my worst nightmare. Although I do not class myself as a heavy coffee drinker (maybe 3 cups a day) if I do not have that cup when I first get up I get headaches and feel terrible.

    I don't want to give up coffee all together (it is my only guilty pleasure!), but I would like to be able to break this cycle of having to have a cup first thing in the morning.

    Do you have any tips for what I could do to break my bodies dependence on caffeine without giving it up all together?

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Best work function you have been to?

    I have been organising our work Christmas party for this year and it got me thinking about the best one I have ever been to.

    For me it would have to be the "mystery" party organised by a former employer. We boarded a coach and it took us to the Big Brother house. He had rented it out for the night and we had dinner there and we had challenged we had to do throughout the night. It was a blast!

    What is the best work Christmas party (or other work party) that you have attended?

    2 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Underweight adult - how to gain weight healthily?

    A few years ago my healthy (but always slender) husband had Ghiardia which is a parasitic infection. He lost a lot of weight and was on the verge of being hospitalised so they could put him on IV's to get more nutritients into him.

    Anyway he recovered from it, but ever since has been unable to gain enough weight. He is 194 cm tall and only weighs 69 kilos. I know a lot of people (me included) wish they could have this problem but it is serious because he needs to gain weight for his own health.

    However I am very conscious of doing it the "healthy" way and not just cooking him greasy, cholesterol loaded meals. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what he should be doing to try and gain weight?


    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why do you like Australia so much?

    Hi everyone

    I am an Australian and I am really happy when I read comments from so many people saying they dream of visiting/living in Australia.

    I love Australia but I guess because we are so isolated from the world we don't get to hear a lot of feedback about our country. So I am interested to know what it is that appeals to the international Answers community about Australia? Is it the beaches, weather, the people?

    11 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • Simple way to transfer everything to new PC?

    I am waiting on the delivery of my new PC and I will be disposing of my laptop once I receive it as this is on a rental agreement.

    I know there has to be a simpler way to transfer files from my old laptop to my new PC other than burning everything to CD and then moving it from the CD on to the new PC.

    I saw a program in a store the other day that said it assists you to move files between computers (it came with a special cord too)but it cost $100 and I really don't see the point in spending that much on a program I probably won't use for another few years after this.

    Please bear in mind I have no knowledge of networks so any reference to that will need to be explained clearly.

    If you need any technical info please make a note and I will post in additional details.

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Cycling for fitness?

    I am about to start a new job which is closer to home. I was thinking that to save money and get some exercise that I would ride a bike to work. The round trip for the day would be about 8 kilometers across fairly flat ground.

    At the moment I am a healthy weight, but could stand to tone up a bit.

    But last night my husband said I will get really muscly legs. I don't want to have chunky legs - just nice and average sized with some muscle tone.

    Does anyone ride bicycles - does it build your leg muscles up like my husband said it will?

    9 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Abandoned Property Law in Australia?

    2 years ago my housemate basically just disappeared, leaving behind his car and all his belongings (stereo, TV, personal effects etc). We managed to track him down - he had decided to move from Brisbane to Sydney to chase a girl.

    We asked him to collect his stuff and he told us he would within a few months. As this was someone we had known for many years we trusted this.

    Over the past 2 years we have repeatedly called him trying to get him to get rid of his stuff. We moved it all into our garage (his car was already in there and we are unable to move it as it has no gearbox and we don't have the keys). We always get the same answer "work is busy - I should be able to get up there in a month ir 2 though".

    We are sick of this. We have to park our brand new car in the driveway and we want to move from this house soon. We want his stuff gone!!

    We have asked the police and the local courthouse, neither of which have been able to answer how we get rid of it. Does anyone know?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Best way to cheer yourself up in a hurry?

    What are your sure fire tips for cheeting yourself up quickly? I had to attend a funeral this morning and I am now feeling quite sad. Not that there is anything wrong with grieving but I am at work at the moment and I have to go for an important job interview after work in a few hours time so I need a temporary cheer up technique to get me through the afternoon. What are your tips because all I can come up with is chocolate!.

    17 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Death of previous boss?


    I just received a phone call from a colleague who told me that my previous boss died very suddenly and that his funeral is tomorrow. He was a great man to work for and my reasons for leaving were not because of the company.

    I will attend the funeral tomorrow.

    I have not been to a funeral in about 10 years and this is going to be a HUGE affair in the city's major cathedral. Do you think I should be buying flowers and having them sent to his wife (who I only met a few times) given that she will have no doubt received a house full by now, or write her a card telling her how much I though of her husband?

    Also, do you think I should sit with my former work colleagues at the funeral or sit quietly at the back?


    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Have you ever had to cut contact with family?

    To explain the whole background to the story would take quite a lot of space. So I will summarise the bare bones of what is happening.

    Husband and I had a falling out with his sister last year. Basically her friend who was living with us told the sister a lot of lies about us (things we supposedly said and did) and the sister starting texting me with abuse, threatened to bash me etc etc. So we have not spoken with her since.

    Last night husbands brother texted us out of the blue and started abusing me, saying horrible things about me. We had not even seen/talked to him in over a month as he lives interstate. Now he is threatening us.

    We have done nothing wrong, and husbands parents have said they agree that we have done nothing wrong, that the 2 kids are on drugs and causing trouble. So we have decided to cut contact with the family with the exception of the parents.

    Has anyone else ever had to do this? How did you go when it came time for major family events?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What can I make with a can of 3 bean mix?

    I have a can of 3 bean mix in the cupboard. I have no idea why I ever bought it as I have no idea what to put it in to!

    Does anyone have any recipes that I can use it up in?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do you think that people lack basic respect now more than ever?

    It seems to me that the level of respect we show each other has declined sharply since I was a kid (and I am only 25!).

    I watch TV shows and kids are calling their parents and other adults terrible things. People no longer say please and thankyou to strangers and are even worse to the people they know. When people bump in to you they don't say sorry anymore.

    Do you think that we have become less respectful, and do you think that this has contributed to many of our societal problems?

    20 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Does it annoy you when...?

    Do you get annoyed when people don't bother to choose a "Best Answer" to their questions?

    I am seeing a lot of the questions I answer go through to "In Voting" because the asker has not come back and chosen a best answer. I know it is silly to be annoyed over such a trivial issue but I kind of feel that is it ungrateful to have people answer your question and then you just ignore the responses.

    Has anyone else suffered from Answers Rage?!!

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had an endoscopy?

    I have been having acid reflux and the doctor is suspicious of why (I am young and healthy, don't smoke, have good diet etc), so has given me a referral to have an endoscopy.

    Has anyone had this? Was it uncomfortable or painful?


    3 AnswersOther - Diseases2 decades ago