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  • Installing windows 7 error loop?

    I was doing a fresh install of Windows 7, unfortunately during the last phase of the install, the power cut. Now when i try to boot the system windows begins to load, and either displays an error saying the installation did not complete, restart to complete (which i have tried doing), or it just reboots and goes in to a loop. so first there is that...

    Secondly, I have put the install disk back in, i have tried booting live CDs (gParted, SystemRescue) with system tools, but those do not get recognized and the system simply boots to a flashing prompt, of which nothing can be done. if i push any buttons the system beeps and that's it.

    So I can not do a fresh install and booting up from other sources does not seem to help, even from usb.

    can anyone offer any help or advice?

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • i get notifications, but i can not see comments people are making on facebook?

    even if i refresh the page, they do not show up. is there a fix for this problem?

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • I would like to eat my girlfriend out?

    ...of house and home, what is a good strategy to take?

    2 AnswersLondon10 years ago
  • i have a portable hard drive i would like to secure. I don't want the contents to be accessed.?

    Upon plugging in the portable drive to the PC / Laptop, I would like there to be some sort of password required before the drive (along with the files / applications) can be accessed. I am not sure if this would fall under data encryption or drive locking?

    Could someone please recommend software that might fulfill this purpose.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Dual boot menu problem Vista / Vista 64?

    I have been using Vista for a while and really enjoy it. Last night I partitioned my HDD so that I could install Vista64 on the second partition.

    I inserted the installation disk (it wouldnt boot from the disk even though my BIOS is set up) while in the original Vista.

    Once the setup began to run in Vista, it asked where I wanted to install the new OS. I selected the second partition and begun the process.

    Everything went without a hitch and Vista 64 works great, it even finds all 4gb of ram.

    So the problem is this, when I boot up my PC, the boot menu comes up and I have two selections:

    Microsoft Windows Vista


    Microsoft Windows Vista

    BUT, I am unable to make any selection, although I see the countdown and I have the option to press "enter", "tab" etc.. for different things, the menu is unresponsive and boots in to Vista64 (the top selection) at the end of the countdown.

    I can not get in to the original Vista partition to do anything.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Command and Conquer 3, recommend a PCI video card?

    Please help! I have an older system and would like to play C&C 3.

    I only have PCI slots (not express or anything like that). So if someone else is running C&C 3 on an older system with PCI video card, please recommend something if it is working well for you.

    I appreciate everyone's opinion, but please don't tell me to buy a new system or build something, that is just not an option right now...

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Ubuntu doesn't install?

    I received my disk from Ubuntu in the mail. I put it in my cd drive, restarted the system and the install page with other options came up. But when i select to install or run live cd, it begins to load, then without any pauses or glitches, my main boot-up page comes back on and lo and behold, I am back at the main Ubuntu selection page on the live cd.

    I seem to be caught in some nasty circular type of problem. I cant run the live cd and cant install Ubuntu, yes, my bios is set to boot from cd first but somehow the options i select from Ubuntu don't get me anywhere.

    Any advice that can shed some light on this problem for me would be greatly appreciated.

    I have run live cd before, but can't find that disk, but an original from Ubuntu direct should be the best source right?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • i would like to install ubuntu on a brand new HDD?

    I have the installation disk for Ubuntu, now what? I want to run a dual boot system, so do I need any additional software? I have tried running the installation, but it seems my current HDD is already partitioned with "secure" areas that I can not delete to progress. i am buying a new HDD and will first install Windoze XP, but then want to continue with Ubuntu. I know I need a partition for XP, then Ubuntu, then a "swap" partition for my files that both systems will share. Any help would be appreciated!

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago