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Has Yahoo Banned me, blocked me or?
I read my news on Yahoo but am getting ready to switch to a media web site. I read stories here, and like to comment. I've never posted a message demeaning to people with different views but I state my opinion. I would think my opinion probably doesn't suit them, but now its not working. I can't vote up or down anyone's comments, when I post an opinion it shows my username and no comment underneath. Sometimes it says I'm logged in but I can't do anything. I get odd error messages when I try to click on the link to "view my comments." So I'm curious if they just banned me and didn't tell me?
1 AnswerNotices and Errors9 years agoHow far can you drive on a kilowatt hour in a Volt or Nissan Leaf?
In California PG&E territory we pay .33 cents a kilowatt hour. I'm curious how far we could drive on that in one of these cars?
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation9 years agoHow to write Mr. Rangel?
I really want to write an email to Rep. Charles Rangel. Yes I'm a conservative Republican but I've always liked him want just wanted to send a note of encouragement, but congressional web sites only let you email "your" congressman and I want to email him. Does anyone know how?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow can we get Obama to nationalize the legal industry?
He is working on nationalizing, banking, insurance, health care, auto companies, and just took over student loan why not the legal industry? He could call it "tort" reform and make it so all attorneys work for the government?
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoI thought children were off limits in politics?
Wasn't there an unwritten rule about politicizing the children of elected officials?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy does the media say the health care bill extends coverage to millions?
I thought the bill was requiring the millions to buy it, and even if they don't want too buy it they have too? Is that the same as "extending coverage to millions?"
6 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs the "payroll tax" in the health care bill?
This "soon to be deemed" complete health care bill in the senate; does it include an 8% payroll tax for "any" business that does not currently buy health insurance for its employees? Some say it does and some say it doesn't?
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHas the "great generation" screwed us all up?
We have an immediate debt of more then $12,000,000,000,000 (that is 12 trillion).
We have unfunded mandates for 50 to 70 trillion more insocial security and medicare.
We have an unknown extreme deficit in the lack of infrastructure.
And in the next few days congress will impose upon the younger generation a health insurance bill so that we can afford "health care" for the older generation.
Did the "great generation" just screw over the rest of America?
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDid you see the youtube video announcing J.Russell is in therapy for Lethargy?
It is done up like a news report, but I didn't know if it was real or a spoof? I would think if it was real ESPN would be all over it - no? Lethargy = Chronic Laziness
3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoDoes anyone know if there is a report telling us how much is paid out for law suits each year?
What I am asking and can not find on the Internet is for a dollar figure in the US for how much courts award to people and how much people are paid in court ordered distributions each year? Is that number out there anywhere?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIn the spirit of higher taxes and soaking the rich; why not hit the lawyers?
There is an article on Yahoo News about some law firm working up a $3 billion law suit against the Toyota. Fine; if the administration wants to limit the bonuses of people under contract with finincial companies why not limit what lawyers will get. Why should they get 50% of such a law suit; and the same goes for all lawsuits....why can't we limit the lawyers "take"?
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDo you think our taxes should double?
Academia, Media and no doubt Government do....
24 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat is the scoop on Obama's drinking problem?
Drudge report seems to be the "only" source of a statement in his medical review suggesting he needs to moderate alcohol intake? Is it real or is Drudge making this stuff up?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat is the difference between Ron Emanuel and Karl Rove?
Is there any difference?
7 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs adding $3 trillion to our nation debt Obama's idea of wealth redistribution?
He clearly believes in soaking the rich and redistributing the wealth; and if he can't do it with higher taxes is he doing it by just spending us in to oblivion?
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIf "obmacare" was 6x the cost of what they say; would you still be fore it?
A critic of Obama Care said that the costs of his proposal is estimated to be $1 trillion over 10 years (roughly $100b a year). If it was actually 6x that and $6 trillion do you think you'd still be for it? The truth might be some where in the middle, but lets face the fact that most government programs cost a lot more then what they say when written up. Considering our nation is more then $40,000 per person in debt already how can you still say its a good idea if its going to cost so much?
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy are people so angry at Bunning?
This senator finally stands up and says no more and people are mad at him? Our current administration wants to spend $1.6 trillion more then its going to take in this year and $3 trillion more over this year and last ($10,000 for every single person) and people are mad at a senator that finally says no? Why?
17 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy isn't the extreme American left upset with Obama?
How come the "code pink" and "green extremist" and those demaning amnesty for criminal aliens among us aren't upset with Obama? I mean the guy signed the patriot act, he's only soaked the rich a little, he hasn't given anyone amnesty, etc etc....yet no huge left wing outcry?
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDoes this mean its true the American Left fears the right more then al queda?
I mean al queda has killed 3000 + Americans, drew us into two wars, and and the right flew a piper cub into an IRS building; they just don't seem equal to me?
15 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy did they bother to talk to the Republicans yesterday?
According to this the Democrats don't care what the Republicans had to say, and its clear during the presentations that neither side gave an inch of compromise. Why did the Democrats bother to host a meeting if they were not willing to budge on anything?
24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago