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    I COULD see the point of having a 'live coverage' reader IN the article/ AS the article-

    BUT they do not include a comments section as part of Yahoo! and the information above is taken directly from the pop up provided by Yahoo! about the reader.

    Is this really part of the terms of service as well? Welcome to the Yahoo! State I guess...

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • passport number on Letter of invitation changed?

    OK I'm currently living in China but I'd like to start working. I got all the needed documents to get my Z visa- but I had to get a new passport because I only had 4 months left on the one I have. SO now all my documents and medical check have my old passport number that's now been cancelled. Will this make a difference?

    I am going to try to mail my passport and all my documents to the US to get my Z visa so if there's going to be a problem I want to deal with it now, since I won't be there to deal with it myself.

    Also if anyone knows if there would be any problems with my visa if I'm not actually leaving the country to get my visa- please share them.

    1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates8 years ago
  • Sims 2- are there any mods for NL to allow community lot weddings?

    I just started playing Sims, so I'm kind of way behind everyone else but I've got a family sim that wants to marry off 6 kids as his NEW lifetime want. Thing is he's now an elder and I don't know if he'll live to see it since #6 had just become a teen 3 days after he was an elder. (I've got 3 adult children, 3 teens, and one child...just in case I loose one due to accident because the youngest teen has already died of satellite watching the clouds at a community lot the day he became a teen!!!! Luckily you can't die at a community lot)

    Any way, I would like the kids to be able to marry in a church (which I ended up having to make myself since all the downloads were for EPs that I didn't have...but now I'm stuck since I can't get the wedding arch to work. (made it residential and then changed it to community lot) I don't want to play that family until I can start using the church in case something happens to him- this is my legacy starting family but he's already died once and his husband (yeah all my sim towns are all gay and all girls are usually killed off) has died 4 times- for some reason during their pregnancies they just keeled over despite having green stats, not to mention the satellite that killed their son- I've found them to be quite unlucky. Plus his husband is still young so he works and the elder is home alone during the day- so no one is there to plead with death.

    Any help? And if you don't like the fact that my sims are gay then please keep your comments to yourself about it and just answer the question- my beliefs and yours do not mesh but there is nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind...and the fact that I want them to be able to wed in a church (which is NOT christened by god because it's a GAME) doesn't really matter since it's not REAL!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Japanese translation for this CD?

    I've had this CD since it came out in 1998 but my daughter just scratched it up this morning- I would like to get the Japanese translation of the name of the CD and song tracks please? And do you know what kind of music this would be called? I probably won't be able to find this exact CD again but I might be able to track down the individual songs if I'm lucky.

    Here's the picture of the name and song list

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerJapan9 years ago
  • Psoriasis advice? Recently moved to eye lid and face area.?

    I've had psoriasis on my elbows for about 2 years, it's relatively small and hasn't grown much since the time that it began. A few months ago I noticed I started getting the scales on my scalp. But in the past few weeks I've noticed a spot on my eye lid that was once pimple like has now turned to what looks like psoriasis, and there seems to be another on the bridge of my nose. The one on my eye is just above the fold of my eyelid. I'm not really 100% sure that these two new spots are psoriasis...because I've never been officially diagnosed due to health care in China but looking at the pictures and reading about psoriasis I'm almost certain that it's what I have on my elbows and scalp.

    Since I'm living in China it's really hard to go to the doctors at all as I can't speak Chinese and most of the time that I do go to the doctors I get some crack pot trying to convince me they know what they're doing (I was once told to drink a shot so it would work quicker! Oh and I got prescribed a cow URINE paste for an open wound!!). I'd like to know if I should start watching out for my eyesight since it's on my eye lid, how can I get it to go away, or anything else I should be looking out for. I've read a lot online but I'd like to hear it from either someone who knows about medicine or actually has psoriasis.

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Jaw and gum area pain- in the bone, at an old extraction site?

    I cracked one of my lower right side molars about 6 years ago and they extracted it, in the area there is no tooth just gum area. I woke up this morning to a dull pain in my neck just under the jaw at the area of the extraction. After washing my face I noticed that there was also pain when I pushed on the area of the jaw on my face, and after eating breakfast there is intense pain in that same area of the gums. There are no lesions or abrasions to the interior gum area. The only thing that I've noticed is that I'm having some issues with an old filling on a lower left side molar, it seems sensitive to cold and hot- for about a week.

    Unfortunately I've been living in China for the past 8 years so their cure for a tooth problem is to extract it...I don't want to lose another molar on my lower jaw. I've only got two left, and if they extract the left one then I won't have any lower molars on that side. I've asked about getting a crown put on it before but I was told I'd have to go through the procedure of a root canal with NO medication (novicane or anything else)- In the states I usually have laughing gas since I have a dental phobia.

    My question is- are the two things related? Or is the right side jaw problem something else? It's not like I can go to the dentist and get an xray of the area because they don't have those kinds of dentists here. Since I'm in a small rural town most tooth problems are dealt with at small open air shops along the if it might be serious I would have to take a 5 hour bus ride to a big city.

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • What are some great and easy meals and snacks for a 3 year old...but there's a catch~?

    Most of you probably took one look at the question and though I was being too lazy not to look this up on the web, I'm sure. BUT here the thing...We live in China. So 99% of the recipes that you can find online, I can't actually make here. My daughter's taste in food is pretty 'picky' (for lack of a better word), my Chinese in laws tend to feed her things like duck feet, frog, fish heads...and other garbage oriented things. Well the in laws have gone away for extended business and left my husband and I in charge of her food...but I don't know what to make.

    We only get things that you can find at a farm (minus the milk products)...the only milk we have access to is shelf stable milk. For some reason yogurt is here in abundance though, go figure. There is no cheese unless we take a 3 hour bus trip to a main city...and even then it's sliced processed cheese. No beef to be found and although I don't like to- I will buy pork, chicken and duck (they kill chickens and ducks on the spot and I'm not all that big on actually going food shopping)

    My daughter doesn't know that breakfast has different food than lunch or dinner, and has no idea about sandwiches either. She does like peanut butter though.

    We have ONLY fresh garlic, ginger, and common veggies for flavoring anything (well we can't get brown onion only red) and anything baked will have to be attempted in a toaster oven that has seen better days.

    We live in a small mountain town in the Sichuan area so MOST food that they cook are too spicy for she and I to on most days we have to actually soak our food in water before we eat anything including meat. It's more nasty then you could ever imagine. For all of you who think we should move...I wish. We'll be here for about 10 more years. I run a school here but we moved from a BIG city in China (where we had access to a lot more western foods) to a small town so that she could get to know my husband's family before we move back The US.

    SO if you have some great ideas on what I can cook for her, while introducing some great western foods PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me!

    I'm begging you. Please!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • WOW Cataclysm 4.1.a advice on what to do first- it finally made it to China!?

    OK so I'm in China at the moment and our big moment has FINALLY arrived! In just 16hours and 42 mins we will ACTUALLY be able to play Cataclysm, But the only things is, we were not expecting to get it for the next year! Yeah I've been casually reading about cataclysm out of morbid curiosity but nothing too serious...until my husband informed me yesterday at 6pm and we would be getting it in the next 2 days.

    I am actually REALLY excited because for the most part I've always played WOW in Chinese- even though I cannot read Chinese at all. I relied on my husband and another guild member to translate when they could for me and just fumble along in the dark. (I actually got my first English version about 6 months ago but I had already hit 80 and never bothered to read anything because I had already memorized most of what I did day to day) SO Finally getting to explore and know what the heck is going on is great.

    BUT I would really love to cut a few corners and stay away from big mistakes- so I was wondering if anyone had some tips on what I should do and what is basically a waste of time. What should I do first and what I should focus on. I'm a dual spec priest by the way (shadow/holy), Herbalism/ potions.

    Thanks in advance for your help...and for those of you who just want to tell me how much WOW sucks don't bother- this is the only thing that I really can do in China for fun and that's not what I'm looking for.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • I can't believe what I found on a children does stuff like this make sense for children?

    I had just found a website that looked like it was aimed at girls, it has a collection of flash dress up games and other things that a young female audience would enjoy. So I figured that my daughter and I could play the games together (she's only 3 but they had the Disney Fairies and she likes to play dress up with dolls). I of course went through many of the games looking for stuff that suited her age and my taste. When what should come SCREAMING off the page as I glanced at a listing of games...

    "Sweet MOM to be" dress up game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I of course thought that it had to be a typo or something else then what I thought it was, so I tried it out. NO typo there- it's actually a game where you can 'dress up' a pregnant (she doesn't look like a woman- she looks like a TEENAGER) person. You can even change the backgrounds- one is the outside of a building with HOSPITAL written on the front and the other is a GYN examination room. I was more than appalled that this kind of thing would EVER be considered a good idea for a game. I started looking around the site for more information, so I followed the "For Advertisers" link and found that they provide this information for their perspective advertisement.

    Our resource visits more than 1.5 million girls monthly at the age from 7 till 21 years, spending on a site more than 12 minutes for a session.

    Our audience:

    Girl's age:

    From 7 till 12 years - 15 %

    From 13 till 17 years - 75 %

    From 18 till 21 years - 10 %

    Appropriate Ad Categories:

    Entertainment, Beauty&Personal Care, Shopping, Lifestyle, Food &Nonalcoholic beverages, Games&Toys, Online communities, Sports, Education.

    (At least the scan advertisers before they put them up...but apparently games do not get such a rigorous screening.)

    Is it just me? Am I getting old? Is it just because I'm a teacher and I had my daughter later in life that I find this inappropriate? Some feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Can't stop thinking about the little daughter I lost 4 years ago...?

    I lost my little girl when I was 37 weeks pregnant, it devastated me. She was fine that Tuesday, we were having some growth issues but they assured us that she was fine and had a strong heartbeat. Well on Saturday we had an appointment for a birthing center because we didn't want to have her in the hospital near our home because it was a Chinese Medicine hospital. (I forgot to mention that we're in China- then and now) So we go in on Saturday...and they can't find a heart beat. She's gone, we lost her and didn't even notice. Unfortunately we had gone with friends because they we're helping us get into the center on short notice- usually you have to book it when you first get pregnant. And I lost it, I couldn't accept it as real...I couldn't stop shaking- I was so sad that I was angry! I wanted to hit the doctor- I wanted them to be in as much pain as I was, as she sat there with a 'solemn' face. Even thinking about it brings back the same feelings.

    But things got worse from there...

    My mother finally convinced me to go back to the doctor after 4 days, they said I had to be induced because she wouldn't come out on her own. So I went, into my own real life horror story- I went willingly. They gave me the injections for induction and luckily I had my own room (kind of- since my husband and his mother both slept in the room with me). Well I started contractions and I wanted an epidural or something that would stop the pain (we later learned that she hadn't turned so it made it hurt a lot more)...they wouldn't give me one. They said that the pain would help the baby come out faster??@?@ Finally I couldn't take it and I sent hubby out to find anything for the pain- even aspirin, I didn't care I just needed something. So he goes out to get something- mother in law had to go home to cook, and that's when my water broke...I finally got someone to come to me (expecting that I would have to go to a delivery room) NOPE- I was to have my baby on my hospital bed...the same bed that they expected me to stay in for the rest of my stay there. And since they were so dang slow, the baby was already coming out by the time any doctor was there to help me.

    Finally delivered my baby, and I asked to see her- they said no. They wouldn't let me hold her, see her, touch her to know that she was real...what they did do hurt the most. They picked her up and wrapped her in a bio hazard bag and put (threw) her on the ground while they got the placenta out. Even writing this I can see it all...

    Unfortunately/fortunately I was pregnant 7 weeks later. We had the same growth issues as the first and I was a wreck- after weeks of asking for an early delivery we finally found a doctor who said that we NEEDED to have our 2nd daughter delivered IMMEDIATELY or we'd lose her too. At 37 weeks I had a c-section and delivered a 4.3lb baby girl.

    What makes me so much angrier/sadder is that I TOLD those doctors the first time that she would have been better if I delivered early- but they said I didn't know what I was talking about and they wanted BOTH babies to be bigger before they delivered.

    How can I stop reliving this?? How can I stop torturing myself thinking about this? I feel like I'm going crazy when I think about it- it's been 4 years almost to the day. I watch our daughter play and I can imagine her and her sister, I look at clothes and I want to save them for HER. Like she's just missing right now and she'll come back...why???????????????

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How much does your child weigh and eat at 3years old?

    Ok my daughter is 3 years old and only 26lbs, she's still wearing clothes for 24 months and she just barely grew into them. She doesn't like to eat- or rather she doesn't like to chew. Any thing she has to chew she'll spit out...she'll drink soups, and congee (kind of like rice soup? we're in China so it's a regular food here) but nothing really else. She won't any meat at all- but she'll eat boiled broccoli, white radish, and pumpkin but they have to be soft.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Does she seem like she's not getting enough and that's why she's so small? I know part of the problem is that she was only 4.3 lbs (39 weeks full term)at birth but shouldn't she be catching up by now? I would love to get a nutritionist to help out with her....but since we're in China they don't have them. I have resorted to giving her fortified bottles of milk 3 times a day because she wasn't eating or for nap, one at bedtime and one at 2am so they don't interfere with meal times.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • World of Warcraft WOTLK- yeah we're barely getting it this week in China?

    Ok so for those of you LUCKY enough to have been playing this since it came out in the US- what is the best way to level up? (We're still level 70) What needs to be done first? What is a good way to get gear? Any suggestions for a Rage Warrior and Shadow Priest team...he is the only one that reads Chinese so I have to go with him or just farm monsters.

    We actually stopped playing about 2 years ago because after we hit 70 there was nothing much to do. Almost our whole server either stopped playing or went to the US or Taiwan servers. We went from running instances to having 3 people a day show up in the entire guild...there are usually about 100 alliance online at peak hours, but we're expecting a trickle to come back once WotLK starts up. SO we want to know what to do...most of the others coming back have already played it on the US servers so we're way behind them.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Looking for Chinese male friends in Tianjin...where do I look?

    Ok I'm 36, kind of lonely, a little married and need someone just to play with. I have no idea where to start looking, does anyone know? (don't give me flak for being married either because my Chinese husband spends all of his free time either watching soccer or playing computer started with the birth of our daughter 2 years ago and I've given him ample chances and warnings that if he doesn't pay attention to me I'll move on)

    I just want someone who will notice me and I can have fun with.

    6 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • How can you stop dirt from entering house?

    Ok I live in a desert area and I recently moved to a new apartment...the only problem with this new apartment is all the dirt that seems to be blown in! Everything is covered with dirt a few short hours after I clean and with a 2 year old to top that off it seems like I can never stop cleaning! We only have an AC in the master bedroom so closing the windows isn't really an option since it's only a window unit and can't cool the whole house. But it's driving me mad. Especially in the kitchen when I gets unbearably hot but if I open the window everything is covered in dirt! I'm trying to jerry rig something for the windows to help filter some of the dirt out but even if I close the curtains with the window open it still manages to come it. Any ideas about what to do?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What do you think about toddler TV programs?

    Would you be willing to let your child watch a TV program that has exercises, dances, songs and maybe excursions?

    I have a 2 year old and I hate letting her watch programs/ cartoons since I don't think that her sitting in front of the TV is good for her...but since I live in China it's the only place she gets to hear English other than when I speak to her. We watch Disney movies and Elmo together but I don't think there is enough interaction. My husband works in TV here in China and I was wondering if there would be an audience for a Toddler exercise program.

    What I'm thinking about is having is a program that the kids at home follow along with. They have something similar here in China but not exactly what I have in mind. Like first doing an intro song and a little dance that is easy for toddlers to follow. Then introducing a going to the zoo or the supermarket, where we would take other young children out and introduce words and such. Then cutting back a studio and having exercises- like flap your arms like a bird, hop like a bunny, in a Simon says format. And then teaching them a dance- like the Chicken dance or something. Maybe a reading section where we read the book and have the kids act it out.

    It's just a base idea at the moment but do you think there would be a real market for it or no?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 2 year old daughter is having explosive pale diarrhea, what should I do?

    Okay I know a lot of you are going to tell me to see the doc but I live in China and I've already done that. They tested her poo for parasites and sent us home.

    Here's the situation

    Female 2 year old

    22 lbs

    Explosive diarrhea for more than 24 hours- Light yellow/ almost white in color- no solids- yogurt smell (I'm not sure why but it's got a STRONG yogurt smell!)

    No fever, I'm not sure about the chills (it's cold here anyway and she's all bundled up- plus she can't talk), and she seems to want to eat regular foods but her diarrhea seems to get worse.

    She's pretty active still but gets occasional cramps

    We've restricted her diet to rice soup and formula

    She has been refusing to drink (until about an hour ago when I gave her some watered down grape juice)

    She seems to be tired but that seems to be the only side effect.

    Went to the doctor and the idiot tried to tell us that they couldn't take the stool sample from a diaper...we went directly to the lab and they said no problem, but the doctor only tested for blood, white cells, parasites and color!

    I need to know if I should suck it up and take her to a western doctor or's about $700 USD to even be seen (no tests included) and since I've been working in China for 8 years it's just about half a month's salary. Any suggestions...oh and I'm battling my Chinese mother-in-law to try to get her to use the BRAT diet, but she won't let me.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 2 year old has anger issues?

    Okay about 2 months ago my daughter started spitting at people when she's angry, I don't know where she got it (although I do think it was from our previous nanny who has been let go for OTHER reasons) . She used to hit but I was trying to get her to stop and she did- but now she spits! Well at first it was only when she was mad and she'd spit at the person she was mad at...but now she spits anytime she knows someone is upset at anyone else! Tonight I just noticed when we watched the Lion King 2 that when Kiara is arguing with Simba that she was spitting, when my husband and I are upset (not yelling) she'll spit as well. I was trying to teach her to speak that she's angry but she doesn't talk much anyway...she's 2 years old and only has about 25 words (she's bilingual so that's 15 Chinese words and 10 English- we live in China). What can I do to stop spitting and what can she replace it with? Is there another action other than hitting and spitting that will help her get her point across?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Can I use Honey smacks to make a rice crispy treat?

    I don't know if I actually can do it but I only have honey smacks on hand and I want to try to make something like a rice crispy treat with marshmallows. It's a little hard to find rice crispies since I live in China...can it be done using the same recipe?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • can I use baby bottles as measuring cups?

    Ok I live in China and they don't use measuring cups I'm assuming since I've searched all the stores...but I'm trying to make a cake mix and I don't know how much 2 1/2 cups really is. I have our daughters baby bottles and they have ounces and ML on the side...can I use that instead?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago