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I give people gas.

  • Are most organic compounds detrimental to human health?

    Out of all the possible organic compounds on earth, are the majority harmful to our health?

    2 AnswersChemistry6 years ago
  • can I have some advice from fellow college students?

    I asked this question in another section and I want more answers so please click on the link;_ylt=AoVAP...

    thank you, I really appreciate any help you can give me.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • if you're in college with a health related major, please help me?

    alright um, since my college advisers are pretty busy with their student population of about 28,000 and they can only make 30 minute appointments, I figure I might as well ask the internet for advice...

    I'm in the beginning of my junior year (pre-nursing major, I applied for the nursing program and I won't receive an answer until late April). Technically I should be in the last semester for my junior year but last fall I was at this other school and I dropped out due to problems I don't really care to discuss. Anyway I transferred to this current school (with a 3.2 GPA), and taking 20 credits (planning on taking 10 over the summer because I need at least 30 credits in total to keep my scholarship which runs out after 4 consecutive years)

    I would not be in college right now without my scholarship. my parents are unable to give any money whatsoever for college expenses. I'm living with my fiancee and he's basically financially taking care of me completely.

    so all I have is uncertainty for now. over 100 students are applying for the nursing program and the teachers have told me they can only accept 30-40 for this upcoming fall. I only have 1 year left of scholarship money after this semester ends (I have some saved away but that would only give me enough money for an extra year after the scholarship ends) so... I'm doing well in my classes so far, but I like to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. so let's say I'm not one of the lucky accepted ones. I need a back up plan. I don't want to waste my precious scholarship money by taking filler classes and wait and try again for the nursing program when there's still no guarantee of entry. transferring to another school would be too much of a mess and probably waste more of my time. so I was thinking of being a premed

    I don't think any school offers premed as a major, you have to pick something else and just take the required classes for medical school. if I pick the traditional biology major, I would probably have to stay in school for like another 2, maybe 3, years as an undergrad. then I would only have $0 to pay for med school. but it's not like medical school requires people to be a biology major, and I've read blogs where people were like "I'm an African Studies/English/Religion major and a pre-med!" but... I don't know what other major I could pick that is similar enough to nursing where I have enough credits to meet their requirements so I could graduate somewhat on time (maybe like a semester behind, no more than 2)

    and then I wonder.. even though I'm basically a petite female weakling.. if I don't get into the nursing program.. should I go into the military and be a nurse for one of the branches? cause aren't they always accepting people? as long as they're competent obviously.. and then I won't have nearly the same expenses.. but then when you're in the military you become the government's property, that's the deal, and I would feel really sad not being able to live near my family or with my fiancee anymore..

    I just don't know what to do. any advice is gladly appreciated.

    thank you for taking the time to read my novel.

  • survey for everyone in the horoscopes section?

    1. Which hand do you predominantly write with?

    2. Do you wear glasses/contacts?

    3. Have you ever broken any bones? If so, which ones and how?

    4. Have you ever fainted?

    5. Ever had sleep paralysis?

    6. Do you have any disabilities/diseases (mental or physical)? If so, what are they?

    7. Ever gotten any driving tickets? If so, what did you do?

    8. Ever been suspended/expelled from school? If so, why?

    9. As of right now, what would be your dream job?

    10. What is the sun & moon sign of the person you've had the strongest feelings for?

    10a. What is the sun & moon sign of the person you've dated the longest and how long did you two last?

    11. Do you want any children? If so, how many?

    12. What is your worst fear?

    13. If you could choose the age at which you die, what would it be?

    13a. If you could choose the way in which you die, what would it be?

    tell me your sun / moon / rising.

    11 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • engagement ring question. . ./?

    I'm asking about your experiences, and feel free to tell me about the experience of other people you personally know as well.

    how do you feel about engagement rings -

    do you have one?

    if not, do you want one (either for yourself or to do the proposing with)

    or do you feel it's unnecessary?

    do you care about having a wedding ring?

    or would you rather substitute that with something else/omit it entirely?

    (I personally would want a wedding tattoo - relatively permanent, less expensive, no risk of losing it but my guy's more old-fashioned :p)

    my parents are divorced now, but way back when.. my dad never gave my mom an engagement ring. they just decided to get married in a courthouse. and then my mom felt sad because my dad didn't care about rings and she wanted em, so she bought wedding bands for him and herself. my parents grew up in south america, so part of me is wondering if (at least in the past), maybe certain cultures don't see engagement as any official phase.. there's just dating/courtship then marriage. all or nothing, no in between ~ fiancee' phase.

    I kinda don't see a point to an engagement ring.. but I do like the idea of a wedding ring. I considered myself engaged the moment I knew for a fact that my guy and I wanted to get married for sure, and we started setting up some actual plans for it. but.. he doesn't actually see it that way. I mean I guess he sorta feels engaged but not completely, or at least not to the point where he can call me his fiancee because he hasn't gotten on one knee and given me a ring yet. I keep telling him I don't care about a ring, he doesn't need to spend money on something expensive and unnecessary. some people seem to define engagement with the ring, but to me, it's just the next step for a committed couple. my guy wants to keep it a surprise too, but I already know he's planning to propose on christmas, he's not really good at keeping secrets from me. I think in general, the gesture of a proposal is sweet/romantic but also.. I feel like it's unnecessary. I think most people who get married already knew they were going to get married beforehand - like they discussed it, it's not like the guy really needed to formally ASK. (assuming the guy proposes, and not the girl, either way though). I also don't know how to tell my parents about being engaged whenever my guy proposes to me. because they never had an engagement themselves.. and they already know my guy and I plan on getting on married.. so I feel like when I tell them "I just got engaged!", they're just gonna be like - "well that's nothing new", "what are you talking about" or something along those lines.. you know not the typical happy supportive response, but like a confused, questioning, or indifferent response.

    anyway enough about me, tell me about you

    2 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Short survey for married/engaged people?

    How many of you went or are planning to go on a honeymoon right after your wedding?

    or are some of you choosing to omit the honeymoon altogether or schedule it at a different time?

    also where did you/are you planning to go for your honeymoon?

    14 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Wedding dress.. I have no idea where to get one, help?

    Ok so I wanna get married next summer. and I'm pretty far behind on preparing for it.. but I just wanna find an inexpensive dress. (no more than $300). I don't like embroidery or other itty bitty pieces of junk on a dress. Just something simple and pretty. No frills. I was thinking an empire style dress. something that would look ok on my body type: I'm 5'2, 125 lbs, 36 D. something modest but not overly old-fashioned. I was thinking for sleeves, maybe something off the shoulder.. or halter? I don't want a strapless dress.

    This one lady has a nice dress. Wish I could find it somewhere. I like how it's kind of.. Grecian. in a way. I like its natural simplicity and elegance. something ethereal..

    I've been trying to search online for dresses like that but I find everything that doesn't interest me.. I don't know if you guys know of any wedding dress shops that carry something like this.

    I'd sure be glad to receive any help/advice. thank you

    5 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Astro-house (#3) survey?

    State what sign rules this house & what planets are in here

    3rd house:

    Tell me about your relationships with all your siblings if you have any. Describe how you feel about your childhood. What do you miss and what don't you miss about it? Are you comfortable with speaking in front of others? Do you like working alone or in groups? How do you best learn? (visually, auditory, hands-on)

    and what is your sun/moon/rising?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Astro-house (#2) survey?

    State what sign rules this house & what planets are in here

    2nd house:

    Describe your attitude towards money. Do you spend a lot or are you frugal? etc. Take this quiz: and paste your results.

    (what is your sun / moon / rising)

    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Astro-house (#1) survey?

    I realized my previous question was too long for people to read so I had to get rid of it. I'm breaking it down into manageable pieces. If this question gets enough answers, then I'll continue with my series.

    State what sign rules this house & what planets are in there, if any

    1st house:

    Describe your physical appearance in detail (any scars, if your shoulders are broader than your hips etc) and your typical demeanor. How you act when you meet someone new. How you act in a sudden, stressful situation. What kind of impression do you wish to make or do you not care about what people think? What would you change about your appearance? How do you feel about tattoos? What is your favorite kind of weather?

    (also tell me your sun & moon sign)

    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Monogamy, threesomes, what are your opinions?

    If you're looking for a long term (monogamous) relationship, and the person of your interest states that having a threesome is something they would like to do - maybe not while they're in a relationship if their partner isn't ok with it, but if they're single then absolutely... how would it affect your opinion of them, if at all?

    and if you're not looking, but you are already in a committed relationship/marriage, and your significant other/spouse says that if they were still single, they would want a threesome, would it bother you in any way?

    What is your sun, moon, venus sign?

    And what's in your 7th house?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Monogamy, threesomes, what are your opinions?

    If you're looking for a long term (monogamous) relationship, and the person of your interest states that having a threesome is something they would like to do - maybe not while they're in a relationship if their partner isn't ok with it, but if they're single then absolutely... how would it affect your opinion of them, if at all?

    and if you're not looking, but you are already in a committed relationship/marriage, and your significant other/spouse says that if they were still single, they would want a threesome, would it bother you in any way?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Hypothetical situations survey?

    Let's say... you're dating (or married) to someone you love very much. You two get along great and there's no reason why things should take a turn for the worse. Total devotion.

    Your partner randomly decides to pick up with their bare hands a small dead animal (could be a bird or rodent). Then they bury it. And they extend their hand, expecting you to hold it. Would you hold it? Or would you avoid all physical contact with them until they washed their hands thoroughly?

    Let's say.. you start dating a new person. Well you've been together for a while. Things are going great, you two have a lot in common, share a mutual understanding, and always have fun spending time together. You two have strong feelings for each other, it feels like true love, and both of you believe there's a good chance you two can last a long time. You two have met each other's families/friends and everyone gets along. So far you two have never had sex with each other (or at least not without a condom)

    Then they confess to you they have AIDS. They contracted it before they met you. Would you stay in a relationship with that person? If so, would you ever be willing to become intimate with them again? Or would anything become off-limits?

    Let's say.. you're single and ready to mingle like a pringle. You may or may not be actively pursuing a committed relationship. All you wanna do is have fun and be happy and relax. Imagine, two extremely attractive, friendly people of the preferred sex come up to you and invite you to a threesome. Would you do it?

    Tell me your sun, moon, mercury, rising, venus, mars.

    12 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Life, germs, love and all of the above...survey?

    Let's say... you're dating (or married) to someone you love very much. You two get along great and there's no reason why things should take a turn for the worse. Total devotion.

    Your partner randomly decides to pick up with their bare hands a small dead animal (could be a bird or rodent). Then they bury it. And they extend their hand, expecting you to hold it. Would you hold it? Or would you avoid all physical contact with them until they washed their hands thoroughly?

    Let's say.. you start dating a new person. Well you've been together for a while. Things are going great, you two have a lot in common, share a mutual understanding, and always have fun spending time together. You two have strong feelings for each other, it feels like true love, and both of you believe there's a good chance you two can last a long time. You two have met each other's families/friends and everyone gets along. So far you two have never had sex with each other (or at least not without a condom)

    Then they confess to you they have AIDS. They contracted it before they met you. Would you stay in a relationship with that person? If so, would you ever be willing to become intimate with them again? Or would anything become off-limits?

    Let's say.. you're single and ready to mingle like a pringle. You may or may not be actively pursuing a committed relationship. All you wanna do is have fun and be happy and relax. Imagine, two extremely attractive, friendly people of the preferred sex come up to you and invite you to a threesome. Would you do it?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • wedding idea questions?

    no idea what to do. I'm not in a hurry to get married cause it's not like we can afford to do it right now anyway (but within the next 2 years for sure, I doubt we would wait more than 3 years), but I'd like to have some kind of plan now rather than thinking of everything at the last minute.

    I don't really know when our wedding should be held. Our anniversary is on Christmas day. Would that be a horrible choice for a wedding day? I think Halloween would be a nice choice too, but I'm open to other dates. I also want an outdoor wedding...

    And I have no idea where it should be. My dad lives in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. My mom and some other relatives live in Maryland. (all my other family members live too far away so I don't expect them to make it). My love's parents and siblings live in southern Michigan, close to Ohio. And a large portion of his family live in Iowa and Colorado. The rest live in the very southwest region of the U.S. He has a big family and I don't think everyone we invite will be able to make it but I still want our parents and grandparents to make it. Where should we have the wedding? And if you know the names of any outdoor venues, that would be immensely appreciated.

    thanks in advance for your help

    5 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • A survey for all the grand people in Horoscopes?

    I had a similar survey to this in P&S but most people were too lazy to answer

    1. sun/moon/rising sign?

    2. how old were you when you first had to shave?

    3. how old were you when puberty hit? (i'm talking about blood moving around)

    4. how old were you when you entered your first relationship? how many people have you dated so far? what were all their sun signs?

    5. how old were you when you got your first kiss and what was their sun sign? how many people have you kissed so far?

    6. how old were you when you got your licence?

    7. how old were you when you lost your virginity? how many people have you been intimate with and what are all their sun signs?

    8. what is your (expected) high school graduation year?

    9. what have you been/will you be doing after high school?

    10. are your parents still together? what are their sun/moon/rising signs? and if it applies, the signs of their new significant other?

    11. how long was your longest and shortest relationship? what are their signs?

    12. do you hope to get married in the future, if you aren't married already?

    12b. describe your (dream) wedding

    13. do you want any (more) kids? if so how many

    14. tell me whether or not you think the following should be legal:

    gay marriage - 

    abortion - 

    prostitution - 

    cannabis outside of medicine - 

    thanks for taking my survey. and I thank everyone who does not report me this time

    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • a survey for mature folks?

    1. date of birth

    2. how old were you when you first had to shave?

    3. how old were you when puberty hit? (i'm talking about blood moving around)

    4. how old were you when you entered your first relationship? how many people have you dated so far?

    5. how old were you when you got your first kiss? how many people have you kissed so far?

    6. how old were you when you got your licence?

    7. how old were you when you lost your virginity? how many people have you been intimate with?

    8. what is your high school graduation year?

    9. what have you been/will you be doing after high school?

    10. are your parents still together?

    11. how long was your longest and shortest relationship?

    12. do you hope to get married in the future, if you aren't married already?

    12b. describe your (dream) wedding

    13. do you want any (more) kids? if so how many

    14. tell me whether or not you think the following should be legal:

    gay marriage -

    abortion -

    prostitution -

    cannabis outside of medicine -

    thanks for taking my survey. and I thank everyone who does not report me this time

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Marriage Survey / engaged people feel free to answer too?

    1. Is this your first marriage? If not how many times have you been married?

    2. Where did you meet your (ex) spouse(s)?

    3. How long did you date before walking down the aisle?

    4. How/where did you propose or were proposed to?

    5. Where was your wedding located?

    6. If you went on a honeymoon, where did you go?

    7. Do you have any children?

    thanks in advance for the answers

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • The disposal of human eggs?

    Oocytes, ova. Is there a way women can get rid of all her eggs?

    I was thinking about donation earlier but when a woman donates her eggs, whether it's for stem cell research or to help an infertile couple, the process involves them injecting themselves with hormones to grow new eggs, so she really doesn't lose any of the eggs she started out with from birth..

    But I want to see if it's possible to just empty the ovaries. Also I want to know (and I realize this sounds stupid of me) if being left without eggs means practically being in a state of menopause? Because I know that even when a woman enters menopause, that doesn't mean she has period-ed out all of her eggs, since we're born with so many, women don't live long enough to be able to expel every egg naturally.

    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • Horoscopes Survey: mixing business with pleasure?

    This is all hypothetical.

    You have a significant other.

    You are both happy with each other; the relationship is going smoothly.

    You both work at separate companies.

    Now imagine,

    There is an opening at your loved one's workplace.

    You qualify for that position.

    The salary and benefits at your potentially new job are just as good as, if not better than, your current job.

    If you are hired, you and your loved one would have similar work schedules.

    (You would both be coworkers, it would not be a boss-employee thing between you and your partner)

    Your loved one would support your job switch, but does not pressure you to do one thing or another. It's all up to you, if you want to work with him/her.

    Would you want to?

    Or do you think it's not a good idea to mix business with pleasure?

    feel free to explain your reasoning

    and tell me your sun sign / moon sign / and rising sign

    2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago